How will they rule ??!

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It's looking like Scaramucci made those comments off the record. Supposedly he thought he was speaking in private.

It was in poor taste, but he won points with me. Anyone secretly quoted as saying they want something done so they "get to work for the american people" is ok with me.

Oh, and i think hes totally right about Reibus and Bannon. Not great that he was quoted on that. But hes exactly right.
Some asswipe in the WH leaked stuff about Scaramucci, too. Hes obviously pissed about it, as anyone would be. I hope he finds the leakers and destroys the SOBs.
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[laughing] An Appalachian professional wrestling league's new villian is named "The Progressive Liberal". His finishing move is called "The liberal agenda".

Appalachian Wrestling's Greatest Villain: 'The Progressive Liberal'


This is brilliant. Putting a liberal heel in the middle of Appalachia is a sure way to draw heat.
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I have to admit, not daring to compare them wrestling/skill wise, just their character during the atmosphere/mood of the country, but, imo, The Progressive Liberal in Appalachia is the greatest villian idea since The Iron Sheik.

Dude, "The Liberal Agenda" is the best current name for a finisher anywhere.
Some asswipe in the WH leaked stuff about Scaramucci, too. Hes obviously pissed about it, as anyone would be. I hope he finds the leakers and destroys the SOBs.
If they start actually prosecuting theses idiots and do it quickly they would stop these backstabbing cowards. Then, once in prison, make sure they die a slow death.
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I like how he didn't apologize for any of it. He doesn't need too. He speaks the way EVERYBODY in DC does, he just doesn't hide it like most of the others do.

The guy comes across as unhinged to me. I like Trump as much as the next guy, but hiring this clown and his endless attacks on Sessions doesn't inspire confidence.
Sick of these leaks. Tyrion Lannister knew how to handle it on GoT, and Trump should give it a try. Just occasionally give each suspect a unique piece of disinformation, tell the suspect that it's top secret, and, if it leaks, then you know exactly who couldn't keep his mouth shut. And, if it's disinformation, when the media publishes it, you laugh and tweet that it was a bullshit piece of info.
Sick of these leaks. Tyrion Lannister knew how to handle it on GoT, and Trump should give it a try. Just occasionally give each suspect a unique piece of disinformation, tell the suspect that it's top secret, and, if it leaks, then you know exactly who couldn't keep his mouth shut. And, if it's disinformation, when the media publishes it, you laugh and tweet that it was a bullshit piece of info.
Pretty sure he has already been doing that.
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I have to admit, not daring to compare them wrestling/skill wise, just their character during the atmosphere/mood of the country, but, imo, The Progressive Liberal in Appalachia is the greatest villian idea since The Iron Sheik.

Perhaps. But who is more likely to get stabbed? A liberal in Floyd County or a Trump supporter in Mexico? Haha
Sometimes it feels like a banana republic:

"Congressional technology aides are baffled that data-theft allegations against four former House IT workers — who were banned from the congressional network — have largely been ignored, and they fear the integrity of sensitive high-level information.

Imran Awan and three relatives were colleagues until police banned them from computer networks at the House of Representatives after suspicion the brothers accessed congressional computers without permission.

Five Capitol Hill technology aides told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group that members of Congress have displayed an inexplicable and intense loyalty towards the suspects who police say victimized them. The baffled aides wonder if the suspects are blackmailing representatives based on the contents of their emails and files, to which they had full access.

“I don’t know what they have, but they have something on someone. It’s been months at this point” with no arrests, said Pat Sowers, who has managed IT for several House offices for 12 years. “Something is rotten in Denmark.”

A manager at a tech-services company that works with Democratic House offices said he approached congressional offices, offering their services at one-fourth the price of Awan and his Pakistani brothers, but the members declined. At the time, he couldn’t understand why his offers were rejected but now he suspects the Awans exerted some type of leverage over members.

“There’s no question about it: If I was accused of a tenth of what these guys are accused of, they’d take me out in handcuffs that same day, and I’d never work again,” he said."
But Russia.

Pathetic the way the MSM scum absolutely refuses to report on this insane dangerous scandal.

