How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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now those are some refugees i would take. sweden is stupid, let the muslims have their country, we can take in the swedes as refugees

There should be one continent for only European descent. In general, your main producers of your nations will be Europeans and Asians. Africans and Hispanics/Latinos will always be at the bottom except when it comes to birth rates.

Just in this country, take a look at these two things.







Not all cultures are equal. Anyone ever wonder why Asians do a tremendous job in this country despite being a smaller portion of the nation and being here a shorter period of time than blacks and Hispanics?
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There should be one continent for only European descent. In general, your main producers of your nations will be Europeans and Asians. Africans and Hispanics/Latinos will always be at the bottom except when it comes to birth rates.

i was just considering to trying to convince my wife into taking some swedish "refugees".
you should supply a poll to determine the answer!

are you a douche canoe?


I was quoting someone else and you took it upon yourself to stir some personal attacks toward me........then continued and still going here, but I'm the douche?

Glad someone let me know, my bad just kindly ignore me from now on and all will be grand!
I guess their business should be shut down. Right libs?

I think the private sector should be able to do whatever TF they want. Don't want to make a cake for gheys? Fine. Don't want to make one for a Trump supporter? Fine. It's their business, they should be able to do what they want and be prepared to deal with the ramifications.

Personally, I'd serve anyone and everyone. No sense alienating a segment of the population. It's hard enough for a business to be successful without adding any challenges to it.
I think the private sector should be able to do whatever TF they want. Don't want to make a cake for gheys? Fine. Don't want to make one for a Trump supporter? Fine. It's their business, they should be able to do what they want and be prepared to deal with the ramifications.

Personally, I'd serve anyone and everyone. No sense alienating a segment of the population. It's hard enough for a business to be successful without adding any challenges to it.

I wouldn't bake a Louisville cake so there you go. Duke or NCarolina requests get a pie in the face.
Cracking down on the pill pushers is a good thing but too little too late. The people are hooked. Now they will go buy the street heroin. Like the sheriff said it is a bigger problem. Can't help but to think that the population has been targeted much like inner cities with the crack cocaine problem in the 80's.

We are wasting tax dollars on a fake endless "war on drugs".

Eastern Kentucky receives more assets for opioid fight
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I was quoting someone else and you took it upon yourself to stir some personal attacks toward me........then continued and still going here, but I'm the douche?

Glad someone let me know, my bad just kindly ignore me from now on and all will be grand!


Your revisionist history is outstanding.

1. I made a joke.all I said was you're too busy for the google. Didn't make a "personal attack". In fact the first "attack" was done by you saying I'm a "fanboi".

2. I clearly asked if you're a douche canoe. Didn't call you a douche. There is a major difference in douche canoe and douche.

3. It's a message board. There are no conversations with others. It's a group conversation.

4. When you quote me and call me names, of course I continue.

5. Get over yourself and lighten up. I can provide a map of the US that agrees.
Again clearly that linked article did not show Cuban ever supported Trump and even detailed he joked on him several times after adding things that could be good from a Trump campaign.

You kindly took it upon yourself to take shots at me like a little pussboi tangerine face fan.

Then when I called you on it I was called a douche(WTF is is the lame difference......douche canoe(?) are you French?)

Now my request to be ignored is ignored......typical liberal mentality. Take off the mask and breathe a little, I promise not to spank in public anymore.
Cracking down on the pill pushers is a good thing but too little too late. The people are hooked. Now they will go buy the street heroin. Like the sheriff said it is a bigger problem. Can't help but to think that the population has been targeted much like inner cities with the crack cocaine problem in the 80's.

We are wasting tax dollars on a fake endless "war on drugs".

Eastern Kentucky receives more assets for opioid fight

Youre right that it's too late for the ones already addicted, but it's not too late for the future addicts of prescription pills.

Addiction absolutely ruins lives, and someone is a lot more likely to become an addict with a prescription of 120 loritab or oxy, than try heroin.
Youre right that it's too late for the ones already addicted, but it's not too late for the future addicts of prescription pills.

