How will they rule ??!

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I was watching What Would You Do? With my wife the other night. I had never seen the show before and if the episode we watched was routine, I'll. never watch it again. If you've never seen it, it's a show where they set up situations with actors and record how people handle the situation.

All the situations were made to make anyone who disagrees with any portion of the "progressive movement" look like a clown, bigot, etc. The first situation was a boy wanting a Barbie doll and the mom being mean, followed by a girl wanting a dump truck. The show made anyone who seemed concerned at all about it seem like a major jerk. They were heroes if they mentioned that kids just know who they are (at age 7). I was wondering about the situation where a parent is forcing their son to buy a dress? Where was that at?

Another situation had a baker refusing to bake lesbians a wedding cake. I do agree a place of business should just provide business... it's good business. But a few people sided with the baker (being played by a gay actor btw) and the show makes sure to let you know how they didn't sign the consent form and seemed embarrassed. Yet I read an article by a gay journalist calling to ban all straight people from gay bars. What happened to just serve the customer?

The last situation was a person with a flat trying to jack their car, but didn't know how. One was a white male who several people helped, but gave a hard time. One was an attractive blonde who received help from every man that passed by. The last was a Muslim. Only one person helped.

Of the course the show makes this sound horrific. The guy that helped said "we are the problem. We are scared and blame you all. It's us though." The show applauded his message and talked about how great this young man was.

It was an hour long SJW's dream. What would you do? I would never watch again.

Jesus what a pathetic show. I've noticed stuff like
This more and more in media, tv , cinema etc.

Cringe worthy
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Watched that last night - along with the man on the subway that asked the "Kids" if they would put out the doozie and just smoke it later
After the girl spit in his face the rest just beat him as best they could
I think that one was black on black though

As for the first one
I honestly think that in some cases youth like that MAY be used as others within the "Agitate for change" world

Pay them some money that's flowed into our org to go rough up some white kids (specifically) and film it

The film will urge others to fight as well
It's possibly an attempt to start a wider series of violence?

Just a theory -- Im not saying I am 100% certain that's happening

BUT it would be consistent with the Bolshevik street rabble that were used as shock troops in Russia

They taught that TERROR was an acceptable tactic in order to ushering revolution and wrest private property and capital from the bourgeois and capitalists

Once they're convinced that you are all kinds of EVIL and GREED and RACIST --- when they're hearing it all the damn time ANNND coming from broken homes where there's not a lot to stand on.....

Then you get into the territory of deep manipulation where entire bands of thugs will be ready to smash, kill and pillage --- FOR JUSTICE

See , this is what kinda ... worries? me. I've felt for awhile now the media (whether knowingly unknowingly) race baiters, public figures , bloggers , twitter stars etc etc etc have been kinda hinting/ subtly potentiating a "race war" between blacks and whites .

PETA literally said milk is a form of white supremacy and cheese is racist and sexist. Literally

Not to mention this whole "fad" as of late to HATE
Whitey , whites are racist even if they're not racists (it's ingrained in us ) calling for violence against whites ...

Basically we're being told that simply being white makes us racist , sexist etc. vilifying us... even white folk are jumping on board. It's rather troubling

Anyone else have Thoughts on this ?[/QUOTE]

There's one social-political system that openly teachers all those tactics -

They bragged for decades that they'd. URU the west and have the whole worlds

They said we'd be fed socialism until we woke up communist
They wrote dissertations on why the family structure must be destroyed

They cite conflict between opposing parties as the ONLY way to true change

Their ultimate goals are economic and their legacy of systematic use of concentration caps to exterminate those who won't join or are considered to be non viable --surpasses everything you've ever se n or read about Hitler's Nazi camps

And yet that corner of history and the connection between those atrocities and the actions/goals/philosophies of their modern followers --is never discussed

I believe the simplest answer is that we are seeing the results of a well planned Communist revolution that's FURIOUS about the American peasant electing someone who's pushing back and even reversing their decades of uninterrupted "progress "

I am open to being wrong about it - but I've been studying this systematically and academically for years now and will need good theories supported by empirical data before I change my mind

Shouting at me and cursing me for my skin color (while calling me racist) isn't anything other than an admission of your own ignorance --and possibly GUILT
Watch out guys. Feminist are now calling out "fart rape"



