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‘Nation,’ mag of the far left, finds Russia hack nonsensical

You know it’s time to pack it up and move on from a Democratic-driven political hit when even the left-of-left liberal-leaning magazine, The Nation, starts to say, hey, guys, there are no facts here.

In other words: This whole Russia-hacked-the-election-with-President-Donald-Trump’s-help mantra may finally be crumbling.

Nation writer Patrick Lawrence took a look at all of the facts of the past year surrounding the supposed Russian government hack of the Democratic National Committee and concluded, rather embarrassingly for the left, that there really aren’t so many facts after all. His story title says it all: “A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack.”

What about all those DNC emails that painted Hillary Clinton and her staff in a poor light, and that came just at a critical campaign moment for the Democratic candidate? Weren’t they driven, as the left is fond of saying, by the colluding hands of Russia and Trump’s campaign?

Once again, even the Nation seems to be saying — fact free. The email leaks seem due to an inside leaker, not outside hacker.

Lawrence cites research from the group Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity to find: “All those interviewed came in between 90 percent and 100 percent certain that the forensics [of the hack from Russia] prove out. … ‘The laws of physics don’t lie,’ [VIPS’] Ray McGovern volunteered at one point. … When I asked [VIPS’] Edward Loomis, a 90 percent man, about the 10 percent he held out, he replied, ‘I’ve looked at the word and it shows there was no Russian hack. But I didn’t do the work. That’s the 10 percent. I’m a scientist.’ “

And yet — the DNC won’t admit defeat.

“U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded the Russian government hacked the DNC in an attempt to interfere in the election,” a DNC spokesperson told Breitbart. “Any suggestion otherwise is false and is just another conspiracy theory like those pushed by Trump and his administration.”

Right. Except for one thing: Only three intelligence agencies, not 17, as initially believed, actually drew that conclusion in a report, the Intelligence Community Assessment.

The takeaway? America’s still waiting for the facts and evidence to show the left’s main argument — that Team Trump stole the election from Clinton with the help of the Russians. And when a committed player of the far left like The Nation starts to wonder on this — and show evidence to the contrary — maybe it’s time to move on from that message.

I predicted when Awan was arrested and his laptop seized, the msm would queitly drop the Russia narrative. I assumed there was evidence on the laptop that proved no involvement.

I dont know if my rationale was correct. But that was basically the end of the russia narrative, almost overnight.
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Pretty infuriating how MSM is painting the original, unmasked, peaceful protestors as the bad guys after jack-booted Antifa and BLM showed up with their traveling shit show and incited this whole thing.

Every riot on every campus in the past year... name the lowest common denominator.

I want $5 on some of those 'Nazis' who looked the part, but never seemed to find their way into the fray, being paid actors.

And shame on the assholes that gave the left exactly what they wanted out of this. This rally was a setup and you fools fell right into the pigeon hole. You are now exactly what they made you out to be.
Now that I read this again it all makes more sense --

Forensic investigations of documents made public two weeks prior to the July 5 leak by the person or entity known as Guccifer 2.0 show that they were fraudulent: Before Guccifer posted them they were adulterated by cutting and pasting them into a blank template that had Russian as its default language. Guccifer took responsibility on June 15 for an intrusion the DNC reported on June 14 and professed to be a WikiLeaks source.

Assange has denied any knowledge and/or involvement in the documents released by Guccifer 2.0. If you remember, they weren't released by WikiLeaks, but instead by a popped up overnight, out of nowhere website DNCLeaks.

This is basically saying that it was all a set up. Guccifer 2.0 was someone associated with the DNC, Hillary, her campaign, whoever, but they weren't who they claimed to be. It was a false flag, purposely releasing fake hacked emails trying to taint the real leaks from Wikileaks, claiming to be Wikileaks' source and conveniently leaving "evidence" that pointed to Russia.
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Why didn't anyone ever say, "we know for sure that the leaked emails are authentic, we're going to deal with illegal activities these emails reveal first, then we'll deal with the manner in which they were obtained". ???

Those emails reveal that the POTUS exchanged emails with his SOS that were not subject to the public record. It shows that they CONSPIRED to mislead the public and congress.

Hang O'bama and Hillary with the same rope.
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I predicted when Awan was arrested and his laptop seized, the msm would queitly drop the Russia narrative. I assumed there was evidence on the laptop that proved no involvement.

