How will they rule ??!

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Welp- Funny how Tipper Gore and the Democrat party tried for Explicit lyric bans. Hmmm. Like I said. Democrats will kill free speech.

Libertarians. Please join.

My senior year in high school my research paper was on censorship. As a dumb kid I always thought conservatives were the ones who wanted to censor everything. Nope.

Tipper wanted parental advisory CDs sold in brown bags behind the counter like porn magazines, I kid you not.

Dems were also the ones behind all of the book bans at NY libraries, even banned a dictionary for "offensive language" in one state and banned Goldilocks and the three bears before it promoted theft.

I've always said that the Dem party never changed. They just got more clever with their strategy on how to use and exploit.
Pew with some interesting (and timely) findings published last week:

The topic: "Should the government be allowed to limit speech that is offensive to minorities?"

Among Americans:
- The younger you are, the more likely you are to support such censorship (nearly 40% of millennials)
- Non-whites more likely to support it than whites
- Democrats more likely to support it than Republicans

Among Europeans:
- Overwhelming majorities (especially in Germany, least in the UK) support such censorship
- Millennials in Europe are less likely to support it than their elders are

The numbers are incredibly depressing.

Shows how quickly things have changed and with social media, academia, media and Hollywood as powerful tools, they made it easier to transform us in a short period of time.

Honestly 20 years ago could you have ever predicted this?
I *think*:
-No-Fly List is managed by the FAA under the guidance of the TSC/FBI.
-Terrorism Watch List is wholly under FBI authority, I believe.

No-Fly falls under Homeland Security, but the DoJ keeps its own lists that are often cross referenced.

My brother is on one of those lists. He has to go through special screenings when he flies. Ivy League degree, never gotten in trouble, does not care about politics / social issues or anything. Just being a foodie and working. It cracks me up that he's on a list, and it pissed him off to no end. Nobody will tell him why he's on it or how to get off.
My brother is on one of those lists. He has to go through special screenings when he flies. Ivy League degree, never gotten in trouble, does not care about politics / social issues or anything. Just being a foodie and working. It cracks me up that he's on a list, and it pissed him off to no end. Nobody will tell him why he's on it or how to get off.
Probably because you're his brother, JK.
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Anytime fts posts something about republicans is dumb, while he supports the country's biggest liar.
Yep, HRC supported Iraq and was against gay marriage. Trump has flipped on pretty much every issue. You can always tell whom the lib establishment fears most.
That's a myth. And for the record, everyone aside from myself and ukalumni00 were dismissing Donald Trump as a serious candidate back in June. We all know how that has turned out.

So if you want to believe that immigrant friendly, gang of eight Rubio will somehow leapfrog to the top - with Ted Cruz waiting like an alligator below when and if Trump falls - then be my guest.

Explain what in my post is a myth? You will vote for HRC, and we all know that. Guess what. I am still dismissing Trump. The real truth is that YOU and your ilk, fear Rubio more than you fear anyone else.
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Explain what in my post is a myth? You will vote for HRC, and we all know that. Guess what. I am still dismissing Trump. The real truth is that YOU and your ilk, fear Rubio more than you fear anyone else.
Rubio would be the best alternative to the far right wingers, though I don't like his trillion dollar new spending "invest in the kids" plan (while cutting taxes naturally). That spending plan, plus his immigration views, will keep a lid on him, IMO.

You and Q can obsess all you want about who I vote for, I think it's funny actually.
-- "The Gulag Archipeligo" -- all 3 volumes / 6 books -- was something I worked through and finished over the last year 1/2

You would probably enjoy The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956 Study Guide - it is a great summary and analysis of all chapters and important people.

Also - Resistance in the Gulag Archipelago (1918-1956) by Donald G. Boudreau.

