How will they rule ??!

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You can keep saying how you feel it should be, but they are under absolutely no legal obligation to enforce any federal laws. Once again, that is what federal law enforcement is for. Local police departments are free to budget their resources however they like, as it should be.
Then as stated before, the state is under no legal statute to remain a state of the United States. They can through majority vote succeed.
Lol. That's a hugeeee stretch to justify "the tax paying citizens don't want the statues"

You're the exact type of person the democrats target. One that they can get to buy into anything.

I on the other hand will never say that anyone I vote for has a "power of attorney" on my wants and needs.
Democrats love gullible idiots.
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You are wrong on your facts and understanding of the law. The Confederates absolutely did commit treason. The Constitution does not allow unilateral succession; and states do not, and have never had, a right to succeed from the Union. This is settled law (see the 1868 Supreme Court case of Texas v. White).

The Confederates were racist traitors fighting for a despicable and illicit cause. Any statute glorifying a Confederate is an affront to this Country and its true soldiers. It is an affront, not only because they were traitors to this Country, but also because their cause was abhorrent and contrary to what America purports to, and in fact does, stand for.

These Confederate statues were mostly erected in the 20th Century; and despite all the “preserving our culture” dog-whistle nonsense, the people in power erecting the statues largely did so for the purpose of sending a message to blacks that “we” (the white supremacists) are still here and in charge. But, whatever the professed reasons for these statues, it doesn’t matter. Statues paying homage to the Confederacy have no more reason to be part of a public display than a statue put up by a state or local government to celebrate Nazis who fought against this Country in WWII. The causes of both groups were despicable, and both were traitors.

So wait, you're telling me 3 years after the civil war, a court says they never had a right too?
They didn't unilaterally decide to leave, the northern states weren't abiding by the constitution. They absolutely had a right to leave.
It's funny that you think Northern troops weren't racist, or that the war was fought because the North wanted to free slaves.
If the South was allowed to leave it would've weakened the remaining members of the US, that in a nutshell is why the civil war was fought.
Most of the monuments were erected while the soldiers that actually fought on both sides were still alive, the Union soldiers still alive didn't have a problem with them, what makes you think you're opinion matters more than theirs?
The people erecting them did it to honor their dead, dipshit. They didn't do it to scare black people.
Nazis weren't Americans, they weren't our brothers, neighbors and family. They wanted world domination, the south just wanted to be left alone.
Then as stated before, the state is under no legal statute to remain a state of the United States. They can through majority vote succeed.
What the hell does local law enforcement enforcing federal law have to do with secession?

If Kentucky tried to secede, the Kentucky State Police would be under no obligation to stop the people. The federal government and it's army might have something to say about it though.
If that's actually what you meant, I apologize for the unwarranted hostility. And you are unfortunately correct. I don't think its a long term loss hopefully.
No apology necessary. I haven't read through this whole thread today, but I haven't noticed a lot of hostility. I didn't vote for Trump because he's not a conservative and he shows that routinely, but he's done some good things. I hope you're right this is a short term loss, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats end up coming victorious out of this if they stay out of their own way, which I'm not sure they can do.
No apology necessary. I haven't read through this whole thread today, but I haven't noticed a lot of hostility. I didn't vote for Trump because he's not a conservative and he shows that routinely, but he's done some good things. I hope you're right this is a short term loss, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats end up coming victorious out of this if they stay out of their own way, which I'm not sure they can do.
Dem's don't do mid-term elections.

Unless you're talking 2020. If Trump is the nominee in 2020, I'd predict a Dem win as of today as long as they didn't run Hillary again.
You can keep saying how you feel it should be, but they are under absolutely no legal obligation to enforce any federal laws. Once again, that is what federal law enforcement is for. Local police departments are free to budget their resources however they like, as it should be.
Then they can succeed according to your position here, Under absolutely no obligation to enforce federal law including non succession laws if any exist.
I'm seriously considering going to Lexington in opposition of the redneck rampage if they show. Will wear all blue and follow their march with a "Redneck racists are not welcome in Kentucky sign."

Looking for better idea.
If you really want to stop these people, stay at home. I'm serious. Ignore them. Don't give them any attention. The KKK and other white supremacy groups were essentially exterminated from doing anything meaningful. Now, after this weekend they have some momentum. When they show up to Lexington the people protesting them are actually keeping them alive. White supremacy is an idea that is wildly unpopular. We don't need to give them the time of day or a platform to spread their message besides their marches and rallies.
It is not settled. Only from a position of ignorance would one say that. The law is vague and open to question and legal recourse.
Secession, as accomplished by the Southern states in 1860 and 1861 and as discussed by the North at the Hartford Convention in 1815, is an independent act by the people of the states, and accomplished in the same fashion as the several conventions that occurred throughout early American history. The United States would never be a party to a lawsuit on the issue because secession, both de facto and de jure, is an extra-legal act of self-determination, and once the States have seceded from the Union, the Constitution is no longer in force in regard to the seceded political body. This same rule applies to the Article I, Section 10 argument against secession. If the Constitution is no longer in force—the States have separated and resumed their independent status—then the Supreme Court would not have jurisdiction and therefore could not determine the “legality” of the move.

