How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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“For the first time, I think the Trump phenomenon is becoming real. I do not think the media or the party establishment have a real grasp on how deep the anger and frustration is around the country. After what have been ‘missteps’ by Trump in comparison of previous elections, he seems to have only strengthened. I still do not know if he can sustain it into the New Year — but after the Paris attacks, his stance on illegal immigration and unverified people coming into our nation has real impact.”
He is saying what many others feel at this time. I agree with much of what he is saying however, I do not think he is the right man for the job. He is beyond egocentric.
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So let me get this straight. We can't attack anyone or call them names. That is bad. That is not how things are run around here. With the one exception being that we are allowed to call someone an "idiot".

Is this correct? Or is that a privilege reserved for mods? Just trying to figure out how things are run around here so as not to get in trouble.


Well ya see I was just an inmate myself back then, but heck you make a good point so I've decided to issue myself a warning. If I every insult another genius like that again I'll ban myself. Now make sure you come back every day and read every word of my posts to see if you can catch me. Are we felling all warm and fuzzy now? :D
Na horrible ugly pricklies overbearing my emotional stability, horrendous disgusting bottom of the totem poles crack heads surrounding me everywhere.... Ahhh!!! Ahhh!!! Someone help!!!
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Na horrible ugly pricklies overbearing my emotional stability, horrendous disgusting bottom of the totem poles crack heads surrounding me everywhere.... Ahhh!!! Ahhh!!! Someone help!!!
Hang in there and I will be there with my rapier..........................................................................................................................................................................................................wit.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Well considering it takes Obama to quit doing extreme left Obama type things to not give Trump his fuel, I seriously doubt Trump loses steam!

One thing you have to realize is that Trump is going to win over a lot of black votes because he simply will create jobs and there are a lot of hard working blacks that are also sick of the welfare state.

When minorities first start here in America yes they need that helping hand but as they become established they too will want the slackers to become adults and that is essentially what's happening. Maybe not as fast as it should but it's a growing sentiment for sure and trump will capatilize on it.

Just keep doing you Obama, TIA.
Well ya see I was just an inmate myself back then, but heck you make a good point so I've decided to issue myself a warning. If I every insult another genius like that again I'll ban myself. Now make sure you come back every day and read every word of my posts to see if you can catch me. Are we felling all warm and fuzzy now? :D

Funny thing is that I scan this thread about once every two weeks. So i will miss most of what you post. But my timing couldn't have been better this time. Found gold.

Carry on. But clean up your act over the next two weeks because I'll be back to survey your progress.
Well considering it takes Obama to quit doing extreme left Obama type things to not give Trump his fuel, I seriously doubt Trump loses steam!

One thing you have to realize is that Trump is going to win over a lot of black votes because he simply will create jobs and there are a lot of hard working blacks that are also sick of the welfare state.

When minorities first start here in America yes they need that helping hand but as they become established they too will want the slackers to become adults and that is essentially what's happening. Maybe not as fast as it should but it's a growing sentiment for sure and trump will capatilize on it.

Just keep doing you Obama, TIA.

Man that ain't happening. We missed the boat. We needed someone like trump 20+ years ago. Shit ain't nearly as simple as you make it seem. What is happening now is the kids are grown up and they are simply voting the way the adults/leaders taught them to - as if we do live in a perfect fairy take world. The "kids" are in charge now. Old people F'd up. Time to watch the new adults f it up, or get it right. We'll see, but I believe we're going to get a lot more government before the next generation sees the mistakes this generation is making, and attempts to "fix" it.

Trump is just going to take a lot of votes from somebody, and Hillary is still gonna win. I can't believe it, but it's already been written pretty much. If you ain't PC, you have no shot. If you have strong opinions, you're an idiot. It you lie, cheat, and steal, just say you didn't do it. Your tweets and words are 100% more important than actions.

Another reason why Hillary is winning...Just now popped in my inbox....

