How will they rule ??!

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Outside a burger place on Harvard's campus..
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[laughing] they are now saying 2016 was the hottest year on record. The propaganda is so predictable. Why do people still buy this bogus scam?
I read that story but didn't notice the actual temperature mentioned. I did notice that they didn't call it MMGW, just GW.

The best part is when they tout the NOAA as some benevolent, save the world agency but never mention they are a subsidiary of NASA who is a subsidiary of the Dept. of Commerce. Who is in charge of the Dept. of Commerce?

2016 wouldn't be the warmest year if the records hadn't been changed, or if cities hadn't sprung up around thermometers that were in a field 50 years ago. As for the oceans, they are rising at the same rate they've been rising since we've been coming out of an ice age.

None of that matters though if you are on the fence. O'bama was pushing it hard, that's all you need to know to realize it's all bullshit.
It would be lunacy for a preemptive military attack. There isn't much we can do to N Korea until they do something first.
Pretty sure we got us another liberal hoax again. This one is awful yet gets promoted on Twitter and about 40k retweets.

Anyone wanna tackle the obvious issues with this?

No itemized receipt
It says takeout at the bottom
They purposely cut off whether it's a reprint, merch copy or customer copy.
There's another receipt underneath it for some reason & the writing of the numbers looks different than the fast signature.
"gorgeous " lol

Trying to pass this off as "perfectly normal" is abhorrent. They're trying to start teaching / guiding children as young as FIVE to be "gender curious " not use "he/ she -him/ her"

Legitimately troubling.

You've got to be effing kidding me.

Dude same f*cking here. I know I've said it, and it prolly gets old seeing me say it but Jesus Christ what HAPPENED to society??? I mean I know society is always gonna be semi f'd up bc .. that's how humans are.

But I mean things have just gotten silly. Absolutely absurd. Literally the media just bold face lies. Like 100% straight up lies. And no one says anything ? People guzzle it up.

I'm genuinely semi concerned what America will be like in 10 years.
"gorgeous " lol

Trying to pass this off as "perfectly normal" is abhorrent. They're trying to start teaching / guiding children as young as FIVE to be "gender curious " not use "he/ she -him/ her"

Legitimately troubling.


Troubling, indeed. That thing is NOT a girl and it is NOT gorgeous. I am only glad that I saw this hours after I had dinner, and not just a few minutes after.
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Troubling, indeed. That thing is NOT a girl and it is NOT gorgeous. I am only glad that I saw this hours after I had dinner, and not just a few minutes after.

What's super troubling is, that this isn't some like rogue super extreme "liberal" (the -it -creature
Or the person who said she was "gorgeous" )

Many many many many many people believe this is perfectly Normal, beautiful, courageous etc ... we see articles about it all the time. Blogs , TV...

It's a god damn freak show these days (not just because of the trans stuff ) but because the stuff more and more people are starting to believe / what the media pushes us to believe is. If you had told me some of this stuff like 8 years ago I literally would have laughed and said "no way that EVER happens"

Yet it all seems to be happening. Idk maybe I'm overly paranoid.

People are so ready to blindly defend. Just take a second and breathe before attacking someone because they disagree with you.

People are so ready to blindly defend. Just take a second and breathe before attacking someone because they disagree with you.
Idiots like that are the worst. Great, you are a weapons expert. So, you think you are doing a huge service to your country going out on Twitter and telling everyone how much you know only because you want to say Trump is FOS???

Maybe the US has not done much to its missile or nuclear arsenal since Trump took over but you never let the enemy know what you really have. Its not a lie Trump just thought about one day. You never let the enemy know exactly what you do or don't have.

Then again, what does it really matter anymore. I am sure NK and everyone else found out what we have just by hacking Hillary's private server.
It's official. The GD left has totally lost their minds. Totally.

No surprise to me that they root against us. This is the group who advocates for us to be invaded, won't protect citizens, wants to disarm us, hates the military, wants a war on cops, aligns with Islam, burns our flag, hell, even murders in the womb and has a domestic terrorist group Antifa that assaults us.

They've tried to sabotage this nation for quite some time so I expect them to be take the enemy's side.
Idiots like that are the worst. Great, you are a weapons expert. So, you think you are doing a huge service to your country going out on Twitter and telling everyone how much you know only because you want to say Trump is FOS???

Maybe the US has not done much to its missile or nuclear arsenal since Trump took over but you never let the enemy know what you really have. Its not a lie Trump just thought about one day. You never let the enemy know exactly what you do or don't have.

