How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Seriously- F Hollywood libtards.

Look I don't care if someone is democrat or whatever . But don't use your celebrity platform to spew stupid $hit that doesn't apply to you whilst also being incredibly hypocritical.

There HAS to be more "non left wing crazy " idiots in Hollywood . There just had to be- but my guess is they're to afraid to even remotely speak out in fear of being absolutely raw dog raped by the media and other Hollywood ilk .


They are controlled by the same handlers as the politicians. They are told to what to say or they get no more drugs, money, or sex slaves. Bunch of sell outs. All of em.
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Hall of cost . Lol wow
I can understand the frustration but this is over the top IMO. I've lost people to cancer and my wife recently went through a few months of cancer treatment - to wish that pain on anyone is inhumane. Fvkc cancer.

When Obamacare finally fails as intended, and we implement a single payer health care system that's worse than the VA, I'll remember it was inhumane to wish pain and suffering upon the people who intentionally drove the country to that point.

Voters actually tried to make this country better. I firmly believe Trump wants to make this country better. McCain is dong everything he can to ensure the establishment stays in place and we don't make true progress as a country. Hell, see his bullshit flip flop just a few posts up on trannies in the military just to go against Trump.

I'll sleep pretty well tonight. McBrain Cancer can go **** himself.
When Obamacare finally fails as intended, and we implement a single payer health care system that's worse than the VA, I'll remember it was inhumane to wish pain and suffering upon the people who intentionally drove the country to that point.

Voters actually tried to make this country better. I firmly believe Trump wants to make this country better. McCain is dong everything he can to ensure the establishment stays in place and we don't make true progress as a country. Hell, see his bullshit flip flop just a few posts up on trannies in the military just to go against Trump.

I'll sleep pretty well tonight. McBrain Cancer can go **** himself.

Good for you. Hope nobody close to you is ever stricken with this horrible disease. Apparently you're one of the lucky ones. Kudos.
Hopefully when the grim reaper comes knocking, he walks up with an outstretched arm and just puts his thumb down to make a nice little spectacle of it all.
I emailed Glen Kessler the WaPo "fact checker" on some of his glaring innacuracies on the ACA. I'm assuming he won't respond but I'll give it a shot since he grew up in Lexington. The entire fact checking premise is completely bogus where it's become a tool to distract and tell parts of a story omitting others. In other words if any Republican says 2+2=4, Glen will call it a lie and say 1+3=4. What be said us true, but it doesn't make the original statement untrue.
Glad he was fortunate enough to get the best care money can buy. I guess all the other Vets that didn't sing will have to just suck it up and go to the VA they would be foolish not to. God bless him. He deserves the best. The great people of Arizona voted for him to keep his word.


Turncoat John McCain Refuses Free VA Surgery For Brain Tumor

One of the most infamous veterans, Senator John McCain (R-Az), rejected free VA surgical services when he instead received surgical treatment at Mayo for emergency brain tumor removal.
If I'm Trump I go campaign for the Dem opponent if he runs again.
McCain is much, much worse than any likely Dem opponent and, frankly, was a worse choice in 2008 than Obama (for all of his flaws, Obama did manage to avoid to starting a nuclear war). But there is still a better alternative. Her name is Dr. Kelli Ward, and, with any luck at all, she'll primary that nasty old vulture.
McCain is much, much worse than any likely Dem opponent and, frankly, was a worse choice in 2008 than Obama (for all of his flaws, Obama did manage to avoid to starting a nuclear war). But there is still a better alternative. Her name is Dr. Kelli Ward, and, with any luck at all, she'll primary that nasty old vulture.
Trump should have never endorsed him. Of course, I'm sure Trump wouldn't have if he knew what he knew now.
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He put his ego over the good of the country.

How so? Jesus you all are complaining about Dems not going across the aisle, yet we bash the republicans that do even though it's what is best for our damn country.

F repeal, F replace! Let it fail on its own without a fix! Why is that so hard?

As soon as Repubs pass anything this mess is on us, and why are we so gung ho in doing that to ourselves?

OMG we ran on replace and repeal but the big bad Dems and John McCain blocked it and we are going to be F'ed!

Yea right! Real Repubs no this is a shit stain on healthcare, get the F over it!
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I like how the snowflakes/ media media are all slurping McCains undercarriage. Smfh

These same dumb bastards vilified McCain for years (I mean McCain sucks but cmon )

All these people posting meme and tweets etc lookin god damn foolish. Most literally only do it bc they see their fav celebrity (who can't relate at all) or rouge blogger say how "awesome this is!"

It's getting more and more worrisome how easily people are swayed . It's as if (many) people don't even have a mind of their own anymore . It's not an exaggeration either .

I swear , I know most generations say it but Jesus ... shit has gotten crazy . People are insane - and it's only been THIS ridiculous for the last 10 years I'd say- especially the last 1-4 years . What in the hell is going on ??? Is it because sociaL media has grown that much ? Thoughts ? Sometimes it feels like the damn twilight zone. I've always disagreed with hardcore liberals (and even some cons ) but I at least would respect many Dems positions / views on things because they seemed *genuine * and at least remotely intelligent. Not so much the case anymore . It's mind boggling to me .

"Periods aren't just for women" - wtf ? I mean we all agree that , that statement is absolutely outlandish ... but I mean really chew on it. People - and a lot of them - actually believe this garbage ?? And it's slowly effecting/ "domino " effect / trickling down to society .

The 2 year olds parents who said their kid was transgendered '!?!?!?

Absurdity . I really really hope that all this nonsense is from like the most fringe left ... and not a common ideology among them (as it seems to be )

Sorry for rambling !
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I like how the snowflakes/ media media are all slurping McCains undercarriage. Smfh

No...he suxs and will continue to suck. If he really felt the way he voted last night, he could have quietly voted against allowing this to get as far as it did last night to only drop a hot one on McConnell.

McCain has always been a self-serving POS and this episode is no different. No need to cheer a POS...ever.
No...he suxs and will continue to suck. If he really felt the way he voted last night, he could have quietly voted against allowing this to get as far as it did last night to only drop a hot one on McConnell.

McCain has always been a self-serving POS and this episode is no different. No need to cheer a POS...ever.

I actually agree with ya there ! Lol
Rumor has it that the 2 PA mayors are connected to Fetullah Gulen.

Allentown mayor, former Reading mayor among those indicted on corruption charges

Turkey's president blames coup attempt on Poconos cleric Fetullah Gulen

Critics in the United States, however, cast suspicion that Gulen's movement is a base to spread Islamic law, or Sharia.

In the charter schools connected to Gulen, including Truebright Science Academy in Philadelphia, no religion is taught. All emphasize science, math and technology.

Two years ago, the former principal of Truebright tried unsuccessfully to open a charter school in Allentown.

Another Gulenist sponsored charter school application denied in Gulen's backyard Allentown, Pennsylvania

Gulen Charter Schools in the USA

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I am absolutely shocked...SHOCKED...that there are accused politicians of corruption.

Rumor has it that the 2 PA mayors are connected to Fetullah Gulen.

Allentown mayor, former Reading mayor among those indicted on corruption charges

Turkey's president blames coup attempt on Poconos cleric Fetullah Gulen

Critics in the United States, however, cast suspicion that Gulen's movement is a base to spread Islamic law, or Sharia.

In the charter schools connected to Gulen, including Truebright Science Academy in Philadelphia, no religion is taught. All emphasize science, math and technology.

Two years ago, the former principal of Truebright tried unsuccessfully to open a charter school in Allentown.

Another Gulenist sponsored charter school application denied in Gulen's backyard Allentown, Pennsylvania

Gulen Charter Schools in the USA