How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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As a millennial feminist, allow me to run with this victim thing. Last week I had a new air conditioner delivered, only to realize that it was too heavy for me to carry up four flights of stairs to my apartment. So, being single, I had to hire a random man from the Internet to carry it for me. Then I had to hire a different man to install it, only to have that man explain that I’d bought an AC with the wrong voltage for my building, which meant that I had to rehire the first man to carry the AC back downstairs again. When I told this story to my mom, she responded with a sigh, “See, this is why you need a boyfriend: Air conditioners, broken toilets, a raccoon in the basement—that all becomes their problem.”

When I was younger, I took it for granted that my friends would always be available for hungover brunches and emergency threesomes. But now, seeing my friends usually means being the one single person amid a mob of couples, who treat me either like hired entertainment (“tell us a funny Tinder story, clown!”) or like their problem child. For instance, for years now my friends and I have spent summer weekends at a shared beach house on Fire Island. There are three bedrooms and one pullout couch, and suddenly this year I keep being demoted to the couch, so that the couples can have “privacy.” Excuse me, but do single people not need privacy? I get that they want to have sex on their vacation, but where am I supposed to jerk off? This is my vacation too, people! There’s no other way to look at it: I am a hashtag victim of couple privilege.

You mean being a proud whore doesn't have the fellas knocking down your door wanting to marry you and have you be the mother of their children? This bitch is proof of how many women fall into the trap of miserable slags like this. "You don't need a man. You don't need kids. Be 'Sex and the City' like me and we can just drink wine, eff strangers and hang with cats." Never mind these chicks are miserable and let their wombs dry up because they bought into this joke.

Ya know- trump has REALLY grown on me. I didn't vote for him (DEFINITELY didn't vote Hilldawg) but I was kinda .. impartial/ "meh" about trump . But I kinda like and respect him now. He's not a puppet to anybody like so many other presidents have been: are.
He calls the idiotic media out for being blatant hypocrites. Calls a spade a spade . Good for him

And I like
How all these people act like he hates gays when he's been SUPER liberal / for gay rights for years and years and years (unlike Obama, Hilary etc who suddenly was "pro gay marriage " to help their vote count .




As a millennial feminist, allow me to run with this victim thing. Last week I had a new air conditioner delivered, only to realize that it was too heavy for me to carry up four flights of stairs to my apartment. So, being single, I had to hire a random man from the Internet to carry it for me. Then I had to hire a different man to install it, only to have that man explain that I’d bought an AC with the wrong voltage for my building, which meant that I had to rehire the first man to carry the AC back downstairs again. When I told this story to my mom, she responded with a sigh, “See, this is why you need a boyfriend: Air conditioners, broken toilets, a raccoon in the basement—that all becomes their problem.”

When I was younger, I took it for granted that my friends would always be available for hungover brunches and emergency threesomes. But now, seeing my friends usually means being the one single person amid a mob of couples, who treat me either like hired entertainment (“tell us a funny Tinder story, clown!”) or like their problem child. For instance, for years now my friends and I have spent summer weekends at a shared beach house on Fire Island. There are three bedrooms and one pullout couch, and suddenly this year I keep being demoted to the couch, so that the couples can have “privacy.” Excuse me, but do single people not need privacy? I get that they want to have sex on their vacation, but where am I supposed to jerk off? This is my vacation too, people! There’s no other way to look at it: I am a hashtag victim of couple privilege.

You mean being a proud whore doesn't have the fellas knocking down your door wanting to marry you and have you be the mother of their children? This bitch is proof of how many women fall into the trap of miserable slags like this. "You don't need a man. You don't need kids. Be 'Sex and the City' like me and we can just drink wine, eff strangers and hang with cats." Never mind these chicks are miserable and let their wombs dry up because they bought into this joke.

Couple privilege??? Is this chick for real??
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Couple privilege??? Is this chick for real??

Didn't you hear? Anything someone has that another person doesn't, no matter the reason why, is privileged and that's BS to the person who doesn't have it.

