How will they rule ??!

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Lol. That's hilarious.

I do wanna know who is the white trash who puts rebel flag stickers on computers as a college students. And the school is in Massachusetts. That's a weeeee bit out of the south's wheelhouse.

And what are those types doing using computers? I didn't think literacy was a redneck strong suit.
From "no one is taking up for him" to being OK with a WH invite...within minutes. Whew.

Kid met the "Butcher of Darfur" from all this, what's that worth?
My fave this week:

I think that our centre agreed … that while yoga is a really great idea, accessible and great for students, that there are cultural issues of implication involved in the practice,” the response read. “I have heard from a couple students and volunteers that feel uncomfortable with how we are doing yoga while we claim to be inclusive at the same time.”

Explaining that yoga has a fraught history, the representative continued.

“Yoga has been under a lot of controversy lately due to how it is being practiced and what practices from what cultures (which are often sacred spiritual practices) they are being taken from,” the e-mail read. “Many of these cultures are cultures that have experienced oppression, cultural genocide and diasporas due to colonialism and western supremacy, and we need to be mindful of this and how we express ourselves and while practicing yoga.”
If these people are offended at the Confederate flag because of slavery, why aren't they offended by the USA flag for the treatment towards Native Americans, and later Japanese in World War II?

The Native Americans were the original slaves in the US colonies and much of the atrocities committed against the Native Americans by the US government could very well be considered genocide. There's a reason why it's often referred to as the Native American Holocaust. Then the government kept Japanese people in internment camps during World War II. That's every bit as offensive and morally reprehensible as what happened to the African American slaves.
The kid was handcuffed and detained for bringing a clock to school ...he was wronged and deserves an apology. I've got no problem with him being invited to the WH. He doesn't deserve $15 million and I've not seen anyone other than his lawyer say otherwise.
The kid and his Father deserve nothing but a foot being put up both their asses. It was a setup from the start. Screw both of them.
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The kid was handcuffed and detained for bringing a clock to school ...he was wronged and deserves an apology. I've got no problem with him being invited to the WH. He doesn't deserve $15 million and I've not seen anyone other than his lawyer say otherwise.

His daddy is a total POS and an activist. This was planned. He didn't "build" anything. He deliberately did this.

In a place where we're told "if you see something, say something (Obama actually said this today. I KID YOU NOT) you're telling me he deserves any praise.


Above are the guts he ripped out of a Radioshack clock.

Below is an actual suitcase bomb

This kid intentionally presented this to look like a hoax bomb right after 9/11 and then when they reacted like normal people would when seeing this, he gets to scream "Islamphobia" and portray it as "Muslims are victims."

He then calls himself an inventor. This little shit didn't build anything. No one asked him to do this for any project. This was he and his daddy's doing.
Clock Boy's "clock" tutorial. The video is 15 seconds long. That should tell you something.

From "no one is taking up for him" to being OK with a WH invite...within minutes. Whew.

Kid met the "Butcher of Darfur" from all this, what's that worth?
Keep up qwesley. The original rant and was about him suing for $15 million. Him being invited to the WH had nothing to do with that threat to sue.
You can thank those in charge at the little indoctrination centers (universities) for creating these little shits and instilling a constant victim mentality.
I appreciate the lunacy of the topic of the thread, but -5 internet points for the vague subject. "Unbelievable!" or "You've got to see this" are awful.
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Keep up qwesley. The original rant and was about him suing for $15 million. Him being invited to the WH had nothing to do with that threat to sue.
Wut? There is nothing to keep up with. This was the statement and it laughable:

Who is "taking up" for this kid? I've not seen one person do so.

I give you credit though, you haven't let your chart debacles from the other day phase your approach.
My fave this week:

I think that our centre agreed … that while yoga is a really great idea, accessible and great for students, that there are cultural issues of implication involved in the practice,” the response read. “I have heard from a couple students and volunteers that feel uncomfortable with how we are doing yoga while we claim to be inclusive at the same time.”

Explaining that yoga has a fraught history, the representative continued.

“Yoga has been under a lot of controversy lately due to how it is being practiced and what practices from what cultures (which are often sacred spiritual practices) they are being taken from,” the e-mail read. “Many of these cultures are cultures that have experienced oppression, cultural genocide and diasporas due to colonialism and western supremacy, and we need to be mindful of this and how we express ourselves and while practicing yoga.”

Some thumpers near where I live got all butt hurt over yoga a couple years ago. They protested a gym that offered the course. And by they, I mean three people. They claimed it was evil and an ode to a false god or some BS. And they couldn't even see their own irony.

Why can't people just live and not worry about everything? Odd times we live in.
You can thank those in charge at the little indoctrination centers (universities) for creating these little shits and instilling a constant victim mentality.
It's beyond university. And it's creating both sides. Extreme over sensitivity. Maybe from years of participation trophies, but its cultural .