Not settled? Well, 150 year old case precedent establishing the law of the land says otherwise.

Not to mention the fact that this conclusion comports with the well-reasoned legal opinion of a great lawyer, and arguably our greatest president, Abraham Lincoln.
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Dem's don't do mid-term elections.

Unless you're talking 2020. If Trump is the nominee in 2020, I'd predict a Dem win as of today as long as they didn't run Hillary again.
Right now, I don't think the Dems know their ass from their elbow. If they were smart Trump would've been the perfect scenario for them. I think it's possible they panic and end up moving so far to the left they'll struggle winning elections.
Then they can succeed according to your position here, Under absolutely no obligation to enforce federal law including non succession laws if any exist.
Its not local law enforcement that would prevent secession. Are you serious? The federal government would step in, not local police. Your argument could not be further from being based in reality. You're comparing apples to automobiles.
You can keep saying how you feel it should be, but they are under absolutely no legal obligation to enforce any federal laws. Once again, that is what federal law enforcement is for. Local police departments are free to budget their resources however they like, as it should be.

So you think it's fine that if an illegal alien is arrested on something, and once in jail it's realized the Feds have a retainer notice on him, in your mind the police shouldn't notify ICE?
What other federal crimes can local police ignore and not notify the Feds?
What the hell does local law enforcement enforcing federal law have to do with secession?

If Kentucky tried to secede, the Kentucky State Police would be under no obligation to stop the people. The federal government and it's army might have something to say about it though.
They cannot once the vote and move has been made. They would be no longer be under constitutional law. The US would probably be in violation of international law if they attacked the state.
Okay. I was asked why Trump is not a conservative and answered.

Also, I never said anything about increasing immigration. But completely closing immigration to 24% of the world's population is a good way to ensure that some of the smartest people in the world do not come to this country and make it better. Not every Muslim is a farmer living an uneducated life in rural Pakistan or something. This country was built on bringing the best and brightest to continue to innovate, stopping that is not making America "Great Again". I'm all for stopping illegal immigration, but legal immigration has been an absolute massive success for our country throughout history.
Leaving aside the issue as to whether your position on immigration is correct or incorrect, how is it a conservative position? I will grant that your position on free trade can be deemed conservative, although there are many prominent conservatives like Buchanan who argue for less of it and many liberals like Hillary Clinton who favor more of it. As far as immigration is concerned, there are certainly many GOP congressmen and commentators who advocate for increased immigration, but they are still the minority, which is why amnesty (to name one example) cannot go through. There are virtually NO Democrats who are opposed to any type of immigration restriction and some go so far to actually advocate for essentially unlimited immigration.

There certainly was a time when the Left was skeptical of increased immigration, but that day is long gone, as labor issues now take a back seat to SJW issues and identity politics and importing votes. And there is no point in distinguishing between religion based restrictions on immigration and general restrictions in terms of a left vs. right analysis. In either case, opposition, whether right or wrong, comes from the Right and advocacy comes from the Left.
So you think it's fine that if an illegal alien is arrested on something, and once in jail it's realized the Feds have a retainer notice on him, in your mind the police shouldn't notify ICE?
What other federal crimes can local police ignore and not notify the Feds?
Yes, that is absolutely legally okay. Police can ignore any federal crimes they like, and are allowed to use discretion when applying the law. You seem to be getting confused, the law doesn't care about what you think is right. The law only cares about the letter of the law. And that states that the federal government can not dictate how local law enforcement allocates their time and resources. There is a very good reason things like jurisdiction exist.
Well the biggest difference is Kasich didn't campaign against free trade. He also didn't campaign on banning 24% of the worlds population based solely on their religion in a country that has built itself on the immigration of the best from around the world and freedom of religion.

It's usually the left side of the aisle that promotes unfettered immigration into the country, so I don't think that makes Kasich more 'conservative' than Trump. I will give you the free trade one though. You need more examples than that, for you to prove that Kasich is more conservative than Trump.

Well the biggest difference is Kasich didn't campaign against free trade. He also didn't campaign on banning 24% of the worlds population based solely on their religion in a country that has built itself on the immigration of the best from around the world and freedom of religion.
Not settled? Well, 150 year old case precedent establishing the law of the land says otherwise.

Not to mention the fact that this conclusion comports with the well-reasoned legal opinion of a great lawyer, and arguably our greatest president, Abraham Lincoln.

Take a step back, do you truly believe that the Constitution wouldve been approved, or for that matter the revolutionary war would've been fought if the the members thought they were going into a Union they could never get out of? Think about that for a minute, would you agree to that?
Leaving aside the issue as to whether your position on immigration is correct or incorrect, how is it a conservative position? I will grant that your position on free trade can be deemed conservative, although there are many prominent conservatives like Buchanan who argue for less of it and many liberals like Hillary Clinton who favor more of it. As far as immigration is concerned, there are certainly many GOP congressmen and commentators who advocate for increased immigration, but they are still the minority, which is why amnesty (to name one example) cannot go through. There are virtually NO Democrats who are opposed to any type of immigration restriction and some go so far to actually advocate for essentially unlimited immigration.

