How will they rule ??!

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I guess we see why Ford wanted new plants in Mexico. Haven't done the research yet but my confirmation bias would tell me that Ford probably donated a ton of money to some politicians that just so happened to vote to keep marijuana illegal. Probably no correlation at all.

277 pounds of marijuana found in Downriver shipment of Ford vehicles from Mexico
WOODHAVEN, Mich. - Nearly 300 pounds of marijuana were found Wednesday in rail cars containing new Ford and Lincoln vehicles at the Ford Rail Distribution Facility in Woodhaven recently imported from Mexico.

Authorities found marijuana worth $1 million hidden in the trunks of brand new Ford Fusions at a dealership in Ohio last week. The cars were manufactured at the Ford plant in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
Rex that's one of the things that is turning me off the most right now. It's fvcking simple biology.

It's a bizarre thing to hitch your wagon to considering that group only makes up 0.03 percent. Even some homosexuals don't like being grouped with these people:
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I guess we see why Ford wanted new plants in Mexico. Haven't done the research yet but my confirmation bias would tell me that Ford probably donated a ton of money to some politicians that just so happened to vote to keep marijuana illegal. Probably no correlation at all.

277 pounds of marijuana found in Downriver shipment of Ford vehicles from Mexico
WOODHAVEN, Mich. - Nearly 300 pounds of marijuana were found Wednesday in rail cars containing new Ford and Lincoln vehicles at the Ford Rail Distribution Facility in Woodhaven recently imported from Mexico.

Authorities found marijuana worth $1 million hidden in the trunks of brand new Ford Fusions at a dealership in Ohio last week. The cars were manufactured at the Ford plant in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.

Huh. Okay then. I don't think our brains can comprehend the amount of unchecked corruption out there.
bwahaha, they've got more integrity in their pinky than Drumpf has in his entire body.

The hate for the Obamas for being the first black President and First Lady are pretty unbelievable. I can't imagine the outrage that would be going around if Obama did half the stuff that Drumpf gets away with.

Oh, look another good Christian Drumpf supporter
“We’re going to kill all of ya,” Amber Elizabeth Hensley said, looking directly at a cell phone camera held by Sarah Hassan, a 21-year-old Somali-American from Fargo. “We’re going to kill every single one of you (expletive) Muslims.”

The best part is that her bigotry cost her her job...which I'm actually surprised she had one.
The support of Obama only showed that you and others are evil and corrupt. He is the worst president in my lifetime and probably of all time. He was not/is not a patriot. Your support for him proves you are not either.
Huh. Okay then. I don't think our brains can comprehend the amount of unchecked corruption out there.

Well I was wrong the Ford Foundation donates plenty of money to end the War on Drugs but I will say that PepsiCo donates plenty of money to help battle obesity. So there ya go.

Prop. 47 puts state at center of a national push for sentencing reform
The War on Drugs has failed. What’s next?

PepsiCo Supports First Lady's Initiative to Help Reduce Childhood Obesity
PepsiCo, Inc. (NYSE: PEP), one of the world's largest food and beverage companies, today expressed its commitment to the White House's "Let's Move" initiative to combat childhood obesity – and announced a new beverage labeling plan in support of the initiative.

And what does this mean, what are the repercussions? Dumb whores like you are much more of a threat to our republic than any group or country.
CardKilla is as corrupt morally as is Obama, Hillary, and the other criminals that run the lunatic's on the left. Pedophiles and criminals every one.
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Ha ha. This is some next level cultural marxism.

Thursday Humor? Marxist Student Group Disbands Because Members Were "Too Rich, Too White"
A Marxist student group at Swarthmore College disbanded itself earlier this year after realizing that its members were too rich and too white to be real commies.

According to screenshots confidentially provided to Campus Reform by an individual with access to the group’s private Facebook page, the demise of the Swarthmore Anti-Capitalist Collective (SACC) came in the wake of a farewell letter from a member who had decided the group could never be an effective proponent of “unproblematized anticapitalist politics” due to its “history of abuse, racism, and even classism.”

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I'll say this...if someone's political views affect/influence your enjoyment of sports/entertainment then you're really missing the point of "entertainment"

Completely wrong here. If they would just entertain instead of using their platform to push agenda's you would be right but, many of them including Springsteen don't. I will not watch them for that main reason.
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Today is ladies night at a local hotspot.

I'm gonna show up identifying as a woman to get in free then change my mind when I get inside and try to slay some pussy.
You would be committing suicide if you did that.
Willy, where the heck is the shi!storm we were told would happen today? All I see is everyone (yet again ) saying Trump's administration is falling apart.

Man, i know. That's why i put that disclaimer. I think a lot of things have came out today which is saying that democrats are officially being investigated. But no bombshell announcements
The Rs just need to get the **** past this healthcare bullshit and let it all collapse. Don't do a single goddam thing to help it.

Then those stupid sons of bitches who promised repeal and replace and stood in the way can get repealed and replaced next election cycle. Doesn't matter if they're primaried or a D beats them. If the Rs promise repeal for 7 goddam years and can't do it, what the hell is the point of putting Rs in Congress?

Bill, replace with what? That is the question that keeps getting asked that nobody can answer.

And what makes you think that they will have any better ideas after a collapse than they have now?

