How will they rule ??!

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The point that was alluded to earlier, and what is actual news is that the meeting has been known about for months.

As for Sessions, Trump is telling us what he thinks, he isn't giving us a PC bullshit runaround, which is one of the reasons I voted for him. He's pissed at Sessions for not being aware that the only way a special counsel gets appointed is if he recuses himself, and he did it without even putting up a fight.

The special counsel weakens Trump, even if they find no wrong doing. He has lost a lot of Post election momentum. There's a lot of good things happening, yet Russia has all the headlines, so folks that don't read more than headlines don't have a clue.
Here's Trump’s "secret" after dinner meeting with Putin. Trump bottom left, Putin top right, seated next to Melania, three seats away from Merkel, four from Abe, who is seated next to Ivanka, and also with the rest of the world leaders and media in the room.

After dinner, Trump got up and walked over to where Putin and his wife were seated, then the two of them proceeded to have a conversation in the presence of Melania, just an ear shot away from Merkel, Abe and Ivanka, and in full view of every single other person in the room.

I hate cancer. If he wasnt such an obstructionist, I'd actually give him more empathy. But it's hard. Knowing he wants to kill off America doesn't make me happy

I like you Willy but not on this one. McCain served his country. I think overall he was doing what he thought best during his years in Congress, I disagreed with him plenty, he deserved his share of criticism...but he has endured more than his share of physical pain in this life. His last years serving haven't been his finest, maybe this new affliction is kind of an excuse but regardless he was/is better than the vast majority of democrats even when he wanted war with half the globe, even when he oddly played the part of a globalist. His concession speech the night he lost to Obama was perfect, he had all the dignity and honor that a Hillary Clinton or a Barack Obama could never show. Everyone here can do as they please, but tonight I raise a glass to a flawed patriot, the emphasis on patriot.
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In an NYT interview, set to publish tomorrow, when asked about Sessions recusing himself from the Russian investigation, Trump said he would have never appointed him if he knew he was going to bitch out at the first sign of Democrat pressure/hysteria.
Sessions should resign. What a massive disappointment he has been... just another establishment cuck.
I like you Willy but not on this one. McCain served his country. I think overall he was doing what he thought best during his years in Congress, I disagreed with him plenty, he deserved his share of criticism...but he has endured more than his share of physical pain in this life. His last years serving haven't been his finest, maybe this new affliction is kind of an excuse but regardless he was/is better than the vast majority of democrats even when he wanted war with half the globe, even when he oddly played the part of a globalist. His concession speech the night he lost to Obama was perfect, he had all the dignity and honor that a Hillary Clinton or a Barack Obama could never show. Everyone here can do as they please, but tonight I raise a glass to a flawed patriot, the emphasis on patriot.
He isn't a patriot, he's globalist soros-funded pond sludge.
More coming out on that "secret" meeting that the media with purposely fail to report. Trump didn't immediately bee-line over to Putin aftet dinner, nor did he sneak over to try to secretly meet with him and have a private conversation. He did exactly what every single other person in the room was doing, and basically what every single person in the history of the world has done at a big dinner like this. After dinner they all get up and mingle, converse, flirt, etc... It's called being normal.

On Trump's trip around the table he stopped and had several other conversations before even ever making it around to Putin. There are pictures of him conversing with the wife of the President of Argentina. More of him with King Salman. Others of him with PM Modi. Even some with Macron, Merkel, Abe, and Abe's wife.
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More coming out on that "secret" meeting that the media with purposely fail to report. Trump didn't immediately bee-line over to Putin aftet dinner, nor did he sneak over to try to secretly meet with him and have a private conversation. He did exactly what every single other person in the room was doing, and basically what every single person in the history of the world has done at a big dinner like this. After dinner they all get up and mingle, converse, flirt, etc... It's called being normal.

On Trump's trip around the table he stopped and had several other conversations before even ever making it around to Putin. There are pictures of him conversing with the wife of the President of Argentina. More of him with King Salman. Others of him with PM Modi. Even some with Macron, Merkel, Abe, and Abe's wife.

Why do we not want Trump talking to the leader of a nuclear power? Can somebody explain that to me?
Poll: Just 6% Of Americans Say Russia Story Is 'Important'
Despite deluge from MSM, nobody cares

The verdict is in: Nobody cares.

Bloomberg News released a poll on Monday and here are the top issues people care about:

  • Health care -- 35%
  • Unemployment and jobs -- 13%
  • Terrorism -- 11%
  • Immigration -- 10%
  • Climate Change -- 10%
  • Relationship with Russia -- 6%
  • Taxes -- 4%
  • Other -- 4%
  • Trade -- 2%
  • None of these -- 2%
  • Not sure -- 2%
The question posed to those surveyed was "Which of the following do you see as the most important issue facing the country right now?"

So, 79% said, "Not Russia."

Just 6% said Russia — despite the nonstop coverage from the mainstream media on unsubstantiated allegations that Trump and his campaign team colluded with Vladimir Putin to swing the 2016 election Trump's way.

Nobody cares. In fact, the Russia relationship is just 2 points above "Other" and the combined "None of these" and "Not sure." As one-time adviser Van Jones called it, the Russia story is a real "nothingburger."

But you know what else the poll found? Some really good stuff for Trump...
More coming out on that "secret" meeting that the media with purposely fail to report. Trump didn't immediately bee-line over to Putin aftet dinner, nor did he sneak over to try to secretly meet with him and have a private conversation. He did exactly what every single other person in the room was doing, and basically what every single person in the history of the world has done at a big dinner like this. After dinner they all get up and mingle, converse, flirt, etc... It's called being normal.

