How will they rule ??!

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I also think the Ds and RINOs are going to successfully block true tax reform knowing full well it's going to harm the economy. The D's best shot at any success in the coming elections is to try their hardest to crash the economy knowing the Rs and Trump will get the blame.

The economy bottomed out and Obama befitted from $10 trillion of borrowed money and the Fed keeping interest rates low taking the economy the only direction it could go. If the Ds can successfully block tax reform and harm the economy, they know Rs aren't going to come out to vote thanks to all the broken promises.
I pray to all the gods the Ds are still talking about Russia, tweets and transvestites come next election.

I can't see Trump running again (I never saw him sticking it out this election in the first place, so it's not like I know what the hell I'm talking about). So if he can actually make the country a better place while the media and left are distracted with fake news and letting men in the army cut their dicks off, so be it.
I see it the other way. There's no way he DOESN'T run for re-election as long as he's healthy. Not doing so would be letting the media win in his eyes.
I see it the other way. There's no way he DOESN'T run for re-election as long as he's healthy. Not doing so would be letting the media win in his eyes.

I guess I'm just looking at it through the eyes of a reasonable person, not a narcissistic billionaire.

If I had a brain tumor, I'd probably choose to spend the last few months of my life with my family, not ****ing the country up in Washington.

If I was an old ass billionaire, I'd probably choose to spend the remaining years I had on this planet enjoying the fruits of my labor as opposed to trying to make the country a better place in spite of a large contingent of the population and leadership trying to make it worse.
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I guess I'm just looking at it through the eyes of a reasonable person, not a narcissistic billionaire.

If I had a brain tumor, I'd probably choose to spend the last few months of my life with my family, not ****ing the country up in Washington.

If I was an old ass billionaire, I'd probably choose to spend the remaining years I had on this planet enjoying the fruits of my labor as opposed to trying to make the country a better place in spite of a large contingent of the population and leadership trying to make it worse.
I honestly think Trump is having a ball right now in spite of everything. He thrives on conflict. I do think he's legitimately sick of the Russian BS (like the rest of the country), but I don't think he regrets running at all.
It's a bizarre thing to hitch your wagon to considering that group only makes up 0.03 percent. Even some homosexuals don't like being grouped with these people:

This. Like the above poster said for a "racist right wing nut job" in pretty "pro gay" they have rights , shouldn't be verbally assaulted... I know a few couples who've been together for 20 plus years. Gay marriage ? Whatevs

But this whole "trans movement " is absurd . And I've seen other gay men and women speak out against the ABSURD things their Saying/ this media Gauntlet of "trans this trans that " periods are for men too" " shaming men for liking women with real vaginas " etc etc

I ABSOLUTELY wish no harm or ill will. Trans people should be treated with respect (so to speak ) and absolutely shouldn't have to worry about hardcore verbal , societal and physical abuse. But let's not pretend they are just super normal people . Especially with the media now trying to shove down our throats that children can and should express their "trans feelings " (even tho it's the parents who brainwash them into this) or that kids
Should be able to decide to have a fu$king sex change .

It's simple biology (I know there are rare cases and that is sad/ difficult I'm sure ) but 99.6% of the time - biologically- you're 100% no questions asked - male or female . No matter how many surgeries you have or what you get chopped off or how much makeup or how many boobs you get will change that . You're playing extreme dress up .
1. Reasonable person (so exlcudes anyone shameless enough to put a D next to their name)

2. No political experience

3. Wants to **** shit up in Washington

Those are basically the only resume items I want for White House jobs from now on. Bonus if they aren't PC at all and tell everyone they want to **** shit up.
I guess I'm just looking at it through the eyes of a reasonable person, not a narcissistic billionaire.

If I had a brain tumor, I'd probably choose to spend the last few months of my life with my family, not ****ing the country up in Washington.

If I was an old ass billionaire, I'd probably choose to spend the remaining years I had on this planet enjoying the fruits of my labor as opposed to trying to make the country a better place in spite of a large contingent of the population and leadership trying to make it worse.
How about you want to make this country a better place for your children and grandchildren who will have to live here for the next 100+ years after you're gone. The direction Dems had this country heading with a Hillary win would have saw Donald's fortune and his kids inheritance eventually be given to every mentally ill citizen in this country. If he gets crap done the rest of this presidency that he has been doing the first 7 months then I see no way he allows someone else to come in with a chance to ruin in versus sticking it out another 4 years to cement his legacy.
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I guess I'm just looking at it through the eyes of a reasonable person, not a narcissistic billionaire.

