How will they rule ??!

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The whole "Repeal and Replace" mantra during the campaign season was a dog chasing a car. The GOP never dreamed it would be in a position to do so which is exactly why nobody ever discussed what the replacement would look like. The dog finally catches the what?

The simple fact is there is no way to do anything with healthcare that doesn't result in some demographic losing.
To make it cheaper for some, you have to make it more expensive for others.

Want to only repeal? Rates will come down for some, up for others and those with pre-existing conditions will be SOL because they either can't get coverage or the cost of coverage will be cost prohibitive.

There are no magic unicorns. There are no healthcare plans that allow all to keep their coverage and cost less. So what demographic are you willing to lose?

As soon as the GOP acts on healthcare in any way, they own it. And when their idea fails to solve the healthcare quandary, the ire of those affected will come down upon them and they know it. They don't want to own it.

Trump doesn't give a shit what's in any healthcare bill. He wants to say "I won" with no regard of what it was that he exactly won. A universal care bill written by Bernie Sanders could be put on his desk and he'd sign it. After all, he said that "we have to cover everyone"...those are his words. Any repeal or repeal and replace could be put on his desk and he'd sign it. He isn't worried about the fallout. It won't affect his life. What it will do is make the GOP responsible for what comes down the road.

The US was screwed when the healthcare industry in the US became a for-profit enterprise starting in the 60's. Prior to that it was largely non-profit. Research scientist gladly gave away their patents for breakthroughs like penicillin and polio vaccines. The profit motive bought a lot of advancement, lots of money into research but at a price. Costs skyrocketed and many being priced out of services long considered basic human needs.
Theres no way in hell I'm gonna read all of that. I typed one sentence and you replied with a novel. My god.

That guy got his post deleted by facebook.

Not real women according to feminists

Real women, which apparently means super fat.

Ah, they're not THAT fat. IF SI really wants to take a stand against obesophobia or whatever the SJW s are calling it, they should have an issue with some full-blown hogs. Of course, that hits the pocketbook a lot harder than they like; virtue signaling is good only up to a point. Having a swimsuit issue that only appeals to BBW fetishists probably goes beyond that point.
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That novel fuzz posted is actually pretty accurate (outside the swipes at Trump.)

Had a respected poster like Moe or Phatty or someone posted that exact message, it would have gotten several likes.

Not hardly. Fuzz doesn't know jack shit what he is talking about. He thinks he does, but he doesn't. Obama pretty much put the nail in the coffin in a system that was already bad. Obama made things 1000X worse.
Not hardly. Fuzz doesn't know jack shit what he is talking about. He thinks he does, but he doesn't. Obama pretty much put the nail in the coffin in a system that was already bad. Obama made things 1000X worse.

His post didn't praise Obama at all though. It just called out the fact that it's impossible to make wholesale changes now without pissing off a large group of people, which is true.
That novel fuzz posted is actually pretty accurate (outside the swipes at Trump.)

Had a respected poster like Moe or Phatty or someone posted that exact message, it would have gotten several likes.
He is wrong and so are you. Obama care hurt many more people than it helped pure and simple.
Helpdesk walks the bell.. SysAdmin and above are practically a different field of work as far as I'm concerned. You're never NOT on the hook for some system or application.

You should spend 2 years MAX in helpdesk, unless you really love fixing desktops and helping install programs. Biggest mistake I've made.
Truth. My term, "flunkies", was based on the body of work. It was not meant to degrade help desk folks. They work hard. Some folks desire stay in position. At my present employer, I worked as a level-1/2 Support Specialist until 4 years ago and then moved into an analyst position. Waited 2.5 years for an opening, beginning in 2010 after hiring. Long wait. Lots of grunt work.

The only support I noted for Awan and wife centered on client support. According to a report, they received handsome, perhaps even outrageous compensation for it.

They should have never been in such a position in the first place. The opportunity should have initially been awarded to a US citizen.
His post didn't praise Obama at all though. It just called out the fact that it's impossible to make wholesale changes now without pissing off a large group of people, which is true.
His post did not praise Obama, simply told the truth.
John, but he didn't say that he made it 1000X worse. Which is what obama did.

I'm not sure to what magnitude it was worsened but I agree with you on that point.

The fact now is that it's hard to just repeal it because it will help some and hurt others, so you have senators playing that balancing act trying to figure out which group they can afford to piss off more, which has led to several GOP senators breaking rank. I don't see a quick solution.
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And I should add that I don't have a dog in the fight. I've got employer sponsored insurance and don't see myself being unemployed at any time in the near future so
it doesn't really matter to me either way.
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I'm not sure to what magnitude it was worsened but I agree with you on that point.

The fact now is that it's hard to just repeal it because it will help some and hurt others, so you have senators playing that balancing act trying to figure out which group they can afford to piss off more, which has led to several GOP senators breaking rank. I don't see a quick solution.

I'd like to see the evidence that obamacare helped more people than it hurt.

The GOP breaking ranks are Establishment Republicans. They aren't for the everyday American.
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I'd like to see the evidence that obamacare helped more people than it hurt.

The GOP breaking ranks are Establishment Republicans. They aren't for the everyday American.

Yeah me as well Willy - and I'm not saying it helped more than it hurt or vice Versa. But both groups are significant in number.