You're a raging feminist who thinks all males should be castrated for being at all masculine, yet you can't find a boyfriend that meets your criteria? Male privilege for being the way you are or females trying to fit a social construct in order to find a boyfriend, entering into couples privilege.

Transgender and can't find a partner? Not your fault straight people don't want to date someone who had a sex change! It's their fault for being transphobic! Your fake vagina should have no effect on their reasoning for choosing not to date you. Another privilege for sane, er, I mean not transgender folk.

You can't fit in the seat and everyone else on the bus can? Maybe they should make buses bigger for obese people? Skinny privilege. The nerve to fit through spaces comfortably.

Too much privilege going around these days.
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Whats going on in Israel perfectly sums up the problem with Islam. Muslims are more upset over metal detectors being put up, than the terror attack that caused them the need to be put up in the first place. They always try to make themselves the victims.
Whats going on in Israel perfectly sums up the problem with Islam. Muslims are more upset over metal detectors being put up, than the terror attack that caused them the need to be put up in the first place. They always try to make themselves the victims.

EVERYONE is a victim these days! Cept white people of course ... or straight people -specifically men- who aren't enamored with transgendered "women" who have a penis . The nerve of these awful men!!




As a millennial feminist, allow me to run with this victim thing. Last week I had a new air conditioner delivered, only to realize that it was too heavy for me to carry up four flights of stairs to my apartment. So, being single, I had to hire a random man from the Internet to carry it for me. Then I had to hire a different man to install it, only to have that man explain that I’d bought an AC with the wrong voltage for my building, which meant that I had to rehire the first man to carry the AC back downstairs again. When I told this story to my mom, she responded with a sigh, “See, this is why you need a boyfriend: Air conditioners, broken toilets, a raccoon in the basement—that all becomes their problem.”

When I was younger, I took it for granted that my friends would always be available for hungover brunches and emergency threesomes. But now, seeing my friends usually means being the one single person amid a mob of couples, who treat me either like hired entertainment (“tell us a funny Tinder story, clown!”) or like their problem child. For instance, for years now my friends and I have spent summer weekends at a shared beach house on Fire Island. There are three bedrooms and one pullout couch, and suddenly this year I keep being demoted to the couch, so that the couples can have “privacy.” Excuse me, but do single people not need privacy? I get that they want to have sex on their vacation, but where am I supposed to jerk off? This is my vacation too, people! There’s no other way to look at it: I am a hashtag victim of couple privilege.

You mean being a proud whore doesn't have the fellas knocking down your door wanting to marry you and have you be the mother of their children? This bitch is proof of how many women fall into the trap of miserable slags like this. "You don't need a man. You don't need kids. Be 'Sex and the City' like me and we can just drink wine, eff strangers and hang with cats." Never mind these chicks are miserable and let their wombs dry up because they bought into this joke.
The first step in solving a problem is to recognize you have one.

Liberals don't even recognize they have a problem.

Are you fukking kidding me ????

I pre ordered the "gold" edition of COD-WWII also... comes out in November I think? Absolutely RIDICULOUS.

Jesus - can someone please justify just randomly adding women, or minorities etc to movies and video games is ok? I'm still* constantly blown away by the stupidity I see from "the left "
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Run fukking kidding me ????

I pre ordered the "gold" edition of COD-WWII also... comes out on November I think? Absolutely RIDICULOUS.

Jesus - can someone please justify just randomly adding women, or minorities etc to movies and video games is ok? I'm still* constantly blown away by the stupidly I see from "the left "

Now you're gonna be a racist when you kill video game black women.

"Look at the white guy killing all those black female nazis. Such a racist"
Are you fukking kidding me ????

I pre ordered the "gold" edition of COD-WWII also... comes out in November I think? Absolutely RIDICULOUS.

Jesus - can someone please justify just randomly adding women, or minorities etc to movies and video games is ok? I'm still* constantly blown away by the stupidity I see from "the left "

I saw this commercial and just laughed. Watch this. This type of advertising occurs frequently.

You wanna tell me this wasn't intentional?

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