This can't ... lmao !!! Wowwwwww. Every time
I think "well Frank, you've seen it all- you've seen the most outlandish absurd things you could possibly see... no way people believe this / can be any dumber "

Then..: then I open up my Twitter , or this thread and see a gem like this. Fawking FART RAPE??? :joy:

It genuinely concerns me that so many in our society believe some of these ridiculous things. It's as if someone... a group... media ? Is trying to indoctrinate beliefs (absurd ones) into people. Wtf has happened in the last 2-5 years to where more
Than a small handful of people actually believe
This mantra ? This utter crap? I mean... is it concerning to anyone else? Or am I just being overly paranoid
Go back and read Tweets between Trump and Cuban over the years. No love lost between them.
That doesn't mean he has changed at all,

Mark Cuban did used to like Trump though. Hell I watched an interview with him a year or so ago where he was all but flat out endorsing Trump. Then a few months before the election he all of a sudden hates Trump and starts bashing him and endorsed Hillary.

Exactly. He used to be solidly in his corner, and an eyelash away from a public endorsement. Then overnight it went 180. One can only speculate why. But theres no denying it happened.

Go back and read Tweets between Trump and Cuban over the years. No love lost between them.

Like above, Cuban all but endorsed Trump for months. Then changed practically overnight. Thats when the vitriol started.

One possibility is that Cuban was part of the hillary machine all along, and was promoting trump, as was the dnc/msm, because trump was thought to be the easiest opponent.

Actually the more i think about it, i think this is as likely as anything else.
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I believe the simplest answer is that we are seeing the results of a well planned Communist revolution that's FURIOUS about the American peasant electing someone who's pushing back and even reversing their decades of uninterrupted "progress "

I am open to being wrong about it - but I've been studying this systematically and academically for years now and will need good theories supported by empirical data before I change my mind

Shouting at me and cursing me for my skin color (while calling me racist) isn't anything other than an admission of your own ignorance --and possibly GUILT

Bernie Sanders Releases The "Teen Guide To Political Revolution"

In a forward to the book, The Hill reports that Sanders notes that he overwhelmingly won younger voters among all demographics during his 2016 bid for president, and praises the current generation of young Americans as the most tolerant and intelligent in history.

"The current generation of young people is the smartest, most idealistic, and least prejudiced generation in the modern history of the United States," Sanders writes.

"This is a generation that is prepared to think big and move this country in a very different direction than we have been traveling for years."

that's called a vanguard political group

bolsheviks used people too -- workers, socialists, anarchists and common thieves/murders

there's a telling story in the Gulag Archipelago where once the Socialists had seized control of the country - they wanted to speak with the incoming communists who were now assuming power and directing everything

I can't quire recall the exact city but it was perhaps Novgorod -- the socialists there wanted to create LOCAL workers councils and have empowered representatives that came up to the new Ruling Class (OOPS I mean - New Ruling Comrades) in the Capital

Their leaders were asked to gather in the courtyard of a local facility where most were machine gunned down .... murdered in cold blood JUST like the out going Czars, Student Cadets and other undesirables like Nuns

AFTER the mass murder was committed - the communists told the rest of remaining socialist "reps" of the city that the POWER would be cut off and the food supply withheld ALL WINTER

So - as they sat there and watched their family freeze and starve to death -- they could think long and hard about WHO IS IN CONTROL

They are NOT lying about going in a New Direction though
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Bernie Sanders Releases The "Teen Guide To Political Revolution"

In a forward to the book, The Hill reports that Sanders notes that he overwhelmingly won younger voters among all demographics during his 2016 bid for president, and praises the current generation of young Americans as the most tolerant and intelligent in history.

"The current generation of young people is the smartest, most idealistic, and least prejudiced generation in the modern history of the United States," Sanders writes.

"This is a generation that is prepared to think big and move this country in a very different direction than we have been traveling for years."
Obvious dog whistles to his supporters. Bernie can't escape blame when another one of his supporters shoots up something or bombs something. Nope, not this time.
Not sure if this is in US news - I haven't seen it

But Israel is moving ahead to remove Netanyahu right now

I have 2 Israeli sources in my 'matrix' and it's the lead story in both

I've not read ALL the details yet but am a little shocked that we aren't mentioning this at all

The charges are pretty -- lame too

He received CIGARS from an American - Hollywood Mogul -----
and he worked with a newspaper to try and receive "BETTER COVERAGE"

^^ isn't that just marketing??


