How will they rule ??!

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I like how a General will be the new Chief, though. Think Trump wanted a fighter in that position too, and nobody is a better fighter than a General.

Will also be interesting to see if, and how quickly the leaks stop.
Why did it take so long to fire him? Did Trump need him for the establishment d-bags? Didn't Trump ever wonder why the media never touched him? Every other person got run through the ringer but him.

Bannon is the devil to them. They put that one guys head on a pike, attacked Kushner. Went after Spicer and now going after Mooch. They went after Sessions, etc. Interesting he never got hit.
Either Geraldo got lucky or he really has tuned in sources at the WH. He did say he was hearing Priebus would possibly have a one way ticket to Wisconsin by lunchtime today, definitely by the end of next week.
How long do you think it will take for the US to have in place a single payer health care system? I think it will be 10-15 years. The cost of insurance is going to sky rocket and people will be screaming for a change and it won't matter what that change is.

And here we go. Eff you, Dems. Eff you, California.

BTW, I love how POS like McCain suggest to reach across the aisle. When do Dems ever do that? Ever? These dicks passed Obamacare without even reading it. They are all in on everything all the time. That should tell you they are owned.

And here we go. Eff you, Dems. Eff you, California.

BTW, I love how POS like McCain suggest to reach across the aisle. When do Dems ever do that? Ever? These dicks passed Obamacare without even reading it. They are all in on everything all the time. That should tell you they are owned.

Haha, she's getting blasted on Twitter in the comments
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And here we go. Eff you, Dems. Eff you, California.

BTW, I love how POS like McCain suggest to reach across the aisle. When do Dems ever do that? Ever? These dicks passed Obamacare without even reading it. They are all in on everything all the time. That should tell you they are owned.

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Not saying that Trump and those at the WH didn't already know, but it's looking like Guilfoyle, Fox News, tipped them off as well. Was Priebus really dumb enough to leak to Fox News?

Kimberly Guilfoyle, a co-host on The Five who claimed she had previously spoken to Trump about taking the role of White House press secretary, attended a dinner with the president, Fox News host Sean Hannity, former network executive Bill Shine and new White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci Wednesday. During that meal, Guilfoyle told Trump that Priebus was a “leaker,” a “problem” and not “serving his agenda,” an unnamed source familiar with the conversation told The New York Times Thursday.

Guilfoyle, who was previously a lawyer, confirmed during Thursday’s episode of The Five that she was at the dinner but did not explain what she had told the president. She only commented on Trump’s mood, saying it was “very, very good,” and that the president was “enthused” about his agenda.
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Not saying that Trump and those at the WH didn't already know, but it's looking like Guilfoyle, Fox News, tipped them off as well. Was Priebus really dumb enough to leak to Fox News?

Kimberly Guilfoyle, a co-host on The Five who claimed she had previously spoken to Trump about taking the role of White House press secretary, attended a dinner with the president, Fox News host Sean Hannity, former network executive Bill Shine and new White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci Wednesday. During that meal, Guilfoyle told Trump that Priebus was a “leaker,” a “problem” and not “serving his agenda,” an unnamed source familiar with the conversation told The New York Times Thursday.

Guilfoyle, who was previously a lawyer, confirmed during Thursday’s episode of The Five that she was at the dinner but did not explain what she had told the president. She only commented on Trump’s mood, saying it was “very, very good,” and that the president was “enthused” about his agenda.

DC and media are filled with cliques. People know stuff long before the public does. No doubts she heard stuff. If Cernovich called this in February, I'm sure several others knew.

Stiuff gets around all of our offices. Those industries are no different.
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Rove says that Kelly has been given full authority and everything in the WH will go through him, with Kelly supposedly saying "No more walking in and out of the Oval office."

[laughing] It's looking like Scaramucci only skipped chain of command with Priebus, but not with Kelly.
Did Trump need him for the establishment d-bags?

I bet that was a big reason Trump chose him. Obviously, as we saw last night it wasn't working.

This is exactly right. The only reason Trump brought in insiders is to try bring the entire GOP together, hoping it would help push his agenda through. Six months later, it hasn't played out like that and has done more harm than good. Never Trumpers have been running amok in the WH. He threw them a bone and they used it to undermine him.

Seems Trump has had enough and is going to do it his way now, with loyalists/outsiders like he always planned. One of the reasons why I said I wouldn't be surprised to see Lewandowski in the WH.
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And here we go. Eff you, Dems. Eff you, California.

BTW, I love how POS like McCain suggest to reach across the aisle. When do Dems ever do that? Ever? These dicks passed Obamacare without even reading it. They are all in on everything all the time. That should tell you they are owned.
McCain is lining up for his nomination as the democratic party's next presidential candidate.
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This is exactly right. The only reason Trump brought in insiders is to try bring the entire GOP together, hoping it would help push his agenda through. Six months later, it hasn't played out like that and has done more harm than good. Never Trumpers have been running amok in the WH. He threw them a bone and they used it to undermine him.

Seems Trump has had enough and is going to do it his way now, with loyalists/outsiders like he always planned. One of the reasons why I said I wouldn't be surprised to see Lewandowski in the WH.
Bingo! Think this Healthcare fiasco was it for him. Anyone who has worked for Trump will tell you he is not a guy that tolerates incompetence and inaction. if you work hard and get the job done he will take care of you like no other. Heard this from a direct source who usued to work for him which was one of the reasons I jumped on the Trump train from the beginning.
Bingo! Think this Healthcare fiasco was it for him. Anyone who has worked for Trump will tell you he is not a guy that tolerates incompetence and inaction. if you work hard and get the job done he will take care of you like no other. Heard this from a direct source who usued to work for him which was one of the reasons I jumped on the Trump train from the beginning.

The best leaders I have worked with are those who encourage opposing points of view and thrive on being challenged. A guy who needs to surround himself with spineless yes men comes off as a very weak leader to me.
The best leaders I have worked with are those who encourage opposing points of view and thrive on being challenged. A guy who needs to surround himself with spineless yes men comes off as a very weak leader to me.
He spoke at length about how Trump was always open for input from others but was always very decisive after listening to his people. I was expecting to hear some negative things and heard the complete opposite. I was sold after that conversation.
was reading a random article about some lady getting scammed and saw its already started

they just throw this in the middle of the article

The scam ensnared people across the country, although one co-conspirator said in an interview with investigators that Araya avoided California out of fear of then-Attorney General Kamala D. Harris.

.. lol, like some random ass foreign scam artist even knows who this cooont is. her own constituents cant stand her, yet they are already pimping her for potus...because shes a black woman.
Baier is reporting that Trump reached out to Kelly a few weeks ago, prodding him about how he felt about taking the job if it ever became available.

This has been in the works for awhile. It was calculated, thought out, planned in advance, and wasn't some chaotic, spur of the moment, WH is in shambles disaster that the media would have you believe.

This hire is as good as any. The media and D's are attacking Kelly, hysterical about this decision, feigning and manufacturing outrage because the jig is up, the tables have turned on the collusion story, and one of their leakers inside the WH is now gone.