How will they rule ??!

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The whole "Repeal and Replace" mantra during the campaign season was a dog chasing a car. The GOP never dreamed it would be in a position to do so which is exactly why nobody ever discussed what the replacement would look like. The dog finally catches the what?

100% agree. They had alot of tough talk when they thought action wouldnt be required. Trump was the only one who ever envisioned him winning.

Ah, they're not THAT fat. IF SI really wants to take a stand against obesophobia or whatever the SJW s are calling it, they should have an issue with some full-blown hogs. Of course, that hits the pocketbook a lot harder than they like; virtue signaling is good only up to a point. Having a swimsuit issue that only appeals to BBW fetishists probably goes beyond that point.

Exactly. Choosing some really attractive girls who are slightly overweight and claiming its some form of loving acceptance
[laughing] I don't mean to laugh, but I can't help it with the discussion in the background.

The girl off camera, obviously waiting in line for next, trying to convince someone else to ride, telling them "You'll be fine." right as the ride starts shredding and flinging people through the air.

I think it's safe to say that the scared person she was trying to convince to ride will never get on a damn amusement ride for the rest of their life.
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The whole "Repeal and Replace" mantra during the campaign season was a dog chasing a car. The GOP never dreamed it would be in a position to do so which is exactly why nobody ever discussed what the replacement would look like. The dog finally catches the what?

The simple fact is there is no way to do anything with healthcare that doesn't result in some demographic losing.
To make it cheaper for some, you have to make it more expensive for others.

Want to only repeal? Rates will come down for some, up for others and those with pre-existing conditions will be SOL because they either can't get coverage or the cost of coverage will be cost prohibitive.

There are no magic unicorns. There are no healthcare plans that allow all to keep their coverage and cost less. So what demographic are you willing to lose?

As soon as the GOP acts on healthcare in any way, they own it. And when their idea fails to solve the healthcare quandary, the ire of those affected will come down upon them and they know it. They don't want to own it.

Trump doesn't give a shit what's in any healthcare bill. He wants to say "I won" with no regard of what it was that he exactly won. A universal care bill written by Bernie Sanders could be put on his desk and he'd sign it. After all, he said that "we have to cover everyone"...those are his words. Any repeal or repeal and replace could be put on his desk and he'd sign it. He isn't worried about the fallout. It won't affect his life. What it will do is make the GOP responsible for what comes down the road.

The US was screwed when the healthcare industry in the US became a for-profit enterprise starting in the 60's. Prior to that it was largely non-profit. Research scientist gladly gave away their patents for breakthroughs like penicillin and polio vaccines. The profit motive bought a lot of advancement, lots of money into research but at a price. Costs skyrocketed and many being priced out of services long considered basic human needs.

That novel fuzz posted is actually pretty accurate (outside the swipes at Trump.)

Had a respected poster like Moe or Phatty or someone posted that exact message, it would have gotten several likes.

Not hardly. Fuzz doesn't know jack shit what he is talking about. He thinks he does, but he doesn't. Obama pretty much put the nail in the coffin in a system that was already bad. Obama made things 1000X worse.

Actually was going to post the same thing

The first 3 paragraphs were actual points that I agree with. You had swamp creatures like McCain willing to vote for a repeal when Barry was going to veto it. Now that you have a POTUS willing to sign it, poof.

It's the EXACT thing WE elected trump for. The fact that fuzz is beyotching about the same thing means that if he would put his precious hurt widdle feelings aside, he would see that we needed a trump. D.C. Has just turned into exactly what we call it, a swamp.
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It's amazing isn't it? Go search "Awan Brothers" or "DWS" on The Daily Caller and you get a treasure trove of information, from beginning up until today. They've been all over this.

The part I don't understand is The Daily Caller is Tucker's website, so Fox News was well aware of these happenings yet they, including Tucker, never really reported on them until now. It's almost as if they had a gag order on this story, but now that an arrest has been made thet can't ignore it any longer.

Definitely agree about a gag order
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The simple fact is there is no way to do anything with healthcare that doesn't result in some demographic losing.
To make it cheaper for some, you have to make it more expensive for others.

Want to only repeal? Rates will come down for some, up for others and those with pre-existing conditions will be SOL because they either can't get coverage or the cost of coverage will be cost prohibitive.

There are no magic unicorns. There are no healthcare plans that allow all to keep their coverage and cost less. So what demographic are you willing to lose?

As soon as the GOP acts on healthcare in any way, they own it. And when their idea fails to solve the healthcare quandary, the ire of those affected will come down upon them and they know it. They don't want to own it.

