How will they rule ??!

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Theres no doubt we would beat N.Korea in a war but my main concern will be the deep state trying to sabotage it. There already was a leak from the deep state on N.Korea earlier today or yesterday. A lot of traitors in the deep state.
Does anyone really think NK has the accuracy to hit an island as small as Guam? This is how that will go down: The missile falls harmlessly in the Pacific, the trajectory several degrees off course. Then, we proceed with the "clean slate protocol" and wipe NK off the face of the map.
But according to liberals we've already capsized Guam with global warming, so
People on the left are not the educated people they continue to boast about. They are going down the same road many of those in the past went down trying to appease the Hitlers of the world. Not only that, but many have taken up the Nazi Mantra and are running with it. Time to take a stand America, go with the evil left and die or, join the center to the right and live. Liberals and their snowflake supporters will lose.
Trump goes to war and that pretty much ensures Dem's win next election, jmho...assuming they don't trot out Hillary again. The Russia stuff didn't work, so next is getting Trump to bomb somebody which will be OMG BIGGEST DEAL EVER. He needs to keep things quite and sneaky like the only president in history to be at war every single day of his presidency - Barack Hussein. He can't be swinging his balls and telling the truth because we can't handle the truth. Covertly kill that Kim Jung pos and take out there stuff.

unreal, this guy worked for the guy that talked about a red line syria shouldn't cross...when they did, obama did nothing. the weakness that projected diminished the US and let everyone know: you can walk all over Barack
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I know it's a waste of time because they aren't white and YOU'RE in no danger at all...but....

You people do realize that 99% of N. Korea's populace are trapped under the rule of a lunatic dictator and perfectly innocent......right?
I know it's a waste of time because they aren't white and YOU'RE in no danger at all...but....

You people do realize that 99% of N. Korea's populace are trapped under the rule of a lunatic dictator and perfectly innocent......right?
In no danger at all? I think that is incorrect. Making this about race? Sounds about right for you. Really stupid argument though - because the people in the most danger from NK are in South Korea, Guam and Japan.

Yes, majority of NK population are living a terrible life, starving, killed in firing squads etc due to a lunatic dictator...the dictator and his thug regime need to be completely taken out - but if that step were to be taken they will try to blow up anything they can. It will be horrible, and no good options are left. Inaction was a choice, and that inaction from last few admins and rest of world has led to this.
I know it's a waste of time because they aren't white and YOU'RE in no danger at all...but....

You people do realize that 99% of N. Korea's populace are trapped under the rule of a lunatic dictator and perfectly innocent......right?

If it makes you feel any better, I care 10,000 more for a liberal gay, black, Asian, Mexican, transgender living in San Fran than I do about any North Korean, and therefore I'd feel more comfortable if we killed all of them before they touch one of ours. How's that?
I know it's a waste of time because they aren't white and YOU'RE in no danger at all...but....

You people do realize that 99% of N. Korea's populace are trapped under the rule of a lunatic dictator and perfectly innocent......right?

do you libtards know how to not make every single thing about race? is it so engraved in your brainwashed mindsets that you have to make everything racists? jesus.

and no, not one person here knew that. we all thought they were all complicit lunatics just like their Furor.

you also realize he is just one guy. that population and military could take him out and replace him on their own with ease. yet they don't. they are starving in poverty yet live submissively to his tyranny. effed up culture.
I could walk into Narth Korea and kick everyone of those 4'11 midget soldier's asses. It would be like beating up a bunch of middle schoolers, but all at once.
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I know it's a waste of time because they aren't white and YOU'RE in no danger at all...but....

You people do realize that 99% of N. Korea's populace are trapped under the rule of a lunatic dictator and perfectly innocent......right?
You do realize that they are not trying to stop a mad man from possibly killing millions of innocent people right? See how that works? No, of course not, your one of the appeasement bunch. Continue to turn a blind eye snow flake.
I know it's a waste of time because they aren't white and YOU'RE in no danger at all...but....

You people do realize that 99% of N. Korea's populace are trapped under the rule of a lunatic dictator and perfectly innocent......right?

The dreaded race card.....

