How will they rule ??!

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Republicans simply cannot handle power. We gave them control of Washington and they have been a disgrace. No way tax reform gets passed. A lot of Republicans are going to be looking for jobs in 2018.

Dems are all in on everything no matter what. They get their marching orders and they all collectively go that way. Republicans never do. Why? Because it's a party of people who are RINOs, establishment cowards and then you got the few who actually want to get something done.
Yeah he left it in such terrible shape. Much better than Bush Jr. did. Millions more with healthcare. Millions of new jobs. Doubled the stock market. Inflation low. Unemployment low. Avoided a great depression type disaster. Brought yearly deficit down from over $1T when he took office to around 350B. Avoided wars and kept America safe.

In 6 months, Trump has been involved in scandal after scandal, destroyed the integrity of the Executive Branch, and zero legislative achievements. But he's signed a bunch of crap to do a bunch of studies and move paper around. He's really good on Twitter! And he's made 35% of the country happy. Woo hoo!

I think the right has Alzheimer's because they always seem to forget the past or even their past positions.

Surely this is an can't be this stupid. I want to give you some credit here...but first prove to me you are smarter than a horse's ass.
Exactly- this is absurd. Should military discriminate against gays? Absolutely not. A gay dude has every right and can be an excellent soldier .

But not let's sit here and pretend (it's absurd that we even have to entertain this idiocy ) that a bunch of trans people want to sign up for the military and go fight in Iraq . Stupid .
And yes , yes absolutely we should NOT pay for someone's sex change . Pay for it yourself. .
Just like taxpayers shouldn't be responsible for paying / providing "free abortions " you want an abortion? Pay for it your damn self . Smfh
Nor should we let those with a penis shower with females or those with a vagina shower with the males. You (not you) should not be allowed to push your agenda of being whatever you call yourself at the time on other people who do not want to be bothered with it. If you have a penis, you are male to me. Not going to see it any other way.
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Maybe I can create a fake controversy about the Air Force not taking me as a pilot cause my eyesight is bad.

As for the left, the majority of them hate the military and hate guns. I like listening to them pick and choose when to pretend to care about the military. Feminists, beta cucks and trannies aren't knocking down the door to be in the military. These are people triggered by someone hurting their feelings. How the hell would they survive the military?
Have soldiers of all ranks who have been getting out because of what is now happening to the military. Had one today who has been in 5 years and has one more year left. He is getting out because of the very reasons we are discussing here. I see it everyday because I for the military.
From my limited understanding, physical tests were changed to allow more women in the military. That is f'd up and wrong. Exact opposite of equality.
Women's standards are not the same as a mans. They do not have to do as many reps of any exercise as man to pass. Yet, they want to be treated the same in pay. If a task requires a certain standard to be held, it should be held by everyone. Not the case in the military.
Yeah he left it in such terrible shape. Much better than Bush Jr. did. Millions more with healthcare. Millions of new jobs. Doubled the stock market. Inflation low. Unemployment low. Avoided a great depression type disaster. Brought yearly deficit down from over $1T when he took office to around 350B. Avoided wars and kept America safe.

In 6 months, Trump has been involved in scandal after scandal, destroyed the integrity of the Executive Branch, and zero legislative achievements. But he's signed a bunch of crap to do a bunch of studies and move paper around. He's really good on Twitter! And he's made 35% of the country happy. Woo hoo!

I think the right has Alzheimer's because they always seem to forget the past or even their past positions.
So much low info

Word of the day for you: crony capitalism...look it up and you will see what Obama participated in, which ironically, you also claim you hate when the rich get richer on wall street and the stock market improves.

2. Creating government jobs is not job creation bc it does not stimulate an economy..they don't produce revenue. He had the lowest job participation in over 30 years...also which should be obvious..lowest GDP growth...ah yes bc government jobs don't produce revenue and grow economies..they steal from taxpayers. Also more part time workers, which don't reflect on unemployment.