Always. Always has to be racial. It is never they dislike your views or think your political philosophy is terrible. Always race. All the time.
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Yeah me as well Willy - and I'm not saying it helped more than it hurt or vice Versa. But both groups are significant in number.

Yeah, people were insured.

But no one could afford the deductible.

Just not sure it helped anyone. Sure, i guess some of the poorest got some benefit, but we live in an Utilitarian society. Or we use to anyway.
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The US was screwed when the healthcare industry in the US became a for-profit enterprise starting in the 60's.

this one line in Fuzz's novel is all you needed to read. it doesn't just pertain to health care, but to all facets of business. communist/socialist like Fuzz and his libtard worshipers loath private citizens being the recipient of the profits. the only entity that should receiving the goods according to the commies like himself is the large central government. then they can disperse what they want and dictate how we live. again, this one line is all you need to know about Fuzz's mindset. anything for profit for the private citizen goes against his/their socialist and commie mindset.

and as far as not being able to make whole sell changes to health care without hurting some demographics, what exactly did anyone thing Obamacare did? it hurt those who actually pay in to the system. it gave the illusion to freeloaders and those with pre-existing conditions that they had insurance. yes, on paper, but deductibles so high they couldn't actually use it. so it basically hurt everyone. the charismatic Kenyan sold nothing more than snake oil to the idiots willing to buy in.
this one line in Fuzz's novel is all you needed to read. it doesn't just pertain to health care, but to all facets of business. communist/socialist like Fuzz and his libtard worshipers loath private citizens being the recipient of the profits. the only entity that should receiving the goods according to the commies like himself is the large central government. then they can disperse what they want and dictate how we live. again, this one line is all you need to know about Fuzz's mindset. anything for profit for the private citizen goes against his/their socialist and commie mindset.

and as far as not being able to make whole sell changes to health care without hurting some demographics, what exactly did anyone thing Obamacare did? it hurt those who actually pay in to the system. it gave the illusion to freeloaders and those with pre-existing conditions that they had insurance. yes, on paper, but deductibles so high they couldn't actually use it. so it basically hurt everyone. the charismatic Kenyan sold nothing more than snake oil to the idiots willing to buy in.

Actually, Fuzz didn't mention how health care got started. It started out as a socialist program in the 60s through a Baylor University program study for employer's to pay their employees healthcare. It didn't start out as a business first.
The only person I know with Obamacare can't afford doctor visits and the nearest doctor is 1.5 hrs away. She hates it and doesn't/can't use it. I imagine a lot of ppl that Obamacare is marketed towards dgaf or can't/aren't willing to pay for it. It's a fn mirage. Sounds good, but it's not real. I still can't believe we're talking about the shit. Government. Healthcare. That's a joke. Oh, and if you don't get it, Uncle Sam is taxing your ass! And rich ass white folks with employee healthcare are ones concerned about it because it makes them feel good.
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Actually, Fuzz didn't mention how health care got started. It started out as a socialist program in the 60s through a Baylor University program study for employer's to pay their employees healthcare. It didn't start out as a business first.

And that's a gd joke too. Employee healthcare. Smd.

Insurance/healthcare....the biggest bs out there.
It's amazing the respect shown for soldiers who volunteer to defend us, so long as they meet your guys approval. And I would assume they went through the same training as the guy or girl next to them did.

There are also other jobs besides being in combat. To outright ban them from all parts of the military is an insult. Same thing was said about women and they have done just fine.

Your comparison to women is is way off. Women join, then serve just like the men. They're not costing millions of extra dollars and millions of manpower hours.

That's the thing about the transgenders. After signing up most want the free surgery, and after the surgery they're basically useless for a year and can't even serve. So the military has to pay millions for the surgeries etc..., then on top of that pay them for a service that they're not even doing.

“The Obama transgender policy, which was implemented without input from members of Congress, is ill-conceived and contrary to our goals of increasing troop readiness and investing defense dollars into addressing budget shortfalls of the past,”

“By recruiting and allowing transgender individuals to serve in our military we are subjecting taxpayers to high medical costs including up to $130,000 per transition surgery, lifetime hormone treatments, and additional surgeries to address the high percentage of individuals who experience complications.”

“The deployability of individuals going through the sex transition process is highly problematic, requiring 210 to 238 work days where a soldier is non-deployable after surgery,”

"This recovery time equates to 1.4 million manpower days where transgender personnel cannot deploy and fight our nation’s wars, therefore relying on an already stressed force to pick up theburden. It makes no sense to purposely recruit individuals who cannot serve.”

Warning. This is super messed up. It's the Ohio State Fair incident.

And of course this was a liberal's take.

Republicans simply cannot handle power. We gave them control of Washington and they have been a disgrace. No way tax reform gets passed. A lot of Republicans are going to be looking for jobs in 2018.
To be honest, I think some are doing it on purpose. Still quite a few who are "never Trumpers" and aren't on board with his agenda. They don't want to repeal Obamacare, they don't want tax reform, they don't want to build a wall. They might as well be Democrats at this point.
Fox starting to really turn the heat up on this DWS story.
It's amazing isn't it? Go search "Awan Brothers" or "DWS" on The Daily Caller and you get a treasure trove of information, from beginning up until today. They've been all over this.

The part I don't understand is The Daily Caller is Tucker's website, so Fox News was well aware of these happenings yet they, including Tucker, never really reported on them until now. It's almost as if they had a gag order on this story, but now that an arrest has been made thet can't ignore it any longer.