How will they rule ??!

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And there you have it. McCain comes back to Washington to screw Trump and his party.

Congrats Dems, you have POS representatives taking selfies afterwards. It's time to let Obamacare blow up and put the full court press on every Dem in Congress to the point that they are begging the Republicans to make a deal. I want to see Schumer, Warren, etc. on their knees begging for a deal.
I don't know if there's a single person in politics I hate more than John McCain.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted anything less than a full repeal to fail, I just know his intents were to do damage to Trump and make sure the Soros paychecks keep coming.

I have employer provided health insurance and have a good job (I don't take either for granted). So I can weather the harm Obamacare is going to continue to do to America and the poor and middle class.

Let the law work as intended. Let the voters get rid of the people who ran on repealing Obamacare with no intent of ever doing it. Let brain cancer do the country an incredible favor.

Hopefully we'll have reasonable people in office when it all collapses. I doubt that will happen though.

Move on to f*cking up tax reform and get it over with.
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Hopefully trump records an address that says basically: " america, we tried to help you. We tried to fix the impending obamacare implosion before it happened. Much energy amd effort was put into this.

However a few republicans and a host of democrats repeatedly stopped this help feom arriving. No more time can be spent on trying to fix this, so there is no other choice but to let it fail on its own. Make no mistake, it will fail.

I will tweet out a list of opposing votes. When youre costs skyrocket further, when your insurer pulls out of the exchanges and leaves you uninsured; remember them. And remember who tried to help".

Then sit back and wait, with periodic reminders. Another year will kill this thing naturally. It damn near happened last year.
More rumors this morning that Bannon is one of the leakers. Not sure how credible it is because it was Geraldo who said it, but supposedly that's what he's hearing from multiple people in the WH.

Said that's one of the reasons for Scaramucci's comments about Bannon trying to build his brand, on top of the fact that Bannon tried to block him from being hired.

Priebus, Bannon and Spicer banded together and tried to block Scaramucci's hiring, and the rumor in the WH is the reason behind them doing that is because they are the leakers, and they know Scaramucci was being hired with one mission in mind; find the leakers, take no prisoners.

Said he's also hearing that Priebus will be lucky to last until the end of next week.
More rumors this morning that Bannon is one of the leakers. Not sure how credible it is because it was Geraldo who said it, but supposedly that's what he's hearing from multiple people in the WH.

Said that's one of the reasons for Scaramucci's comments about Bannon trying to build his brand, on top of the fact that Bannon tried to block him from being hired.

Priebus, Bannon and Spicer banded together and tried to block Scaramucci's hiring, and the rumor in the WH is the reason behind them doing that is because they are the leakers, and they know Scaramucci was being hired with one mission in mind; find the leakers, take no prisoners.

Said he's also hearing that Priebus will be lucky to last until the end of next week.
The Bannon inclusion sounds like a Democrat jack-off fantasy. They want Bannon gone worse than anyone other than Trump.
I really wish Trump would take a page out of Obama's book and delay implementation of Obamacare like Obama did. Everyone was fine when Obama delayed implementation of the law as written. Trump should just permanently delay all provisions of Obamacare. Punt it to the Supreme Court and let them explain why Obama's actions were unconstitutional.
They might be true. Like I said, Geraldo is the only person saying this, but Bannon did join forces with Priebus and Spicer in trying to block Scaramucci's hiring. That part is true.
I'm willing to give him one more chance but so far it looks like they were right. Letting that Libtard reporter Cuck you like that is rookie stuff...
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More rumors this morning that Bannon is one of the leakers. Not sure how credible it is because it was Geraldo who said it, but supposedly that's what he's hearing from multiple people in the WH.

Said that's one of the reasons for Scaramucci's comments about Bannon trying to build his brand, on top of the fact that Bannon tried to block him from being hired.

Priebus, Bannon and Spicer banded together and tried to block Scaramucci's hiring, and the rumor in the WH is the reason behind them doing that is because they are the leakers, and they know Scaramucci was being hired with one mission in mind; find the leakers, take no prisoners.

Said he's also hearing that Priebus will be lucky to last until the end of next week.

I cannot imagine that occurring since Bannon despises the liberal media.
I'm willing to give him one more chance but so far it looks like they were right. Letting that Libtard reporter Cuck you like that is rookie stuff...

But if he told the reporter "off the record" and the reporter still printed, not much he can do. I doubt it'll happen again. Hate to tell you, though, Scaramucci isn't going anywhere. He's doing exactly what Trump hired him to do.

