How will they rule ??!

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I'd like someone with a straight face look at his quotes and actions and then tell me he loves and is proud of America. He does not like America at all, which is in line with the thoughts of every radical he aligned himself with growing up.
Of all the speeches I've listened to, and of all the quotes I've read from him, I have never once gotten even an ounce of an impression that he cares anything about the average American citizen.
The big donors to the school will have a pretty big say into what happens and what doesn't I would think.
Not necessarily so. The Republicans refer to a pathway to legalization while the Dems talk about a pathway to citizenship. IMO we need to realize that these people are here living stealth lives. We need to find out who they are, deport the criminal element and put the law abiding ones into the system so they can pay their fair share of taxes, have proper credentials to drive a car, and are leaning the English language among other things. Not that concerned if they obtain legal status or citizens so long as we know WHO they are and they carrying their weight.

So say you put someone on a 5 year path that eventually leads to a legal status - as that really "amnesty".

Please explain to me who the "law abiding ones" are, assuming they are in the country illegally. I really cannot get past that fact.

I hear it all the time and cannot reconcile it in my feeble mind.
This crap along with cheering for the deaths of cops and terrorizing white students in a library at Dartmouth isn't really helping their cause. Sure, they might get some attention from the PC idiots that created this mess but actual employers will take note.

Rather interesting that the racists involved in these "movements" after 40 years ago fighting against segregation somehow want to isolate themselves in black-only groups and demand more blacks and less white.

No protests over St. Louis, Memphis, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Oakland and other cities where black on black crime is out of this world or even hip hop culture, which encourages a negative portrayal of aspirations and culture but yeah, let's hate whitey and blame them for everything.
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At the rate things are going, we're gonna have to rename Washington, DC since ole GW owned slaves.
Please explain to me who the "law abiding ones" are, assuming they are in the country illegally. I really cannot get past that fact.

I hear it all the time and cannot reconcile it in my feeble mind.

I hear what you're saying but I think the true criminal element that is a danger to society needs to be identified and deported or otherwise dealt with first and foremost. The fact that they all have entered illegally should be dealt with in any path to legalization. Both Dems and Pubs has said they should pay a fine among other things.
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Gee, who could have seen this coming?....

Colbert Drops to 3rd Place Behind Kimmel as New Poll Shows CBS Host Alienating Audiences:

Per The Hollywood Reporter‘s survey of 1000 late-night viewers aged 18-65, only 17 percent of those identified themselves as Republican watch Colbert, while attracting 47 percent of those who identify as Democrats, a 30-point gap. But more liberals watch late-night TV than stuffy, old conservatives, right? Guess again. In Kimmel’s case, the split is 34 percent Democrats, 33 percent Republicans. In Fallon’s case, it’s 36-31 Democrats.

Why so even-keeled? Because Kimmel and Fallon go through great lengths to be apolitical. To equally mock or simply find other props and topics to use for comedy outside of political humor and (oftentimes in Colbert’s case) commentary on how stupid/awful/inept Republicans are. It’s a smart approach if the goal is to reach as broad as audience as possible, something Colbert never cared to achieve going back to his Comedy Central days and The Colbert Report. In character, out of character… Colbert is Colbert. And that’s fine on Comedy Central, even downright expected. But network TV? Not so much…

The ratings result of said approach is now beginning to come to fruition as the bloom comes off the rose ten weeks since his debut.
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Wilson was a proto-fascist POS. Seriously, one of the worst Presidents for liberty of all time. Doesn't get nearly the "credit" he deserves for being a hateful scumbag. Sort of the same way Calvin Coolidge doesn't get credit for being awesome

Erasing him from the history of Princeton is still stupid AF and these students suck
Gee, who could have seen this coming?....

Colbert Drops to 3rd Place Behind Kimmel as New Poll Shows CBS Host Alienating Audiences:

Per The Hollywood Reporter‘s survey of 1000 late-night viewers aged 18-65, only 17 percent of those identified themselves as Republican watch Colbert, while attracting 47 percent of those who identify as Democrats, a 30-point gap. But more liberals watch late-night TV than stuffy, old conservatives, right? Guess again. In Kimmel’s case, the split is 34 percent Democrats, 33 percent Republicans. In Fallon’s case, it’s 36-31 Democrats.

Why so even-keeled? Because Kimmel and Fallon go through great lengths to be apolitical. To equally mock or simply find other props and topics to use for comedy outside of political humor and (oftentimes in Colbert’s case) commentary on how stupid/awful/inept Republicans are. It’s a smart approach if the goal is to reach as broad as audience as possible, something Colbert never cared to achieve going back to his Comedy Central days and The Colbert Report. In character, out of character… Colbert is Colbert. And that’s fine on Comedy Central, even downright expected. But network TV? Not so much…

The ratings result of said approach is now beginning to come to fruition as the bloom comes off the rose ten weeks since his debut.

I never found him funny and his politics got old rather quickly especially after his coverage of the second GOP debate and what he focused on instead of the moderators.

It'd be nice for once if the entertainers took Dems to task like they do Republicans constantly.
Yea the so-called rules of engagement are puzzling to me. You never want to kill civilians if you can avoid it but if you look at other wars we have fought WW2, Korea even Vietnam we bombed factories, we bombed hospitals, we bombed anything anything that looked like it might help the enemy - they were all military targets. But here we were avoiding bombing tanker convoys because we think the drivers might be innocent civilians forced in to service.

