How will they rule ??!

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According to the left, the same voters who elected obama for 8 years suddenly became racist when Trump won.

Only the Obamas have enough hate to cry racism after being elected to 2 terms. What a joke.

For the record, i still think theyll run michelle if she holds any real position before 2016
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I don't buy it 100% either, but I can't really think of a better explanation to explain why Trump, Pentagon senior officials kept this discussion/decision secret; or, why Trump announced it via Twitter instead of the Pentagon via an official statement.
Trump does that sort of thing. Why? I have no idea but that's what he likes to do. That's my explanation.
Healthcare has been around pretty much since the beginning of time. Since the first bandage was applied. We have had hospitals and doctors for much longer than the 1960's. How we pay for our healthcare is what has changed.

But your timing is a little off. My parents first had healthcare insurance when my dad took a job with SRA in 1959.

I'm not sure of your point. In the late 50s and 60s healthcare insurance became a common benefit provided by employers to their employees. That allowed the healthcare industry to grow because it was the deep pockets of business paying the freight and practically everyone was insured. It was still cheap for those who were not.

Now we are where we are. It isn't going back to where it was.
If there is anyone who has a shred of doubt that rqarnold and Fuzz are one and the same, compare this post to Fuzz' most recent post regarding the same issue. He doesn't even pretend to disguise the posting style, let alone the substance. The most obvious sockpuppet crap I've ever seen and the funniest part is that when the poster takes a break for a few days, "the other poster" follows suit and when Fuzz returns, so does RQ. Not even clever enough to avoid giving himself away LOL.

It's The_Donald, so not sure as to the accuracy, but hilarious if the analysis is true.

The tl;dr is that Dems in the House Judiciary Committee introduced a resolution to have Comey's firing by Trump investigated with the appearance of trying to impeach President Trump, but in all realities it's just a tactic to stonewall and misdirect. Matt Gaetz took them by total surprise by offering an amendment to instead use the resolution to investigate (special prosecutor) Comey, Lynch, Mueller, and the Clinton Foundation and all things tied to it. The committee voted on it and it passed and will now go to the House to be voted on. The best part is that the Dems never in a million years saw this coming and you can see them verbally and physically very distressed and are going overboard trying to steer things away knowing what has just happened...but it is too late. See the video here

Edit: the video of the hearing is great. At 7:50 the guy lays out the connection between Fusion GPS orchestrating a meeting with Jr simply as a way for the Obama administration to justify FISA warrants to spy on Trump.

It's The_Donald, so not sure as to the accuracy, but hilarious if the analysis is true.

The tl;dr is that Dems in the House Judiciary Committee introduced a resolution to have Comey's firing by Trump investigated with the appearance of trying to impeach President Trump, but in all realities it's just a tactic to stonewall and misdirect. Matt Gaetz took them by total surprise by offering an amendment to instead use the resolution to investigate (special prosecutor) Comey, Lynch, Mueller, and the Clinton Foundation and all things tied to it. The committee voted on it and it passed and will now go to the House to be voted on. The best part is that the Dems never in a million years saw this coming and you can see them verbally and physically very distressed and are going overboard trying to steer things away knowing what has just happened...but it is too late. See the video here

Edit: the video of the hearing is great. At 7:50 the guy lays out the connection between Fusion GPS orchestrating a meeting with Jr simply as a way for the Obama administration to justify FISA warrants to spy on Trump.
He dead.
They can't block him today. His testimony should be interesting. The D's know he's going further expose the Russia collusion hysteria.

Russia probe: Democrats block key witness against shadowy firm Fusion GPS

Senate Democrats used a parliamentary maneuver Wednesday to cut short a high-profile hearing, where a key witness was set to testify on Russia's misdeeds and also raise fresh allegations against the company behind the infamous anti-Trump dossier.

Bill Browder, the CEO and co-founder of Hermitage Capital, was set to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee that the co-founder of the firm Fusion GPS was hired to conduct a "smear campaign" against him. Further, he planned to testify the campaign was orchestrated by Natalia Veselnitskaya -- the Russian attorney who sought the highly scrutinized Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort in June 2016.