Some people really are bigots, but at the same time, most of these kids just need a good punch to the face.
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It's beyond university. And it's creating both sides. Extreme over sensitivity. Maybe from years of participation trophies, but its cultural .

Some people really are bigots, but at the same time, most of these kids just need a good punch to the face.

The thing is, this type of shit is crippling to them. They've ruined these kids. They're never going to be able to overcome adversity or handle rejection.

Obviously some form of bigotry exists in all facets and groups (it's not like whites have a monopoly on it) but so much of this stuff is pure BS and blown out of proportion. I'd say some of the most absurd outcries of oppression are American women. It's absolutely comical to hear that there is a war on women in the U.S.

Anyways, the PC culture has destroyed us and there's no going back now.
I do wanna know who is the white trash who puts rebel flag stickers on computers as a college students. And the school is in Massachusetts. That's a weeeee bit out of the south's wheelhouse.
Prob the same type of wannabe white trash who's never lived outside of Columbus or Indy yet still spends $55k on a Dodge pickup that they then outfit with Remington stickers, farm vanity plates, and truck nuts.
I find the notion of protesting to just be foolish. Most of the time it's being performed in a place where no one can make any changes whatsoever.

You're essentially just yelling and harassing people and throwing a fit.

That story about yoga is retarded. Just do the damn exercises and not worry about the "spirituality" crap or simply don't participate.

It also reminded me of the shithole town where I went to high school. They were "dry" and were against alcohol. All it did was make everyone go to the next town over and caused the surrounding towns to get better restaurants. They couldn't just not drink. They had to make sure no one else could either.
Lol. That's hilarious.

I do wanna know who is the white trash who puts rebel flag stickers on computers as a college students. And the school is in Massachusetts. That's a weeeee bit out of the south's wheelhouse.

And what are those types doing using computers? I didn't think literacy was a redneck strong suit.

Hated rednecks growing up and they usually loved that flag. I do question why anyone would want to display that unless they were some Civil War collector or something.

And it does seem confrontational in one of the most liberal states in our country but to have your day wrecked by a sticker is just sad.
Well, it's all cyclical. Though, it does seem like the oppression is more well hidden behind the veil of choice.

Besides, if you're angry at Frank for being German and he owes you something, it will keep you busy while those in control keep taking more and more.

That's what fake outrage and social justice allows. Pins us against each other and distracts us with stupid shit while we got robbed and taken over more and more.
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It also reminded me of the shithole town where I went to high school. They were "dry" and were against alcohol. All it did was make everyone go to the next town over and caused the surrounding towns to get better restaurants. They couldn't just not drink. They had to make sure no one else could either.

The town I live in was like that until 2010, although we were "moist" for a few years. (You know, that thing where you can drink alcohol in a restaurant and drive home, but are prohibited from buying booze at a store to consume at your house.)

Everyone was either: Getting hammered at Mexican restaurants or leaving the county to buy liquor somewhere else and coming home sloshed. The police here write fewer DUIS since we've gone wet than they did when we were dry/moist.

The group against it used religion as the reason why. I just never understood the "I don't like this, you can't have it" mentality. It's the same with me on all kinds of "hot button" issues. I don't care if you or my neighbor wants to drink booze, smoke pot, own guns and 6 million rounds of ammo, have sex with women, have sex with men, worship God, worship 50 gods, worship no gods and so on forever. Basically if you're not harming someone else against their will, we're cool. :sunglasses:
The town I live in was like that until 2010, although we were "moist" for a few years. (You know, that thing where you can drink alcohol in a restaurant and drive home, but are prohibited from buying booze at a store to consume at your house.)

Everyone was either: Getting hammered at Mexican restaurants or leaving the county to buy liquor somewhere else and coming home sloshed. The police here write fewer DUIS since we've gone wet than they did when we were dry/moist.

The group against it used religion as the reason why. I just never understood the "I don't like this, you can't have it" mentality. It's the same with me on all kinds of "hot button" issues. I don't care if you or my neighbor wants to drink booze, smoke pot, own guns and 6 million rounds of ammo, have sex with women, have sex with men, worship God, worship 50 gods, worship no gods and so on forever. Basically if you're not harming someone else against their will, we're cool. :sunglasses:

I don't even understand the religion aspect. Heck even if you have casually read the Bible, the first miracle Jesus does is turn water into wine.

"oh that was grape juice."

Oh BS!

But yeah those people did nothing but hurt their own communities. Less jobs, less income and like you said more chances of DUI.
Freeing the world from the terrible scourge of hemorrhoids is a miracle that would make us all believe in the divinity of Jesus. #paininthebutt