How will they rule ??!

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If he is an internet troll, he's been carrying on the shtick for close to a decade. That would be incredibly impressive going 10 years and never accidentally slipping up and posting something reasonable or well thought out.

You might be right.

He never discusses any of his drive-by posts.

He drops a paragraph of lies and then runs with the "HAHAHAH I SO GOT THEM"
bwahaha, they've got more integrity in their pinky than Drumpf has in his entire body.

The hate for the Obamas for being the first black President and First Lady are pretty unbelievable. I can't imagine the outrage that would be going around if Obama did half the stuff that Drumpf gets away with.
Do you refer to Trump as Drumpf because you're racist and hate white people? You seem to really hate Trump and I bet race has a lot to do with it.

Not everyone that dislikes Obama is racist.
The Washington Post reports that Scaramucci’s hit list is expected to consist mostly of Republican National Committee staffers loyal to Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, ratcheting up tension between the two:

Scaramucci has long complained to associates that some White House staffers have been more focused on managing the image of Priebus than on defending Trump and promoting his agenda. An informal list of names, including several officials who previously worked under Priebus and Spicer at the Republican National Committee, has been circulating among Scaramucci allies as those whose jobs may be in jeopardy.

One of Priebus’s deputies, Katie Walsh, was pushed out of the White House earlier this year, and Scaramucci’s planned overhaul is likely to leave Priebus even more isolated in the West Wing.

There's no question about it. These leaks have been occurring since the beginning. Priebus never should have been on staff. Trump wanted to play nice with the RNC but they're wolves and he brought in one of the biggest ones.
Good. Scaramucci is the kind of attack dog Trump needed, IMO.
Yeah, arresting people where they've committed a crime and probable cause exists is shitting on the Constitution. You may want to go back to Con Law 1 you f*cking ignorant dipshit.

This is an honest, serious question (so obviously not directed at cardkilla). I've heard the sentiment that politicians should not target other politicians for the crimes they commit. That makes us a "banana republic". Hell, even heard that when I unforntunately caught some Glenn he other day.

What sense does that make?

A politician commits a crime. Probable cause exists to arrest that person and charge them with that crime.

How on earth does that make us a banana republic?
Liberals think a country enforcing the law is a banana republic.

Lordy, what an idiot @cardkilla is.
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If he is an internet troll, he's been carrying on the shtick for close to a decade. That would be incredibly impressive going 10 years and never accidentally slipping up and posting something reasonable or well thought out.
Some trolls can be extremely dedicated lol
NFL: Anthem protests led poll of reasons viewers tuned out

"The pollster said it asked more than 9,200 people who attended either one football, basketball or hockey game if they tuned into fewer games and why. Twenty-six percent of those who watched fewer games said national anthem protests, some which were led by Colin Kaepernick, were the reason.

After that, 24 percent of those surveyed who said they watched fewer games said they did so either because of the league's off-the-field image issues with domestic violence or with game delays, including penalties."

I posted this for those who think that a leftist agenda doesn't impact why people tune out to ESPN and NFL. In this sample, we have 26 percent who straight up stopped watching because of the eff you to the anthem. Then 24 percent tuned out because of the amount of thugs (yes, a criminal who assaults people should be labeled a thug) being arrested for things such as beating women.

Maybe the majority doesn't think like this yet but a lot of people are getting sick of glorifying scumbags and being indoctrinated by far left entertainers/networks.
This is real life.

It has basically become us vs radicals. These people are so fargone.


Jesus Christ . The civil war??? Hahahahahahaha

God damn it's just gotten absolutely ridiculous at this point .

Ya I'm sure there were a bunch of trannies fighting for the north or south in the 1800's

Christ - what the F is wrong with our society
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Jesus Christ . The civil war??? Hahahahahahaha

God damn it's just gotten absolutely ridiculous at this point .

Ya I'm sure there were a bunch of trannies fighting for the north or south in the 1800's

Christ - what the F is wrong with our society

Yeah, don't you remember the pride flag at the First Battle of Bull Run? Everyone remembers Lincoln's Gettysburg Address but people forget about the speech GLAAD gave right before that, which is what really inspired the transgendered non-binary troops to defeat the alt-right.
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bwahaha, good luck with that guys. How many more decades you gonna keep investigating the Clintons? Meanwhile Russia is buying off our democracy and crickets. I love that you all are trying to go after Mueller as well. Wouldn't want him investigating real misdeeds. Instead we should be pursuing conspiracy theories.