“I don’t know if the minority is intentionally trying to block testimony that may be critical of a firm behind the unverified Trump dossier, but I’ll bet two bits that had Paul Manafort or Donald Trump, Jr. appeared at today’s hearing, it would not have been prematurely shut down," Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said in a statement. "The Democrat leadership is playing politics, plain and simple."
Rumors swirling that Scaramucci is eyeing Priebus as one of the leakers. He said last night he received information that it was Senior officials leaking, but forcing low level staffers to actually do the leaking to create a buffer. This morning, when asked if the rumors about Priebus were true, Scaramucci replied --

"When I put out a tweet and I put Reince's name in a tweet, they're all making the assumption that it's him because journalists know who the leakers are," Scaramucci said. "So if Reince wants to explain he's not a leaker, let him do that. But let me tell you about myself. I'm a straight shooter and I'll go right to the heart of the matter."

Scaramucci also blasted leakers in the administration and said "the President and I would like to tell everybody we have a very, very good idea of who the leakers are, who the senior leakers are in the White House."

Scaramucci, who regularly appeared on cable news before entering the White House, told CNN's Chris Cuomo that he can't have dinner with "a couple of friends up from 'Fox & Friends' and Sean Hannity, who is one of my closest friends" without it getting leaked to the media.

"It's absolutely, completely and totally reprehensible," he said. "And as you know from the Italian expression: The fish stinks from the head down. But I can tell you two fish that don't stink, and that's me and the President."

"I don't like the activity going on in the White House," Scaramucci added. "I don't like what they're doing to my friend. I don't like what they're doing to the President of the United States or their fellow colleagues in the West Wing."
Rumors swirling that Scaramucci is eyeing Priebus as one of the leakers. He said last night he received information that it was Senior officials leaking, but forcing low level staffers to actually do the leaking to create a buffer. This morning, when asked if the rumors about Priebus were true, Scaramucci replied --

"When I put out a tweet and I put Reince's name in a tweet, they're all making the assumption that it's him because journalists know who the leakers are," Scaramucci said. "So if Reince wants to explain he's not a leaker, let him do that. But let me tell you about myself. I'm a straight shooter and I'll go right to the heart of the matter."

Scaramucci also blasted leakers in the administration and said "the President and I would like to tell everybody we have a very, very good idea of who the leakers are, who the senior leakers are in the White House."

Scaramucci, who regularly appeared on cable news before entering the White House, told CNN's Chris Cuomo that he can't have dinner with "a couple of friends up from 'Fox & Friends' and Sean Hannity, who is one of my closest friends" without it getting leaked to the media.

"It's absolutely, completely and totally reprehensible," he said. "And as you know from the Italian expression: The fish stinks from the head down. But I can tell you two fish that don't stink, and that's me and the President."

"I don't like the activity going on in the White House," Scaramucci added. "I don't like what they're doing to my friend. I don't like what they're doing to the President of the United States or their fellow colleagues in the West Wing."

Cernovich has said that it was Priebus months ago. He was the only one not getting hit pieces about him and it made sense especially after Michael Short got the axe.
Cernovich has said that it was Priebus months ago. He was the only one not getting hit pieces about him and it made sense especially after Michael Short got the axe.
Now that you mention it I do remember Priebus' name floating around the Internet as one of the leakers.
Crazy Alex Jones has been all over Priebus since Day 1 of Trump's administration. Guy is a nutcase but it appears he has been spot on with this. Trump has a lot of enemies surrounding him in the WH. Just hope Scaramucci is truly in Trump's corner and helps get it fixed.
If there is anyone who has a shred of doubt that rqarnold and Fuzz are one and the same, compare this post to Fuzz' most recent post regarding the same issue. He doesn't even pretend to disguise the posting style, let alone the substance. The most obvious sockpuppet crap I've ever seen and the funniest part is that when the poster takes a break for a few days, "the other poster" follows suit and when Fuzz returns, so does RQ. Not even clever enough to avoid giving himself away LOL.
This has been settled catpaw science since circa 2012. He just chooses to identify as another poster.
You know how crazy stuff like the Bourne Identity seemed in terms of surveillance and corruption? I don't even think fiction can hold a candle to how deep this sewer is in D.C.

Here is what we know.

DNC set up the Fusion crap to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump
DNC's media mouthpieces parrots their talking points to project their shady tactics and corruption on to Trump Jr.

We had the head of the DNC rig a primary then go back to being on Hillary's staff. That same person, DWS, had Imran Awan on the payroll doing all of their shady crap and he gets arrested while trying to flee the country. They find busted hard drives at his house? We have DWS objecting to police taking the equipment then on video, threatening police about there would be consequences for not getting her laptop back.

That's the same woman that ran Hillary's 2008 campaign. That's the same woman who was head of the DNC during Hillary's email/server scandal when Comey didn't press charges despite proof of wrongdoing.