Then again, what does it really matter anymore. I am sure NK and everyone else found out what we have just by hacking Hillary's private server.
Trump is a big Sun Tzu fan.
Idiots like that are the worst. Great, you are a weapons expert. So, you think you are doing a huge service to your country going out on Twitter and telling everyone how much you know only because you want to say Trump is FOS???

Maybe the US has not done much to its missile or nuclear arsenal since Trump took over but you never let the enemy know what you really have. Its not a lie Trump just thought about one day. You never let the enemy know exactly what you do or don't have.

Then again, what does it really matter anymore. I am sure NK and everyone else found out what we have just by hacking Hillary's private server.

Wall2wall hates Trump. Therefore it's perfectly reasonable for him to blindly support some Twitter troll and his unsubstantiated claims while criticising someone for blindly supporting the President of the United States of America's claims about our (likely classified) nuclear capabilities.
The left telling themselves they're on the right side of history is hysterical. The crap you're doing has never been held in high regard when looking back and studying history.

You will be looked at as the morons who helped usher in our demise and empowered evil globalist powers. They will look at you the same way they looked at people who allowed communism and NAZI Germany to arise and wonder how you people could've been so stupid to fall for it.

As for the rest of us, our curse will be that we didn't do enough to stop you and let you take us down with you.
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Wall2wall hates Trump. Therefore it's perfectly reasonable for him to blindly support some Twitter troll and his unsubstantiated claims while criticising someone for blindly supporting the President of the United States of America's claims about our (likely classified) nuclear capabilities.
Yep. This was made obvious by his quickness to discredit one poster wjhile accepting the other's word on merit alone simply b/c of affiliation.

Then attaches a nanny statement to help us all not #wrongthink.

Dude's weaker than water. Makes me miss Rick. **** him, I've read the last of his posts here.
Pretty sure we got us another liberal hoax again. This one is awful yet gets promoted on Twitter and about 40k retweets.

Anyone wanna tackle the obvious issues with this?

No itemized receipt
It says takeout at the bottom
They purposely cut off whether it's a reprint, merch copy or customer copy.
There's another receipt underneath it for some reason & the writing of the numbers looks different than the fast signature.

Guaranteed hoax. No way anyone that close minded at any clue what tatoo was. I sure as hell didnt.

The left telling themselves they're on the right side of history is hysterical. The crap you're doing has never been held in high regard when looking back and studying history.

You will be looked at as the morons who helped usher in our demise and empowered evil globalist powers. They will look at you the same way they looked at people who allowed communism and NAZI Germany to arise and wonder how you people could've been so stupid to fall for it.

As for the rest of us, our curse will be that we didn't do enough to stop you and let you take us down with you.

Hopefully. The only danger this time is you have an incredibly dishonest media, academia, and entertainment industry - all pushing the same narrative. Facts are optional for them, and theyll be writing the narrative

People are so ready to blindly defend. Just take a second and breathe before attacking someone because they disagree with you.

Ok, I went down this rabbit hole.

You blindly believed he was some insider because he says he is one. He says he has been an expert for over 30 years. He has been an expert since he graduated from college? He must be some sort of savant or prodigy. He probably spent time at the Pentagon where he was an Assistant to the Traveling Secretary.

No, he holds a B.A. in Sociology with a minor in politics from the University of California at Santa Cruz.

He has made his living off of being anti nuke his whole career and his opinion is finally relevant again. He is the lefts go to for 60 minutes.

Can you imagine what it's been like for this guy the last two decades. Your opinion is your bread and butter, but nobody cares about your opinion. He only has a job if there is a NK or Iran.

This mfer started at frickin Greenpeace. He's had an ax to grind for a long time.

Wyvern is way more insider than this guy.

I know way more than I should about this guy, but this was only one Google click away.
'Hug a Terrorist' Program Aims to Stop Spread of Extremism in Denmark

Police in Denmark have set up a controversial new program to stop the spread of radicalization and terror attacks.

In Aarhus, Denmark’s second largest city, authorities are using a method referred to by some as the “hug a terrorist” or "hug a jihadi" model of de-radicalization.

They are trying to change the minds of potential Islamic extremists by supporting them and offering them kindness rather than treating them as outcasts and criminals.
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Pretty sure we got us another liberal hoax again. This one is awful yet gets promoted on Twitter and about 40k retweets.

Anyone wanna tackle the obvious issues with this?

No itemized receipt
It says takeout at the bottom
They purposely cut off whether it's a reprint, merch copy or customer copy.
There's another receipt underneath it for some reason & the writing of the numbers looks different than the fast signature.

Regardless of whether it's true or not, if we're drafting for our teams, I'll take the gay tattoo hater over a person who expects a tip when someone picks up carry out from the restaurant they work at.
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