Is this a coup against their leader?

Keep in mind that simultaneously there have been ongoing protests against the old-guard stand in Israel in regards to their "non inclusive" stance on women (and others?) not being allowed to pray at the wailing wall

American Jewish groups threatening to pull support and protesting ---

Then suddenly an American Hollywood Jewish "mogul" (I'm guessing he's not orthodox???) gives LAVISH GIFTS (hotel stays and cigars) -- and evidence is produced against Bibby

Something smells here

You don't think there would be a coordinated effort to move the leaders of the USA and Israel at the same time do you?

That's more than a little bold if so -- and for an AWFULLY modest set of charges.....they're going for an indictment

Could be just a local squabble - maybe I'm semi-psychotic
Here is a partial list of celebrities who have said they will leave along with where they are saying they will go, as compiled by The Independent Journaland other sources:

Lol. So apparently Eddie griffin thinks Mexicans are better than blacks. Basically said if trump hates Mexicans, he will definitey hate Black people.
Exactly. He used to be solidly in his corner, and an eyelash away from a public endorsement. Then overnight it went 180. One can only speculate why. But theres no denying it happened.

Like above, Cuban all but endorsed Trump for months. Then changed practically overnight. Thats when the vitriol started.

One possibility is that Cuban was part of the hillary machine all along, and was promoting trump, as was the dnc/msm, because trump was thought to be the easiest opponent.

Actually the more i think about it, i think this is as likely as anything else.

Proof? I don't remember Cuban backing Trump ever!
Fantastic news.

Trump Immigration Crackdown Leads to Higher Construction Wages

You don't effing say? You mean illegals who do jobs under the table for peanuts drive wages down for legitimate American workers?

The fact of the matter is, none of us benefit whatsoever from third world immigration. There is no benefit. It only benefits people who want cheap labor and Democrats who can steal from us and get their votes.
Well, the first google search result

I think if you read the article and the timeline of "support" you'd realize that acknowledging Trump the business man could be good for politics(after Obama's red tape filled presidency) while poking fun of him the whole time is far from support.

But if you wanted Cuban to support Trump then I guess that article serves your purpose. I'm not buying that BS as support in any real way what so ever.

At least Cuban knew Hiliary was a joke and he himself could beat her.
Krazy is still trying to figure out the polls to look at the first google search result.

Not exactly sure what you are trying to say here bud..... congrats though on also proving you'd buy anything Trump sold too.
I think if you read the article and the timeline of "support" you'd realize that acknowledging Trump the business man could be good for politics(after Obama's red tape filled presidency) while poking fun of him the whole time is far from support.

But if you wanted Cuban to support Trump then I guess that article serves your purpose. I'm not buying that BS as support in any real way what so ever.

At least Cuban knew Hiliary was a joke and he himself could beat her.

That was just the first result. There are numerous examples out there. Im sure Cuban wiped his tweets with the app he was invested in/promoting at the time. It auto deleted texts, messages, tweets.
To the question earlier about website matrix - here are some notes, several sites and no direct links

on a given night - probably about 2 or 3 times a week I"ll run through 5-10 of those sites depending on what's going on

"Big Box News in the USA"

>>>I go to specific USG Dept Websites - all have a 'press release' tab.- right now I'm watching: :
  • Dept Labor
  • HUD
  • Dept Education
  • US Veterans Admin
  • Have sent several small slices of time on various military websites (NOT related to anything I do for work)
United Nations
Council of Foreign Relations
The EU Times
The Vatican (and often cross checking 1 Euro and 1 US Catholic site)
Al-Jezerra was on the list for 2-3 months
Sweden Newa in English
Japan Today

INTERNATIONAL SITES - Country Specific and sometimes Newspapers
Der Spiegel
Russia Times
Israel Times

TOPICAL / MISC - this last category will change frequently as I may rotate closer to Asia one week or historical stuff later

National Council of La Raza (changed name in last 2 months or so - haven't been on there since about March I think)

National Democratic Redistricting Committee (this is Eric Holders new gig - they've been going around and suing states in order to get state voting districts realigned because they're unfair and "racist".....SO racist that you didn't hear it in the news anywhere I'd bet)
The Daily Caller
Black Lives Matter (did a piece on them and wanted to hear straight from their mouths)
Times of China
Financial Times

veterans today
the american mirror
news target
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