How will they rule ??!

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but it isn't an assault on capitalism. It's an assault on sovereignty. The world is rushing headlong into some form of world government."

I don't disagree with that -- agree with the 'rush to world govt' part 2100%
In fact we're being TOLD that's what's coming --- (ref: continued mentions of the hallowed "new World Order" that's coming by VP Biden [Kissinger also continues to mention it] before the Ex/Im bank and West Point cadets -- etc)

I don't necessarily see this as an assault vs capitalism -- I agree with your point that it's an assault on the US --- we have to bow our knee as a sovereign nation to what's coming, right? [speaking from the POV of those who are crafting the emerging NWO]

I do believe however that the NWO / World Govt will be based on Socialist principles though

However I think there's going to be a 'spiritual element' to this thing that will be LIKE a universal religion --- obviously that flies in the face of Marx's dialectal materialist teachings but that's what makes this coming "Order" so deviously fascinating --- it'll be like nothing the world has ever seen before

I'm trying to pretend that I have it all figured out -- just posting what I believe is coming based on continued study of history

I believe you will get a better feel for where we are headed by studying history that you will by watching the evening news,,,,,,,

And oh yea --- not everyone is on board with the NWO idea -- I could be wrong but it LOOKS like Russia and China are opposed (could be kabuki theater for all I know)

The Moslem world is certainly against it as they seem to be reliving at move towards a genuine Islamic Caliphate in their own right
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I've heard Africa is disease ridden, why can't they take some of these good stand folks?
Fair enough, but on the flip side can you gurantee that at this point, of the 10,000 Obama or you want to bring in, none of them are going to be the extremists?

Here is my problem, we have an ocean that separates us from all of these issues and originally that was our plan. Seperate from the long standing issues of what I call "the uncivilized" and prosper. We don't have to take all these foreigners in, and honestly there is nothing wrong with that. The live want everyone to feel racists if they think this way but the simple fact is we are America and once these people come here they do not conform to us and use our laws to force us to conform to them.

So Mr " more blacks in jail than college" please stop repeating your media as knowledge because anyone idiot can do that. No one gives a damn about what the French or Germans are doing, but if they got 700,000 of them already what's 10,000 more? Why do they have to come here?
Can you guarantee that the next tourist, the next foreign student or your next door neighbor won't be an extremist?

This country was built by refugees. The Statue of Liberty is a testament to that fact. Should I remind you about the last time that many in this country were against accepting refugees??? They were the Jews trying to escape Europe and the Nazis. These people are fleeing ISIS because they don't agree with them, because they don't accept their perverted vision of Islam. If there are 100 extremist in a crowd of 10,000 you don't punish the 99.9% in fear of that .1%.
The U.S. legalizes 1m new citizens per year and has another 15m living here. Just stop with the strawman argument that people are against all immigration.
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I don't necessarily see this as an assault vs capitalism -- I agree with your point that it's an assault on the US --- we have to bow our knee as a sovereign nation to what's coming, right? [speaking from the POV of those who are crafting the emerging NWO]

I do believe however that the NWO / World Govt will be based on Socialist principles though
I don't recall your username here on this board before but you are a very interesting fellow and I hope you stick around as the usual rabble here barely hovers above the Rush Limbaugh level.

We are in complete agreement with the exception of your above assertion that the new world government will be based on Socialist principles. I don't understand how anyone could come to that conclusion?

Global corporate money and interests are what are fueling this. As I pointed out you will see people gravitate towards socialist principles as a response to that rather than it in and of itself being the driving force.

Why try and invent a new product to sell to rich (comparatively speaking) Americans when if you raise the standard of living for China, the old Soviet states, India, etc., then you have a vast new market for everything you can manufacture as those folks have nothing. Problem is they don't have the income, political viability, and infrastructure to make them viable alternatives to American consumption.

More importantly, the American political system/government is the only real threat (as it is the only entity powerful enough and still remotely controlled by a democratic process) that could threaten the creation of a world government so it is being viciously undermined and torn apart at the seams. It must be marginalized while the numerous issues with creating a stable sustainable world market are in place. Once you have a world government with limitless access to slave labor and starving markets with newly prosperous citizens then you have a capitalist corporate fascist's wet dream. The world is their oyster and the only Government on earth powerful enough to stop them has been eviscerated by fools that never understood their Government is their sovereignty.
No and he doesn't need to does he? I mean it was obvious he just educated himself in front of all of us. Kudos!

Now, fuzz I'm not saying no because I'm scared I'm saying no because there are plenty of stops along the way before they get here. And, really to be honest, I just hate this president so anything he wants at this point I say no, F him!!! All I see is he thinks this will be more liberal voters.

Now if foreigners were forced to speak English here then I'd be more for it and if that bothers people too bad. If I got to France or any other country Im going to at least try to learn a few key words before going.

