How will they rule ??!

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My point is Trump nor anyone has ever articulated what "Replace" means. Replace with what?
Trump has never given a clear message. During the campaign he said "everybody must be covered"... after the House passed their Repeal and Replace bill he called it "Great!"...then he called it "mean". He praised the Senate bill but when it was clear it couldn't pass he said he was ready to move on and to just let Obamacare fail... he was against a repeal only...and then for it.
Nobody knows what he wants because he doesn't know best he just isn't telling. If you disagree then please articulate his position.

I'm not bitching, I'm stating fact.

I've said I want the GOP to take action because it will result in them hanging themselves. If they actually fix something, then bless their hearts.

If possible, take off your partisan hat and consider these facts...
  • Under Obamacare healthcare premiums continued to rise at the same rate they were rising before it existed.
  • Many insurers' have pulled out of Obamacare markets because they were losing money.
Consider...if insurers were losing money despite the astronomical premiums then isn't it obvious that in hindsight those premiums weren't high enough?
Hard to imagine but true. If insurance companies were making money, they would all flock to and compete to insure that market segment.

Insurance premiums are a reflection of healthcare cost risk assumed by the insurer. As a whole, the people without insurance prior to Obamacare were largely very expensive people to insure. Many were people who were otherwise uninsurable because they had pre-existing medical conditions that guaranteed expense to the insurer.

Just wanting lower premiums means little without adding what it is that you are willing to give up to get to that premium level. Saying that there should be no mandate for all to be insured doesn't tell us what you think should happen when someone who is uninsured, unable to pay shows up in a hospital HR.

I already answered that question.








Good god. 4 years for carrying a knife?

Another tweet of that account (best account on Twitter for conservatives, imo)

The above worships Michael Brown.

And we got this gem today.
The left is programmed to cry racism or phobia or whatever when they get exposed.

[laughing] Of course, the day news breaks that Fusion GPS, who colluded with the DNC to smear Trump, is connected to the Russian government, the press corp doesn't ask a single question about Russia. Huckabee Sanders made sure to announce it and call them out on it, though.
I mean, if we can't embrace this protecting us what do we really have worth protecting?

[laughing] Of course, the day news breaks that Fusion GPS, who colluded with the DNC to smear Trump, is connected to the Russian government, the press corp doesn't ask a single question about Russia. Huckabee Sanders made sure to announce it and call them out on it, though.

I love it. One of the best things ever about Trump is the big middle finger and exposure of the media. They have been completely exposed.

What type of journalist becomes so unhinged that they can't be trusted for an impartial take on anything? Their pure hatred of Trump and loyalty to the DNC has made them a total joke. They're not a trusted source at all. Their emotions and hypocrisy have led them to print so many mistakes and ignore any objectivity or positive instances that hurt their narrative.

A writer should never go into a story with the intentions of trying to hurt someone. You look into something, look at both sides and you go where the evidence takes you. If you're a legit journalist, you shouldn't turn off your brain just because you vote a certain way. If a Republican or Democrat is dirty, you bury them into the ground. Hillary and the DNC were a treasure trove of corruption, which made their jobs so easy where they could have been the next Woodward and Bernstein yet they ignored it in order to be a PR firm.
I already answered that question.







So you want repeal no replacement...of course you will need to repeal a lot of other legislation. Then there's that whole Medicare/Medicaid thing (the government pays insurance companies to administrate). Ok, any idea how many people that would leave without insurance because they cannot afford and/or have pre-existing conditions?

Are there any proposals to do this? Trump has definitely never proposed doing so.
The Rs just need to get the **** past this healthcare bullshit and let it all collapse. Don't do a single goddam thing to help it.

Then those stupid sons of bitches who promised repeal and replace and stood in the way can get repealed and replaced next election cycle. Doesn't matter if they're primaried or a D beats them. If the Rs promise repeal for 7 goddam years and can't do it, what the hell is the point of putting Rs in Congress?
I mean, if we can't embrace this protecting us what do we really have worth protecting?


I can't even tell if that's a man who transed into a woman, or it's a woman who transformed into a man. Or, if it's it neither, whether it's an androgynous looking man or woman. I honestly don't know what to say. What a world, what a world.
I can't even tell if that's a man who transed into a woman, or it's a woman who transformed into a man. Or, if it's it neither, whether it's an androgynous looking man or woman. I honestly don't know what to say. What a world, what a world.
That is Bradley/Chelsea Manning, whom Obama pardoned and now is an activist.
The Rs just need to get the **** past this healthcare bullshit and let it all collapse. Don't do a single goddam thing to help it.

Then those stupid sons of bitches who promised repeal and replace and stood in the way can get repealed and replaced next election cycle. Doesn't matter if they're primaried or a D beats them. If the Rs promise repeal for 7 goddam years and can't do it, what the hell is the point of putting Rs in Congress?

Damn straight.
You can't do tax reform when you have a segment of the budget that could explode and blow up the budget at any point.

One has to come first and it's the healthcare side.

I agree and have said it for months, F it they want Obamacare the let it f'n ride. Any politicians against the change should have the people they represent know the truth and feel the pain.

I don't feel any sympathy for them.

My tax rate sucks right now but I won't work less just because of it.

Is there a way to just burn it all down and start all over? The corruption is sickening.

BTW, isn't it funny that they made a huge deal about Trump's business dealings while he's in office all while Congress becomes filthy rich despite not having the salary to support that net worth? Not really related but I just find that interesting.

We need to get normal people in these positions and have term limits and get rid of career politicians on each side. No way should anyone be in a political position for this long.
BTW, isn't it funny that they made a huge deal about Trump's business dealings while he's in office all while Congress becomes filthy rich despite not having the salary to support that net worth? Not really related but I just find that interesting.

The laws don't apply to Congress. Literally.
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I've mentioned before not that it's some hot take but the tranny/multi-genders crap is going to be the final nail in the D coffin....there are a lot of decent regular Democrat voters that are just going to switch or sit out elections over how goddamn stupid the topic is.

Rex that's one of the things that is turning me off the most right now. It's fvcking simple biology.
I've mentioned before not that it's some hot take but the tranny/multi-genders crap is going to be the final nail in the D coffin....there are a lot of decent regular Democrat voters that are just going to switch or sit out elections over how goddamn stupid the topic is.
I don't want to mistreat or be mean to a trans but don't ask me to pay for your problem. At least not until cancer treatment, life saving transplants and basically the treatment of any disease is free.
I don't want to mistreat or be mean to a trans but don't ask me to pay for your problem. At least not until cancer treatment, life saving transplants and basically the treatment of any disease is free.
I don't nor wouldn't mistreat a trans either, that's a human being in need of some help, candidly.

For an evil bigot conservative I'm pretty pro The Gays but even they are going to get sick of this shit. They will rue the day that they let the trannies hitch to their wagon.

Upending all social norms for micro groups that comprise 1/10th a percent of the population is a loser agenda, period point blank. Speaks to the larger problem for the Ds that they are a conglomerate of groups that don't always have much in common AND will harbor jealousy when one gets more love than another.

Ultimately, you think the moooslims are going to let The Gays get ahead? You think The Blacks are going to go quietly and let La Raza become the new favorite minority?

It's a sinking ship held together by duct tape, and not the good kind either....the Big Lots brand cheap-o stuff.