Help! Mister Bill, Mister Bill! We're all against da yellow man!!!!!!
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My 2 year old once told me she was a little boy duck while watching Mickey Mouse. Over a year later she's never mentioned being a boy or a duck again... but she has made quacking noises since then. I feel I've made a horrific mistake by not encouraging her to be a male duck. Clearly at age 2 she was screaming for help to be herself, a boy duck. How foolish of me not to treat a 2 year old like a 21 year old.
My 2 year old once told me she was a little boy duck while watching Mickey Mouse. Over a year later she's never mentioned being a boy or a duck again... but she has made quacking noises since then. I feel I've made a horrific mistake by not encouraging her to be a male duck. Clearly at age 2 she was screaming for help to be herself, a boy duck. How foolish of me not to treat a 2 year old like a 21 year old.
It is child abuse, plain and simple.

Did you read the latest piece about the British guy who had a sex change at 15, decided "she'd" made a mistake at 18 and had it reversed, now at 23 he's switching back to female... been on hormones to stop male puberty, took both sets of gender hormone therapies... can't even imagine the long-term ramifications. All b/c his cuck parents and progressive doctors lacked the balls to tell this little shit "no" at any point in his life.

Nooo, it's not a mental disorder at all...
The Children's Hospital fiasco in Cincinnati is a great example of left wing Democrat leadership.

Children's Hospital, one of the best children's hospitals in the world, plans on doing a >$550 million expansion in one of Cincinnati's worst neighborhoods. In addition to that, they've committed $11.5 million dollars of gifts to the neighborhood to address community needs. All they need is city counsel to approve a zoning change. WITH NO REQUEST FOR ANY PUBLIC FUNDING.

^Who wouldn't want that in their city?

Enter Mayoral Candidate and City Counsel member Yvette Simpson, along with Wendall Young. $11.5 million being handed to Avondale isn't good enough. They want 5% of the development cost as a handout to Avondale and it's community organizations.

So rather than approving a deal for one of the best hospitals in the world to do a half billion dollar expansion, while the community receives a handout of $11.5 million and reaps the benefits of the expansion, the politicians are trying to hold up the deal to extort more money that can be handed out to their friends (yes, some of their friends, such as ex-Mayor Dwight Tillery, run "community organizations" who aren't getting a handout from Children's as it currently stands).

Not that I'm a Cranley fan, but hopefully this seals the deal for Simpson. Unbelievably poor judgment and corruption shown by someone who wants to lead the city. Can't imagine any business that doesn't have the resources and reputation wanting to expand in the city under a Simpson Administration.
If I had to guess it's a super duper secret ring of child rapists who sacrifice their children (who must have their gender converted) to their reptilian overlords.

But that's just the most likely scenario. There's definitely reason to believe it goes much much deeper than that

Can always count on a snarky remark. We're simply pointing out how effed up Hollywood is. But I appreciate your attempt at humor and mocking.
It is child abuse, plain and simple.

Did you read the latest piece about the British guy who had a sex change at 15, decided "she'd" made a mistake at 18 and had it reversed, now at 23 he's switching back to female... been on hormones to stop male puberty, took both sets of gender hormone therapies... can't even imagine the long-term ramifications. All b/c his cuck parents and progressive doctors lacked the balls to tell this little shit "no" at any point in his life.

Nooo, it's not a mental disorder at all...

I have a friend who moved to Maryland about 6 years ago. He was back in Kentucky a few weeks ago and he stopped by. He told me someone on his wife's side of the family has had six sex changes. SIX. Each time they have a sex change, they have less "material" to work with. After six sex changes... apparently this person is like a Ken doll now.

Anyone who thinks having a sex change is a normal desire... mental.
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I have a friend who moved to Maryland about 6 years ago. He was back in Kentucky a few weeks ago and he stopped by. He told me someone on his wife's side of the family has had six sex changes. SIX. Each time they have a sex change, they have less "material" to work with. After six sex changes... apparently this person is like a Ken doll now.

Anyone who thinks having a sex change is a normal desire... mental.

"hey JStaff, You'll never believe my wife's sister. She's had 4 dicks this month"
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