I dont know if my rationale was correct. But that was basically the end of the russia narrative, almost overnight.
It did seem to die off around then, but I'm not sure I agree that they'll stop using it. They tried to revamp it with the Manafort story a few days ago, but NK kind of bounced it away.
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Good on Trump for this.

See, I was just reading one of the MSM Tweet threads about the riots (blaming Trump and the right) and while half are crying b/c Trump hadn't condemned this action yet (b/c this is obviously his boys doing their thing for him) the other half is discrediting any statement on it b/c it would only be due to public outcry. Can't win. Crazy beats everything.

You guys remember all those times Barry immediately spoke out on Baltimore and Ferguson? Yeah... me, too.
Pretty infuriating how MSM is painting the original, unmasked, peaceful protestors as the bad guys after jack-booted Antifa and BLM showed up with their traveling shit show and incited this whole thing.

Every riot on every campus in the past year... name the lowest common denominator.

I want $5 on some of those 'Nazis' who looked the part, but never seemed to find their way into the fray, being paid actors.

And shame on the assholes that gave the left exactly what they wanted out of this. This rally was a setup and you fools fell right into the pigeon hole. You are now exactly what they made you out to be.
Honestly any protest for skin color is just moronic. They always turn into complete shit shows. Why do people think doing this is effective? I don't get it. It makes you look foolish, plus they had to have known libtards would infiltrate and do even more harm.

This shit won't help heal our divided country.
See, I was just reading one of the MSM Tweet threads about the riots (blaming Trump and the right) and while half are crying b/c Trump hadn't condemned this action yet (b/c this is obviously his boys doing their thing for him) the other half is discrediting any statement on it b/c it would only be due to public outcry. Can't win. Crazy beats everything.

You guys remember all those times Barry immediately spoke out on Baltimore and Ferguson? Yeah... me, too.
Democrats never have to condemn people. Hell, I don't know of a single democrat who even condemned the baseball shooter, and that was barely a month ago.
This thread is hilarious. The right is openly displaying swastikas during violent protests right now in Charlottesville, but emails are the biggest threat this country has ever seen. Makes sense.
Buddy, if you actually believe that is a true representation of the right, you're an even bigger part of the problem.
This thread is hilarious. The right is openly displaying swastikas during violent protests right now in Charlottesville, but emails are the biggest threat this country has ever seen. Makes sense.

That's not "the right." Just like Antifa and BLM aren't "the left."

80% of us aren't all that different politically. It's the 10% of idiots on each side that get all the press.
Pretty infuriating how MSM is painting the original, unmasked, peaceful protestors as the bad guys after jack-booted Antifa and BLM showed up with their traveling shit show and incited this whole thing.

Every riot on every campus in the past year... name the lowest common denominator.

I want $5 on some of those 'Nazis' who looked the part, but never seemed to find their way into the fray, being paid actors.

And shame on the assholes that gave the left exactly what they wanted out of this. This rally was a setup and you fools fell right into the pigeon hole. You are now exactly what they made you out to be.

Eh, so what. They want a fight then they can get it. Now they realize they can't just show up and get loud to run Americans off.

They may actually have to start fighting and that's when the payoff isnt worth what's asked of them.
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It did seem to die off around then, but I'm not sure I agree that they'll stop using it. They tried to revamp it with the Manafort story a few days ago, but NK kind of bounced it away.

That was due to a press release by Mueller announcing they executed the warrant, even though they did that weeks ago. It was weird timing and really never caught any traction. Probably due to msm given marching orders to let Russia go
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That was due to a press release by Mueller announcing they executed the warrant, even though they did that weeks ago. It was weird timing and really never caught any traction. Probably due to msm given marching orders to let Russia go
I'm torn on it. In a way I wish they would stop the Russia hysteria, but also the Russia shit alienates people across the country, and will make them get utterly destroyed in 2018 if they keep running with it.
Explain why it's bullshit. I'm not saying everyone who leans politically right is a racist nazi obviously. Most of us are just average people with different approaches toward public policy decisions. But the racist nazis that do exist are on the right. When was the last time you saw an extreme leftist communist nazi? The left has many problems as well, but they ain't nazis.
If libs aren't nazis then please explain why leftist college campuses riot to shut down differing points of view? That is literally what nazis would do.
I predicted when Awan was arrested and his laptop seized, the msm would queitly drop the Russia narrative. I assumed there was evidence on the laptop that proved no involvement.

I dont know if my rationale was correct. But that was basically the end of the russia narrative, almost overnight.

The exposure of Fusian GPS and the DNC's involvement with it is what got the Russia narrative off the front page.