I got both as eBooks.
Rubio would be the best alternative to the far right wingers

[laughing] Yes, Marco Rubio the noted right-wing bomb thrower. Lord

Right up there with that exemplary Marxist Jim Webb

FTS is one of those people who describes his stance on issues in terms of parties. "I'm a Democrat on social issues." Because he has no greater concept of serious political ideologies
O so, the best alternative to group X is someone who has nothing in common with group X. OK, when you put it like that it's still nonsense.

"Hey, all you Bernie Sanders supporters. If he doesn't get the nod you should totally vote for Lincoln Chaffee. His politics are right up your alley!"
If the refuges the President wants to being in do in fact have to undergo a 2 year background check, then why is he wanting to bring them in now before the 2 years have barely started?
Why are you having trouble with this idea: If you don't like far right wingers, then a non far right winger like Rubio would be a better alternative.

You have posted very, very little in the political thread, and when you make a rare post it's because you misread my comment about Rubio.
FTS is one of those people who describes his stance on issues in terms of parties. "I'm a Democrat on social issues." Because he has no greater concept of serious political ideologies
He calls himself a liberal leaning libertarian...not kidding.
Johnson has stated he will run as the Libertarian if they want him, but there is no reason at this time to enter the race when the Republican field is dominating the news. So you want Rubio, the anti-abortion, religious right pandering candidate - nice to finally get you to pick a side.
Why would Cruz, Rubio, Huckabee etc. stay quiet about their stances on social issues when there are so many votes to be mined from the Christian Conservative block that dominates the GOP? They're going to push pro religion, anti-abortion, and anti-LGBT issues in the debates and on the campaign trail to try to win those votes. And they will label anyone not in lock-step with them as "RINO's".

With this type of voting block in the GOP you almost can't win with them, and you sure can't win without them.
more.....queue the spin
He's going all in on the left's apologetic garbage for Muslims. I love that schools have a zero tolerance policy and are constantly told "if you see something say something."

Kid obviously, a troublemaker from previous incidents, created this hoax with his dad as a false flag BS. He knew what he was doing.

Here is what I want libs to explain to me since they're all about apologizing and taking up for Muslims. Did we not just have a bashing of Christians two months ago when the Kim Davis controversy? Christians got bashed endlessly along with Davis (who I don't care about) but now the same crowds are taking up for Muslims? What the hell do you think their stance is on homosexuality and in countries they rule?
Who is "taking up" for this kid? I've not seen one person do so. Kim Davis got crushed for not doing her job, not for being Christian. A lot of Christians including myself did so. She is entitled to her opinion but she is not entitled to prevent others citizens from obtaining state issued licenses.
My brother is on one of those lists. He has to go through special screenings when he flies. Ivy League degree, never gotten in trouble, does not care about politics / social issues or anything. Just being a foodie and working. It cracks me up that he's on a list, and it pissed him off to no end. Nobody will tell him why he's on it or how to get off.
Maybe there are things about your brother that you do not know.
I know I guy named Robert Johnson. Every time he flys he gets detained for additional security scrutiny because his name is on the terrorist watch list. It's nothing more than a name match so anyone with that name gets the same treatment. This shows you how low tech TSA is.

I have always thought it was a mistake to create an entire government Department of Homeland Security with a 40 Billion a year budget to do this type of work. The real experts in the government on travel, immigration and security are US Customs. They should have been given responsibly for airport security and other tasks that TSA does
Well the Chicago police video has been release. If that POS doesn't get life without parole (preferably a slow, painful death penalty) we will know that police truly are above the law and any semblance of representative republic is dead
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What was the excuse why he shot the guy?
He "felt threatened", of course.

But the kid had PCP in his system and a 3" blade in his hand, so (by definition) it's impossible for him to be murdered since obv he's a violent drug addict.
He "felt threatened", of course.

But the kid had PCP in his system and a 3" blade in his hand, so (by definition) it's impossible for him to be murdered since obv he's a violent drug addict.