Just think how much this whole thing smells. The Lynch/Clinton meeting on the tarmac. Comey not pressing charges right after that. The DNC leaks showing the State Department keeping the DNC/Clintons up to date on the investigation. The AP leaking Benghazi docs to Podesta. The media pushing out Dem propaganda. Obama spying on a political candidate.

They have people fleeing the country, people getting arrested and people pleading the fifth (Lynch, Lerner, etc) and Democrats want us to look at Trump and claim he's corrupt? Haha
Rumors are flying. Katie Walsh the chief of staff to Priebus is the leaker. She and her family are never Trumpers. There may be emails between her and Priebus. Trump set her up with fake stories to leak to the New York Times and etc. Everybody knows not to talk when she is around. Another rumor is Christie will be in the White House soon and maybe he will be taking Priebus spot.

Why is a Never Trumper anywhere near the president?

And this would explain why there were no hit pieces on Priebus by the press like a lot of us suspected.

That was an odd hire by Trump. It's also amazing that these bozos would shoot their load this quickly in the presidency.

One down Priebus to go
Shake-Up: Reince Priebus Ally Katie Walsh Out at White House
“Everyone knows not to talk to her in the White House unless you want to see it in the press,” Got News editor Charles Johnson quoted a “source close to the president” as saying in February. “The only question is whether or not she’s doing it at the behest of [White House Chief of Staff] Reince Priebus or if she’s doing it to advance herself in DC media circles.”

Now that you mention it I do remember Priebus' name floating around the Internet as one of the leakers.

Looks like the good people of this thread were all over this.
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[laughing] It came out in the hearing that the co founder of Fusion GPS works for the Russian government. They are basically an extension of the Kremlin.

So, Fusion GPS, co founded by a man who was working for the Russian government, basically an extension of the Kremlin, colluded with the Democrats to undermine Trump with the fake dossier.

It's a boomerang conspiracy theory.
Her and her husband should not be taken seriously. They hated this country and I believe still do. Even though it is this countries very laws that helped them become rich. Liars the both of them.
bwahaha, they've got more integrity in their pinky than Drumpf has in his entire body.

The hate for the Obamas for being the first black President and First Lady are pretty unbelievable. I can't imagine the outrage that would be going around if Obama did half the stuff that Drumpf gets away with.

Oh, look another good Christian Drumpf supporter
“We’re going to kill all of ya,” Amber Elizabeth Hensley said, looking directly at a cell phone camera held by Sarah Hassan, a 21-year-old Somali-American from Fargo. “We’re going to kill every single one of you (expletive) Muslims.”

The best part is that her bigotry cost her her job...which I'm actually surprised she had one.

It's The_Donald, so not sure as to the accuracy, but hilarious if the analysis is true.

The tl;dr is that Dems in the House Judiciary Committee introduced a resolution to have Comey's firing by Trump investigated with the appearance of trying to impeach President Trump, but in all realities it's just a tactic to stonewall and misdirect. Matt Gaetz took them by total surprise by offering an amendment to instead use the resolution to investigate (special prosecutor) Comey, Lynch, Mueller, and the Clinton Foundation and all things tied to it. The committee voted on it and it passed and will now go to the House to be voted on. The best part is that the Dems never in a million years saw this coming and you can see them verbally and physically very distressed and are going overboard trying to steer things away knowing what has just happened...but it is too late. See the video here

Edit: the video of the hearing is great. At 7:50 the guy lays out the connection between Fusion GPS orchestrating a meeting with Jr simply as a way for the Obama administration to justify FISA warrants to spy on Trump.
bwahaha, good luck with that guys. How many more decades you gonna keep investigating the Clintons? Meanwhile Russia is buying off our democracy and crickets. I love that you all are trying to go after Mueller as well. Wouldn't want him investigating real misdeeds. Instead we should be pursuing conspiracy theories.
God it would be so awesome for Trump to have a July Massacre. But instead of firing the AG, he arrests everyone (for which probable cause exists) in the DNC and government.
Yeah it will be awesome when we become Venezuela or Turkey...I'm glad to see you rooting for it. Just another example of Republicans pissing on the constitution and democracy, per usual.
Priebus doesn't need to be fired. He needs to be put in jail.

Firing him just allows him to land a cushy job at one of the media outlets he was leaking to.

The Washington Post reports that Scaramucci’s hit list is expected to consist mostly of Republican National Committee staffers loyal to Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, ratcheting up tension between the two:

Scaramucci has long complained to associates that some White House staffers have been more focused on managing the image of Priebus than on defending Trump and promoting his agenda. An informal list of names, including several officials who previously worked under Priebus and Spicer at the Republican National Committee, has been circulating among Scaramucci allies as those whose jobs may be in jeopardy.