If it wasn't for The Daily Caller, I'm guessing this paki POS would be extorting as usual. They have followed this story doggedly.
i mean why the hell would Putin have wanted Trump? collusion. Obama stood back while he invaded Ukraine. We lifted sanctions on two of their biggest allies in Iran and Cuba under Obama. Hillary helped broker the deal that sent 20 percent of our uranium to them which then they were able to funnel to Iran, once we lifted the sanctions. all the while Bill is making big bucks speaking at Kremlin banks while the uranium deal is taking place. the Podesta brothers have huge ties to Russian banks. Obama set back and did nothing to stop North Korea's pursuit for 8 years of nuclear weapons, another Russian ally. Russia had their way and were colluding with the Clintons this whole time. yet Trump is who they wanted to win? liberals and the MSM are traitors to this country. when you are guilty of something just point at your competition and scream the loudest that they are guilty of exactly what you are doing.
CNN is going in on Scaramucci and his comments on the ever so loyal Priebus! At this point if CNN has something good to say about you then you are on their side. It's that simple. Those roots are deep!
It was in poor taste, but he won points with me. Anyone secretly quoted as saying they want something done so they "get to work for the american people" is ok with me.

Oh, and i think hes totally right about Reibus and Bannon. Not great that he was quoted on that. But hes exactly right.
Mooch should keep his mouth shut about bannon unless he's saying how he's going to get everything done on bannon's blackboard.

Bannon is a true believer in nationalism, anti-immigration & an anti-islamist.
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Perhaps. But who is more likely to get stabbed? A liberal in Floyd County or a Trump supporter in Mexico? Haha
Hopefully, the liberal.

For all the liberals who post or lurk, I was just kidding. I'm not really saying that liberals should be stabbed, but I sure do hate them! I really just wish that they would make good on their threats to move to Canada.
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I guess we see why Ford wanted new plants in Mexico. Haven't done the research yet but my confirmation bias would tell me that Ford probably donated a ton of money to some politicians that just so happened to vote to keep marijuana illegal. Probably no correlation at all.

277 pounds of marijuana found in Downriver shipment of Ford vehicles from Mexico
WOODHAVEN, Mich. - Nearly 300 pounds of marijuana were found Wednesday in rail cars containing new Ford and Lincoln vehicles at the Ford Rail Distribution Facility in Woodhaven recently imported from Mexico.

Authorities found marijuana worth $1 million hidden in the trunks of brand new Ford Fusions at a dealership in Ohio last week. The cars were manufactured at the Ford plant in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
I just did a little quick math and that works out to $225/oz for shitty Mexican weed. That proves our government is involved. I'd pay $400 for a hammer before I'd pay that price for weed that Pedro probably pissed on. Buy American.
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I think this leak was on purpose. They do believe Priebus is the leak and the media member was probably of question.

Not anymore. Now let's see if the rat goes running.

Bannon is probably up to speed why his name was drug into it.
If he doesn't realize bannon is part of the solution (A big part), I question his intentions and/or intelligence.

I read a report the info "leaked " on him was publicly available data (not a leak). Can anyone confirm?

He probably is. But he also has his own agenda. The two arent mutually exclusive.
This "skinny" repeal is going to pass so it sounds. Dem senator on Fox believes it. Pence is there in case a tie breaking vote is needed.

Midnight vote.
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This "skinny" repeal is going to pass so it sounds. Dem senator on Fox believes it. Pence is there in case a tie breaking vote is needed.

Midnight vote.
Haven't been watching or keeping up, but just read that McCain is going to be the third no, essentially dooming the vote.
Supposedly Paul Ryan had flipped some votes with some assurances...McCain was one of those "you'll see what I vote when I vote"...after some stalling now the vote on hold, not sure if that's a short term thing or not.
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Supposedly Paul Ryan had flipped some votes with some assurances...McCain was one of those "you'll see what I vote when I vote"...after some stalling now the vote on hold, not sure if that's a short term thing or not.
Yeah, McCain was one of the ones that wanted assurances that the House wouldn't vote on the bill as is. Ryan gave those assurances. McCain must not trust him.
Yeah, McCain was one of the ones that wanted assurances that the House wouldn't vote on the bill as is. Ryan gave those assurances. McCain must not trust him.
McCain just walked in, held his arm up made a scene, paused and said - no, to dem applause.

Showtime for him.
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