How will they rule ??!

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Looking for better idea.

Why do we need to disavow it? They don't represent me or what I believe. Why do we have to take ownership of their ignorance?

We think they're despicable, but the law says they have a right to protest, do you agree?
Because they were marching alongside others who claim to just be from the right, and claimed to not be Nazis. We don't have to take ownership of their ignorance but we damn sure shouldn't be marching with them to "Unite the Right". Instead, I see people claiming to conservatives making excuses for Nazis. My grandfather fought in Normandy and I lost 3 great uncles to the Nazis. Anyone who marches with or defends those douches is filth.
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Hold it here. Was the American Revolution legal or illegal since the British wouldn't recognize our right to secession except through force?

You can't have it both ways.
The American Revolution was absolutely illegal. It just didn't matter because we won the war.
Trump campaigned specifically on banning all Muslim immigrants. He wasn't talking about illegal muslim immigration. He was talking about shutting down legal muslim immigration.

Did he try to ban all Muslim immigrants?

He literally just proposed EXACTLY what you wrote you wanted in immigration, and that isn't good enough because he said something different one time on the campaign trail?
Uhh dude, the Nazi's arent "boogeymen". They were literally marching in Charlotte. Thats the element we all need to disavow loudly or the party will suffer.
Trump has disavowed it and so have many of us.

Its kind of silly we have to disavow a group that doesn't even represent us. All nazis could drop dead tomorrow and it wouldn't effect my life one bit.
Uhh dude, the Nazi's arent "boogeymen". They were literally marching in Charlotte. Thats the element we all need to disavow loudly or the party will suffer.

Look around....Read the posts...

Nazis > Minority Rights Groups
Nazis > Women's Rights Groups
Nazis > ANY groups opposing prejudice of any type
A better idea would be don't go

I'm done with being complacent and acting like I'm doing something that ranting on the internet. Kentucky has a horrible reputation. Golden opportunity to present the opposite image.

Not a joke. I know protests are considered for extremists or weirdos. Pretty much dead set on going. Girlfriend is in.
Trump has disavowed it and so have many of us.

Its kind of silly we have to disavow a group that doesn't even represent us. All nazis could drop dead tomorrow and it wouldn't effect my life one bit.
They were marching along with the heads of other "Republican" organizations. If some of our own march with Nazis, we absolutely need to make it crystal clear we aren't cool with that. Its not something we should be quiet about happening in our party.
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I'm done with being complacent and acting like I'm doing something that ranting on the internet. Kentucky has a horrible reputation. Golden opportunity to present the opposite image.

Not a joke. I know protests are considered for extremists or weirdos. Pretty much dead set on going. Girlfriend is in.
Kentucky has a bad rep because you are too dumb to see through the lies and have been duped by the left. Your girlfriend and family must be proud.
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Uhh dude, the Nazi's arent "boogeymen". They were literally marching in Charlotte. Thats the element we all need to disavow loudly or the party will suffer.
Trump did disavow them loudly. He should have specifically called them out on Saturday instead of Monday, but, in a perfect world, after doing that, he would then have ripped the Communist scum with the same gusto.
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I'm done with being complacent and acting like I'm doing something that ranting on the internet. Kentucky has a horrible reputation. Golden opportunity to present the opposite image.

Not a joke. I know protests are considered for extremists or weirdos. Pretty much dead set on going. Girlfriend is in.
If Nazis show up in Lexington, more power to you dude. Just stay safe.
They were marching along with the heads of other "Republican" organizations. If some of our own march with Nazis, we absolutely need to make it crystal clear we aren't cool with that. Its not something we should be quiet about happening in our party.
It was made clear, only the blind and ignorant brainwashed liberal left believe otherwise. Are you one of those?
They were marching along with the heads of other "Republican" organizations. If some of our own march with Nazis, we absolutely need to make it crystal clear we aren't cool with that. Its not something we should be quiet about happening in our party.
Nazis are national socialists. I don't consider them 'one of our own'
Trump did disavow them loudly. He should have specifically called them out on Saturday instead of Monday, but, in a perfect world, after doing that, he would then have ripped the Communist scum with the same gusto.
I didn't say shit about Trump. I'm talking about all the apologists for the Nazis, and don't act like they don't exist.
Because they were marching alongside others who claim to just be from the right, and claimed to not be Nazis. We don't have to take ownership of their ignorance but we damn sure shouldn't be marching with them to "Unite the Right". Instead, I see people claiming to conservatives making excuses for Nazis. My grandfather fought in Normandy and I lost 3 great uncles to the Nazis. Anyone who marches with or defends those douches is filth.

Again, what more do you want us to say, or the President to say? How many times can you disavow a group? You or I cannot stop people from thinking something.

I lost an uncle fighting communists, my dad fought communists as well as 2 other uncles.
I'm saying both groups there Saturday are shitholes. The neo nazis aren't going to get popular or gain strength, the left is moving toward the antifa line of thinking. Did you hear the senator from Massachusetts over the weekend?
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I'm done with being complacent and acting like I'm doing something that ranting on the internet. Kentucky has a horrible reputation. Golden opportunity to present the opposite image.