If I had a brain tumor, I'd probably choose to spend the last few months of my life with my family, not ****ing the country up in Washington.

If I was an old ass billionaire, I'd probably choose to spend the remaining years I had on this planet enjoying the fruits of my labor as opposed to trying to make the country a better place in spite of a large contingent of the population and leadership trying to make it worse.

I'm not walking away with libs and Dems thinking they got the best of me and I'm no one. Imagine with Trump's ego. He won't walk away.
Reading about that piece of shit traitor McCain voting democrat on the health bill. Get to the bottom where comments are and there is this...

"MSN has temporarily removed commenting on our websites while we explore better ways for you to engage in discussion on the issues you care about."

Comments must not have fit the narrative.
Name someone in your party that does that.

Not a single one.

Or more Mooch's. Guys that will cross the aisle to serve their country even if they've been critical of the man in charge.

Not a single Democrat will do this. You're all in no matter what when it comes to the left. How many of you were critical of Obama? How many Dems were critical of Obama? How much of the liberal MSM were critical of Obama?

You all have no self awareness whatsoever.
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1. I see people saying some variation of "Just let Obamacare die its inevitable horrible death. Then the Dems will own that and take the blame.".......Ummm. No. Anyone paying even a little attention knows that with the House, the Senate and the WH, the Republicans own everything and will be judged responsible for everything. With our media, the Rs are responsible anyway. Anything reflecting poorly on Ds is buried or minimized.

2. I'll say it again: I don't want or need to defend Mitch McConnell generally - but on this failure, what was he supposed to do? He can't force Murkowski, Collins and McCain to vote a certain way. The people who campaigned on a promise to repeal and then vote the other way - they should get all the blame on this.
The spectacle McCain displayed with his vote was disgraceful. The only time I have actually felt sorry for Mitch when he just stood there realizing he just failed passing the biggest bill possibly in his career.

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Will add that I firmly believe McCain covered for other spineless Republicans who did not want to vote for it either (his buddy Graham being one of them). He knows his time in Congress is almost done and is taking the fall so his buddies can claim they were on board when their re-elections come up. They all knew his one "no" vote would kill it. They are all scumbags.
I'm wondering how much of either Obamacare or the Senate bill (or the House bill for that matter) Cher or John Legend can explain?

Zero affect on any of them. They can afford the best doctors money can buy. They don't have to rely on the government to tell them where, who, and how they get their healthcare. Bunch of evil bastards all of em.
Seriously- F Hollywood libtards.

Look I don't care if someone is democrat or whatever . But don't use your celebrity platform to spew stupid $hit that doesn't apply to you whilst also being incredibly hypocritical.

There HAS to be more "non left wing crazy " idiots in Hollywood . There just had to be- but my guess is they're to afraid to even remotely speak out in fear of being absolutely raw dog raped by the media and other Hollywood ilk .

The Fraud of ‘Russia-Gate’ Exposed
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
SUBJECT: Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job?

Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying and doctoring were performed on the East coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies [see here and here].

Independent analyst Skip Folden, a retired IBM Program Manager for Information Technology US, who examined the recent forensic findings, is a coauthor of this Memorandum. He has drafted a more detailed technical report titled “CyberForensic Investigation of ‘Russian Hack’ and Missing Intelligence Community Disclaimers,” and sent it to the offices of the Special Counsel and the Attorney General. VIPS member William Binney, a former Technical Director at the National Security Agency, and other senior NSA “alumni” in VIPS attest to the professionalism of the independent forensic findings.

The recent forensic studies fill in a critical gap. Why the FBI neglected to perform any independent forensics on the original “Guccifer 2.0” material remains a mystery—as does the lack of any sign that the “hand-picked analysts” from the FBI, CIA, and NSA, who wrote the “Intelligence Community Assessment” dated January 6, 2017, gave any attention to forensics.

NOTE: There has been so much conflation of charges about hacking that we wish to make very clear the priIII. The Fraud of ‘Russia-Gate’ Exposed MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job?

“The Russians” were the ideal culprit. And, after WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange announced on June 12, 2016, “We have emails related to Hillary Clinton which are pending publication,” her campaign had more than a month before the convention to insert its own “forensic facts” and prime the media pump to put the blame on “Russian meddling.” Mrs. Clinton’s PR chief Jennifer Palmieri has explained how she used golf carts to make the rounds at the convention. She wrote that her “mission was to get the press to focus on something even we found difficult to process: the prospect that Russia had not only hacked and stolen emails from the DNC, but that it had done so to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton.”