How will they rule ??!

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Idk anything about any of this (other than nothing will happen, like Cosby said), but someone hired foreign IT folks to manage confidential govt stuff?

Wayne, based on what I've read, this bunch sounds like IT help desk flunkies rather than server-side admins.

Helpdesk walks the bell.. SysAdmin and above are practically a different field of work as far as I'm concerned. You're never NOT on the hook for some system or application.

You should spend 2 years MAX in helpdesk, unless you really love fixing desktops and helping install programs. Biggest mistake I've made.
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Not really. Evidently the people in charge, military experts and Generals, have come to the conclusion that the military isn't a social experiment, nor is it a free sex change surgery clinic.
Yeah evidently they didn't know anything about this change in policy. You guys still believe everything Trump tells you, how cute.
Nothing says classy like destroying America.
Yeah he left it in such terrible shape. Much better than Bush Jr. did. Millions more with healthcare. Millions of new jobs. Doubled the stock market. Inflation low. Unemployment low. Avoided a great depression type disaster. Brought yearly deficit down from over $1T when he took office to around 350B. Avoided wars and kept America safe.

In 6 months, Trump has been involved in scandal after scandal, destroyed the integrity of the Executive Branch, and zero legislative achievements. But he's signed a bunch of crap to do a bunch of studies and move paper around. He's really good on Twitter! And he's made 35% of the country happy. Woo hoo!

I think the right has Alzheimer's because they always seem to forget the past or even their past positions.
I LOVE pointing out all the ignorant stupid shit in Cardkilla's posts, but there's just too much in that one.

My favorite is probably "avoided wars".

I guess bombing the shit out of countries in violation of the War Powers Resolution isn't "war" because he had unchecked power to bomb women and children wherever he wanted.
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From my limited understanding, physical tests were changed to allow more women in the military. That is f'd up and wrong. Exact opposite of equality.

You mean you don't want to be in a fox hole with a weak SJW diversity quota hire that can't fight or even knows if they're a guy or a girl?
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My 401k return is at 10.7% on the year. Literally, the day he was elected my retirement accounts went from more or less a horizontal line and stagnant to 10-15 degree pitch with steady growth and haven't looked back.That's what I care about. That's what Libs care about whether they admit it or not.

These "scandals" bother me about as much as missing people who were going to go public on Hillary bother you.
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I'm now of the belief that the Sessions/Trump riff is completely fake and its being used to distract the media from something huge happening behind the scenes.

I believe this is another case of Trump completely trolling the media, left and democrats. Not sure what is happening, but something big is going down IMO.
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It's amazing the respect shown for soldiers who volunteer to defend us, so long as they meet your guys approval. And I would assume they went through the same training as the guy or girl next to them did.

There are also other jobs besides being in combat. To outright ban them from all parts of the military is an insult. Same thing was said about women and they have done just fine.
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I'm now of the belief that the Sessions/Trump riff is completely fake and its being used to distract the media from something huge happening behind the scenes.

I believe this is another case of Trump completely trolling the media, left and democrats. Not sure what is happening, but something big is going down IMO.
Exactly- this is absurd. Should military discriminate against gays? Absolutely not. A gay dude has every right and can be an excellent soldier .

But not let's sit here and pretend (it's absurd that we even have to entertain this idiocy ) that a bunch of trans people want to sign up for the military and go fight in Iraq . Stupid .
And yes , yes absolutely we should NOT pay for someone's sex change . Pay for it yourself. .
Just like taxpayers shouldn't be responsible for paying / providing "free abortions " you want an abortion? Pay for it your damn self . Smfh the military shouldn't accept mentally ill ppl. Transgender is classified in psychology as a mental issue anyome that suggests otherwise is attempting to pander to feelings and political correctness
It's amazing the respect shown for soldiers who volunteer to defend us, so long as they meet your guys approval. And I would assume they went through the same training as the guy or girl next to them did.

There are also other jobs besides being in combat. To outright ban them from all parts of the military is an insult. Same thing was said about women and they have done just fine.

No matter the position, don't you 1. still have to go through basic and 2. can still be called to active duty at any time?

You can't just join the military and totally deflect the chance that you could be called to duty, along with join the military and no have to worry about your mental/physical aptitude, no matter if you're a cook, server admin, or grunt.

Mentally and physically, you need to be prepared for combat.
It's amazing the respect shown for soldiers who volunteer to defend us, so long as they meet your guys approval. And I would assume they went through the same training as the guy or girl next to them did.

There are also other jobs besides being in combat. To outright ban them from all parts of the military is an insult. Same thing was said about women and they have done just fine.
Except "women" isn't a medically defined mental illness. Being transgender is. You think they are at high rates of suicide, substance abuse, etc just bc of their, those things are also part of mental disorders...which is why they are more prone to it

a rule of narcissism is a narcissist doesn't know he/she is a narcissist, thinks everyone else who thinks different than him/her is the narcissist.

see you are the one with mental disorder(s). if you are going to take a knife to some part of your body, don't do it to your penis, there would much more useful ways to utilize said knife to your body for the rest of society.
Republicans simply cannot handle power. We gave them control of Washington and they have been a disgrace. No way tax reform gets passed. A lot of Republicans are going to be looking for jobs in 2018. the military shouldn't accept mentally ill ppl. Transgender is classified in psychology as a mental issue anyome that suggests otherwise is attempting to pander to feelings and political correctness

Think about this.

Aren't Democrats the ones who are always wanting to do extensive background checks and to make sure mentally ill people don't have a gun? Now want to advocate for trannies in the military to get guns? Haha

How many trannies are really wanting to do this? It's such a nonsensical issue.