One of Priebus’s deputies, Katie Walsh, was pushed out of the White House earlier this year, and Scaramucci’s planned overhaul is likely to leave Priebus even more isolated in the West Wing.

There's no question about it. These leaks have been occurring since the beginning. Priebus never should have been on staff. Trump wanted to play nice with the RNC but they're wolves and he brought in one of the biggest ones.
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Yeah it will be awesome when we become Venezuela or Turkey...I'm glad to see you rooting for it. Just another example of Republicans pissing on the constitution and democracy, per usual.

Yeah, arresting people where they've committed a crime and probable cause exists is shitting on the Constitution. You may want to go back to Con Law 1 you f*cking ignorant dipshit.

This is an honest, serious question (so obviously not directed at cardkilla). I've heard the sentiment that politicians should not target other politicians for the crimes they commit. That makes us a "banana republic". Hell, even heard that when I unforntunately caught some Glenn he other day.

What sense does that make?

A politician commits a crime. Probable cause exists to arrest that person and charge them with that crime.

How on earth does that make us a banana republic?
The Washington Post reports that Scaramucci’s hit list is expected to consist mostly of Republican National Committee staffers loyal to Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, ratcheting up tension between the two:

Scaramucci has long complained to associates that some White House staffers have been more focused on managing the image of Priebus than on defending Trump and promoting his agenda. An informal list of names, including several officials who previously worked under Priebus and Spicer at the Republican National Committee, has been circulating among Scaramucci allies as those whose jobs may be in jeopardy.

One of Priebus’s deputies, Katie Walsh, was pushed out of the White House earlier this year, and Scaramucci’s planned overhaul is likely to leave Priebus even more isolated in the West Wing.

There's no question about it. These leaks have been occurring since the beginning. Priebus never should have been on staff. Trump wanted to play nice with the RNC but they're wolves and he brought in one of the biggest ones.

Nope he did right. Let the snakes lead you to the nest and get em all. I told y'all that Spicer was a bitch. Take down Reince and then go after Ryan. Drain It DJT!!
Yeah, arresting people where they've committed a crime and probable cause exists is shitting on the Constitution. You may want to go back to Con Law 1 you f*cking ignorant dipshit.

This is an honest, serious question (so obviously not directed at cardkilla). I've heard the sentiment that politicians should not target other politicians for the crimes they commit. That makes us a "banana republic". Hell, even heard that when I unforntunately caught some Glenn he other day.

What sense does that make?

A politician commits a crime. Probable cause exists to arrest that person and charge them with that crime.

How on earth does that make us a banana republic?

That's why we elected an non politician to go after them all. That excuse aint flying around here. Lock her up!
It's the EXACT thing WE elected trump for. The fact that fuzz is beyotching about the same thing means that if he would put his precious hurt widdle feelings aside, he would see that we needed a trump. D.C. Has just turned into exactly what we call it, a swamp.
My point is Trump nor anyone has ever articulated what "Replace" means. Replace with what?
Trump has never given a clear message. During the campaign he said "everybody must be covered"... after the House passed their Repeal and Replace bill he called it "Great!"...then he called it "mean". He praised the Senate bill but when it was clear it couldn't pass he said he was ready to move on and to just let Obamacare fail... he was against a repeal only...and then for it.
Nobody knows what he wants because he doesn't know best he just isn't telling. If you disagree then please articulate his position.

I'm not bitching, I'm stating fact.

I've said I want the GOP to take action because it will result in them hanging themselves. If they actually fix something, then bless their hearts.

If possible, take off your partisan hat and consider these facts...
  • Under Obamacare healthcare premiums continued to rise at the same rate they were rising before it existed.
  • Many insurers' have pulled out of Obamacare markets because they were losing money.
Consider...if insurers were losing money despite the astronomical premiums then isn't it obvious that in hindsight those premiums weren't high enough?
Hard to imagine but true. If insurance companies were making money, they would all flock to and compete to insure that market segment.

Insurance premiums are a reflection of healthcare cost risk assumed by the insurer. As a whole, the people without insurance prior to Obamacare were largely very expensive people to insure. Many were people who were otherwise uninsurable because they had pre-existing medical conditions that guaranteed expense to the insurer.

Just wanting lower premiums means little without adding what it is that you are willing to give up to get to that premium level. Saying that there should be no mandate for all to be insured doesn't tell us what you think should happen when someone who is uninsured, unable to pay shows up in a hospital HR.

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