How will they rule ??!

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Coming from the pro trans crowd, the crowd who dances naked in front of kids, the crowd who forces gay history lessons to elementary school kids, stands behind Islam, supports BLM, uses ANTIFA to assault conservatives, the group who burns our flag, the group whose media gives a platform to pedophiles and anti-white hating nuts and who also harbors criminals in cities for votes?

The ones who enable mass invasion into our lands? The ones who use government agencies to spy on people, use the IRS on them, buses in protesters to destroy cities, to solicit the media and operatives to get FISA warrants and concoct stories to explain an election loss?

They're one to talk.
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I remember clearly when Obama had that little tantrum. What a pathetic person.

What Obama didnt understand is, most people know certain jobs arent coming back. But we want effort and fight moreso than results.

Not just a president who throws his hands in the air declaring defeat
Much worse was constantly saying "we can't drill our way to lower energy prices" and openly saying higher gas prices was good...only to turn around and take credit for how our private sector production pushed OPEC to lower their prices.
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I was watching What Would You Do? With my wife the other night. I had never seen the show before and if the episode we watched was routine, I'll. never watch it again. If you've never seen it, it's a show where they set up situations with actors and record how people handle the situation.

All the situations were made to make anyone who disagrees with any portion of the "progressive movement" look like a clown, bigot, etc. The first situation was a boy wanting a Barbie doll and the mom being mean, followed by a girl wanting a dump truck. The show made anyone who seemed concerned at all about it seem like a major jerk. They were heroes if they mentioned that kids just know who they are (at age 7). I was wondering about the situation where a parent is forcing their son to buy a dress? Where was that at?

Another situation had a baker refusing to bake lesbians a wedding cake. I do agree a place of business should just provide business... it's good business. But a few people sided with the baker (being played by a gay actor btw) and the show makes sure to let you know how they didn't sign the consent form and seemed embarrassed. Yet I read an article by a gay journalist calling to ban all straight people from gay bars. What happened to just serve the customer?

The last situation was a person with a flat trying to jack their car, but didn't know how. One was a white male who several people helped, but gave a hard time. One was an attractive blonde who received help from every man that passed by. The last was a Muslim. Only one person helped.

Of the course the show makes this sound horrific. The guy that helped said "we are the problem. We are scared and blame you all. It's us though." The show applauded his message and talked about how great this young man was.

It was an hour long SJW's dream. What would you do? I would never watch again.

Read that headline and deck. Haha.

I love when the left claims to be so educated and the party of science yet lives in a fantasy world of where they can argue against biology and health.

Up is down. Men can apparently be women and women can be men simply by mutilating your body and playing dress up, a doctor telling you it's unhealthy to be fat is apparently not truth if you don't want it to be, it's only a baby if you want it, if you don't want it then it's just a clump of cells.

And everything causes climate change but mostly just white males and their patriarchy are the root cause.

How can one deny that the left is filled with the most mentally ill people?

I remember when i used to really like cuban snd hope hed run for office. He was very centered, business oriented, and common sense. Really admired his talk and essay about our subconscious prejudices. Was a great point that took guts to be made in public.

Then soon after Trump won the nomination, he went off the deep end. Hes full on liberal/sjw now. Really dissapointing. Im not sure if it was Soros silently investing or some promise from the dnc to be appointed to a position. But he turned on a dime, nearly overnight
It said they used "automated phone polling". That has to be heavily lib biased because conservatives are at work and don't have the time or inclination to answer the phone when "unavailable" calls them.

Any source of data that does not depend on speaking to live people, on an anonymous basis, is inherently flawed.

1) libs and sjw flood any online poll. Then use bots to skew everything from tweets and likes, to poll results. Its akin to people using a megaphone to appear 10 times louder. Except on a larger scale. This is done for herd mentality purposes which we know through hacked emails the dnc greatly depends on. Just see "correct the record", celeb endorsements, msm puppeteering, etc.

2) Due to fear of recourse from herd mentality zombies, most people are afraid to express their true opinion, unless its liberal.