On Trump's trip around the table he stopped and had several other conversations before even ever making it around to Putin. There are pictures of him conversing with the wife of the President of Argentina. More of him with King Salman. Others of him with PM Modi. Even some with Macron, Merkel, Abe, and Abe's wife.
I didn't realize moe_schmoe was at this dinner to give us his inside reporting.

Finally a poll you can get behind huh? Lovely how the brainless reject every poll unless it meets their approval.

Trump having an awesome effect on the companies he's visited and promised great new jobs.

Carrier - laying off 300+
Boeing - laying off workers
Harley - laying off workers

He's got a real gift. Curses every company he talks at.

It's becoming more and more evident that Trump and most of the GOP are now basically Putin and Russia apologists. The modern GOP are just conservative communists. Traitors to their own country.
I didn't realize moe_schmoe was at this dinner to give us his inside reporting.

I didn't have to be there. It's being pointed out by the non-fake news, twat. You should try some sometime instead of getting your fill of liberal propaganda. On top of photos, there is literally surveillance and smart phone video that shows Trump mingling, conversing with other people. Welcome to the 21st century.

Absolutely nothing was out of the ordinary. Trump had dinner, then got up and mingled around the room with other world leaders, like every single other world leader in attendance was doing. That's how normal people act. That's also part of his job as President, especially at a G20 summit dinner. That's literally the point of them all getting together. Not to sit and ignore each other, but to discuss politics with other world leaders.

Only an idiot would truly think that normal dinner conversation, in a room full of world leaders and reporters, with cameras/cell phones etc...was some super secret espionage meeting.

It's becoming more and more evident that Trump and most of the GOP are now basically Putin and Russia apologists.

How are they apologists when there's nothing to apologize for? Speaking to someone from Russia isn't a crime, nor is it sinister, and it definitely isn't something people need/have to apologize for doing. Careful or you eccentrics may go back to your roots and find your true calling, and start treating the Russians like Hitler treated the Jews.

It's becoming more and more evident that liberals are actually the very xenophobic bigots that they accuse everyone else of being. You're a Russiaphobe, worse than any Islamaphobe I've ever seen. You'd have no problem with Trump banning every Russian in existence from entering the country. How does it feel to be the very thing you claim to detest?
I didn't realize moe_schmoe was at this dinner to give us his inside reporting.

Finally a poll you can get behind huh? Lovely how the brainless reject every poll unless it meets their approval.

Trump having an awesome effect on the companies he's visited and promised great new jobs.

Carrier - laying off 300+
Boeing - laying off workers
Harley - laying off workers

He's got a real gift. Curses every company he talks at.

It's becoming more and more evident that Trump and most of the GOP are now basically Putin and Russia apologists. The modern GOP are just conservative communists. Traitors to their own country.

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I like you Willy but not on this one. McCain served his country. I think overall he was doing what he thought best during his years in Congress, I disagreed with him plenty, he deserved his share of criticism...but he has endured more than his share of physical pain in this life. His last years serving haven't been his finest, maybe this new affliction is kind of an excuse but regardless he was/is better than the vast majority of democrats even when he wanted war with half the globe, even when he oddly played the part of a globalist. His concession speech the night he lost to Obama was perfect, he had all the dignity and honor that a Hillary Clinton or a Barack Obama could never show. Everyone here can do as they please, but tonight I raise a glass to a flawed patriot, the emphasis on patriot.

McCain also gave up valuable info as a POW. He sang. He sold out as a POW.
He is also the guy who had the dossier on Trump about the pissing Russian hookers.

I hate that he has brain cancer. But I'm not a fan of his career. Just my opinion.
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I don't generally wish death on people, but when you've joined Soros' payroll and spend your days actively trying to destroy the sovereignty of the United States, cancer is merciful compared to what I think should happen.
I thank McCain for his service to this country and wish him well, but he is a big part of The Swamp and his time in Congress has come and gone. We need fresh blood in the Senate and he is one of many who have overstayed their welcome including his pal Graham and many others.
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too lazy to link but several articles out there about similar outrage for Dunkirk. Shitunot.

Yeah, can't be historically accurate. We need to have a transgendered black Muslim save us from Nazi Germany during WW2.

I do get a chuckle out of a black guy in Star Wars talking about diversity. That franchise has went so SJW. Basically anything with white men is not acceptable and despite most races associating with their own race, we have to make every movie into one big giant bowl of "diversity" and go down the list and check off every group.

I have even heard the argument from a gay person that it wasn't just enough that GLAAD showed that 18 percent of all movies had a gay character in it (never mind this is about 6x their population size), they needed portrayals of HIV infected people.

There's no appeasing these groups. They always want more and people like this should never be encouraged or enabled.

Hmm, now why would 35 percent of Democrats be so against an ID to vote. On an unrelated note, who is it that doesn't want immigration enforced or a wall built and wants sanctuary cities? Can't remember.

There has never been an intelligent reason supplied when asked why we shouldn't need an ID to vote. It's always some claim that blacks and minorities don't know how to get an ID or are too poor to get one.

You can't require an ID to rent a car, get a hotel, buy alcohol and cigs, cash a check, get a job, fly, etc and then claim it's racist to verify your identity to vote.