Not millions more with you work in healthcare? I do. So tell me why you aren't catching on fire in the street over the millions who can afford their out of pocket. You understand their are millions uninsured under the aca. You do realize there is a difference in access to care and insurance, yes? I saw a guy yesterday who had a 15,000 dollar out of pocket...but hooray "he's covered" feelings!!!! Do you even actually understand the political tactics of what each party whats to accomplish? They want the same end but have different views on the best way to achieve it...only the left, bc they know much of their base is low information..attempts to push it into morality, identity politics, and feelings when it has nothing to do with any of that at all. Its a way to stop discourse on the actual ways ppl want to achieve goals...there is no morally superior party and republicans are some evil group. That's kindergarten level thoughts processes.
Yeah he left it in such terrible shape. Much better than Bush Jr. did. Millions more with healthcare. Millions of new jobs. Doubled the stock market. Inflation low. Unemployment low. Avoided a great depression type disaster. Brought yearly deficit down from over $1T when he took office to around 350B. Avoided wars and kept America safe.

In 6 months, Trump has been involved in scandal after scandal, destroyed the integrity of the Executive Branch, and zero legislative achievements. But he's signed a bunch of crap to do a bunch of studies and move paper around. He's really good on Twitter! And he's made 35% of the country happy. Woo hoo!

I think the right has Alzheimer's because they always seem to forget the past or even their past positions.
You are such an idiot it makes my taint draw up when I read your posts.

Arrested DNC Staffer Awan Retains Long-Time Clinton Associate For Legal Help

Mr. Gowen left the Public Defender’s office to work for former President William Jefferson Clinton and then-Senator Hillary Clinton. Chris was a fact checker for President Clinton’s memoir, My Life. He also served as a traveling aid for President Clinton’s national and international trips. Chris finished his tenure with the Clintons by directing the advance operations for then-Senator Hillary Clinton during her 2008 presidential campaign.
Women's standards are not the same as a mans. They do not have to do as many reps of any exercise as man to pass. Yet, they want to be treated the same in pay. If a task requires a certain standard to be held, it should be held by everyone. Not the case in the military.

Thats not only sexist, it seems dangerous to the soldiers who do meet the physical requirements.

You think this administration will change that and make it fair and even across the board?
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I can't imagine someone who is trans is going to pass the psych tests. Hey, you want a sex change, by all means, do you. But I'm not sure you're fit to carry a gun, take orders, and serve. I don't think much of the general population is mentally fit to serve to begin with.

The whole process of coming out as trans could be debilitating. Make of it what you will (good or bad), that has to wreck your psyche. Hardly a chance that someone who went through that process is fit to be in the military.

Mic drop
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It's amazing the respect shown for soldiers who volunteer to defend us, so long as they meet your guys approval. And I would assume they went through the same training as the guy or girl next to them did.

There are also other jobs besides being in combat. To outright ban them from all parts of the military is an insult. Same thing was said about women and they have done just fine.

Well they are banned so get over it broskie (;
Some people are such pessimists. Think of all the people who don't get shot by the police. I don't know the actual number but I would think it's pretty large.

I like how the black people who hate cops and claim that cops are just always shooting blacks instead of apprehending them completely ignore the fact that their theory ignores all of the black men who are in prison and were arrested without getting killed.
So much low info

Word of the day for you: crony capitalism...look it up and you will see what Obama participated in, which ironically, you also claim you hate when the rich get richer on wall street and the stock market improves.

2. Creating government jobs is not job creation bc it does not stimulate an economy..they don't produce revenue. He had the lowest job participation in over 30 years...also which should be obvious..lowest GDP growth...ah yes bc government jobs don't produce revenue and grow economies..they steal from taxpayers. Also more part time workers, which don't reflect on unemployment.

Not millions more with you work in healthcare? I do. So tell me why you aren't catching on fire in the street over the millions who can afford their out of pocket. You understand their are millions uninsured under the aca. You do realize there is a difference in access to care and insurance, yes? I saw a guy yesterday who had a 15,000 dollar out of pocket...but hooray "he's covered" feelings!!!! Do you even actually understand the political tactics of what each party whats to accomplish? They want the same end but have different views on the best way to achieve it...only the left, bc they know much of their base is low information..attempts to push it into morality, identity politics, and feelings when it has nothing to do with any of that at all. Its a way to stop discourse on the actual ways ppl want to achieve goals...there is no morally superior party and republicans are some evil group. That's kindergarten level thoughts processes.

Cardkilla isn't here to discuss politics. He's here to drop troll posts and run.
It's amazing the respect shown for soldiers who volunteer to defend us, so long as they meet your guys approval. And I would assume they went through the same training as the guy or girl next to them did.

There are also other jobs besides being in combat. To outright ban them from all parts of the military is an insult. Same thing was said about women and they have done just fine.

Serious question for you.