Quora: Is Obamacare working for the average citizen? Hillary answers!
Hillary: One thing that is clear is that Obamacare works.

Two times this Quora junk has popped in my email: 1) Obama "explained" Obamacare. 2) Hillary confirmed its "working".

First time this popped up, it troubled me. I've never been to Quora. It was obvious propaganda coming straight to my email. I've never gotten anything like this stuff before. Then I went to Quora. Found out its "reputable" to many folks. It's weird af to me when Political folks take to those websites like Quora and Reddit to send out their messages. And people love that shit.

That's basically why Reoublicans aren't "winning". They don't get the internet and they don't know how to make it work. If Romney was the "progressive" candidate with a hip internet campaign, and Obama was the old and out-of-touch one, Mitt would be our president. Hillary is old af, appears to be dying of cancer, but she is hip and progressive because why? Because her side knows how to win in this crazy digital world, and the other wide refuses to acknowledge its existence for some odd reason.

Mannnnn f people. I'm voting Dog for 2016. Preferably a Golden Retriever.
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Then I went to Quora. Found out its "reputable" to many folks. It's weird af to me when Political folks take to those websites like Quora and Reddit to send out their messages. And people love that shit.

That's basically why Reoublicans aren't "winning". They don't get the internet and they don't know how to make it work.

What if Obama staffers were to purposefully try and place themselves into positions of authority and control over what are intended to be unbiased/neutral news and//or discussion forums? Therefore influencing the topics and directions of conversation.

A few years ago I mentioned to a VERY liberal friend of mine that reading RealClearPolitics was--for me--a good source of information from both sides of the argument. He immediately ridiculed it and pointed out who paid for the site--thus, anything posted on that website was to be discounted and ignored. Basically, if a liberal doesn't agree with the message, shoot the delivery man. (I've found that site to almost always try to represent both sides of any situation....point/counterpoint.)

I realize that Drudge, Fox, CNN, MSNBC all have their biases----but what really concerns me is when supposedly "neutral" sites are discovered to be inherently biased. Facebook/Zucker and supposedly even Google whereby search results are slightly skewed in their direction of content.

If I have been overly zealous in my comments and language over the past couple of weeks---my sincere apologies to anyone offended. And that's a genuine apology to Deeeeefense. But, I do find it odd that an individual---the only one that I know of on this site from either side of the aisle that actually worked for a campaign, was put in place as a moderator. And if I had been named a moderator of this forum---I would expect the same and certainly justified WTF response from the more liberal participants who frequent this site.

Man that ain't happening. We missed the boat. We needed someone like trump 20+ years ago. Shit ain't nearly as simple as you make it seem. What is happening now is the kids are grown up and they are simply voting the way the adults/leaders taught them to - as if we do live in a perfect fairy take world. The "kids" are in charge now. Old people F'd up. Time to watch the new adults f it up, or get it right. We'll see, but I believe we're going to get a lot more government before the next generation sees the mistakes this generation is making, and attempts to "fix" it.

Trump is just going to take a lot of votes from somebody, and Hillary is still gonna win. I can't believe it, but it's already been written pretty much. If you ain't PC, you have no shot. If you have strong opinions, you're an idiot. It you lie, cheat, and steal, just say you didn't do it. Your tweets and words are 100% more important than actions.

Another reason why Hillary is winning...Just now popped in my inbox....

Quora: Is Obamacare working for the average citizen? Hillary answers!
Hillary: One thing that is clear is that Obamacare works.

Two times this Quora junk has popped in my email: 1) Obama "explained" Obamacare. 2) Hillary confirmed its "working".

First time this popped up, it troubled me. I've never been to Quora. It was obvious propaganda coming straight to my email. I've never gotten anything like this stuff before. Then I went to Quora. Found out its "reputable" to many folks. It's weird af to me when Political folks take to those websites like Quora and Reddit to send out their messages. And people love that shit.

