How will they rule ??!

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People on the U.S. government's terrorist watch list often can't board commercial airliners, but they can walk into a gun store and legally buy pistols and powerful military-style rifles.

Sensing a political opening from last week's Paris attacks, Democrats are renewing calls for Congress to pass legislation aimed at preventing terrorists from buying guns. Similar bills — including a post-9/11 measure backed by the Justice Department under Republican President George W. Bush — have been stymied for years, thanks in large part to opposition from gun-rights groups and congressional Republicans.

According to a March analysis by the Government Accountability Office, people on the FBI's consolidated Terrorist Watchlist successfully passed the background check required to purchase firearms more than 90 percent of the time, with more than 2,043 approvals between 2004 and 2014. The office is an investigative branch of Congress.

Doesn't sound like Pubs in Congress are very serious about stopping domestic terrorism.
2 mid east muslims shot up a Christmas party, so a new york lefty mag publishes a cover with Rubio & his wife shopping at a gunrocery

Freaking liberals and their trash propaganda. They have the audacity to cry about Fox News when they own every other network and major publication and academia and completely dominate in producing propaganda.

I've studied the media enough and having worked in the industry, I know very well manipulation when I see it. Liberal media is constant with this crap.
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As a few of us predicted, the Terrorist attack in San Bernardino has had a dynamic effect on the GOP nominating race

New CNN Poll has Trump surging to a 20 point lead in primary race.

Trailing far behind are Ted Cruz at 16%, former neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 14% and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at 12%.

I still see Cruz as the candidate most likely to get on top if Trump should falter, though that is becoming increasingly unlikely.

I agree with Trump on immigration but this guy is not a real Conservative at all. He's a terrible choice. Granted, he's better than Hillary but by no means should those two be the ones in charge of this country.

The GOP is better than Trump.
Doesn't sound like Pubs in Congress are very serious about stopping domestic terrorism.

If only politicians would make it illegal to do these types of things, Im sure the terrorists would follow that. Oh wait...there already are murder, assault, battery, etc. But Im SUUUUUURE theyd really follow gun laws.

Just for clarification sake, all four guns used in the shooting were purchased legally. At least according to reports.

Apparently, I'm learning that it's not that hard to buy assault weapons in California. Gun retailers simply add limitations like magazines that cannot hold more than 10 bullets to circumvent the state's assault weapons ban. The guns are marketed as "modern sporting rifles", but apparently their restrictions are fairly easy to modify and undo, which seems to be what happened in this case.

Another link discussing the law, the California market, and the guns in this case.
So basically they have an assault weapons ban that doesn't really prohibit people from buying the weapon and modifying it so that it's, in essence, a fully functional assault weapon.
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If only politicians would make it illegal to do these types of things, Im sure the terrorists would follow that. Oh wait...there already are murder, assault, battery, etc. But Im SUUUUUURE theyd really follow gun laws.


They seem incapable of understanding this or just refuse to see it. Criminals do not give a crap about laws, which is why they are criminals. The constant gun grab attempt by Dems does nothing because it's an attempt to stop LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. Criminals will still have guns and use guns like they do now just like how drugs have been illegal forever and it hasn't stopped that one iota.

Chicago is the perfect example that these gun laws are useless.
Red team: Criminals will still find a way to get guns regardless of the laws. Wants to make abortion illegal.

Blue Team: People will still find a way to have an abortion regardless of the laws. Wants to ban weapons.

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Red team: Criminals will still find a way to get guns regardless of the laws. Wants to make abortion illegal.

Blue Team: People will still find a way to have an abortion regardless of the laws. Wants to ban weapons.


There's no way to make abortion illegal so what the red team wants is to stop having their taxes go toward murdering babies and funding this private company.

If you want to make the decision to kill your baby then do it on your own dime; not the tax payers.
There's no way to make abortion illegal so what the red team wants is to stop having their taxes go toward murdering babies and funding this private company.

If you want to make the decision to kill your baby then do it on your own dime; not the tax payers.
Really wasn't even thinking about planned parenthood. And I agree. People should know where their tax dollars are going and should be involved in the process. People don't seem to mind funding wars and killing innocent women and children though.
Really wasn't even thinking about planned parenthood. And I agree. People should know where their tax dollars are going and should be involved in the process. People don't seem to mind funding wars and killing innocent women and children though.
Oh, I think they mind but, when you have politicians selling you it is the right thing to do, many lemmings just fall in line.
what the red team wants is to stop having their taxes go toward murdering babies and funding this private company.

If you want to make the decision to kill your baby then do it on your own dime; not the tax payers.
a couple of brief facts just to make sure you've seen them:

(1) It is illegal, by law, for federal dollars to be used to fund abortions (whether via Medicaid or any other vehicle)
(2) A few states* allow their own contributions towards Medicaid to be used for some abortions (depends on the state as to whether elective abortions are covered)
(3) Nearly 1/4 ($200M) of Planned Parenthood's revenue was from private donations and bequests last year
(4) A portion of your private health insurance premiums has likely funded some abortion somewhere at some point in time. Depending on the patient population (particularly student health insurance), it could be one of the more common "big ticket" reimbursements made by your insurer

If the feds stop reimbursing PP for Medicaid-covered services, PP will probably just stop offering those services and use the 1/4 of their revenue from private donations to fund abortions.

So not only are your tax dollars not being used for abortions, but withdrawing Medicaid reimbursements from PP probably won't make a damned bit of difference as to how many abortions PP is performing.

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Today: person on terrorist watch list goes through proper background check and purchases a gun.

Tomorrow: FBI shows up at their door and places a bug up their ass.

Seems easy. MORE LAWS!!!!
People on the U.S. government's terrorist watch list often can't board commercial airliners, but they can walk into a gun store and legally buy pistols and powerful military-style rifles.