Not a joke. I know protests are considered for extremists or weirdos. Pretty much dead set on going. Girlfriend is in.

Well, you're giving them exactly what they want.
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Nazis are national socialists. I don't consider them 'one of our own'
Neither do I, but apparently we dont speak for 100% of our party, because not everyone marching with those Nazis were bonafid Nazis as far as I can tell. Some claim to be just straight up republicans. I want to make damn sure I'm not lumped in with them. I'll take literally any side that does not co-sign Nazism.
So wait, you're telling me 3 years after the civil war, a court says they never had a right too?
They didn't unilaterally decide to leave, the northern states weren't abiding by the constitution. They absolutely had a right to leave.
It's funny that you think Northern troops weren't racist, or that the war was fought because the North wanted to free slaves.
If the South was allowed to leave it would've weakened the remaining members of the US, that in a nutshell is why the civil war was fought.
Most of the monuments were erected while the soldiers that actually fought on both sides were still alive, the Union soldiers still alive didn't have a problem with them, what makes you think you're opinion matters more than theirs?
The people erecting them did it to honor their dead, dipshit. They didn't do it to scare black people.
Nazis weren't Americans, they weren't our brothers, neighbors and family. They wanted world domination, the south just wanted to be left alone.

I agree that Nazis weren't Americans. I guess they also weren’t traitors, like the Confederates. But both were plenty vile in what they wanted. Yeah, the South just wanted to be left alone, alright. Left alone to continue to enslave and abuse other humans in a way only God could equitably punish.
Who is apologizing for nazis? Please gives us names.
People trying to compare the peaceful counter-protesters (I'm not talking anti-fa scum) to the Nazis is a great place for you to start looking. There are zero parallels to be made there. Peaceful protests are about as American as it gets. Nazism is not.
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Noted. Apologies to Kenton.
Only Kenton I know is Kenton County, but Union is a rather affluent area of Boone County and Cooper HS is fairly new, 2008.

They also discovered a 911 call when he threatened his mother. A real loser this one. AS IF a murderer couldn't be I guess.
Neither do I, but apparently we dont speak for 100% of our party, because not everyone marching with those Nazis were bonafid Nazis as far as I can tell. Some claim to be just straight up republicans. I want to make damn sure I'm not lumped in with them. I'll take literally any side that does not co-sign Nazism.
If left alone that .00000000001% of "our" (right [eyeroll]) party would fade away.
People trying to compare the peaceful counter-protesters (I'm not talking anti-fa scum) to the Nazis is a great place for you to start looking. There are zero parallels to be made there. Peaceful protests are about as American as it gets. Nazism is not.

Who has compared peaceful protesters to neo nazis?
You're not what you imply you are.
Only Kenton I know is Kenton County, but Union is a rather affluent area of Boone County and Cooper HS is fairly new, 2008.

They also discovered a 911 call when he threatened his mother. A real loser this one. AS IF a murderer couldn't be I guess.
Yeah I heard about the 911 call. I heard that he actually struck his mom when she told him to stop playing video games I think? That speaks almost as loudly as murdering people IMO. Anyone that would strike their mother is total scum.
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Shut up. No one is pushing nazis except you alt-lefters
But for the Leftist MSM, few people would have ever heard of Richard Spencer. The media desperately needs a replacement for David Duke, who is getting up there in the age department and won't live forever. Spencer, who would otherwise be an absolute non-entity, is being groomed at the heir apparent. In 20 years, with Duke gone, the media will, instead of demanding that GOP politicians denounce Duke, demand that the candidate denounce Spencer. Needless to say, no similar demands will be made of leftist politicians to denounce the Communist Party, when it endorses a Democrat. They certainly didn't so when Hillary was endorsed by the U.S. Communist Party.
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Why can't we disavow them AND call o

But that doesn't apply to the North?
What doesn't apply to the North? Had Britain won the war, the revolutionaries would have actually been treated like traitors as opposed to the pardons the confederates received.
They are in the wrong party. Identity politics and socialism is the democrat party.

And they claiming to be republican means nothing to me. I'll get upset about it when dems get upset about ANTIFA and BLM.
We can't call the left out for not condemning hate groups in their party when we don't do the same to those in our party. White supremacists and neo-Nazis tend to vote Republican. The right, particularly Republican leaders, have to clearly say we don't want them in our party.
If left alone that .00000000001% of "our" (right [eyeroll]) party would fade away.
The number is much higher than .0000000001%. Its no where near what liberals would have you believe, but its not less than 1 person (.000000001% of the US population is less than 1 person). Its not an insignificant number of people and if you haven't noticed that recently you are just burying your head in the sand. The party isn't being overrun, but they are trying to attach themselves to the party and it should be our duty to stop that. Not just ignore the problem and hope it goes away.

The way you are defending some of these people, I'm beginning to think maybe you're right and we aren't from the same party. The republican party I know is more than just saying "the dems are bad too", and it certainly doesn't try to ignore the fact that Nazi douchebags are trying to merge their agenda into our party.
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We can't call the left out for not condemning hate groups in their party when we don't do the same to those in our party. White supremacists and neo-Nazis tend to vote Republican. The right, particularly Republican leaders, have to clearly say we don't want them in our party.

Who doesn't call them out?