How will they rule ??!

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False - people who are going through this have to miss work, plus they're nuts. The military can't afford to deal with the distraction.
I think you'd be wrong to believe announcing no pay for operations, and no special treatment wouldn't carve out a large %.

Would have also had Mattis speak on the issue first publicly, would've allowed Trump wiggle room for PR purposes...which would've been a big deal.
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Forgot about this. I posted it about two weeks ago. Today's decision is probably a response to this. Some Republicans tried to do it the other way, and restrict funding while continuing to allow them to serve.

These Are The 24 Republicans Who Think The Pentagon Should Pay For Transgender Surgeries

The House of Representatives voted down a Republican proposal to ban the Pentagon from paying for gender-transition surgeries after 24 GOP congressmen crossed party lines to join the Democratic side.

Republican Missouri Rep. Vicky Hartzler’s proposal to restrict funding for transgender members of the military was shut down in a close 209-214 vote on the the House floor Thursday after 24 GOP members sided with Democrats. Former President Barack Obama initiated the social policy changes that the Pentagon enacted in 2015.

“The Obama transgender policy, which was implemented without input from members of Congress, is ill-conceived and contrary to our goals of increasing troop readiness and investing defense dollars into addressing budget shortfalls of the past,” Hartzler said in a statement. “By recruiting and allowing transgender individuals to serve in our military we are subjecting taxpayers to high medical costs including up to $130,000 per transition surgery, lifetime hormone treatments, and additional surgeries to address the high percentage of individuals who experience complications.”

These are the 24 Republicans who voted against the legislation that would have removed funding for transgender military members’ medical costs:

  • California Rep. Paul Cook
  • California Rep. Jeff Denham
  • California Rep. Steve Knight
  • California Rep. Darrell Issa
  • Colorado Rep Mike Coffman
  • Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo
  • Florida Rep. Lena Ros-Lehtinen
  • Florida Rep. Brian Mast
  • Michigan Rep. Justin Amash
  • Michigan Rep. Jack Bergman
  • New Jersey Rep. Leonard Lance
  • New Jersey Rep. Frank Lobiondo
  • New Jersey Rep. Tom MacArthur
  • New York Rep. John Faso
  • New York Rep. Elise Stefanik
  • New York Rep. Tom Reed
  • New York Rep. John Katko
  • New York Rep. Claudia Tenney
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Ryan Costello
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Charles Dent
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Bill Shuster
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick
  • Virginia Rep. Barbara Comstock
  • Washington Rep. David Reichert
“The deployability of individuals going through the sex transition process is highly problematic, requiring 210 to 238 work days where a soldier is non-deployable after surgery,” Hartzler said. “This recovery time equates to 1.4 million manpower days where transgender personnel cannot deploy and fight our nation’s wars, therefore relying on an already stressed force to pick up the burden. It makes no sense to purposely recruit individuals who cannot serve.”

Hartzler’s efforts to force a vote on the amendment were thwarted by her own party.
must have forgot about this. Now compare what Obama said(no politics) compared to Trump's.

But as Matt Gertz of the left-wing group Media Matters for America pointed out on Twitter, the right-wing media and conservative figures were happy to jump all over Obama for his 2009 back-to-school speech that was optional for students and promoted ideas such as the importance of staying in school and listening to teachers.

“I want to start with the responsibility you have to yourself,” Obama told students. “Every single one of you has something that you’re good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. That’s the opportunity an education can provide.” Republicans were not happy with that message.

“As the father of four children, I am absolutely appalled that taxpayer dollars are being used to spread President Obama’s socialist ideology,” said Jim Greer, chairman of the Republican Party of Florida. “It seems very close to indoctrination,” said Fox News Sean Hannity, who is now Trump’s No. 1 fan on television. Fox Nation suggested keeping kids home from school. Then-Oklahoma Senator Steve Russell, a Republican who now serves in the House of Representatives, said Obama was seemingly promoting himself by telling kids to work hard in school. “As far as I'm concerned this is not civics education—it gives the appearance of creating a cult of personality,” Russell said at the time.
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I say let them serve. I don't care who you are, willingly signing up to possibly kill and/or die for your country should be respected.

Trump/the Generals should make it very clear, though. The US Military will no longer pay a dime towards sex change operations. You want a sex change? Get your finances in order and pay for it yourself.

Also, there will be no special privileges/treatment afforded. You work for the military, it doesn't work for you. If you have a penis you sleep in the male barracks, you use the male restroom, you train with the males and you're held to the same standards as the males. Same for the vaginas, but with females. If you don't like it, then the US military isn't for you.

I can't imagine there's a single tranny in this entire country who wants to serve in the military for any other reason than making a political point.

This should have been the announcement.

Now you make a PR shit storm for what .1%-.5% of the military and another "ban" that can be spoken about...not worth it.

Agree with all. Seems he just fought a battle he didnt need to fight.
Agree with all. Seems he just fought a battle he didnt need to fight.
Yeah, but if you read that article I posted, and what everyone (including myself) missed is they actually tried to do it that way and pass a bill to ban the Pentagon from paying for the surgeries. D's and a handful of R's tanked it. They wanted it all, now they get nothing.
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Three (political) things always make me think of Willy...

1. Eric Braverman
2. Democrats being child molestors
3. Fidel Castro's bastard son

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At the end of the day, I really don't give a shit if trannies are in the military, and I honestly don't think I've thought about it before today.