Aggressive maneuver by the cop. The "I feel threatened thing" is a load of crap when there is no gun present. Yeah, a knife will kill you, but we're not in Palestine where bastards are looking to sneak up and slash you.
Aggressive maneuver by the cop. The "I feel threatened thing" is a load of crap when there is no gun present. Yeah, a knife will kill you, but we're not in Palestine where bastards are looking to sneak up and slash you.

Cops do get stabbed on the job. Here is just one example.

2 Texas officers stabbed in campus knife attack
Officer was questioning the suspect when he pulled out a knife and stabbed him repeatedly. A second campus officer came to help and was also stabbed
Who is "taking up" for this kid? I've not seen one person do so. Kim Davis got crushed for not doing her job, not for being Christian. A lot of Christians including myself did so. She is entitled to her opinion but she is not entitled to prevent others citizens from obtaining state issued licenses.
He got invited to the White House fuzz.
He got invited to the White House fuzz.

And a scholarship offer, a visit to Facebook, etc. He and his dad orchestrated the whole thing and when you read the day's timeline it's even more obvious what this garbage family's intentions were.

This was not an assignment
He didn't build anything
He ripped the guts out of a clock & stuffed it into a pencil case size briefcase

Was told by his first period teacher not to show that to anyone else. Kid not getting the result his dad wanted, made it go off in class toward the end of the day and played coy about what it was..

His own sister was suspended for threatening to blow up the school.

The kid was suspended for multiple issues where he had remote control crap, etc.

His dad is an absolute lunatic.

The Libs bought this BS without any fact checking because it helped them paint Muslims as martyrs.
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Just to show how pitiful the media is and how crooked they are.

@Willy4UK check this one out

Hillary aide coordinated with CNN reporter to smear Rand Paul.

Now tell me there isn't any media bias.

Pretty sickening. But it's "ok" if she does it.

That whole tweet about Statue of Liberty bowing her head. Eff her. She has no right to project her feelings on one of the American icons. Zilch. Hope that whore ends up in a ditch.
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As we read on here from the BO campaign worker, this admin has flown a gazillion sorties in Syria. They serious. A lot of folks have wondered why the french have been taking out sites that should have been long gone. Turns out we haven't cleared our pilots to bomb oil assets due to environmental concerns. Who knows what other handcuffs they have on their missions. Add that to the doctored ISIS reports and everyone from Diane Feinstein to Leon Panetta questioning leadership.

The "moderates" here can identify with that CNN reporter for sure.
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He got invited to the White House fuzz.
The kid was handcuffed and detained for bringing a clock to school ...he was wronged and deserves an apology. I've got no problem with him being invited to the WH. He doesn't deserve $15 million and I've not seen anyone other than his lawyer say otherwise.
You would probably enjoy The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956 Study Guide - it is a great summary and analysis of all chapters and important people.

Also - Resistance in the Gulag Archipelago (1918-1956) by Donald G. Boudreau.

I got both as eBooks.

Thanks for the reference - I've read 3-4 from Dostoyevsky as well and always kind of feel like I've been to the gym afterward…..I started "August 1914" also by Alexandr but got 100 pg into it and didn't like the 'tactual descriptions' of WW1 --- just wasn't something I can get into right now

I'm going to break from Russian lit right now (but I am learning to speak Russian)

I wonder what the board thinks about the "role" of Russia right now

Are they the conniving lab grabbing "Peter the Great Wanna Be" led nation that some make them out to be

Or are they standing for concepts that oppose a NWO

Maybe just an opportunistic former KGB led mafia like state that puts up a good front?

They've essentially CHANGED how the Middle East will unfold strategically in the coming years
The US / Israel / NATO have not had many challenges to their no fly zones or have had to put up with the no fly zones of others….

tt's a wild chapter of history unfolding and it kind of reminds me of WWI with the team-MOhammed acting in a similar role as the Serbian Nationalists / Black Hang Gang types…..the loose cannon that could get a lot more of a SHTSTORM rolling….with old rivalries close by (Russia and Turkey have fought something like 8-9 wars haven't they?)