How will they rule ??!

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I don't even understand the religion aspect. Heck even if you have casually read the Bible, the first miracle Jesus does is turn water into wine.
Actually, I think it was closer to grape juice than the wine we drink, but your overall point is dead on. Most Christians fall into one of two categories. Either they are legalists, mainly concerned with a list of rules, the vast majority of which aren't even biblical, just interpretations they've made which are really just preferences that morph into "everyone else must live this way" kind of thinking. Or they are licentious, a "whatever works for you" kind of mentality, which results in combining a little Eastern mysticism with some astrology and parts of the Gospel that you personally like. Or whatever. Perfectly fine, just not Christian. Words have meanings, etc.etc.....
Seriously? So Dee just deletes everything now up in here?
Would not put it past him. Just about everyone who disagreed with him in the past was on ignore so, you can imagine what will happen now that he has veto power. Kind of like ZIPP and his Gestapo tactics.
It's beyond university. And it's creating both sides. Extreme over sensitivity. Maybe from years of participation trophies, but its cultural .

Some people really are bigots, but at the same time, most of these kids just need a good punch to the face.
I have posted this before and I will post it again: I hope it really ramps up and all of the universities experience this. Two things will likely come out of this. Many of the professors who have been pushing for this will lose their jobs because these students don't care who gets canned in favor of their agenda's (reaping what they have sown), and if there are problems like the ones they have been protesting about, it will be taken care of. Win Win.
I have posted this before and I will post it again: I hope it really ramps up and all of the universities experience this. Two things will likely come out of this. Many of the professors who have been pushing for this will lose their jobs because these students don't care who gets canned in favor of their agenda's (reaping what they have sown), and if there are problems like the ones they have been protesting about, it will be taken care of. Win Win.

Eventually this will hit a breaking point where enough will finally be enough. Sadly, I think thats a long way off. We'll be under mob rule till then it appears.
Eventually this will hit a breaking point where enough will finally be enough. Sadly, I think thats a long way off. We'll be under mob rule till then it appears.
I hope it happens under the Hillary presidency. Along with all of the other things Obama has set her up for, she will show her true colors and the dems will be finished for a while.
^ You're dead wrong, Warrior. A Hillary pres would not be the end of anything Dem no matter how bad she is. If you're counting on poor performance opening eyes you're setting yourself up for major disappointment. Obama has been a horrific president and it won't stop Hills from getting there, we have to beat her straight up.
^ You're dead wrong, Warrior. A Hillary pres would not be the end of anything Dem no matter how bad she is. If you're counting on poor performance opening eyes you're setting yourself up for major disappointment. Obama has been a horrific president and it won't stop Hills from getting there, we have to beat her straight up.
Maybe, but I think things will have to get a lot worse before anyone will beat a Democrat at this point. Offering free just about everything is hard to beat and if she tries to make good on it our economy can go nowhere else but under. Also, I don't think we have a strong enough candidate out there to stop her.
I hope it happens under the Hillary presidency. Along with all of the other things Obama has set her up for, she will show her true colors and the dems will be finished for a while.

^ You're dead wrong, Warrior. A Hillary pres would not be the end of anything Dem no matter how bad she is. If you're counting on poor performance opening eyes you're setting yourself up for major disappointment. Obama has been a horrific president and it won't stop Hills from getting there, we have to beat her straight up.

Unfortunately I agree. If shes elected, the GOP will struggle to ever win another presidency. She'll grant amnesty and open the borders, giving the Dems tens of millions of new votes. Additionally she'll indoctrinate millions and millions more by putting them on the draw.
^ You're dead wrong, Warrior. A Hillary pres would not be the end of anything Dem no matter how bad she is. If you're counting on poor performance opening eyes you're setting yourself up for major disappointment. Obama has been a horrific president and it won't stop Hills from getting there, we have to beat her straight up.

Yep. If the country gets Hillary in office, kiss this place goodbye. You think we have been radicalized under 8 years of Obama? Wait until 8 more years of Hillary. This place won't even resemble America anymore.

If the GOP doesn't win in 2016, they will never win again.
I think the point some were missing by what I meant was, with all of the handouts that she would add, who would pay for it? Eventually there will be a point where more would be on the dole than paying in. If we get to that point something would have to give with the Dems or everything would fall.
President Obama telling States that they do not have the right to refuse refugees.(President Obama sticks tongue out at Republican Governors)
It's good to be the king. Yogi Berra's granddaughter said that she told him she was going to push for the award he just got and Yogi said "Be careful that you don't anger the King" something to that effect.
RCP's polling indicates that the top four in New Touching Hampshire are Trump, Rubio, Cruz, and Carson (in that order). Obviously IA and SC are gonna be even worse.

