How will they rule ??!

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Congrats to Andy Barr on his easy reelection next November. Matt Jones played footsie with running as a Dem for 5 months, wasting their time & money & resources that could have been devoted to a more realistic electable choice.

If that is the kind of brainpower the left has in selecting House race participants the GOP will be in firm easy control until at least 2050
Congrats to Andy Barr on his easy reelection next November. Matt Jones played footsie with running as a Dem for 5 months, wasting their time & money & resources that could have been devoted to a more realistic electable choice.

If that is the kind of brainpower the left has in selecting House race participants the GOP will be in firm easy control until at least 2050

The current Democrat party is aging and is desperate for new blood. On the national scene they are mostly very old white men and a few old ladies led by Hillary. Look at their presidential candidates and compare them to the GOP. Democrats talk about diversity, the GOP has it. Their courting Matt Jones is proof of their desperation. I am sure they thought the popularity of UK basketball and the fact he is the current radio voice of UK sports would mean certain victory. Matt met their criteria for a left wing, Obama loving, conservative hating progressive so I am sure the party is in deep mourning. Matt also knew he would get his clock cleaned. Obama is destroying the Democrat party.
If Trump's 25% support means all Reps are racists then HRC's 60+% support means all Dems are liars and power-hungry grifters.
Trump has more than 25% and he will have 95% of Republican support after he wins the nomination. He's simply giving meat to the masses.

You can bla bla bla about scary liberals but not a peep about Trump advocating policies you'd see in Nazi Germany, Iran or Russia. And the right eats it up. Nevermind that the vast majority of terrorist attacks in this country are done by creepy looking white dudes.

We're just seeing what a Trump presidency would look like:
1 - gistapo going around rounding up illegals and their families.
2 - monitoring and registration of all muslims in our country
3 - closing of mosques and whatever other religious groups that the Trump administration deems scary
4 - bombings and ground troops in Syria, Iran and Iraq.
5 - increases in violence towards minorities

Conservatives could care less about the Constitution or Bill of Rights except when it comes to the 2nd amendment. They'll trample over anyone and everyones rights under the false flag of 'keeping us safe'

Glad to see the majority of the next generation isn't going to be as bigoted and racist as the previous ones.
Congrats to Andy Barr on his easy reelection next November. Matt Jones played footsie with running as a Dem for 5 months, wasting their time & money & resources that could have been devoted to a more realistic electable choice.

If that is the kind of brainpower the left has in selecting House race participants the GOP will be in firm easy control until at least 2050
When he predicted an easy Conway win the day of the election and it went easily the other way he finally woke up to the shift in KY and most everywhere else.
Trump has more than 25% and he will have 95% of Republican support after he wins the nomination. He's simply giving meat to the masses.

You can bla bla bla about scary liberals but not a peep about Trump

Just false, and shows that you do not read posts or data. He is not the second choice to any other GOP candidate with voters and has many many critics within the party. His ceiling is extremely limited. Read a little. From your style, I think you get all your material from Salon.

And by "not a peep" do mean my saying I would not vote if he were the nominee?

Trump is Obama with less tact. While Trump was spouting insults this weekend Obama was saying the GOP was helping ISIS.
So who gets Carson's votes - probably Cruz? I think Rubio, while being the best option for the GOP, is a doomed candidate for being a Gang of 8 member.
Rubio being "doomed" is, despite being a member of a very very strong field, possibly the dumbest thing FTS has ever posted.
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you're conflating "instability" with "poor human rights records, freedom of press/speech, free markets, etc".

The US does not and never has purposefully triggered instability in the region unless it was to topple a government that was a threat to the (relative) stability of the larger region.

Stability was indeed our goal. Now, who knows? Bush (really, Cheney et al) abandoned Kissinger-style pragmatism for neo-conservative (side note: why aren't conservatives pissed that a fantasy, idealistic foreign policy based on good feelings has "conservative" in the name?) idealism. Obama is more of the same in the ME, although I think the failure to take out Bashear after chemical weapons was a recognition that another vacuum would be worse (real mistake was saying there was a line in the first place). What a mess.
Rubio being "doomed" is, despite being a member of a very very strong field, possibly the dumbest thing FTS has ever posted.
We'll see, I guess.

Jamo, did you ever figure out why people on the terrorist watch list can legally buy guns as easily as any other citizen? I remember you expressing concern about this a few days ago.
We'll see, I guess.

Jamo, did you ever figure out why people on the terrorist watch list can legally buy guns as easily as any other citizen? I remember you expressing concern about this a few days ago.

Under the peer-to-peer sales exemptions anyone can buy a gun regardless if they have a criminal background, are on a terrorist watch list etc, becasue there's no BG check.
But it does seem nonsensical that the terrorist watch list isn't connected with the BG check databases.
"terrorist watch list" for American citizens inside our country is nonsense. the idea that you somehow get your name put on a list but have committed no crime nor under suspicion of committing a crime, but still have your rights and freedom limited without facing charges in front of a judge & jury is bullish.