But, the trannies have aligned themselves with the radical leftist, so I won't shed any tears.

Since it happened, I don't think it's bad for America, and it's sent the left into another tailspin, so I'll support it.
I think you'd be wrong to believe announcing no pay for operations, and no special treatment wouldn't carve out a large %.

Would have also had Mattis speak on the issue first publicly, would've allowed Trump wiggle room for PR purposes...which would've been a big deal.

Does it matter? How many of this base gives two shits about transgender people? If trannies are a big deal to people in terms of supporting them, they're not voting Republican anyways so who cares?

Being afraid to make anyone angry is why the Republicans got their asses handed to them in 2008 and 2012,
False - people who are going through this have to miss work, plus they're nuts. The military can't afford to deal with the distraction.
For people to think that any of this is not distracting or a problem for the military clearly has not served or ever served where their life would be on the line.
Welp, WH Anon called it. The Awan brother days before he got arrested. They have been spot on.
Just said it will be starting tonight on Twitter. Some big names are about to be arrested. I'm guessing DWS is going down. She has already retained Clinton lawyer.

Tomorrow will be the biggest day yet.

I have no idea what's going on or if things are about to blow, but i am grabbin' my popcorn.
Does it matter? How many of this base gives two shits about transgender people? If trannies are a big deal to people in terms of supporting them, they're not voting Republican anyways so who cares?

Being afraid to make anyone angry is why the Republicans got their asses handed to them in 2008 and 2012,

policy isn't the problem - I think they could frame stuff better. Just my take on this one.
Everyone else need the Hubble telescope to even begin trying to read the stuff in that pic?

Nothing is going to happen to anyone. I don't care what anyone says. I refuse to get my hopes up again, and have the rug pulled out from under me.
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Another police shooting, another dead civilian. This one is justified, IF you believe the officers over the witness, but it never should have happened in the first place. Is it really too much to ask to execute a search warrant at the correct address. Sorry, don't know how to link it, but the google search words are Mississippi and police shooting and warrant. It'll be front page news soon anyway.
Everyone else need the Hubble telescope to even begin trying to read the stuff in that pic?

Nothing is going to happen to anyone. I don't care what anyone says. I refuse to get my hopes up again, and have the rug pulled out from under me.

Thought it could be enhanced when clicked. I guess not.
Welp, WH Anon called it. The Awan brother days before he got arrested. They have been spot on.
Just said it will be starting tonight on Twitter. Some big names are about to be arrested. I'm guessing DWS is going down. She has already retained Clinton lawyer.

Tomorrow will be the biggest day yet.

I have no idea what's going on or if things are about to blow, but i am grabbin' my popcorn.
Another problem I have with this whole thing centers on why these IT jobs were not given to US citizens in the first place.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Democrats = outsourcing and denying Americans jobs.
Oh, a lot of trans people trying to join military, huh? A population size that's pnly 0.03 percent and are mentally ill should be a focal point of our nation and should be someone you'd trust on a battlefield?

Exactly- this is absurd. Should military discriminate against gays? Absolutely not. A gay dude has every right and can be an excellent soldier .

But not let's sit here and pretend (it's absurd that we even have to entertain this idiocy ) that a bunch of trans people want to sign up for the military and go fight in Iraq . Stupid .
And yes , yes absolutely we should NOT pay for someone's sex change . Pay for it yourself. .
Just like taxpayers shouldn't be responsible for paying / providing "free abortions " you want an abortion? Pay for it your damn self . Smfh
Another problem I have with this whole thing centers on why these IT jobs were not given to US citizens in the first place.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Democrats = outsourcing and denying Americans jobs.

I'll tell you why - so many IT jobs have gone overseas over the years that the US does not currently have the talent to keep up with the demand.
Another problem I have with this whole thing centers on why these IT jobs were not given to US citizens in the first place.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Democrats = outsourcing and denying Americans jobs.

I outsource jobs every day, because big corporations demand it.

The economy is global, there is no way to roll that up and put it back in the bag. If you started refusing to do business with companies that offshored jobs, you'd need to move to the wilderness and live off the land.
Another problem I have with this whole thing centers on why these IT jobs were not given to US citizens in the first place.
that one
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Democrats = outsourcing and denying Americans jobs.
Heard yesterday that one of the reasons is that Americans applying for the jobs can't pass a drug test.
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Maybe I can create a fake controversy about the Air Force not taking me as a pilot cause my eyesight is bad.

As for the left, the majority of them hate the military and hate guns. I like listening to them pick and choose when to pretend to care about the military. Feminists, beta cucks and trannies aren't knocking down the door to be in the military. These are people triggered by someone hurting their feelings. How the hell would they survive the military?
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I can't imagine someone who is trans is going to pass the psych tests. Hey, you want a sex change, by all means, do you. But I'm not sure you're fit to carry a gun, take orders, and serve. I don't think much of the general population is mentally fit to serve to begin with.

The whole process of coming out as trans could be debilitating. Make of it what you will (good or bad), that has to wreck your psyche. Hardly a chance that someone who went through that process is fit to be in the military.
I can't imagine someone who is trans is going to pass the psych tests. Hey, you want a sex change, by all means, do you. But I'm not sure you're fit to carry a gun, take orders, and serve. I don't think much of the general population is mentally fit to serve to begin with.

The whole process of coming out as trans could be debilitating. Make of it what you will (good or bad), that has to wreck your psyche. Hardly a chance that someone who went through that process is fit to be in the military.