The Awan family was making too much money blackmailing and extorting D congress members to do something stupid like leak emails exposing the DNC corruption.
Explain why it's bullshit. I'm not saying everyone who leans politically right is a racist nazi obviously. Most of us are just average people with different approaches toward public policy decisions. But the racist nazis that do exist are on the right. When was the last time you saw an extreme leftist communist nazi? The left has many problems as well, but they ain't nazis.

Hmmm. Actually many on the " left" are very much "nazis" in the their own right. I'd actually venture to say, as of right now , the left / media / super liberals / MSM etc... propose a much bigger danger to society as a whole.

I used to be (still am?) "moderate" I guess you could say. I've leaned right and leaned left (except not now bc the left has gone batshit insane ) over the years.

That being said - a spade is a spade- idc if it's a "fringe" of the left... it's still troublesome . The left have the media, Hollywood , twitter, google , Facebook (not as bad/lefty as the others ) MSM / ... everything. The agenda/ beliefs they are pushing are downright absurd and dangerous.
Nazis do many things, they breathe regularly. Have you breathed recently? Doing certain things nazis do doesn't make you a nazi. Openly displaying nazi imagery and self-identifying publicly as a nazi does. They specifically chose to wear nazi gear, no one forced them to. I agree with you shutting down free speech on college campuses isn't productive and is facist.

And just like that , you've shown yourself as a backpeddlar. Didn't take long .

Type of guy that throws out obscure, vanilla , run of the mill words and phrases
Explain why it's bullshit. I'm not saying everyone who leans politically right is a racist nazi obviously. Most of us are just average people with different approaches toward public policy decisions. But the racist nazis that do exist are on the right. When was the last time you saw an extreme leftist communist nazi? The left has many problems as well, but they ain't nazis.
Completely false and uninformed. Ignorant post/er.
This thread is hilarious. The right is openly displaying swastikas during violent protests right now in Charlottesville, but emails are the biggest threat this country has ever seen. Makes sense.

"The right." Lol. Yeah, do we get judged on this but BLM, Antifa, anti-white black supremacists, Trans weirdos and Islamic nuts don't represent the left?

Got it.

And where were you during antifa and BLM?
Can someone please attempt to explain to me ... because for the GD life of me I can't understand.

All the garbage that's been spewed out the past year or so. The absurdity of all whites are racist , 2 year olds can choose genders , everything is racist , sexist , protect Muslims at ALL costs , bold face lying about not only trump but just basic f'ng things. Everyone who doesn't align 120% with the left is marked a racist/ sexist --- whatever

Someone explain... or try to see it from the left/ medias POV? Why has this narrative taken off, particularly , in the last 5 years. ESPECIALLY the last couple of years .

WTF is going on ? WHO is so powerful that they can create the illusion and basically trick society , lie, pander to fit these EXTREME beliefs the "left" holds. I refuse to Cal them democrats bc most actual democrats should be ashamed of what their party has turned into.

Do you all think that maybe those who are similar to us - (pretty well grounded people, not super dem or super repub. People who call a spade a spade and see that the media / left have become nothing but lying extremists ) are just more quiet ?

Will all this absurdity continue on and on and on? Are we doomed to have an idiotic president next term bc the Dems will do WHATEVER it takes? I mean if they somehow are successful in getting Trump out of
The White House - not only does it make me livid .. it concerns me because it basically shows this is how it will be from now on. If you don't get in line and believe/ give the left what they want... well then you're f*cked.
The exposure of Fusian GPS and the DNC's involvement with it is what got the Russia narrative off the front page.

The Awan family was making too much money blackmailing and extorting D congress members to do something stupid like leak emails exposing the DNC corruption.

That too. I personally think the two situations are interconnected. We will hopefully see
You cut the last word nazi out of my quote which was the entire point. You do see extreme leftist communists all the time, Antifa being a classic example. My point was that whatever they may be they aren't specifically nazis. Communists and nazis hate each other, remember history?
Nazi, Antifa; tomayto, tomahto. Pieces of shit all the same. The fact you're fretting over one word, like it makes a difference, is comical.
What an idiotic stance. So it makes it worse because of the term/ word "nazi" Antifa, BLM, anti white groups etc can terrorize , riot , physically harm people etc ... just like "nazis" do but they are somehow better or "not as bad" because they aren't REAL nazis ?? Lol

This is why we can't have nice things. What's more concerning ? I think this guy actually believes in what he says.