How will they rule ??!

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Video exists of unarmed man running on foot from police after a traffic stop and he is shot in the back multiple times... video of an unarmed man walking down the street while multiple cops watching and he is shot 16 times...14 of those when he is already on the ground and not moving...

No, what is pathetic is the reflex to blame the victim until it's someone who looks like you or perhaps your mother or sister. When it gets close to home your attitude changes. The cop was wrong in each of those cases but y'all want to justify the shootings if it takes place in the hood.
The first cop you mentioned was charged with murder. And EVERYONE was outraged by that shooting.

The 2nd cop was tried and a jury that heard all the evidence, could not convict him.

So, nothing in your post makes any sense except that you want to be a contrarian.
If a white cop kills a black criminal after a struggle, the motive is automatically known to be "racist." No evidence is needed. If an altercation occurs, it had to be racially motivated and should automatically be convicted.

White person gets attacked/killed by blacks or in this case, a Muslim officer, all of a sudden, it's not racially motivated.

You will never see white people rioting because a white career criminal was killed. However, blacks will burn down a city and turn someone like Michael Brown into a martyr. A guy who just assaulted and robbed a shop owner all of a sudden gets the "He was an angel" treatment with the inevitable graduation photo to make its rounds in the media.
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Hillary Clinton died and went to heaven. As she stood in front of Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates, she saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. She asked, "What are all those clocks?"
Saint Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock.
Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move.
"Oh," said Hillary, "whose clock is that?"
"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved indicating that she never told a lie."
"Whose clock is that?"
"That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have only moved twice telling us that Abe only told 2 lies in his entire life."
"Where's Bill's clock?" Hillary asked.
"Bill's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."

Funny how people connected with Trump have no problem testifying, hell they basically insist on it, yet team Obama people plead the 5th, lie, or not even show up to testify.

Yet the MSM tells us the Trumps are the guilty ones.

Destroy evidence. Refuse to turn over evidence. Commit "suicide".
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If I was in charge of everything. My priorities.

1.Make sure George Soros is imprisoned or executed
2. Shut down all immigration no matter what
3. Deporting everyone, ending DACA or whatever bull crap and end birthright citizenship
4. Build the wall
5. Make sure Obama/Clinton/Rice/etc get taken down.
6. Make sure DNC Media doesn't have access to me at all.
7. Implementing a way to verify voter rolls and I'd use their accusations of collusion against me as why we need to get to the bottom of this. lol

Weed doesn't make the cut.

1-10 for me is shutting down lobbies. Our government and their decisions are owned by whoever ponies up the most money.

yet team Obama people plead the 5th, lie, or not even show up to testify.

Let's not forget the Red Reptile and her little Pakistani IT team.
After Stalling for Months, Wasserman Schultz to Cooperate With Investigators on IT Probe
Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.) is expected to finally allow U.S. Capitol Police to access her laptop to investigate a cyber security case connected to several House Democrats' IT contractors.

After months of apparent stonewalling, the former chair of the Democratic National Committee is going to cooperate with investigators looking into a case involving allegations of computer theft, over-billing, and email hacking, Fox News reported Wednesday.

In addition to stonewalling about the laptop, Democrats stood by the IT contractors and said that they are under suspicion because of their Pakistani heritage. Fox reports that official documents reveal that five contractors and six people could be involved.

Let's not forget the Red Reptile and her little Pakistani IT team.
After Stalling for Months, Wasserman Schultz to Cooperate With Investigators on IT Probe
Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.) is expected to finally allow U.S. Capitol Police to access her laptop to investigate a cyber security case connected to several House Democrats' IT contractors.

After months of apparent stonewalling, the former chair of the Democratic National Committee is going to cooperate with investigators looking into a case involving allegations of computer theft, over-billing, and email hacking, Fox News reported Wednesday.

In addition to stonewalling about the laptop, Democrats stood by the IT contractors and said that they are under suspicion because of their Pakistani heritage. Fox reports that official documents reveal that five contractors and six people could be involved.
Amazing how this is not a huge story. MSM completely ignores it.
Funny how people connected with Trump have no problem testifying, hell they basically insist on it, yet team Obama people plead the 5th, lie, or not even show up to testify.