You literally just made the strongest argument for getting big brother the fluck out of insurance. You can't make everyone happy with government interference. And as we see, politicians don't give a flip about the people. They care about getting elected and rich. Even your God bernie sanders. He just found a shtick that is relating to a bunch of government dependent young people.

Private insurance can offer numerous varieties of plans. You can choose what you want and if you want it. It's pretty simple.

And I should add that I don't have a dog in the fight. I've got employer sponsored insurance and don't see myself being unemployed at any time in the near future so
it doesn't really matter to me either way.

I'm right there with ya. I have noticed that the cost has gone up a good bit though. Have you? Or are you 100% paid by employer?
The moonbats are getting increasingly obnoxious. Just the other day, Katherine Timpf was a featured guest at a fundraiser, and some moonbat hovers around, waits for his chance, and douses her with a full bottle of water. Yes, it was only water, but if a stalker douses you with ANY liquid, it's going to be terrifying for at least a short period of time before you realize that it's not something a hell of a lot worse than water. These people are disgusting. Timph herself allows for the possibility that it was an alt right type who might have been offended some cuck thing that she may have written, but she's just trying to be fair. This has moonbat written all over it. Probably some Antifa freak.

ps, not that it matters, but Timph is a hottie. Which makes me even more disgusted by the moonbat's aggression against her.
You literally just made the strongest argument for getting big brother the fluck out of insurance. You can't make everyone happy with government interference. And as we see, politicians don't give a flip about the people. They care about getting elected and rich. Even your God bernie sanders. He just found a shtick that is relating to a bunch of government dependent young people.

Private insurance can offer numerous varieties of plans. You can choose what you want and if you want it. It's pretty simple.

I'm right there with ya. I have noticed that the cost has gone up a good bit though. Have you? Or are you 100% paid by employer?

No, mine is only subsidized - my cost has gone up marginally every year for like 12 years. I want to say my family plan cost me like $130 a pay period in 2005 and it's $232 a pay period now. It didn't start increasing any more sharply after the ACA went in.
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Yeah evidently they didn't know anything about this change in policy. You guys still believe everything Trump tells you, how cute.

You must be watching that fake news again. Pentagon aides and lower level staff do not equal military experts and Generals. I'm not talking about the Reality Winners of the world knowing. I'm talking about senior officials; the people who call the shots at the Pentagon, the highers up who make policy. They most definitely knew. Matter of fact, they were part of the discussion and agreed with the policy.

Trump more than likely announced it to take the blame himself, and to give the Pentagon plausible deniability, so they could focus on their work instead of having to deal with the backlash from the eccentrics.

See? It's already working. You think everyone at the Pentagon is innocent and was totally in the dark on this decision, and that big, bad, bigot Trump banned poor trannies from the military on a whim, behind everyone's backs.

Very clever and misleading tweet. This is dead giveaway to an agenda.

She knew this headline would make people ASSUME that person was on the groubd and helped kill ubl.

When in fact, they were just on the same team. Not at that point in time.

Be very wary of headlines like this. Not exactly fake news. But intentionally misleading
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You must be watching that fake news again. Pentagon aides and lower level staff do not equal military experts and Generals. I'm not talking about the Reality Winners of the world knowing. I'm talking about senior officials; the people who call the shots at the Pentagon, the highers up who make policy. They most definitely knew. Matter of fact, they were part of the discussion and agreed with the policy.

Trump more than likely announced it to take the blame himself, and to give the Pentagon plausible deniability, so they could focus on their work instead of having to deal with the backlash from the eccentrics.

See? It's already working. You think everyone at the Pentagon is innocent and was totally in the dark on this decision, and that big, bad, bigot Trump banned poor trannies from the military on a whim, behind everyone's backs.
I'm not sure I buy a politician, which Trump is now, is ever going to intentionally make himself the bad guy to benefit someone else. Granted Trump alienated a group that would never have voted for him anyways, but it's a risky move for Trump to "take the fall" for this decision.
Somethings definitely going down tomorrow. Too much smoke
From another board and a guy that goes to the Reddit/4chan boards of the Internet:

Just wanted to tie some things together for you guys as we are close to the reportedly big event that is planned for tomorrow. I'm not going to link stuff in this OP, don't want to make it longer than I have to. Most of this information is out there at your fingertips if you care to search. I've talked to some sources and gathered the intel and here's where we're at.

-The trans in the military tweet was a direct response to the Dems, specifically Schumer going public this week and saying the Dems are focusing on the economy and leaving Russia behind. That's basically the only way they can be competitive in 2018. Don't know if this was Trump or Scarmucci or both but it's brilliant. They are going to make the Dems own their lurch to the fringes of the left wing. Good luck winning Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan or small districts talking about how much you love guys who cut their own dicks off.