In recent times, conservatives largely remain quiet till its time to vote.

Of course this isnt some incredible insight. But sue to msm control, its ignored and presented as accurate to further said herd mentality

Read that headline and deck. Haha.

I love when the left claims to be so educated and the party of science yet lives in a fantasy world of where they can argue against biology and health.

Up is down. Men can apparently be women and women can be men simply by mutilating your body and playing dress up, a doctor telling you it's unhealthy to be fat is apparently not truth if you don't want it to be, it's only a baby if you want it, if you don't want it then it's just a clump of cells.

And everything causes climate change but mostly just white males and their patriarchy are the root cause.

How can one deny that the left is filled with the most mentally ill people?
Curvy? Here's the rule: if all of your "curves" are convex, then you are fat.
I remember when i used to really like cuban snd hope hed run for office. He was very centered, business oriented, and common sense. Really admired his talk and essay about our subconscious prejudices. Was a great point that took guts to be made in public.

Then soon after Trump won the nomination, he went off the deep end. Hes full on liberal/sjw now. Really dissapointing. Im not sure if it was Soros silently investing or some promise from the dnc to be appointed to a position. But he turned on a dime, nearly overnight
I think its mostly jealousy. He sees Trump doing what he wanted to do.

Here is a partial list of celebrities who have said they will leave along with where they are saying they will go, as compiled by The Independent Journaland other sources:

Any source of data that does not depend on speaking to live people, on an anonymous basis, is inherently flawed.

1) libs and sjw flood any online poll. Then use bots to skew everything from tweets and likes, to poll results. Its akin to people using a megaphone to appear 10 times louder. Except on a larger scale. This is done for herd mentality purposes which we know through hacked emails the dnc greatly depends on. Just see "correct the record", celeb endorsements, msm puppeteering, etc.

2) Due to fear of recourse from herd mentality zombies, most people are afraid to express their true opinion, unless its liberal.

In recent times, conservatives largely remain quiet till its time to vote.

Of course this isnt some incredible insight. But sue to msm control, its ignored and presented as accurate to further said herd mentality

It's interesting that conservatives are expected to hide in the shadows and silenced all while it's totally okay to push insane leftist views. How often do you see a leftist face consequences?

They can say whatever vile stuff they want, promote trans BS, Islam, bash Christians and whites and wish for death on Trump and be as far left as possible and Hollywood, corporations, academia and media don't bat an eye. We deal with the left destroying our property, assaulting us in the streets and trying to silence us on campus and even a gathering to listen to a Trump speech. We are subjected to their indoctrination and dogma 24/7 in movies, TV shows, media and academia yet these assholes think they're fighting the machine.

You are the machine, clowns.

Gotta love how they will fire you and try and destroy your life over not wanting mentally ill Trans or Islamic conquest all while they push for communism, socialism, white genocide, etc.
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Whats going on in Venezuela could be what ends up happening here. Of course, Trump would be the good guy in this situation unlike Maduro, but no doubt in my mind libs would love to do something similar against Trump here.
I hear people waking up and talking to each other

And I'm sure some of you already had a cup of coffee or two even before I rolled out of bed -

Some ppl REALLY want you to go back to sleep ----

I think you should all get fired up - wired up and motivated to help make it a great day!

There's work to be done all around the farm - but what a wonderful time to tackle it all

Some ppl are going to moan and cuss about the racket we're making - might throw a few stones and call you names too --but the work still has to be done doesn't it?

I've been writing and editing my book manuscript for 2 days with maybe 2 hours of sleep-- my women have told me I can't talk politics until sundown ---- so there's nothing political about that "farm vignette" --- at all
Y'all are going to cause me to have a stroke with all this bullshit from the liberal loons. And I'm fairly moderate.

- Social media will be the ultimate downfall of the left IMO. It's opened eyes, in areas of the country that might not have seen it before, as to just how crazy these people are.
I remember when i used to really like cuban snd hope hed run for office. He was very centered, business oriented, and common sense. Really admired his talk and essay about our subconscious prejudices. Was a great point that took guts to be made in public.