Democrats want to limit "terrorist watch list" folks from buying guns in America rather than, y'know, kick them out of the country as they are more than likely illegal or questionable background immigrant. of course.
"terrorist watch list" for American citizens inside our country is nonsense. the idea that you somehow get your name put on a list but have committed no crime nor under suspicion of committing a crime, but still have your rights and freedom limited without facing charges in front of a judge & jury is bullish.

Democrats want to limit "terrorist watch list" folks from buying guns in America rather than, y'know, kick them out of the country as they are more than likely illegal or questionable background immigrant. of course.

No JHB, it's more about the NRA and their control over the GOP congress. And Jamo was the one who was so concerned about the issue to begin with.

Peter King (R) along with the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J, tried to get a measure pushed through congress as far back as 2007 that would have barred terror watch list from freely buying guns. The measure was supported by the Bush and Obama administrations, but the GOP controlled congress has repeatedly refused to allow it to come to a vote. King is still trying, but the NRA is against all measures, and their lobbying controls the issue in congress.
"terrorist watch list" for American citizens inside our country is nonsense. the idea that you somehow get your name put on a list but have committed no crime nor under suspicion of committing a crime, but still have your rights and freedom limited without facing charges in front of a judge & jury is bullish.

I'm pretty sure that came in under The Patriot Act which had almost unanimous support in Congress and signed by Bush. The list is maintained by DHS.

Democrats want to limit "terrorist watch list" folks from buying guns in America rather than, y'know, kick them out of the country as they are more than likely illegal or questionable background immigrant. of course.

I don't think non-citizens are on the terrorist watch list. Foreigners who are suspected terrorists are not granted visas, at least they not suppose to.
idea that you somehow get your name put on a list but have committed no crime nor under suspicion of committing a crime, but still have your rights and freedom limited without facing charges in front of a judge & jury is bullish
It is the freshest narrative that has cascaded down to the minions, all the sunday shows were jumping on this rathole to any Rep.
Please take notice how the liberal media will not mention race at all in the rape and murder of pregnant woman Amanda Blackburn.

But we make Mike Brown and Freddie Gray and Missouri idiots into martyrs.
I'm not buying it - and it's so early as to be nearly worthless anyway. But if your candidacy is built on inevitability, this can't be a good thing:

Six GOP presidential candidates would beat Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in a head-to-head matchup, according to a Fox News poll released Sunday. Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) would do best against Clinton, 50 to 42 percent, pollsters found. Billionaire Donald Trump, retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie would also win hypothetical elections, according to the new poll, taken after more than 100 people were killed and more than 300 others injured in a wave of terrorist attacks in Paris. Clinton and former businesswoman Carly Fiorina would tie with 42 percent each.”
We're just seeing what a Trump presidency would look like:
1 - gistapo going around rounding up illegals and their families.
2 - monitoring and registration of all muslims in our country
3 - closing of mosques and whatever other religious groups that the Trump administration deems scary
4 - bombings and ground troops in Syria, Iran and Iraq.
5 - increases in violence towards minorities

Kicking out illegal aliens?? ZOMGGG the horrorrrrrrr.

2 and 3 are dumb ideas and will never happen.

4 is probably whats necessary right now, sadly.

5 is just a bold faced lie.

Conservatives could care less about the Constitution or Bill of Rights except when it comes to the 2nd amendment. They'll trample over anyone and everyones rights under the false flag of 'keeping us safe'

False again.

I'm pretty sure that came in under The Patriot Act which had almost unanimous support in Congress and signed by Bush. The list is maintained by DHS.

The Patriot Act is still one of the worst pieces of legislation ever.
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It is the freshest narrative that has cascaded down to the minions, all the sunday shows were jumping on this rathole to any Rep.
Pretty dumb strategery, Dem's trying to duel with Reps over who can be harshest towards suspected enemies of America. Feel pretty confident that the GOP can and will be much harder, and put Dem's in a defensive position towards those on these "terrorist watch lists".
The Patriot Act is still one of the worst pieces of legislation ever.

Could be but right after 9-11 it was the most popular bill I ever saw. Passed both Houses close to unanimously. But the further we get away from 9-11 the less popular it has become. Oddly the criticism comes from both Liberals and Libertarian types like Rand Paul.

Heaven forbid we have another 9-11 type attack but if we do, don't be surprised if the Patriot Act or something like it becomes as popular as the backup quarterback on a flounder football team.
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Democrats want to limit "terrorist watch list" folks from buying guns in America rather than, y'know, kick them out of the country as they are more than likely illegal or questionable background immigrant. of course.

Both of the guys who tried to shoot up the cartoon contest in Texas were born in the US.

Also: Do you really think being a US citizen (by birth or naturalization, either way) should give you immunity from being placed on the no-fly list? Ask the UK how that would work out for them.
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I think any kind of list for Americans is bullshat. Either put on trial, provide evidence of committing or intent to commit a crime while getting opportunity to face your accusers and provide a defense, and convicted by a jury of peers or judge.

who is doing the placing on the lists? faceless nameless unaccountable bureaucrats. Wonderful, lets let the overpaid political hacks like Lois Lerner have that kind of power over the citizens of this country.
who is doing the placing on the lists?

