How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
North Korea reportedly has produced a compact nuclear warhead that can be placed inside one of its advanced missiles – which are already believed to be capable of reaching half of the United States.

Further, it is now believed that dictator Kim Jong Un may control up to 60 nuclear weapons.

The 15-0 vote was nice - BUT.....
Exactly - give lil dictator 7 months of Trump and he will have created 60 nukes and a missile to carry them across the US...I'm sure the program started on 1/20/17.
I thought you all believed in the right of employers to fire anyone at will for whatever reason? I'm just confused by the contradictions. [roll]

In most states an at will employee can be fired for any non descriminatory reason.

We were just saying it was stupid in light of the assertions he made. And it was.

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The dude at Google should be canned for causing a productivity hit at work.

The leaders at Google who thought it was a good idea to give rank and file workers this big of a forum should be canned for stupidity.
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I thought you all believed in the right of employers to fire anyone at will for whatever reason? I'm just confused by the contradictions. [roll]
What you, and idiots like you, fail to realize is that people can be in favor of the ability to do something without necessarily being in favor of said thing.

I'm in favor of legalizing drugs. That doesn't mean I'm in favor of using drugs.

I'm in favor of the ability for people to run their business as they see fit. That doesn't mean I think everyone who has ever been fired deserved to be.

For the record, I really don't care if the guy at Google got fired or not. I just want to educate you on how it's possible not to be a myopic drone.
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Bash Christianity all you want, but say anything negative about Islam and you're a RACIST! Glad to see Richard Dawkins getting a taste of the regressive left. Prominent atheists have come out in support for him.

At least atheists are consistent. They don't like any religion on any god. The left's alliance with Islam makes no sense to me.
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What you, and idiots like you, fail to realize is that people can be in favor of the ability to do something without necessarily being in favor of said thing.

I'm in favor of legalizing drugs. That doesn't mean I'm in favor of using drugs.

I'm in favor of the ability for people to run their business as they see fit. That doesn't mean I think everyone who has ever been fired deserved to be.

For the record, I really don't care about if the guy at Google got fired or not. I just want to educate you on how it's possible not to be a myopic drone.

Wheweeee. Cardkilla may need to check his pants after that one. Good lord.
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In most states an at will employee can be fired for any non descriminatory reason.

We were just saying it was stupid in light of the assertions he made. And it was.


so if what happened at Google was a woman instead of a man saying women are better cut out to be whatever he said, would she have been fired?
Just read where that guy emailed his 10 page research paper to 40,000 Google employees?

If any of the staff at my firm wrote a 10 page paper on any topic, it wasn't chargeable to a client and they intentionally emailed it to the entire firm, I'd lobby for them to be fired. ****ing millenials, man.

On another note, can companies not shut down certain listservs? Seems like you wouldn't want your low level dipshit employees having the ability to send emails to the entire company at the click of a button.
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having people like mattis, kelly, gorka as part of our national security team makes me feel a lot better. last 8 years was the weakest America ever projected ourselves on the world stage. America is back to our old ways, diplomatic... sure...but behind many of our words and actions is an implied "don't **** with us"

KIm Jun Tiny Penis is going to get Bin Ladened at some point. and when he does, i would bet the farm his computers have paper trails and receipts leading right back to the Clinton's and Obama, via Russia and Iran.
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I thought you all believed in the right of employers to fire anyone at will for whatever reason? I'm just confused by the contradictions. [roll]
[roll]Contradictions? You on the left contradict everything once it does not fit your agenda. You are a bunch of hypocrites without morals or scruples. Enjoy your banishment from power for years to come.
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