There certainly was a time when the Left was skeptical of increased immigration, but that day is long gone, as labor issues now take a back seat to SJW issues and identity politics and importing votes. And there is no point in distinguishing between religion based restrictions on immigration and general restrictions in terms of a left vs. right analysis. In either case, opposition, whether right or wrong, comes from the Right and advocacy comes from the Left.
Its conservative because I consider conservative to partially be holding onto (conserving) the ideals that have made our country great. I consider taking immigrants to be one of the founding ideals of our country that have added to our country's success.

Open borders are insane and defeat the purpose of having a state at all. Controlled and legal immigration is way to have a net positive on the country as a whole by picking and choosing the best from those who want to come to our great country.
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Okay, then you might want to be on the look out for Kentuckians instead of Buckeyes was my point. Sick real life connection though bro.

And no I have no connection to that POS. Nor do I have any connections to Clay Shrout, who lived in my neighborhood and the same neighborhood I still live in, and the same HS I attended.

WTF are you talking about? How many people in Ohio kill and murder?
And no I have no connection to that POS. Nor do I have any connections to Clay Shrout, who lived in my neighborhood and the same neighbor I still live in, and the same HS I attended.

WTF are you talking about? How many people in Ohio kill and murder?
I made a joke in reply to a joke about the guy being from Ohio and you're getting bent out of shape? Are you sure it isn't past your bedtime?
Not settled? Well, 150 year old case precedent establishing the law of the land says otherwise.

Not to mention the fact that this conclusion comports with the well-reasoned legal opinion of a great lawyer, and arguably our greatest president, Abraham Lincoln.
Did you read the above or do you just ignore what is laid out in ignorance because you can't even accept the possibility (fact) that your view of things could be wrong? Yes you do ignore facts. Tootle Pip!
Dem's don't do mid-term elections.

Unless you're talking 2020. If Trump is the nominee in 2020, I'd predict a Dem win as of today as long as they didn't run Hillary again.
Lol the dems are gonna run Hillary, Maxine or Bernie in 2020. Trump would crush all three of them.

The dems did not learn from huge defeats this past election. They have no agenda, unless crying about Russia and nazi boogeymen is called an agenda.
Yes, that is absolutely legally okay. Police can ignore any federal crimes they like, and are allowed to use discretion when applying the law. You seem to be getting confused, the law doesn't care about what you think is right. The law only cares about the letter of the law. And that states that the federal government can not dictate how local law enforcement allocates their time and resources. There is a very good reason things like jurisdiction exist.

So you think letter of the law should be followed in this case.
Lol the dems are gonna run Hillary, Maxine or Bernie in 2020. Trump would crush all three of them.

The dems did not learn from huge defeats this past election. They have no agenda, unless crying about Russia and nazi boogeymen is called an agenda.
Uhh dude, the Nazi's arent "boogeymen". They were literally marching in Charlotte. Thats the element we all need to disavow loudly or the party will suffer.
Its conservative because I consider conservative to partially be holding onto (conserving) the ideals that have made our country great. I consider taking immigrants to be one of the founding ideals of our country that have added to our country's success.

Open borders are insane and defeat the purpose of having a state at all. Controlled and legal immigration is way to have a net positive on the country as a whole by picking and choosing the best from those who want to come to our great country.

That's exactly what Trump proposed, illegal immigration is none of what you just posted.
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So you think letter of the law should be followed in this case.
I wasn't asked what I think should happen. I was asked what local police should HAVE to do. Of course local police should report illegal immigrants if they are caught breaking the law. That doesn't change the fact that the law of the land says they are under no obligation to do so. Rules and laws matter. You can't ignore one law to force local police to enforce another.
That's exactly what Trump proposed, illegal immigration is none of what you just posted.
Trump campaigned specifically on banning all Muslim immigrants. He wasn't talking about illegal muslim immigration. He was talking about shutting down legal muslim immigration. And I consider it completely un-American to do such. Thankfully he didn't follow through. During the primaries how was I to know whether he would or not though.
Did you read the above or do you just ignore what is laid out in ignorance because you can't even accept the possibility (fact) that your view of things could be wrong? Yes you do ignore facts. Tootle Pip!

As the saying goes, everybody has a right to their own opinion, but you don’t have a right to your own facts. The Supreme Court, not you or I, interprets the law – and in particular the Constitution. Unless the Constitution is changed, a state does not have, and has never had, the right to succeed – nor can a state be expelled. That’s a fact.
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Uhh dude, the Nazi's arent "boogeymen". They were literally marching in Charlotte. Thats the element we all need to disavow loudly or the party will suffer.

Why do we need to disavow it? They don't represent me or what I believe. Why do we have to take ownership of their ignorance?

We think they're despicable, but the law says they have a right to protest, do you agree?
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It has absolutely been answered. Secession can only be legal if the government you are trying to secede from recognizes your right to leave. The US Government has made it pretty clear that they do not recognize that right.

Hold it here. Was the American Revolution legal or illegal since the British wouldn't recognize our right to secession except through force?

You can't have it both ways.