Every proposal to date has been an Obamacare lite version that simply kicks the can down the road. The fundamentals that created Obamacare continue to exist. The fundamentals that will eventually cause Obamacare to collapse will do the same to any watered down bill. The GOP never has disagreed that the issue of too many uninsured was a serious problem that threatens to bankrupt the nation. Rising healthcare costs add to the costs of Medicare and Medicaid.

People focus on the cost of insurance but the cost of insurance is directly related to the cost of care.

To a large degree the demand for healthcare is constant and not related to price. Unless you are ready to deny care the laws of supply and demand simply don't apply. You cannot expect that providers will eat the cost of the uninsured consumer. They will pass that cost to the paying/insured consumer raising their cost. It's a vicious cycle as the cost goes up, fewer can pay.
Ha ha. This is some next level cultural marxism.

Thursday Humor? Marxist Student Group Disbands Because Members Were "Too Rich, Too White"
A Marxist student group at Swarthmore College disbanded itself earlier this year after realizing that its members were too rich and too white to be real commies.

According to screenshots confidentially provided to Campus Reform by an individual with access to the group’s private Facebook page, the demise of the Swarthmore Anti-Capitalist Collective (SACC) came in the wake of a farewell letter from a member who had decided the group could never be an effective proponent of “unproblematized anticapitalist politics” due to its “history of abuse, racism, and even classism.”
Now that is really an LOL read.[roll]
Bill, replace with what? That is the question that keeps getting asked that nobody can answer.

And what makes you think that they will have any better ideas after a collapse than they have now?

Every proposal to date has been an Obamacare lite version that simply kicks the can down the road. The fundamentals that created Obamacare continue to exist. The fundamentals that will eventually cause Obamacare to collapse will do the same to any watered down bill. The GOP never has disagreed that the issue of too many uninsured was a serious problem that threatens to bankrupt the nation. Rising healthcare costs add to the costs of Medicare and Medicaid.

People focus on the cost of insurance but the cost of insurance is directly related to the cost of care.

To a large degree the demand for healthcare is constant and not related to price. Unless you are ready to deny care the laws of supply and demand simply don't apply. You cannot expect that providers will eat the cost of the uninsured consumer. They will pass that cost to the paying/insured consumer raising their cost. It's a vicious cycle as the cost goes up, fewer can pay.
Replace with NOTHING. Go back to the state of things pre-ACA.

You realize that your last paragraph simply described how things were pre-ACA, right? It wasn't falling apart, it wasn't spiraling out of control. People received emergency care when it was needed, the hospital cared for them as was mandated and then the hospital wrote it off. It was a cost of doing business. So, we either pay via higher healthcare costs and higher premiums, or we finance with our tax dollars a very bloated, very inefficient government operation to pay the hospitals. It comes out of our pockets either way. But I'm going to go with the private market's motive to be more efficient every time.

But now, we've made healthcare a "right," even though it is clear we can't sustain the system Obama put in place, it's collapsing under the weight of its own overly-grandiose vision. We tried, we'll likely try again in the future, but I'm fine with rolling everything back and returning to square one.

Personally, I'm afraid we either need to go all in (single payer, eliminate the insurance companies, basically nationalize our entire healthcare system and make it non-profit, raise taxes as needed to pay for it), or get totally out.

In a utopian world, everyone would have a right to free healthcare. In the real world, somebody's gotta pay for it.
The Rs just need to get the **** past this healthcare bullshit and let it all collapse. Don't do a single goddam thing to help it.

Then those stupid sons of bitches who promised repeal and replace and stood in the way can get repealed and replaced next election cycle. Doesn't matter if they're primaried or a D beats them. If the Rs promise repeal for 7 goddam years and can't do it, what the hell is the point of putting Rs in Congress?

Yep. Repeal is the only acceptable outcome now. Before, i could stomach repeal and replace done in phases. Not now. I have zero faith theyd ever follow through.

Today is ladies night at a local hotspot.

I'm gonna show up identifying as a woman to get in free then change my mind when I get inside and try to slay some pussy.

If they shoot you down, claim theyre homophobic and full of hate.
I'll say this...if someone's political views affect/influence your enjoyment of sports/entertainment then you're really missing the point of "entertainment"

Completely wrong here. If they would just entertain instead of using their platform to push agenda's you would be right but, many of them including Springsteen don't. I will not watch them for that main reason.
Liberals love making those preachy declarations, pretty GD easy when they don't have to deal with 90+% of political garbage from public figures being on their side. UNC fans think John Higgins is a great ref.
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Full quote --

"Reince is a f------ paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac. They'll all be fired by me. I fired one guy the other day. I have three to four people I'll fire tomorrow. I'll get to the person who leaked that to you. Reince Priebus - if you want to leak something - he'll be asked to resign very shortly."

"I'm not Steve Bannon, I'm not trying to suck my own cock. I'm not trying to build my own brand off the f------ strength of the President. I'm here to serve the country."

Willy, where the heck is the shi!storm we were told would happen today? All I see is everyone (yet again ) saying Trump's administration is falling apart.

Not a shit storm, but it's s start by the DOJ. Sessions has gotten the message.

EXCLUSIVE: A top FBI lawyer is allegedly under an investigation for leaking classified information to the media
Yes, but how many times have we heard this person is under investigation or that person is under investigation only to have nothing happen. Drain the freaking swamp already. Morons like CardKilla say idiotic things like " How many years have they gone after the Clinton's only to come up empty?" They are afraid they will be killed. We need some one who will actually fight the system and not care what the Clinton's will do. In fact, they should prepare to off them if they come after them.