Again it isn't the terror aspect I'm worried about because it's going to happen here with this idiot president anyway.
Can you guarantee that the next tourist, the next foreign student or your next door neighbor won't be an extremist?

This country was built by refugees. The Statue of Liberty is a testament to that fact. Should I remind you about the last time that many in this country were against accepting refugees??? They were the Jews trying to escape Europe and the Nazis. These people are fleeing ISIS because they don't agree with them, because they don't accept their perverted vision of Islam. If there are 100 extremist in a crowd of 10,000 you don't punish the 99.9% in fear of that .1%.
You don't let one out of 10,000 in when you know they will have radicals implanted with them. Stupid is as stupid does. BTW, would you invite them to stay at your house? If so, write the government and tell them how many you will take.
[QUOim E="krazykats, post: 2805662, member: 5120"]No and he doesn't need to does he? I mean it was obvious he just educated himself in front of all of us. Kudos!

Now, fuzz I'm not saying no because I'm scared I'm saying no because there are plenty of stops along the way before they get here. And, really to be honest, I just hate this president so anything he wants at this point I say no, F him!!! All I see is he thinks this will be more liberal voters.

Now if foreigners were forced to speak English here then I'd be more for it and if that bothers people too bad. If I got to France or any other country Im going to at least try to learn a few key words before going.

Again it isn't the terror aspect I'm worried about because it's going to happen here with this idiot president anyway.[/QUOTE]

Ich im Deutchland fur 8 jahr war und hat Deutch gelernt. Schreiben, lesen, und sprechen. Ich glaube alle mussen die sprache von denn lande sie wohnnt lerne und spreche wann sie bleiben zu lebe.

Basically stated that I was in Germany for 8 years and learned to read write and speak German. I believe all people who are going to stay in another land need to learn and speak that language. If you can't conform get out or don't come.
I really hope all of these universities have these kind of problems and if warranted, get rid of all of the fat cats who are just sitting on their butts making policy. If there are real problems like these students are harping about, they need to be addressed. If not and they are the whiney entitlement give me what I want crowd, I like that too because, most of these institutions are controlled by liberal morons who really do not care about what happens to this country anyway and deserve reaping the seed they have sown. Win, Win.
I don't recall your username here on this board before but you are a very interesting fellow and I hope you stick around as the usual rabble here barely hovers above the Rush Limbaugh level.

We are in complete agreement with the exception of your above assertion that the new world government will be based on Socialist principles. I don't understand how anyone could come to that conclusion?

Global corporate money and interests are what are fueling this. As I pointed out you will see people gravitate towards socialist principles as a response to that rather than it in and of itself being the driving force.

Why try and invent a new product to sell to rich (comparatively speaking) Americans when if you raise the standard of living for China, the old Soviet states, India, etc., then you have a vast new market for everything you can manufacture as those folks have nothing. Problem is they don't have the income, political viability, and infrastructure to make them viable alternatives to American consumption.

More importantly, the American political system/government is the only real threat (as it is the only entity powerful enough and still remotely controlled by a democratic process) that could threaten the creation of a world government so it is being viciously undermined and torn apart at the seams. It must be marginalized while the numerous issues with creating a stable sustainable world market are in place. Once you have a world government with limitless access to slave labor and starving markets with newly prosperous citizens then you have a capitalist corporate fascist's wet dream. The world is their oyster and the only Government on earth powerful enough to stop them has been eviscerated by fools that never understood their Government is their sovereignty.
Hmmm, a universal religion, I wonder where I have seen this before.[winking]
Is he a poster that used to go by another name as I have not really seen anyone that he reminds me of before? In any case I hope he sticks around. Excellent posts.
Not that I know of. I was just inferring that it is what is talked about in revelations.
He's most certainly a poster from the past and in all likeliness Z. He pops up with a new account for a few weeks and then disappears and then a new poster with an odd user name appears.
The Native Americans let in people with different skin color, religion, and culture and it destroyed their civilization. It's a lesson that we should not forget.
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Any normal universe, this would sink a political campaign. Completely false and race baiting and stupid looking. This guys going to be getting competing information and we expect him to have some sort of bullshyt meter.

But for republicans in 2016, this is smart politics. The dumber and more racist, the better. Showing the ability to ignore reality to stick to Republican ideals is a strength. Really is known to have a liberal bias. Probably jumps another two points in Iowa.

And to set the record straight, whites were responsible for 82% of murder of other whites. Black 90% of blacks.
You can't really blame him for saying what GOP voters want to hear. He's trying to win an election, and this might be the year the party runs a candidate that most represents it's views.
Actually it isn't even what we want to hear, it is simply that we are so sick of liberals spewing BS and not getting called on it so we are saying F it two can play that game.