Think about it. He's barely been on the job for a week and he's already flexing his muscles like he owns the joint. That's not on accident. He's not going rogue. He has Trump's blessing.

It's clear to see that Scaramucci isn't really the communications director. He's Trump's bulldog. That's just the position that was open to get him in the WH. Not to mention, Trump gave him so much power he bypasses the entire chain of command and answers only to Trump. That's unheard of for a communications director.
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I cannot imagine that occurring since Bannon despises the liberal media.
Yeah, I don't really believe he's one of the leakers, either. Scaramucci is a carbon copy of Trump. You hit him, he hits you back twice as hard.

I think Scaramucci took offense to Bannon trying to stop Trump from hiring him, so he decided to hit back.
Yeah, I don't really believe he's one of the leakers, either. Scaramucci is a carbon copy of Trump. You hit him, he hits you back twice as hard.

I think Scaramucci took offense to Bannon trying to stop Trump from hiring him, so he decided to hit back.
Did Mooch request it be off the record? I read no.
1. Reasonable person (so exlcudes anyone shameless enough to put a D next to their name)

2. No political experience

3. Wants to **** shit up in Washington

Those are basically the only resume items I want for White House jobs from now on. Bonus if they aren't PC at all and tell everyone they want to **** shit up.
Scaramucci could gain even more support if he goes "off the record" about McCain and other Republicans.

True that. I also think he wanted the basis of those quotes out there. The "off the record" claim is just an excuse for the language.

Did Mooch request it be off the record? I read no.

He claims he did. As I just said, though, I think he wanted it out there, not expecting the hysteria over his language, and "I thought I was off the record." was a claim to excuse such language
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Skinny Trumpcare dies. The president blames Sessions, Comey, Hildagarde and Ukraine.

After the vote, McConnell blames dems after McCain, Collins and Murkowski side with them.

Swamp drained as vacation begins in Congress.

Let's see if they decide to appoint another special counsel. Promises kept if they do.

EDIT: Pic didn't work so here are the items to be investigated and a link to ZeroHedge article
Gauntlet Thrown: House Judiciary Demands Special Counsel To Investigate Comey, Lynch, And Clinton

1. Then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch directing Mr. Comey to mislead the American people on the nature of the Clinton investigation;

2. The shadow cast over our system of justice concerning Secretary Clinton and her involvement in mishandling classified information;

3. FBI and DOJ’s investigative decisions related to former Secretary Clinton’s email investigation, including the propriety and consequence of immunity deals given to potential Clinton co-conspirators Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, John Bentel and possibly others;

4. The apparent failure of DOJ to empanel a grand jury to investigate allegations of mishandling of classified information by Hillary Clinton and her associates;

5. The Department of State and its employees’ involvement in determining which communications of Secretary Clinton’s and her associates to turn over for public scrutiny;

6. WikiLeaks disclosures concerning the Clinton Foundation and its potentially unlawful international dealings;

7. Connections between the Clinton campaign, or the Clinton Foundation, and foreign entities, including those from Russia and Ukraine;

8. Mr. Comey’s knowledge of the purchase of Uranium One by the company Rosatom, whether the approval of the sale was connected to any donations made to the Clinton Foundation, and what role Secretary Clinton played in the approval of that sale that had national security ramifications;

9. Disclosures arising from unlawful access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) computer systems, including inappropriate collusion between the DNC and the Clinton campaign to undermine Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign;

10. Post-election accusations by the President that he was wiretapped by the previous Administration, and whether Mr. Comey and Ms. Lynch had any knowledge of efforts made by any federal agency to unlawfully monitor communications of then-candidate Trump or his associates;

11. Selected leaks of classified information related to the unmasking of U.S. person identities incidentally collected upon by the intelligence community, including an assessment of whether anyone in the Obama Administration, including Mr. Comey, Ms. Lynch, Ms. Susan Rice, Ms. Samantha Power, or others, had any knowledge about the “unmasking” of individuals on then candidate-Trump’s campaign team, transition team, or both;

12. Admitted leaks by Mr. Comey to Columbia University law professor, Daniel Richman, regarding conversations between Mr. Comey and President Trump, how the leaked information was purposefully released to lead to the appointment of a special counsel, and whether any classified information was included in the now infamous “Comey memos”;

13. Mr. Comey’s and the FBI’s apparent reliance on “Fusion GPS” in its investigation of the Trump campaign, including the company’s creation of a “dossier” of information about Mr. Trump, that dossier’s commission and dissemination in the months before and after the 2016 election, whether the FBI paid anyone connected to the dossier, and the intelligence sources of Fusion GPS or any person or company working for Fusion GPS and its affiliates; and

14. Any and all potential leaks originated by Mr. Comey and provide to author Michael Schmidt dating back to 1993.
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Did Scarmucci drop that tirade to help identify leakers? Bc that's smart, I guess.