If this is indeed a war like the French President and our Sec. of Defense said yesterday, then we need to do two things - Congress needs to declare war and we need to start fighting it like it is a "real" war.
The problem of fighting it like a traditional war is the fact that there is no nation to fight. No uniformed army to identify the good guys and bad guys. How does the war end? That is the question that no one has answered and which has led to the past engagements which have dragged on endlessly. It is quite literally like the "war on drugs" or "war on poverty". We can easily win the battles but to truly win a war there has to be control on the ground. You can defeat the current power holder but as soon as that power is gone, another will take its place. We defeated Saddam but then it left a vacuum which al Qaeda filled. We defeat, run out al Qaeda and ISIS fills the void.
Unless we are willing to occupy and control the region we are left with what we get. How many troops would that take? How much money would it cost? How many lives would be lost?
It would be an ongoing commitment for 70+ years...after all, we are still occupying Germany and Japan 70 years after the end of WWII.
^ There's something there about how the breakdown of traditional power structures (family, communities, tribes, etc...) in the region lead to power vacuums, and globalization and technology allow (relatively) small groups to concentrate power in ways unimaginable even 40 years ago (Friedman makes a similar argument in his ramblings), but I'm too beat from work to go through it all. But bottom line is that I think we're in an era where extreme ideologies or powerful states will be the norm, not the exception. Hard to see a way around it, frankly.
Wilson is a racist, sexist pig molester. Two of those things are at least true. I would try to distance my school from him as much as I could.

This is a lot more than "He may have had racist thoughts 100 years ago!". He wasn't just a product of his time, he was evil.
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The problem of fighting it like a traditional war is the fact that there is no nation to fight. No uniformed army to identify the good guys and bad guys. How does the war end? That is the question that no one has answered and which has led to the past engagements which have dragged on endlessly. It is quite literally like the "war on drugs" or "war on poverty". We can easily win the battles but to truly win a war there has to be control on the ground. You can defeat the current power holder but as soon as that power is gone, another will take its place. We defeated Saddam but then it left a vacuum which al Qaeda filled. We defeat, run out al Qaeda and ISIS fills the void.
Unless we are willing to occupy and control the region we are left with what we get. How many troops would that take? How much money would it cost? How many lives would be lost?
It would be an ongoing commitment for 70+ years...after all, we are still occupying Germany and Japan 70 years after the end of WWII.
Which was the intent.
I support the Bill requiring more stringent vetting of these people. We really need to take all measures to know who comes into the country.

Having said that, it's been pointed out now that the 20 million visa waivers we issue every year have virtually no vetting at all and the countries of origin don't keep accurate records of their people. So hypothetically someone could come form Syria to Croatia to Belgium wind up in France and get a US Visa and come to the US without us knowing much of anything about them. This is how all the 9-11 terrorists got in. So the refugee issue which is a legitimate issue pales in comparison to the potential for terrorists entering legally.

I also heard this morning that there were some Syrian refugees caught sneaking across our southern boarder.

What all this screams to me is that we need a comprehensive immigration reform plan that will secure the boarders and formalize Visa procedures so if you can't prove who you are you aren't coming in, and also deal with the refugee issues.
So yeah, the logic here is to go ahead and allow more to come in even though we know there is a flaw in the other vetting process. Not smart really.
I hear what you're saying but I think the true criminal element that is a danger to society needs to be identified and deported or otherwise dealt with first and foremost. The fact that they all have entered illegally should be dealt with in any path to legalization. Both Dems and Pubs has said they should pay a fine among other things.
Not enough information on them to make a clear distinction. Not a good time to let anyone in without a long and time consuming vetting process. AMERICAN LIVES MATTER!
Eh. As a Princeton alum, I hope that place eats itself. Worst 5 years of my life. Love the asterisk on my degree because I was a grad student and the like to make sure people know we didn't belong with the priveleged.

These assholes. We used to run charity drives as grad students. We would getting freaking 1 year old cars donated by undergrads because it was too much work to take the car home for the summer. New freaking cars.

Yeah these f@&$s are really oppressed.
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Not enough information on them to make a clear distinction. Not a good time to let anyone in without a long and time consuming vetting process. AMERICAN LIVES MATTER!
We let tourist come in every day. Again, anyone who wants to come and do harm could easily do so as a tourist
We let tourist come in every day. Again, anyone who wants to come and do harm could easily do so as a tourist
Still not a good reason to add to the problem. Does common sense no longer exist with liberals now?
Almost all are white. That place was founded on white. But they're chickenshit people that are enabling this crap anyway.
I don't understand why this is even a discussion. Let them in, investigate them thoroughly, and monitor them after. You want to be free well you're going to have to earn it. If you're an innocent refugee anything beats the alternative.
Why achieve when you can sit on your ass and demand to be given the same things as the people that are working their asses off get?

I know because I supervise it every day. The laziness juxtaposed against the sense of entitlement are just crazy. An entire people that think they are supposed to be taken care of and catered to. If you grown up being given a check then I guess you get used to it.
It's interesting. Many of them are in college simply due to lowered standards and quotas. It's got to the point where even Asian students are suing Ivy League schools over it.

These kids are being taught nothing but hate and being brainwashed with this victim mentality garbage. I honesty believe these idiots think they're being oppressed and targeted and see none of their community's own issues. I bet they have no idea of true stats, crime figures of racial crimes, cop stats, educational rankings. etc
Still not a good reason to add to the problem. Does common sense no longer exist with liberals now?

Eh. As a Princeton alum, I hope that place eats itself. Worst 5 years of my life. Love the asterisk on my degree because I was a grad student and the like to make sure people know we didn't belong with the priveleged.

These assholes. We used to run charity drives as grad students. We would getting freaking 1 year old cars donated by undergrads because it was too much work to take the car home for the summer. New freaking cars.

Yeah these f@&$s are really oppressed.

Humblebrag HOF right there.
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