Sensing a political opening from last week's Paris attacks, Democrats are renewing calls for Congress to pass legislation aimed at preventing terrorists from buying guns. Similar bills — including a post-9/11 measure backed by the Justice Department under Republican President George W. Bush — have been stymied for years, thanks in large part to opposition from gun-rights groups and congressional Republicans.

According to a March analysis by the Government Accountability Office, people on the FBI's consolidated Terrorist Watchlist successfully passed the background check required to purchase firearms more than 90 percent of the time, with more than 2,043 approvals between 2004 and 2014. The office is an investigative branch of Congress.

Doesn't sound like Pubs in Congress are very serious about stopping domestic terrorism.

The Huffington Post. seriously? :flush:
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They seem incapable of understanding this or just refuse to see it. Criminals do not give a crap about laws, which is why they are criminals. The constant gun grab attempt by Dems does nothing because it's an attempt to stop LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. Criminals will still have guns and use guns like they do now just like how drugs have been illegal forever and it hasn't stopped that one iota.

Chicago is the perfect example that these gun laws are useless.

Well look at this situation in Cali. Those guns were illegal there. Did it stop them? Of course not. Terrorists/murderers do not obey laws. But I guess the left want a law that says "these guns are double illegal now, and we REALLY MEAN IT".

Politicians know it wont make a difference. Its just pandering. Much like the abortion issue for the right.

Really wasn't even thinking about planned parenthood. And I agree. People should know where their tax dollars are going and should be involved in the process. People don't seem to mind funding wars and killing innocent women and children though.

People should know where their tax dollars are going at all times. Its OUR money afterall.
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I have a question for all of you on the left, Obama has stated that bringing all of these refugees to America will benefit us. How? Given the current hatred of us around the world, I don't see how that is possible. Convince me, I am all for the improvement of this nation without compromising our safety or our original ideals.
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Welp just got me a couple new toys for xmas last night might grab a few more before the year is over.

I don't trust this backwards thinking American hating mut we have as president.
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Wow even the left wingers here don't care enough about Obama to respond.

Sums it up! Poor guy better watch his ass for a solid year.
I am surprised there has not been an assassination attempt on him yet. Secret Service is a mess and there are a lot of crazy people who hate the guy. He has harmed his country in a big way.
I am surprised there has not been an assassination attempt on him yet. Secret Service is a mess and there are a lot of crazy people who hate the guy. He has harmed his country in a big way.

Most Democrats don't even like him, they just won't admit it. He is in their party and they would throw grandma under the bus to keep a Democrat in power. Why are the Dems supporting Hilary, because they put party over country.
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It won't happen. People love to compare this time to when JFK was in office but Biden is no LBJ and Obama is black(even though more importantly he is Muslim) so the people that would call that shot will NEVER do it.

I guess no matter how bad he is its a good thing because president assassinations are no joke which is why on the last page I wondered if anyone would care! He has everything against him
Most Democrats don't even like him, they just won't admit it. He is in their party and they would throw grandma under the bus to keep a Democrat in power. Why are the Dems supporting Hilary, because they put party over country.
This is absolutely true for many on the left.
I am surprised there has not been an assassination attempt on him yet. Secret Service is a mess and there are a lot of crazy people who hate the guy. He has harmed his country in a big way.

That would be beyond awful no matter who was in office and not to mention the last thing anyone should want is for this piece of garbage to be turned into a martyr for his cause.
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You hit the nail right on the head. Most of Americans are too stupid to know this.

It may be pandering but they funnel enough propaganda and if they obtain enough useful idiots that are willing to give up even more freedom their gun grab might not be in vain.

When the Dems ran the GOP debate and made national news for their bias and stupidity, didn't you see that nearly every single question had some form of "don't you think the government should get involved in…" in the question.

Dems love big government. They would have been big fans of the Soviet Union.
Wow (even for this thread)

Calling a spade a spade. He wants America to be like the backward world in the Middle East. He can pick as many small fights as he wishes but he wants to barely send enough to do anything real but just enough to say he is involved. The rest of the world knows it and think America is a joke, and with him in charge we are!

I'm not saying everything he does is world ending but he clearly is incompetent in foreign policy, war policy, domestic policy and I'd venture to guess by the time the next year is done he will have a lot more of a mess.

The democrats are awful for hiring a slick talking jackass with 2 years national experience. And before you say anything about Trump, he is capatilizing on just how bad Obama is. No other time ever would be even be a thought at this time, and things are so damn bad TRUMP is crushing the GOP by simply saying whatever flies out of his peabrain.
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Lake Chad had three women that decided to become suicide bombers and wipe out 15 people and injure 130 all together.

Keep up the backing of Muslims, libs. You're time is over.
I have a question for all of you on the left, Obama has stated that bringing all of these refugees to America will benefit us. How? Given the current hatred of us around the world, I don't see how that is possible. Convince me, I am all for the improvement of this nation without compromising our safety or our original ideals.

Calling a spade a spade. He wants America to be like the backward world in the Middle East. He can pick as many small fights as he wishes but he wants to barely send enough to do anything real but just enough to say he is involved. The rest of the world knows it and think America is a joke, and with him in charge we are!

I'm not saying everything he does is world ending but he clearly is incompetent in foreign policy, war policy, domestic policy and I'd venture to guess by the time the next year is done he will have a lot more of a mess.

The democrats are awful for hiring a slick talking jackass with 2 years national experience. And before you say anything about Trump, he is capatilizing on just how bad Obama is. No other time ever would be even be a thought at this time, and things are so damn bad TRUMP is crushing the GOP by simply saying whatever flies out of his peabrain.
I was referring to your ignorant ass calling him a "mut" [sic], but nice rant anyways