That's basically why Reoublicans aren't "winning". They don't get the internet and they don't know how to make it work. If Romney was the "progressive" candidate with a hip internet campaign, and Obama was the old and out-of-touch one, Mitt would be our president. Hillary is old af, appears to be dying of cancer, but she is hip and progressive because why? Because her side knows how to win in this crazy digital world, and the other wide refuses to acknowledge its existence for some odd reason.

Mannnnn f people. I'm voting Dog for 2016. Preferably a Golden Retriever.

That and the more likely that young people just accept whatever media tells them, without being critical. Thats why liberal dominance over MSM is so devastating.

"Well I guess Obamacare works. I saw John Stewart making fun of someone for thinking it didnt".
In my downtime, Ive been listening to Milton Friedman lectures. What an incredible mind. His lectures should be required viewing especially in regards to free markets, the welfare state, size of government. Instead, people let John Stewart, or SNL tell them what to think.
In my downtime, Ive been listening to Milton Friedman lectures. What an incredible mind. His lectures should be required viewing especially in regards to free markets, the welfare state, size of government. Instead, people let John Stewart, or SNL tell them what to think.

Isn't he the guy who backs a Universal Negative Based Income?
You can say whatever you want, but Hiliary will not be a president. There will be a revolt.

People are realizing how bad Obama is, but your correct that the poles love all the free stuff he is giving out. Can't say I blame them but it does make getting a job easier, but a good paying job is disappearing quickly too!
People are still dying, the blood hasn't even dried, no one yet knows who did this or where they got their guns, but Hillary is already using this to Tweet for more gun control.
People are still dying, the blood hasn't even dried, no one yet knows who did this or where they got their guns, but Hillary is already using this to Tweet for more gun control.

Hilary is a leech, she will latch on to anything to win a few votes and line her and Bill's pockets, even further. If Loretta Lynch don't indict her, then it is open season. Martha Stewart went to prison for less.
if the Paris attack was just what the Trump campaign needed to solidify its lead heading into the primary season, this apparent copycat attack in SoCal probably locks up the nomination for The Donald
if the Paris attack was just what the Trump campaign needed to solidify its lead heading into the primary season, this apparent copycat attack in SoCal probably locks up the nomination for The Donald
Sadly you may be right, because the left just can't help itself.

ISIS is contained.
Terror deaths are rare in the US.
This is really just about their access to guns.
Anyone thinking Donald isn't getting the nod is just scared to accept where we are as a country.

The left wingers have become so up in arms about all their cause that people are getting sick of worrying about if they are racists, not PC, or seen as not being open minded to liberal rhetoric.

The only real question is if Obama can give away enough to keep the liberal vote strong enough, because the conservatives are going to hit the polls hard!
Sadly you may be right, because the left just can't help itself.

ISIS is contained.
Terror deaths are rare in the US.
This is really just about their access to guns.

Solely in political terms....I really, really hope they push that line of thinking. What we need are more gun laws - that would stop ISIS! Sounds like an SNL skit (if SNL were to parody leftist thinking, if only). Talk about out of touch with the electorate, and with common sense.....
Oh I love some on the left using this as an excuse for more gun laws/gun confiscation. Because if there is one thing we know in this country is that muslim terrorists cannot kill Americans without the use of a gun!!!
- "stuff" being mass shootings

Lol yes, please, go on with your comparison of U.S. vs all the other countries in the world.
political correctness worries made a neighbor to the terrorists not report seeing the commings & goings of several mid easterners to their home. She saw something - but didn't say something!

Thanks, clock kid and your bullspit created muslims-face-unfair-racism-profiling controversy!
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I support global sterilization for ALL muslims, male and female. In 300 years, they can get their reproductive rights back when they show that they are no longer a pest to the rest of the world.
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if the Paris attack was just what the Trump campaign needed to solidify its lead heading into the primary season, this apparent copycat attack in SoCal probably locks up the nomination for The Donald
Agreed. Americans are mad, and also a little frightened. Trump's message keeps hitting the target.