I'm just upset that...newt gingrich said this yesterday who is old and not cool, but he's right....the Trump administration has done great things in a short amount of time. They have addressed and made progress on illegal immigration, foreign affairs, economics, etc etc, yet your average voter doens't know this. Nobody knows what's going on because every day the headlines are OMG TRUMP SAID THIS and OMG THIS TWEET. I just dont' understand that. For example, that Huckabee lady should get up there every day and state what they've accomplished. There ya go media, talk about that. Instead she's gotta constantly defend stupid elementary questions about total nonsense. I don't get that, or maybe I don't understand the process. Is there some reason for this madness? Because it's exactly what the dems would want, imo. In 4 years all they have to say is OMG WHAT A DISASTER RUSSIA RUSSIA TWEET TWEET TWEET WHAT HAVE WE ACCOMPLISHED.
1. Reasonable person (so exlcudes anyone shameless enough to put a D next to their name)

2. No political experience

3. Wants to **** shit up in Washington

Those are basically the only resume items I want for White House jobs from now on. Bonus if they aren't PC at all and tell everyone they want to **** shit up.

Or more Mooch's. Guys that will cross the aisle to serve their country even if they've been critical of the man in charge.

If he cans Priebus, keeps Bannon in check and tone's down the Sessions tweets, it was a great hire.
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I wouldn't be surprised if we end up seeing Lewandoski is the WH as well. I'm thinking he'll be brought in for the same reasons Scaramucci was brought in.
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Did Scarmucci drop that tirade to help identify leakers? Bc that's smart, I guess.

I'm just upset that...newt gingrich said this yesterday who is old and not cool, but he's right....the Trump administration has done great things in a short amount of time. They have addressed and made progress on illegal immigration, foreign affairs, economics, etc etc, yet your average voter doens't know this. Nobody knows what's going on because every day the headlines are OMG TRUMP SAID THIS and OMG THIS TWEET. I just dont' understand that. For example, that Huckabee lady should get up there every day and state what they've accomplished. There ya go media, talk about that. Instead she's gotta constantly defend stupid elementary questions about total nonsense. I don't get that, or maybe I don't understand the process. Is there some reason for this madness? Because it's exactly what the dems would want, imo. In 4 years all they have to say is OMG WHAT A DISASTER RUSSIA RUSSIA TWEET TWEET TWEET WHAT HAVE WE ACCOMPLISHED.

Well Huckabee Sanders does lead the PCs with "achievements", but then they have to take questioning in which the media usually drives the narrative. If they were to make statements with no Q & A, the media would cry, band together and not come to the PCs anymore and make that a story. They don't need anymore PR missteps for a while.
Did Scarmucci drop that tirade to help identify leakers? Bc that's smart, I guess.

I'm just upset that...newt gingrich said this yesterday who is old and not cool, but he's right....the Trump administration has done great things in a short amount of time. They have addressed and made progress on illegal immigration, foreign affairs, economics, etc etc, yet your average voter doens't know this. Nobody knows what's going on because every day the headlines are OMG TRUMP SAID THIS and OMG THIS TWEET. I just dont' understand that. For example, that Huckabee lady should get up there every day and state what they've accomplished. There ya go media, talk about that. Instead she's gotta constantly defend stupid elementary questions about total nonsense. I don't get that, or maybe I don't understand the process. Is there some reason for this madness? Because it's exactly what the dems would want, imo. In 4 years all they have to say is OMG WHAT A DISASTER RUSSIA RUSSIA TWEET TWEET TWEET WHAT HAVE WE ACCOMPLISHED.

I pray to all the gods the Ds are still talking about Russia, tweets and transvestites come next election.

I can't see Trump running again (I never saw him sticking it out this election in the first place, so it's not like I know what the hell I'm talking about). So if he can actually make the country a better place while the media and left are distracted with fake news and letting men in the army cut their dicks off, so be it.