How will they rule ??!

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Another thing to note on that receipt.

Media has run with it again with no fact checking whatsoever. The person who claimed to have received it just created a twitter account on August 7th. There is clearly a second copy of a receipt underneath that where writing can be seen as well. Was that a first attempt?


It reminds me of this BS one.


Remember the Whole Foods cake one?

Yep. I am not a fan of Trump. Doesn't mean I am a fan of Hilary or am a wild liberal with a socialist agenda who invests in the "fake news". You all need to calm down on your attack against anyone who posts anything that doesn't suck the Trump tit. For a group that calls those who oppose them "snowflakes" you angry conservative trumpettes sure do get upset easily.

The "fatality" post

Won't be a vacation. I'm done bothering on this hateful part of Cats Illustrated. Plenty of other parts of the web to find angry individuals who blindly support our unproven leader. I'm positive you guys won't miss me. Keep trying to swing the pendulum all the way back to the right instead of trying to view things from another perspective than the close minded beliefs you've been surrounded by your entire enclosed lives. We've learned how well that works.
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Yep. I am not a fan of Trump. Doesn't mean I am a fan of Hilary or am a wild liberal with a socialist agenda who invests in the "fake news". You all need to calm down on your attack against anyone who posts anything that doesn't suck the Trump tit. For a group that calls those who oppose them "snowflakes" you angry conservative trumpettes sure do get upset easily.

The "fatality" post

Won't be a vacation. I'm done bothering on this hateful part of Cats Illustrated. Plenty of other parts of the web to find angry individuals who blindly support our unproven leader. I'm positive you guys won't miss me. Keep trying to swing the pendulum all the way back to the right instead of trying to view things from another perspective than the close minded beliefs you've been surrounded by your entire enclosed lives. We've learned how well that works.

"Doesn't mean I am a fan of Hilary or am a wild liberal with a socialist agenda who invests in the "fake news."

"I'm done bothering on this hateful part of Cats Illustrated."

"Keep trying to swing the pendulum all the way back to the right instead of trying to view things from another perspective than the close minded beliefs you've been surrounded by your entire enclosed lives. "

"For a group that calls those who oppose them "snowflakes" you angry conservative trumpettes sure do get upset easily."

Not a liberal?


Yep. I am not a fan of Trump. Doesn't mean I am a fan of Hilary or am a wild liberal with a socialist agenda who invests in the "fake news". You all need to calm down on your attack against anyone who posts anything that doesn't suck the Trump tit. For a group that calls those who oppose them "snowflakes" you angry conservative trumpettes sure do get upset easily.

The "fatality" post

Won't be a vacation. I'm done bothering on this hateful part of Cats Illustrated. Plenty of other parts of the web to find angry individuals who blindly support our unproven leader. I'm positive you guys won't miss me. Keep trying to swing the pendulum all the way back to the right instead of trying to view things from another perspective than the close minded beliefs you've been surrounded by your entire enclosed lives. We've learned how well that works.

You criticized people for blindly supporting Trump. To support your statement, you blindly supported someone you knew nothing about simply because he disagreed with Trump.

Everyone knows Trump is a blowhard who says all kinds of bullshit. No one is defending the truth of his statement.

The posts after yours were simply to point out the hypocrisy and irony of your moronic post.

So yes, if I were you, I'd probably run and hide from logic and reason too.
than the close minded beliefs you've been surrounded by your entire enclosed lives

You were so open-minded when you took at face value that the twitter guy was an expert and knew something on the inside. You liked the beat down of someone who disagreed with you. It fit your agenda.




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Bottom line is, bluffing is a part of war, especially psychological warfare. Un didn't know the truth, and that was the whole point.

Some random eccentric trying to undermine the president on Twitter only to score social justice points is the one who needs to "just take a second and breathe before attacking someone because they disagree with you."
I think you're giving that random guy on twitter a little too much credit when saying, "some random eccentric undermining the president."

He didn't really undermine anything. Wall2wall is the only person who put any all in his statement. The rest of us understand Trump is just talking shit.

Well, he was Twitter verified. He had that checkmark thingy. He has to be important.
"Doesn't mean I am a fan of Hilary or am a wild liberal with a socialist agenda who invests in the "fake news."

"I'm done bothering on this hateful part of Cats Illustrated."

"Keep trying to swing the pendulum all the way back to the right instead of trying to view things from another perspective than the close minded beliefs you've been surrounded by your entire enclosed lives. "

"For a group that calls those who oppose them "snowflakes" you angry conservative trumpettes sure do get upset easily."

Not a liberal?



Saw her butthole. I liked it.
Can we do a test run for twitter verification? It needs to be a joint account. Everything has to be anti-Trump, #resist, #BLM, be a trans activist, etc. Create a wordpress blog. Maybe try and fake a receipt but make it even more obvious. Respond negatively to every Trump tweet.

Let's see if we get verified.
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That headline makes me wanna punch a god damn puppy. They just throw whatever the F out there and hope it sticks.

They blame everything on climate change.

They did this one two years ago.

Bernie Sanders explains connection between climate change and Paris attacks

"“If we are going to see an increase in drought, flood and extreme weather disturbances as a result of climate change, what that means is that people all over the world are going to be fighting over limited natural resources,” Sanders said. “If there is not enough water, if there is not enough land to grow your crops, then you’re going to see migrations of people fighting over land that will sustain them, and that will lead to international conflicts.”
They blame everything on climate change.

They did this one two years ago.

Bernie Sanders explains connection between climate change and Paris attacks

"“If we are going to see an increase in drought, flood and extreme weather disturbances as a result of climate change, what that means is that people all over the world are going to be fighting over limited natural resources,” Sanders said. “If there is not enough water, if there is not enough land to grow your crops, then you’re going to see migrations of people fighting over land that will sustain them, and that will lead to international conflicts.”

Wow. I wonder if he actually believes this garbage ?
Bottom line is, bluffing is a part of war, especially psychological warfare. Un didn't know the truth, and that was the whole point.

Some random eccentric trying to undermine the president on Twitter only to score social justice points is the one who needs to "just take a second and breathe before attacking someone because they disagree with you."
Trump is trying to look like an unpredictable madman to Kim. Basically, Trump is doing to Kim what Kim has been doing to us.

He wants Kim to know that he isn't gonna lay down and play dead the way past presidents have. He wants Kim to fear that he may actually do something.

Will it work? Who knows? It doesn't appear Kim will back down, and if he doesn't we will destroy him.
If we're talking shit to other countries on the world stage, at this point I'm glad it's one that can't actually hit us with any sort of weapons as opposed to scapegoating Russia for any and all things the Democrats did wrong.
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