How is someone who can't figure out how to handle their own gender dependable enough to be relied on?

I mean it's one thing to be confused and gay, but transgendered is a completely different level of untrustworthy.
They've been so gloating about Florida, Texas, and Georgia turning blue at some theoretical point in the future, they failed to realize that their idiotic policies have turned Ohio and Iowa red right now, with WI, MI, PA soon to follow, and it probably won't even stop there. I don't put much stock into their prediction about Texas and Georgia because they were saying that about Florida 20 years ago and it's as purple now (if anything, leaning to red) as it was 20 years ago.
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Thats not only sexist, it seems dangerous to the soldiers who do meet the physical requirements.

You think this administration will change that and make it fair and even across the board?
Doubt it, many skiddish repugs out there.
The GOP is so hapless and weak that they can't even pass a repeal only bill.
The whole "Repeal and Replace" mantra during the campaign season was a dog chasing a car. The GOP never dreamed it would be in a position to do so which is exactly why nobody ever discussed what the replacement would look like. The dog finally catches the what?

The simple fact is there is no way to do anything with healthcare that doesn't result in some demographic losing.
To make it cheaper for some, you have to make it more expensive for others.

Want to only repeal? Rates will come down for some, up for others and those with pre-existing conditions will be SOL because they either can't get coverage or the cost of coverage will be cost prohibitive.

There are no magic unicorns. There are no healthcare plans that allow all to keep their coverage and cost less. So what demographic are you willing to lose?

As soon as the GOP acts on healthcare in any way, they own it. And when their idea fails to solve the healthcare quandary, the ire of those affected will come down upon them and they know it. They don't want to own it.

Trump doesn't give a shit what's in any healthcare bill. He wants to say "I won" with no regard of what it was that he exactly won. A universal care bill written by Bernie Sanders could be put on his desk and he'd sign it. After all, he said that "we have to cover everyone"...those are his words. Any repeal or repeal and replace could be put on his desk and he'd sign it. He isn't worried about the fallout. It won't affect his life. What it will do is make the GOP responsible for what comes down the road.

The US was screwed when the healthcare industry in the US became a for-profit enterprise starting in the 60's. Prior to that it was largely non-profit. Research scientist gladly gave away their patents for breakthroughs like penicillin and polio vaccines. The profit motive bought a lot of advancement, lots of money into research but at a price. Costs skyrocketed and many being priced out of services long considered basic human needs.
Gonna start tonight with tweets..... just saying. Could be nothing or could be something...
I think something is going down. I don't know about anything tonight, but I get the feeling that the Trump and Sessions 'fued' is fake and being used to distract from something big going down. It could be that behind the scenes they are going after DWS or Hillary (or both) and they are distracting the MSM from it. We will see.
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The whole "Repeal and Replace" mantra during the campaign season was a dog chasing a car. The GOP never dreamed it would be in a position to do so which is exactly why nobody ever discussed what the replacement would look like. The dog finally catches the what?

The simple fact is there is no way to do anything with healthcare that doesn't result in some demographic losing.
To make it cheaper for some, you have to make it more expensive for others.

Want to only repeal? Rates will come down for some, up for others and those with pre-existing conditions will be SOL because they either can't get coverage or the cost of coverage will be cost prohibitive.

There are no magic unicorns. There are no healthcare plans that allow all to keep their coverage and cost less. So what demographic are you willing to lose?

As soon as the GOP acts on healthcare in any way, they own it. And when their idea fails to solve the healthcare quandary, the ire of those affected will come down upon them and they know it. They don't want to own it.

Trump doesn't give a shit what's in any healthcare bill. He wants to say "I won" with no regard of what it was that he exactly won. A universal care bill written by Bernie Sanders could be put on his desk and he'd sign it. After all, he said that "we have to cover everyone"...those are his words. Any repeal or repeal and replace could be put on his desk and he'd sign it. He isn't worried about the fallout. It won't affect his life. What it will do is make the GOP responsible for what comes down the road.

The US was screwed when the healthcare industry in the US became a for-profit enterprise starting in the 60's. Prior to that it was largely non-profit. Research scientist gladly gave away their patents for breakthroughs like penicillin and polio vaccines. The profit motive bought a lot of advancement, lots of money into research but at a price. Costs skyrocketed and many being priced out of services long considered basic human needs.

Lies. All lies. I would trust Bernie Madoff before I'd trust one word out of your lying, untruthful mouth.

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