How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So again I must say - the left is all up in arms today over this vote - which was basically nothing. Nothing changed. And they are losing their minds.

This is the same group that protests a POTUS that has probably never read 2 consecutive lines out of a bible and doesn't give a damn about gay marriage or abortion or gender or homo rights.

Are they really this stupid? They have a president who is as liberal as any in their lifetimes on social issues, and what do the do - protest! Idiots.

They honestly are that effing stupid. Protest just to protest. If you don't agree and SWALLOW (pun) everything The my shove down your gullet - well.., then that makes you racist trash. Violence is not only OK, but encouraged if you don't align with their thinking /support a prez that isn't a dem

There's a reason that CD stores would always put the rap section near the register. When I worked in a place like that, it was the same thing.

Granted, multiple races would try to steal but rap CDs were something that was always at risk. That was always a go-to when you're a young thieving POS so I'll trust the manager to know what gets stolen the most and trust his opinion on how to protect it.
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There's a reason that CD stores would always put the rap section near the register. When I worked in a place like that, it was the same thing.

Granted, multiple races would try to steal but rap CDs were something that was always at risk. That was always a go-to when you're a young thieving POS so I'll trust the manager to know what gets stolen the most and trust his opinion on how to protect it.

It just keeps on getting more and more fkng absurd . It's racist for a college professor to (literally ... not dodging.. literally ) correct a students paper (this happened - professor corrected it/ whatever --/ and the gentlemen went to the press and the media along with him cried "racism "

It's racist to release video bc it WILL show blacks ,(and whites ) committing crime , who f'ng cares if they're white or black ? The Dems are ABSOLUTELY making a race war and are far more prejudice than others.

It's racist for a town Mayer to clean up / hose down literally human $HIT, and other vermin , debri etc from a downtime courthouse / square bc it's "racist " bc it will remind blacks of being hosed down nearly 60 years ago . Is this real life ?
Does anyone else think this "you can choose your gender/ identity / gender is "fluid" is kinda dangerous: a slippery slope ?

I mean honestly . What's to keep a 50yo dude from "experimenting" with a 9yo girl and just being like "well I identify as a 10 year old girl so...."

Or I mean- hell you can be white as shit and "identify " as black, or Indian etc etc

Can I just identify as anything i freaking want ?

Personally I think it sets a very dangerous precedent - not to mention its batshit crazy

@cardkilla - what do you identify as? A male? Female? Trans gendered bi racial She man? Honestly curious - asking for a friend
CardKilla is a trans-moron. No matter what Gender/Race/Specie it chooses, it will still be a moron.
This is the same group that protests a POTUS that has probably never read 2 consecutive lines out of a bible and doesn't give a damn about gay marriage or abortion or gender or homo rights.

Well you are completely wrong on all of this. And icing on the cake was the military decision this morning.
Well you are completely wrong on all of this. And icing on the cake was the military decision this morning.

He didn't make that call, he allowed the military to choose what's best for the military.

Paying for a sex change is not anything our military should be involved with, and i have no idea how they became involved in that. Deserves to be investigated and people who authorized that need to be fired. People totally ignore that financial fact, plus the fact that Trump trusted and let his military leaders make the call, because they just wanna get offended and march for their big gay brothers and sisters who are sooooo discriminated against.

Listening to Dems try to BS us about how voter fraud doesn't occur and their claims of why they're againat voter ID is the biggest insult to our intelligence.

We know why you're against it, dickheads. It's also why you want open borders and have sanctuary cities. We are not stupid. There's a reason why you're so desperate to keep importing these people because it's government dependent people who equate to votes for you.

But I do love the pro Russian rigging our elecfion crowd claiming it doesn't exist. These are the people who have been caught busing in protesters, planting mentally challenged people at Trump rallies to start fights, were caught on tape busing people across state lines, busing Somalians in 2012 but I'm supposed to take their word that they don't vote under dead people's names or get illegals to vote or stuff the boxes like they were accused of doing in Florida?
How can anyone support denying someone the right to fight for the country?

Support the Troops! (unless they're trans)

Oh, a lot of trans people trying to join military, huh? A population size that's pnly 0.03 percent and are mentally ill should be a focal point of our nation and should be someone you'd trust on a battlefield?

Trump needs to either fire Sessions or leave him alone. Even some supporters will recoil at what looks like awful disloyalty on Trump's part. This guy was with him when nobody gave him a chance.
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I say let them serve. I don't care who you are, willingly signing up to possibly kill and/or die for your country should be respected.

Trump/the Generals should make it very clear, though. The US Military will no longer pay a dime towards sex change operations. You want a sex change? Get your finances in order and pay for it yourself.

Also, there will be no special privileges/treatment afforded. You work for the military, it doesn't work for you. If you have a penis you sleep in the male barracks, you use the male restroom, you train with the males and you're held to the same standards as the males. Same for the vaginas, but with females. If you don't like it, then the US military isn't for you.