How will they rule ??!

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If we're talking shit to other countries on the world stage, at this point I'm glad it's one that can't actually hit us with any sort of weapons as opposed to scapegoating Russia for any and all things the Democrats did wrong.
Talking shit to N.Korea is a national pastime at this point.
Someone just posted this photo on The Donald

Hillary giving speech about income inequality while wearing a $13,000 Armani jacket hahaha

Someone just posted this photo on The Donald

Hillary giving speech about income inequality while wearing a $13,000 Armani jacket hahaha


that thing was probably made from the hairs of the Haitian children they trafficked to Eastern Europe and Russia and Thailand. she wears it like a trophy for some and a stern warning to others lol.
Isn't it great having a President who isn't a vagina again? I love how Trump is handling NK. I hope he puts a nuke between fat boys eyes, and tells China to suck it. And tells Iran they are next if they keep acting up.
Isn't it great having a President who isn't a vagina again? I love how Trump is handling NK. I hope he puts a nuke between fat boys eyes, and tells China to suck it. And tells Iran they are next if they keep acting up.

WTF do you want, you delusional twats? Do you want him to do something or not do something? There's no consistency with you morons.

I hate this mother effer. So voter fraud didn't occur and it's crazy to think a group who doesn't enforce immigration laws nor have voter ID and is notorious for busing people across state lines, has illegals voting? But Russia rigged and hacked the election and cheated somehow. I also saw something about claiming "voter suppression" in swing states. LOL.
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This can't be true. Because democrats keep telling us, that there is no voter fraud.... No voter fraud my butt. I wouldn't believe a lying liberal demoncrat as far as I could throw them. After all you can't spell the word liberal without the letters LIE.
It seems almost as if there is another story out daily that confirms it. What we have known for a while now and others have tried to cover up, the dupes on the left on this site are finding out for the first time. In the words of Walter "Dumb asses".

WTF do you want, you delusional twats? Do you want him to do something or not do something? There's no consistency with you morons.

I hate this mother effer. So voter fraud didn't occur and it's crazy to think a group who doesn't enforce immigration laws nor have voter ID and is notorious for busing people across state lines, has illegals voting? But Russia rigged and hacked the election and cheated somehow. I also saw something about claiming "voter suppression" in swing states. LOL.
That almost reads like a parody account.
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Yep. I am not a fan of Trump. Doesn't mean I am a fan of Hilary or am a wild liberal with a socialist agenda who invests in the "fake news". You all need to calm down on your attack against anyone who posts anything that doesn't suck the Trump tit. For a group that calls those who oppose them "snowflakes" you angry conservative trumpettes sure do get upset easily.

The "fatality" post

Won't be a vacation. I'm done bothering on this hateful part of Cats Illustrated. Plenty of other parts of the web to find angry individuals who blindly support our unproven leader. I'm positive you guys won't miss me. Keep trying to swing the pendulum all the way back to the right instead of trying to view things from another perspective than the close minded beliefs you've been surrounded by your entire enclosed lives. We've learned how well that works.
Ok, I went down this rabbit hole.

You blindly believed he was some insider because he says he is one. He says he has been an expert for over 30 years. He has been an expert since he graduated from college? He must be some sort of savant or prodigy. He probably spent time at the Pentagon where he was an Assistant to the Traveling Secretary.

No, he holds a B.A. in Sociology with a minor in politics from the University of California at Santa Cruz.

He has made his living off of being anti nuke his whole career and his opinion is finally relevant again. He is the lefts go to for 60 minutes.

Can you imagine what it's been like for this guy the last two decades. Your opinion is your bread and butter, but nobody cares about your opinion. He only has a job if there is a NK or Iran.

This mfer started at frickin Greenpeace. He's had an ax to grind for a long time.

Wyvern is way more insider than this guy.

I know way more than I should about this guy, but this was only one Google click away.

Great post.

The "fatality" post

Won't be a vacation. I'm done bothering on this hateful part of Cats Illustrated

Im not going anywhere dummies. BUT I AM LEAVING - Wall2wall

WTF do you want, you delusional twats? Do you want him to do something or not do something? There's no consistency with you morons.

I hate this mother effer. So voter fraud didn't occur and it's crazy to think a group who doesn't enforce immigration laws nor have voter ID and is notorious for busing people across state lines, has illegals voting? But Russia rigged and hacked the election and cheated somehow. I also saw something about claiming "voter suppression" in swing states. LOL.

As cliche as it sounds this person (and many more unfortunately) are literally to stupid/ brainwashed to argue with.
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One big difference between Trump and Obama is that Trump does back up his red lines. Just ask ISIS and Assad about it. If Trump says hes gonna do something, he does it.

He doesn't play games with fake red lines like Obama did. Obama would just say stuff to just say it, then do nothing. Kim will learn this lesson shortly.
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WTF do you want, you delusional twats? Do you want him to do something or not do something? There's no consistency with you morons.

I hate this mother effer. So voter fraud didn't occur and it's crazy to think a group who doesn't enforce immigration laws nor have voter ID and is notorious for busing people across state lines, has illegals voting? But Russia rigged and hacked the election and cheated somehow. I also saw something about claiming "voter suppression" in swing states. LOL.

As cliche as it sounds this person (and many more unfortunately) are literally to stupid/ brainwashed to argue with.
So Narcan costs a lot and cities are running out of funds. Lexington's Narcan supply is funded by UK grants. They ran out. They're now scrambling for cash!!!

What a gd joke. Govt has no business in this. You OD, you pay the price for Narcan and ambulance. Period.

Also, Narcan is losing its effect. Now addicts are taking 3-4 doses to be revived.

Some of ya'll need to get off the internet. Lordy. You act *exactly* like the loony left.

This thread is complete garbage. No discussions about real problems just more "look what dumbshit posted". Do y'all selfs a favor and read @CastleRubric posts about Marxism. Y'all spreading the propaganda for them to flame the hate and division. Social engineering.

I'm going to listen to Mash and get off this place for a while.
This thread is complete garbage. No discussions about real problems just more "look what dumbshit posted". Do y'all selfs a favor and read @CastleRubric posts about Marxism. Y'all spreading the propaganda for them to flame the hate and division. Social engineering.

I'm going to listen to Mash and get off this place for a while.

Yes but being in this thread is about the best to do during this dead period of sports. Better than day time TV for sure.
This thread is complete garbage. No discussions about real problems just more "look what dumbshit posted". Do y'all selfs a favor and read @CastleRubric posts about Marxism. Y'all spreading the propaganda for them to flame the hate and division. Social engineering.

I'm going to listen to Mash and get off this place for a while.

I get what you're saying but I think it's very* important that we see what dumbshits are posting , because it's a glimpse into what Americas future could potentially be like. And it's f'd up
Trump says military action is an option against Venezuela and lib twitter is saying Trump wants war with Venezuela.

Trump plays these people like a fiddle. Its hilarious. He said its an OPTION, he didn't say he was going to actually do it. Don't let it stop the lib freak out though.

Oh yeah, liberals have now defended North Korea and Venezuela this week. Who will they defend next week, ISIS? Stay tuned.
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I get what you're saying but I think it's very* important that we see what dumbshits are posting , because it's a glimpse into what Americas future could potentially be like. And it's f'd up

It's absolutely vital to showcase this. People don't believe you. It took forever to convince people of the media bias. My own mother thought I was exagerrating about academia until this past year.

Keep exposing them so you don't be unprepared. We can debate all day though but this is important.
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