-The Jeff Sessions assault is all Trump and it's a complete red herring. As most have figured out it's a move designed to make the left and MSM embrace Sessions (why else give the story to the NY Times and the WSJ) before he drops the bomb......

-Which started to leak out today. They are going to go hard back at the Left and Deep State. Leakers beware. The Awan/DNC computer case was not expected to break so publicly yesterday, who knew he was going to flee the country. But it's a big part of this offensive. The reason why Drudge hasn't made more of this story is because he's been clued in to whats to come. He will break the story.

-Nobody knows exactly what is going to happen, at least nobody is saying publicly. Despite the White House leaking like a sieve when Trump makes big moves it comes out of left field, like when he fired Comey. But this has been planned and their are several key players involved.

-From my best guess and talking with sources Sessions is going to come out, have a presser which the press will jizz their pants over. Will he resign? Will he fire back at Trump? They'll all carry it live. Then he will go into detail about some evidence he has turned over to the SC Robert Mueller. They'll be no downplaying the info, all the networks will have dropped their pants and started jerking off to the possibility that Sessions is going to quit and trash Trump. Not sure if they'll announce arrests or indictments. But the amount of info they have from Awan is incredible.

-Stolen and monitored emails that were shared with foreign governments including Russia and terrorist groups. They may be able to tie a specific leak to the SEAL read in Yemen right when Trump took over that the terrorists were tipped off about. Word is that leads right back to Awan.
I will be very dissappointed if they only focus on the Ukraine/DNC collusion but that is the less sexy version of this scenario.
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I'm not sure I buy a politician, which Trump is now, is ever going to intentionally make himself the bad guy to benefit someone else. Granted Trump alienated a group that would never have voted for him anyways, but it's a risky move for Trump to "take the fall" for this decision.
I don't buy it 100% either, but I can't really think of a better explanation to explain why Trump, Pentagon senior officials kept this discussion/decision secret; or, why Trump announced it via Twitter instead of the Pentagon via an official statement.
No, mine is only subsidized - my cost has gone up marginally every year for like 12 years. I want to say my family plan cost me like $130 a pay period in 2005 and it's $232 a pay period now. It didn't start increasing any more sharply after the ACA went in.

Marginally? John, because of obamacare, I've went from not paying insurance to paying $120 a month on top of the $560 a month that my work is giving me towards it. Marginally is misleading.

I'm about to go to independent contracting. And i won't have insurance anymore. But i sure as f*** won't be paying because shitty obama mandate. F*** him, he can suck my d*** on the mandate. I bet you i don't pay it. Govt ain't getting a goddamn thing. F***** try me.

When I'm sick I'll pay a UTC out of pocket. Obama can go f*** himself.
I'm about to go to independent contracting. And i won't have insurance anymore.
This is what I do (roofing/commercial fishing) and I'm in the same boat. I pay the Obamacare penalty for myself and my guys. I use a day labor company to report 20 hours a week on them just so they will at least be covered by Workers' Comp.
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This is what I do (roofing/commercial fishing) and I'm in the same boat. I pay the Obamacare penalty for myself and my guys. I use a day labor company to report 20 hours a week on them just so they will at least be covered by Workers' Comp.

Shit, you're a better man than me.

I won't pay it. Not happening. If i have to pay it I'll break into a liberal family's home who hate guns and then put a gun to their head and rob them. Watch. Only thing keeping from me going on a murdering spree is life in prison. I'll spend 10 yrs in prison on an armed robbery. I ain't married anymore. So i don't give a f***
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Shit, you're a better man than me.

I won't pay it. Not happening. If i have to pay it I'll break into a liberal family's home who hate guns and then put a gun to their head and rob them. Watch. Only thing keeping from me going on a murdering spree is prison. I'll spend 10 yrs in prison on an armed robbery. I ain't married anymore. So i don't give a f***
From what I have gathered, I don't think anyone has to pay it anymore. Supposedly that EO Trump signed made it to where the IRS can't tell whether you've paid or not, so not paying doesn't matter. I just haven't taken the chance, just in case, because of some of the details of the day labor set up and the last thing I need is the IRS around.
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From what I have gathered, I don't think anyone has to pay it anymore. Supposedly that EO Trump signed made it to where the IRS can't tell whether you've paid or not, so not paying doesn't matter. I just haven't taken the chance, just in case, because of some of the details of the day labor set up and the last thing I need is the IRS around.

I get what you're saying
I get what you're saying

Here's what I was referring to. Seems legit, but the bolded parts are what cause the reluctantce. You never know for sure.

Trump's executive order changed everything.