You literally just always back pedal - you get pwnd and proven wrong countless times in this thread. People ask you legit questions when it's obvious you are being insanely hypocritical... yet you never respond - you just pick a random comment and reply to with with some idiotic obscure words.

It's why your girl Hilldawg lost. Embarrassingly . It's also why much of the country is waking up to the idiocy of both yourself and the "left"

It's not to late , hop on the trump train ;)
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NFL: Anthem protests led poll of reasons viewers tuned out

"The pollster said it asked more than 9,200 people who attended either one football, basketball or hockey game if they tuned into fewer games and why. Twenty-six percent of those who watched fewer games said national anthem protests, some which were led by Colin Kaepernick, were the reason.

After that, 24 percent of those surveyed who said they watched fewer games said they did so either because of the league's off-the-field image issues with domestic violence or with game delays, including penalties."

I posted this for those who think that a leftist agenda doesn't impact why people tune out to ESPN and NFL. In this sample, we have 26 percent who straight up stopped watching because of the eff you to the anthem. Then 24 percent tuned out because of the amount of thugs (yes, a criminal who assaults people should be labeled a thug) being arrested for things such as beating women.

Maybe the majority doesn't think like this yet but a lot of people are getting sick of glorifying scumbags and being indoctrinated by far left entertainers/networks.
What about those being indoctrinated by far right entertainers and networks?

I'll say this...if someone's political views affect/influence your enjoyment of sports/entertainment then you're really missing the point of "entertainment".

I hear the same people complain about Bruce Springsteen because "he's liberal" and is public with his opinions but they don't complain about Kid Rock or Charlie Daniels who are conservatives and public with their opinions.

Personally I could not care less about athletes or entertainers political opinions. Not sure why anyone does or why it bothers anyone that someone might have a competing opinion to your own. People need to grow up and get over themselves.
Wasserman Schultz kept paying tech expert suspected of stealing House computers.


You can't make this stuff up. Great seeing small segments of the MSM picking up on this story.
Sometimes it feels like a banana republic:

"Congressional technology aides are baffled that data-theft allegations against four former House IT workers — who were banned from the congressional network — have largely been ignored, and they fear the integrity of sensitive high-level information.

Imran Awan and three relatives were colleagues until police banned them from computer networks at the House of Representatives after suspicion the brothers accessed congressional computers without permission.

Five Capitol Hill technology aides told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group that members of Congress have displayed an inexplicable and intense loyalty towards the suspects who police say victimized them. The baffled aides wonder if the suspects are blackmailing representatives based on the contents of their emails and files, to which they had full access.

“I don’t know what they have, but they have something on someone. It’s been months at this point” with no arrests, said Pat Sowers, who has managed IT for several House offices for 12 years. “Something is rotten in Denmark.”

A manager at a tech-services company that works with Democratic House offices said he approached congressional offices, offering their services at one-fourth the price of Awan and his Pakistani brothers, but the members declined. At the time, he couldn’t understand why his offers were rejected but now he suspects the Awans exerted some type of leverage over members.

“There’s no question about it: If I was accused of a tenth of what these guys are accused of, they’d take me out in handcuffs that same day, and I’d never work again,” he said."
Whomever is leaking should get the bamboo shoots under fingernails treatment. Galling. Give me a card carrying lib any day - at least with them I know where they stand. The guy who stabs you in the back - worst of all. Same with House and Senate members who campaigned on reform and now won't vote for it. I don't mind Snowe, she's been clear about what she thinks. The skunks who talked a lot and now are hiding - those are the bad guys. I know everyone hates Ryan and McConnell, but I don't know what you can do with a guy who just refuses to go along, refuses to do even what he campaigned on. Especially for those who just won re-election and has 6 years left....
ha! Just catching up and see that Cosby and screwduke use the phrase 'banana republic' about an hour and a half ago - long before I used the same reference. Weird. my comment had nothing to do with theirs.....
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Fun fact...more "racist" Kentuckians voted for BO than John Kerry.

Hmmm. Now why would more people in Lexington and Louisville come out to vote in 2008 compared to 2004? Hmm. I wonder what new factor was in play for the Dem base in those cities?

2004 Election (Dem votes)
Fayette Co-57,994
Jefferson Co-170,158

2008 Election
Fayette Co-66,040
Jefferson Co-196, 272

It's almost like skin color mattered more that time around in those two counties. I just can't put my finger on it though.
Just accept the fact you all are racist. Don't justify it. Even if you don't exhibit any racist tendencies, say racist things or do racist stuff, you're still implicitly racist.

The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can atone.