As far as the tweet, eh the black on black is relative as the real number is 90% not 97% and really I'm sorry but who cares who kills white people? The point was to show that if we are going to say black lives matter then prove it by not killing each other.

The reality is Trump is stirring the pot enough to keep Repubs involved. Otherwise we won't show up to the polls in a year.
I took this picture at Trump's rally here in Dallas when he drew almost 20,000 supporters, and I can tell you first hand he knows how to fire up the base.

That's all it is, there is a large faction of our population that is fighting mad right now at how our country is being ran. It doesn't mean he is the right man, but he just might be man enough to make it happen!
Couple of interesting notes from politico:

STARTLING STAT -- “Why Paris Could Happen Here: The elements of an attack are available, including the weapons, manpower and a ‘permissive environment,’” by Mitchell D. Silber, former director of intelligence analysis for the NYPD, in WSJ:“[The FBI] has more than 900 active ISIS investigations in 50 states. Those are just the domestic ISIS supporters that the FBI knows about.”

BREAKING – “‘All the terrorists are migrants’: [Hungary prime minister] Viktor Orbán on how to protect Europe from terror, save Schengen, and get along with Putin’s Russia,” by Politico Europe executive editor Matthew Kaminski in Budapest: “‘Thinking of Paris and its aftermath, the Hungarian leader posits an ‘overwhelming logical’ connection between terrorism and the movement of Muslims into Europe — in the last few months as well as over recent decades — that to him and many Europeans is ‘an obvious fact,’ whether ‘you like it or not.’” ... Sign up for Ryan Heath’s Brussels Playbook
That's all it is, there is a large faction of our population that is fighting mad right now at how our country is being ran. It doesn't mean he is the right man, but he just might be man enough to make it happen!
Saguaro never sticks around to defend his melodramatic name calling....for a good reason.
Can you guarantee that the next tourist, the next foreign student or your next door neighbor won't be an extremist?

This country was built by refugees. The Statue of Liberty is a testament to that fact. Should I remind you about the last time that many in this country were against accepting refugees??? They were the Jews trying to escape Europe and the Nazis. These people are fleeing ISIS because they don't agree with them, because they don't accept their perverted vision of Islam. If there are 100 extremist in a crowd of 10,000 you don't punish the 99.9% in fear of that .1%.

Noone can guarantee anything. But we usually dont invite 100,000 people at once especially when we KNOW there will be a certain percentage that are IS.

The U.S. legalizes 1m new citizens per year and has another 15m living here. Just stop with the strawman argument that people are against all immigration.


You don't let one out of 10,000 in when you know they will have radicals implanted with them. Stupid is as stupid does. BTW, would you invite them to stay at your house? If so, write the government and tell them how many you will take.

Thats the funny thing about Libs. They love to create policy that everyone else has to live by. Its why you see Al Gore preaching green, while flying everywhere in his private jet. And movie stars preaching about inequality, while banking 100 million dollars.

If Libs really want these refugees, they should have to each take refugee placements; and be held personally responsible for their actions.
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Thats the funny thing about Libs. They love to create policy that everyone else has to live by. Its why you see Al Gore preaching green, while flying everywhere in his private jet. And movie stars preaching about inequality, while banking 100 million dollars.

If Libs really want these refugees, they should have to each take refugee placements; and be held personally responsible for their actions.

Don't forget that libs are also trying to kill the 1st amendment through social justice warriors.
If Trump's 25% support means all Reps are racists then HRC's 60+% support means all Dems are liars and power-hungry grifters.
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LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's Prince Charles has pointed to the world's failure to tackle climate change as a root cause of the civil war in Syria, terrorism and the consequent refugee crisis engulfing Europe.

we are utterly doomed as a species
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I would smash all the grapes, make grape juice, put it in juice boxes, and give it to Muslim children.
You must be one of those evil republicans President Barrack Obama was speaking about...scared of a little 3 year old orphan baby. shame on you
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's Prince Charles has pointed to the world's failure to tackle climate change as a root cause of the civil war in Syria, terrorism and the consequent refugee crisis engulfing Europe.

we are utterly doomed as a species
as erik erikson wrote, funny how climate change according to Prince Chuck, Hillary, Bernie, & Obama turns Muslims into terrorists....but doesnt do the same to Jews, Christians, Hindus, Atheists?
as erik erikson wrote, funny how climate change according to Prince Chuck, Hillary, Bernie, & Obama turns Muslims into terrorists....but doesnt do the same to Jews, Christians, Hindus, Atheists?

The older I get the more I realize even low information liberals have a hard time believing the nonsense that comes out of their mouth. You have to be void of reality to fall for these liberal, progressive, socialist wannabees. They know not truth or if they do, they do everything to hide it.