According to Yahoo Finance, the IRS will once again be accepting electronic and paper tax returns for calendar year 2016 without line 61 filled in.

Now here's where things get tricky. On one hand, the ACA is still the health law of the land, even if it seems to be living on borrowed time. This means the individual mandate is still law, and those who choose not to purchase health insurance should be paying the SRP, unless they're exempt. On the other hand, without line 61 filled in, the IRS has no guarantee that the taxpayer paid the SRP or was even insured in 2016.

The IRS has suggested that if it has a question about a particular tax return it'll follow up with those taxpayers after the filing process is over. However, the IRS has also previously said that it wouldn't garnish wages or go after a person's property for not paying the SRP. In effect, Trump's executive order has made it nearly impossible for the IRS to collect the SRP or to concretely verify an individuals' health insurance status.
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I heard that Scaramucci said that during his questioning/investigation of the leaks coming from the WH, he has learned that some top level staffers forced low level staffers to do the leaking to provide a buffer. Even threatening their jobs in some cases.

Also, not even a week on the job and his financial disclosure was leaked.

"In light of the leak of my financial disclosure info which is a felony. I will be contacting [FBI] and the [Justice Department]."
Marginally? John, because of obamacare, I've went from not paying insurance to paying $120 a month on top of the $560 a month that my work is giving me towards it. Marginally is misleading.

I'm about to go to independent contracting. And i won't have insurance anymore. But i sure as f*** won't be paying because shitty obama mandate. F*** him, he can suck my d*** on the mandate. I bet you i don't pay it. Govt ain't getting a goddamn thing. F***** try me.

When I'm sick I'll pay a UTC out of pocket. Obama can go f*** himself.

Easy big fella!

This post was a direct response to Phatty's question about my particular situation.

At no point did I indicate or even infer that it was meant to be a blanket statement about the trend of insurance costs as a whole.

For my case, which is all my post was intended to address, "marginally" is not at all misleading and is 100% accurate.

Carry on.
Even Europe knows the Russia collusion story is fake news and feel that the Democrats are going too far playing partisan politics with sanctions.

The EU is taking Russia's side, even considering retaliation against the US. France called the US sanctions "unlawful under international law”.

Germany is demanding the US coordinate with European allies saying, “The United States does not have the right to sit in judgement on European companies, and to tell them how to do business with a third country, in this case with Russian energy providers, on a contractual or other level.”

American allies join adversaries in criticizing U.S. sanctions bills
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'A 'For Sale' Sign at City Hall': FBI Indicts 2 PA Dem Mayors in Pay-to-Play Probe

Two Democratic Pennsylvania mayors were indicted Wednesday as part of a wide-ranging FBI corruption probe.

Acting U.S. Attorney for Eastern Pennsylvania Louis Lappen said Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski (D) was charged with 14 counts relating to running a pay-to-play scheme, and other offenses.

Lappen said Pawlowski and former Reading Mayor Vaughn Spencer (D) "essentially put up a 'for sale' sign in front of their city halls to sell city work to the highest bidder," Lappen said, according to WFMZ-69 News.

Always. Always has to be racial. It is never they dislike your views or think your political philosophy is terrible. Always race. All the time.
Her and her husband should not be taken seriously. They hated this country and I believe still do. Even though it is this countries very laws that helped them become rich. Liars the both of them.
Marginally? John, because of obamacare, I've went from not paying insurance to paying $120 a month on top of the $560 a month that my work is giving me towards it. Marginally is misleading.

I'm about to go to independent contracting. And i won't have insurance anymore. But i sure as f*** won't be paying because shitty obama mandate. F*** him, he can suck my d*** on the mandate. I bet you i don't pay it. Govt ain't getting a goddamn thing. F***** try me.

When I'm sick I'll pay a UTC out of pocket. Obama can go f*** himself.
My wife's went up $600.00 a month a year or two after it was passed. She was getting it free from the company she worked with. She dropped it and is now on mine which is Tri-Care and not really that good.
Actually, Fuzz didn't mention how health care got started. It started out as a socialist program in the 60s through a Baylor University program study for employer's to pay their employees healthcare. It didn't start out as a business first.
Healthcare has been around pretty much since the beginning of time. Since the first bandage was applied. We have had hospitals and doctors for much longer than the 1960's. How we pay for our healthcare is what has changed.

But your timing is a little off. My parents first had healthcare insurance when my dad took a job with SRA in 1959.

I'm not sure of your point. In the late 50s and 60s healthcare insurance became a common benefit provided by employers to their employees. That allowed the healthcare industry to grow because it was the deep pockets of business paying the freight and practically everyone was insured. It was still cheap for those who were not.

Now we are where we are. It isn't going back to where it was.
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