I *think*:
-No-Fly List is managed by the FAA under the guidance of the TSC/FBI.
-Terrorism Watch List is wholly under FBI authority, I believe.

No-Fly falls under Homeland Security, but the DoJ keeps its own lists that are often cross referenced.
What? You mean a bunch of high school drop outs working for TSA aren't the real list creators? Absolutely shocked.
I kinda like the idea that the entire TSA fascade is just a placebo meant to make travelers feel more safe. Considering their high failure rates during testing, it would make sense.

The lions share of preventing more hijackings probably takes place long before you're standing in line with your shoes in your hands.
I kinda like the idea that the entire TSA fascade is just a placebo meant to make travelers feel more safe. Considering their high failure rates during testing, it would make sense.

The lions share of preventing more hijackings probably takes place long before you're standing in line with your shoes in your hands.

Man, I hope so......
I don't recall your username here on this board before but you are a very interesting fellow and I hope you stick around as the usual rabble here barely hovers above the Rush Limbaugh level.

We are in complete agreement with the exception of your above assertion that the new world government will be based on Socialist principles. I don't understand how anyone could come to that conclusion?
…. The world is their oyster and the only Government on earth powerful enough to stop them has been eviscerated by fools that never understood their Government is their sovereignty.

Like the blind men trying to describe what an elephant looks like --- and kind of like the cave dwellers in The Republic (why I do think that same metaphor was used in another book?) - I believe we're both doing the best we can to describe what we see coming but -- absent a crystal ball --- it's only going to go so far, right?

I believe the NWO will be a hybrid system

I can't argue with your ideas about it also being the 'wet dream' of a domineering type of corporate fascism…..but I think there are going to be some wealth re-distribution concepts at work along with the powerful centralized govt that lacks checks/balances - that resembles Marxist teaching
Still -- there are so many wildcards that are just nearly impossible to decipher

How will the Chinese and Russians "Fit" into what's coming?
How much of what were seeing is 'real' and how much of it is just staged Kabuki theater?
What about the MOslem world? Where does that take us?
Who will be the first to use nukes?
What about Israel?
Do we see a massive resurgence in infectious disease that changes or alters the course of history?
Will the EU implode? …will the dollar remain the world's reserve currency?

Again -- that's one of the reasons why I believe history is a better oracle than the news media

Anywho - I'm rambling now

I've been on this board and the ones that preceded it for a while by the way
Just got locked out fora good while and had to come back with a new stage-name

I used to be Wyvern7 -
"Clock boy" suing school for $15 million.

He's going all in on the left's apologetic garbage for Muslims. I love that schools have a zero tolerance policy and are constantly told "if you see something say something."

Kid obviously, a troublemaker from previous incidents, created this hoax with his dad as a false flag BS. He knew what he was doing.

Here is what I want libs to explain to me since they're all about apologizing and taking up for Muslims. Did we not just have a bashing of Christians two months ago when the Kim Davis controversy? Christians got bashed endlessly along with Davis (who I don't care about) but now the same crowds are taking up for Muslims? What the hell do you think their stance is on homosexuality and in countries they rule?
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The left does not care as long as their ideology and agenda is spread and adhered to. Lying, cheating, and double standards are all accepted and encouraged as long as the end result is the progression of liberalism and socialism.
No JHB, it's more about the NRA and their control over the GOP congress. And Jamo was the one who was so concerned about the issue to begin with.

Peter King (R) along with the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J, tried to get a measure pushed through congress as far back as 2007 that would have barred terror watch list from freely buying guns. The measure was supported by the Bush and Obama administrations, but the GOP controlled congress has repeatedly refused to allow it to come to a vote. King is still trying, but the NRA is against all measures, and their lobbying controls the issue in congress.

Oh. Hell yea, let us make sure they can't buy a gun ( like they need to actually buy one), but yet we will teach them how to fly a commercial jet, smart thinking there, bro!!
Anytime fts posts something about republicans is dumb, while he supports the country's biggest liar.
That's a myth. And for the record, everyone aside from myself and ukalumni00 were dismissing Donald Trump as a serious candidate back in June. We all know how that has turned out.

So if you want to believe that immigrant friendly, gang of eight Rubio will somehow leapfrog to the top - with Ted Cruz waiting like an alligator below when and if Trump falls - then be my guest.
Pew with some interesting (and timely) findings published last week:

The topic: "Should the government be allowed to limit speech that is offensive to minorities?"

Among Americans:
- The younger you are, the more likely you are to support such censorship (nearly 40% of millennials)
- Non-whites more likely to support it than whites
- Democrats more likely to support it than Republicans

Among Europeans:
- Overwhelming majorities (especially in Germany, least in the UK) support such censorship
- Millennials in Europe are less likely to support it than their elders are

The numbers are incredibly depressing.
Welp- Funny how Tipper Gore and the Democrat party tried for Explicit lyric bans. Hmmm. Like I said. Democrats will kill free speech.

Libertarians. Please join.
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