Yet the MSM tells us the Trumps are the guilty ones.

No crap. Would love to hear from our libtarded liberals like @cardkilla @jameslee32 and the worst mod @Deeeefense

Double standard or not?
Crime drops in Phoenix after city drops sanctuary city status, former cops say

At the center of national debate, a question remains unanswered: Are sanctuary cities that protect illegal immigrants safer than non-sanctuary cities?

Sanctuary supporters claim they are.

"Police chiefs across the nation believe that enlisting local police to enforce immigration law is a bad idea," California Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Leon, a Democrat, claimed at a news conference last week. "Having [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] pluck criminals out of jail and send them across the border or wherever they came only to come right back endangers our communities.”

But is that true?

At least one city, Phoenix, saw a drop in crime after it eliminated its sanctuary city status, according to former law enforcement officials. In May 2008, Phoenix reversed itself, becoming a non-sanctuary state. Under the policy, police had full discretion to ask suspects about their immigration status and had the freedom to call ICE.

"We saw a decrease in crime," said Bolton. "It had a deterrent effect on folks because the risk of discovery went up exponentially when we actually enforced the law."

Bolton served with Mark Spencer, who spent 25 years patrolling in Phoenix.

"When we eliminated our sanctuary policy back in 2008, we saw crime, violent and stolen vehicles fall by 25 percent," he recalled. "We saw a 20-year low crime rate. When we were allowed and had the discretion to contact our federal immigration partners, crime fell drastically."

According to, which collects data from various government agencies, from 2008 to 2009 Phoenix's murder rate fell 27 percent, robberies by 23 percent, assault by 13 percent, burglaries by 14 percent and theft by 19 percent. The numbers for each category fell the following year as well – albeit by smaller margins.
Anyone who thinks DWS will show up and tell the truth is kidding themselves.

No one on the left has told the truth the last 20 years. What makes you think theyd start now? Especially one so close to the Clintons and Obamas on an issue that could burn them all.

No. She was just delaying until they bought off or killed whoever they needed to. That way she could lie, without anyone contesting it
if i am not mistaken, that is the same form of cancer my grandfather had. he was 80 at the time and it wasn't pretty. he went down fast afterwards. hope for him and his family that this is not that and he has a successful recovery.
Same kind ted kennedy had
Also, something that has somehow been kept under wraps, at least to my knowledge, after Comey was fired, Mueller actually interviewed to be the new FBI director and was turned down by Trump the day before he was appointed special counsel.
In an NYT interview, set to publish tomorrow, when asked about Sessions recusing himself from the Russian investigation, Trump said he would have never appointed him if he knew he was going to bitch out at the first sign of Democrat pressure/hysteria.

Why would Trump ever give the NYT an interview at this point? No way it turns out well
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In an NYT interview, set to publish tomorrow, when asked about Sessions recusing himself from the Russian investigation, Trump said he would have never appointed him if he knew he was going to bitch out at the first sign of Democrat pressure/hysteria.
Sessions is great at immigration but disappointing in many other ways.
Why would Trump ever give the NYT an interview at this point? No way it turns out well
Not sure, but from what has come out it, it sounds like Trump picked up the phone and invited them to the WH.

Trump also revealed that the Trump Jr meeting isn't anything new, that those who matter, Mueller and the House Intelligence Committee, have known about it since April.

He said the media was aware if this fact, but purposely reported months old news just to keep the narrative/conspiracy alive.
Not sure, but from what has come out it, it sounds like Trump picked up the phone and invited them to the WH.

Trump also revealed that the Trump Jr meeting isn't anything new, that those who matter, Mueller and the House Intelligence Committee, have known about it since April.

He said the media was aware if this fact, but purposely reported months old news just to keep the narrative/conspiracy alive.

Im sure thats all true. But he has to know theres no way they dont spin it worst way possible