Addiction absolutely ruins lives, and someone is a lot more likely to become an addict with a prescription of 120 loritab or oxy, than try heroin.

Yes but youre sentencing existing addicts to death. Honestly, its probably the best play. Cutting losses is the only way to win this war in the long run.
Jimmy Carter got a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in keeping North Korea from developing nucs. When will they make him return the award and the money?

He also halted our B1 bomber, MX (Peacekeeper / MIRV Strategic Nuke) and Neutron Bomb (via Lance Missiles etc) programs

And I THINK he got SALT I and maybe SALT II signed/ratified

He should have gotten the price if , for no other reason, he got tactical / theater level nuke use out of our Army's hands [winking]

What does history say about those decisions?

B1 - never emerged with a significant role and sure as HELL didn't replace the B52

Peacekeeper Missile - went online with Reagan and was exponentially more powerful than the Peacekeeper's that the USAF had online......I've seen a few launched at 30th Space Wing before they were retired for emitting hydrochloric acid all over the place --- and maybe being too expensive?

It was good to have it online as a strategic asset while closing out the Cold War
Overwhelming force with -- what was at the time ---- best in the word accuracy

Neutron Bomb":fries:
I don't know if it went online in Europe under Reagan officially or not
I don't know whether or not I have a brother and a former coworker who were both Lance missiles -- and later Pershing's

I don't know if there was a "Q Setting" on the Lance system or not that would designate N-Bombb use:fries:


With the design that called for purposely release of massive amounts of radiation and a much lower blast yield -- this was a different kind of Nuke

Arguably even crueler:fries:

We dropped it and pulled it out in the early 80's I believe

South Africa and I think Israel built similar models with different delivery vehicles --- but never deployed or used them

GOOD CALL -- not even sure the 50's era version of the Cold War would have wanted that thing around:fries:
They look pretty diverse to me. Got some men, more women than men, some brown mixed in. Who cares if they all think the same way. Diversity is about the color of your skin.
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Again clearly that linked article did not show Cuban ever supported Trump and even detailed he joked on him several times after adding things that could be good from a Trump campaign.

You kindly took it upon yourself to take shots at me like a little pussboi tangerine face fan.

Then when I called you on it I was called a douche(WTF is is the lame difference......douche canoe(?) are you French?)

Now my request to be ignored is ignored......typical liberal mentality. Take off the mask and breathe a little, I promise not to spank in public anymore.

It's hilarious seeing someone call someone a fanboi and a pussboi tangerine face fan then ask if said person is French and calling them a snowflake.

A douche canoe, for the non critical thinkers is a big hairy tw**. Because the douche goes into the and rides it. Hence douche canoe. You can thank me later.

Now take your vagisil and get over it. Or do you need a map?
Damn, @krazykats, all he did was assert a point and defend it with a link. You, yourself, asked for the proof.

Why you gotta be such a dick about it?

As always, by the day, your username sheds light on a dizzying sense of self awareness...
I saw someone "leaked" a federal report on climate change amid fear that Trump would suppress it and of course, shows it has drastic warming since 1980.

Eff off, libs. You lunatics and your climate change religion are disgusting. Forgive us, if we don't give two shits about your chicken little act regarding the climate when you don't give a shit about Islamic terrorism and invasion or the fact that nothing we could do would change anything India or China does.

I detest the left with every bit of my being. I long for the day of a civil war or a separation of territories away from them.
Wonder why we can't get a release of the Lynch-Clinton Tarmac tapes if they were only talking about golf and grandchildren.

Same reason why they would take a hammer and use bleach bit to 33,000 emails that were only about yoga and personal matters.
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I know WKU shared this but I think it's important to take a further look at this photo. Nut job feminists,two black women, gay guys and beta cucks. There's a staggering amount of women in that photo. There's 12 women and two "guys" who no one would ever accuse of being masculine at all.

Donald should make that Google dude the "Czar of Diversity" just to torque them up a little tighter.

Who's in the back of the bus in that picture? Who is in the front? I guess the Asian must have been the one taking the picture.