Then soon after Trump won the nomination, he went off the deep end. Hes full on liberal/sjw now. Really dissapointing. Im not sure if it was Soros silently investing or some promise from the dnc to be appointed to a position. But he turned on a dime, nearly overnight

Lol. Like he needs the money.
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Im not sure if it was Soros silently investing or some promise from the dnc to be appointed to a position. But he turned on a dime, nearly overnight

Ok, one he doesn't need anyone's money!

Two, he is in a different lane than you or I and he depends on a global market so he realistically is more likely to defend all off America.

That doesn't mean he has changed at all, but he clearly does not like Trump and a lot of people don't. Trump was a shrewd business man and I'm sure he crossed paths with Cuban more than once. Both were very lucky and clearly one was a little more about taking advantage of American laws and knew exactly what was wrong with our system.........or maybe they both did and it was going to cut into Cuban's profits so he is pissed!
Im sure hes doing well. But so do many others who still strive for more; be it either money, power, or both. Maybe it was optics or even a true change of opinion.

But he changed views practically overnight, for whatever reason.

Well said fatty
We could say the exact same thing about Trump --or something similar anyway

All we can do is look at what people do / what results they help generate --- can't truly KNOW their heart right?

Although google and DARPA might fix that whole "read your mind" thing
- for our own good of course
Ok, one he doesn't need anyone's money!

Two, he is in a different lane than you or I and he depends on a global market so he realistically is more likely to defend all off America.

That doesn't mean he has changed at all, but he clearly does not like Trump and a lot of people don't. Trump was a shrewd business man and I'm sure he crossed paths with Cuban more than once. Both were very lucky and clearly one was a little more about taking advantage of American laws and knew exactly what was wrong with our system.........or maybe they both did and it was going to cut into Cuban's profits so he is pissed!
Mark Cuban did used to like Trump though. Hell I watched an interview with him a year or so ago where he was all but flat out endorsing Trump. Then a few months before the election he all of a sudden hates Trump and starts bashing him and endorsed Hillary.

He either got paid off by somebody, or just became jealous of Trump (or maybe both). Just because he is rich doesn't mean he still couldn't have been paid off for any reason we don't know.
[QUOTE="KingOfSleaze, post: 6051828, member: 11956"

This is what diversity is. if they try this.

Watched that last night - along with the man on the subway that asked the "Kids" if they would put out the doozie and just smoke it later
After the girl spit in his face the rest just beat him as best they could
I think that one was black on black though

As for the first one
I honestly think that in some cases youth like that MAY be used as others within the "Agitate for change" world

Pay them some money that's flowed into our org to go rough up some white kids (specifically) and film it

The film will urge others to fight as well
It's possibly an attempt to start a wider series of violence?

Just a theory -- Im not saying I am 100% certain that's happening

BUT it would be consistent with the Bolshevik street rabble that were used as shock troops in Russia

They taught that TERROR was an acceptable tactic in order to ushering revolution and wrest private property and capital from the bourgeois and capitalists

Once they're convinced that you are all kinds of EVIL and GREED and RACIST --- when they're hearing it all the damn time ANNND coming from broken homes where there's not a lot to stand on.....

Then you get into the territory of deep manipulation where entire bands of thugs will be ready to smash, kill and pillage --- FOR JUSTICE[/QUOTE]

See , this is what kinda ... worries? me. I've felt for awhile now the media (whether knowingly unknowingly) race baiters, public figures , bloggers , twitter stars etc etc etc have been kinda hinting/ subtly potentiating a "race war" between blacks and whites .

PETA literally said milk is a form of white supremacy and cheese is racist and sexist. Literally

Not to mention this whole "fad" as of late to HATE
Whitey , whites are racist even if they're not racists (it's ingrained in us ) calling for violence against whites ...

Basically we're being told that simply being white makes us racist , sexist etc. vilifying us... even white folk are jumping on board. It's rather troubling

Anyone else have Thoughts on this ?
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