I've never been one to say "I'll stay home instead of vote for this garbage", but things are honestly headed in that direction.
RCP's polling indicates that the top four in New Touching Hampshire are Trump, Rubio, Cruz, and Carson (in that order). Obviously IA and SC are gonna be even worse.

I've never been one to say "I'll stay home instead of vote for this garbage", but things are honestly headed in that direction.

The Islam crap and Obama's insanity on Muslim refugees is going to give us Trump in the White House.

I think Rubio would win and be a good medium for all but we can't seem to stop going from one extreme to the next. Just kind of crazy.
Mitt Romney For President!

According to a Suffolk/Boston Globe poll of likely Granite State primary voters, if Romney was added to crowd of GOP presidential hopefuls, he would lead the field with 31 percent of the vote—more than double that of current frontrunner Donald Trump.

Some may think this meaningless becasue he says he isn't running, but what if no Republcian candidate winds up with a majority of delegates? I think they would have a brokered convention, in a situation like that an outside figure like Romney might be the "compromise" choice. IMO he would have a decent chance of winning the general election - better than Trump or any of the others.
I'm still not convinced the GOP is going to have a clear winner after the primary season. Hard to imagine Trump getting the nomination at the convention IMO.
I'm still not convinced the GOP is going to have a clear winner after the primary season. Hard to imagine Trump getting the nomination at the convention IMO.

I agree. Barring some overwhelming majority - the GOP will not make him the nominee. Its just not happening.
How do you now? CNN says they are still shooting in the bldg.

Reports are all over the place. One was he's contained, another is they have no idea where he is, the next is he's got hostages in PP, another is the shooting started at a bank or some other part and he hauled himself up in PP.

Regardless, libs didn't wait 5 minutes to use it for the Islam refugee/crazy Republican pro-lifer shooting talking points.
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Apparently, it did start at Planned Parenthood.

Not to be crazy conspiracy theorist but it's amazing that this happens right after the Islamic refugee debate.

Now this will be a big liberal talking point now against Christians, Republicans and pro gun groups.
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Apparently, it did start at Planned Parenthood.

Not to be crazy conspiracy theorist but it's amazing that this happens right after the Islamic refugee debate.

Now this will be a big liberal talking point now against Christians, Republicans and pro gun groups.
It will absolutely be used as a political football. Stone-cold lock of the century.

That being said, if people were blaming Holder/Obama for inciting violence against cops, then they should blame several prominent politicians for inciting violence against health care providers.

If you're going to be a hacktivist, be an equal opportunity hacktivist :cool2:
It will absolutely be used as a political football. Stone-cold lock of the century.

That being said, if people were blaming Holder/Obama for inciting violence against cops, then they should blame several prominent politicians for inciting violence against health care providers.

If you're going to be a hacktivist, be an equal opportunity hacktivist :cool2:


The thing is, morons that did this at PP fail to realize they hurt their cause significantly. After the hearings, people found out that 86 percent of PP's revenue comes from abortions and that not a single clinic had a mammogram machine. They took a huge hit with the videos coming out too. NOW…this moron has allowed them to be viewed in a sympathetic light while negatively painting Republicans in a terrible light.

The timing of this stuff is interesting. It definitely helps the blue team.
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The guy is in custody. 11 were injured. 2 dead now I believe.

Hope someone kills a lion or something so this will fall off in the news.
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I've read that 2 civilians and 1 policeman were killed.

Agreed. #lionslivesmatter

Yeah, that's the word. It was updated after my original post. Yet another reason why I should not listen to any media outlet until all of the info is in.
I'm reserving judgment on the ppl shooting till I learn more. The media was more than ready to blame it on Christian conservatives. But I don't see it yet. So far it sounds like an act of violence that spilled into pp. Not some anti abortion act of violence.
Speaking of violence, I didn't realize that the kid shot in Chicago was on PCP, had a knife, and was breaking into cars/slashing tires. So while you don't deserve to be shot for that, putting up pictures of McDonald in his graduation gown is a little disingenuous.
Speaking of violence, I didn't realize that the kid shot in Chicago was on PCP, had a knife, and was breaking into cars/slashing tires. So while you don't deserve to be shot for that, putting up pictures of McDonald in his graduation gown is a little disingenuous.

It's what they always do though. They did the same with Michael Brown and Trayvon. With Trayvon, they showed him as a 12 year old.

CNN showed the cop's mugshot and pit it side by side with the Chicago guy's graduation photo.
Speaking of violence, I didn't realize that the kid shot in Chicago was on PCP, had a knife, and was breaking into cars/slashing tires. So while you don't deserve to be shot for that, putting up pictures of McDonald in his graduation gown is a little disingenuous.
Yeah, it's almost as much of a double standard as the Colorado shooter being taken into custody after murdering a police officer, yet the Chicago kid was shot 16 times.