How will they rule ??!

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This is typical of MSM. They will not mention the officer's race unless he's white. They did this last year during the Charlotte incident and Philando Castille death.

Race is only played up if the victim is not white. The cop's race is never mentioned unless he's white. That's white Darren Wilson got his life ruined while the Castile Latino officer and the black cop who killed that guy in Charlotte or Milwaukee (can't remember) didn't get the attention.
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This is typical of MSM. They will not mention the officer's race unless he's white. They did this last year during the Charlotte incident and Philando Castille death.

Race is only played up if the victim is black or anyone who isn't white.

Day before yesterday, in the Highlands neighborhood of Louisville (nice, peaceful area), there were 3 armed robberies in broad daylight. 3 men pulled a gun on people on the street.

They wore masks and hoodies. That was the only description. The local media went out of their way to not give the race.

Now, one witness said he saw them get out of a car and THEN put on masks and hoodies. So, he definitely saw them. But no better description? I wonder why?
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Obama's Justice Department would have already come in and executed Ray Tensing.

Alas, the Cincinnati prosecutors couldn't get a conviction and we're left with these type of sentiments from leaders in the black community (I'm sure Soros has buses of "protestors" on the way)...

"What does this say to us? What does this say to our children? They have no protection. You can just die based on a front license plate or what you wear or how you look or your skin tone.

"If anything explodes or erupts, don't look for a call of calm. That's not going to be my call. People should do what the feel because people are not getting any justice. There is no hope. And the only people that have peace are the people who deliver justice and they don't give a s*** about the rest of us.

"That's clear from the federal government on down to our prosecutor's office to these judges who judge with all of the implicit and explicit bias on a daily basis. There's no fairness, there's no equity, there's nothing in Hamilton County and Cincinnati.

"Our children, they can't see protection. They don't see the law as serving them. They only see the law being used against them. But you want us to be calm, and you want us to accept that your experience and that your training will get us the best.

"They've cheated from the beginning and they continuously cheat, and you want us to stay calm. You don't want us to act out. You want us to go along to get along. It's time out for that. Cincinnati knows what happened in the early 2000s. It can very easily happen today, and I guess that what Hamilton County wants, that's what Joe Deters wants. Is that what it is? Is that the only thing we can go to to get justice in this city? This is crazy. This is insane."
Ive stories about the shooting here and there. No mention of race, im half surprised they had her pic. No mention of immigration. Barely a mention that the body cams were off. Certainly no rush to judgment.

Latest was that the officer MAYBE heard a firecracker which caused him to open fire.

Basically overall tone of a tragic mistake.

Now contrast that to coverage of the michael brown shooting, and others. Im guessing we wont see expose's into this officers past, etc.

My uncle, who is a staunch conservative, has been the dude on the left for years. I just shake my head. It's like the risk management part of their brain doesn't work. I'd say, "oh yeah, then how come every Spanish-influenced country in the world is ultra left wing and in serious debt?" and "and what happens if they don't vote Republican?" Crickets.
MKUltra McCain explained by a blood clot. Back to the lab to get reprogrammed before the public figures it out that this dude is nut job. Hurry drop another Russia story so he doesn't look like the only crazy one. We have to get him back to the battlefield in Syria to rally the ISIS troops before Putin and Trump shut down the war.

Explained: John McCain's skull surgery - and why his blood clot could have caused him to act so bizarrely in the Comey hearing
  • John McCain had a blood clot removed from behind his left eyebrow on Friday
  • Surgeons performed a craniotomy with an eyebrow incision to remove it
  • The clot was discovered during a routine physical, which he received often because of bouts of melanoma
  • McCain had invasive melanoma on his left temple in 2000 just inches from where the clot was
  • The clot could have been caused by the melanoma, but it also could have been caused by a number of other things including a stroke, a fall or blood thinners
  • If it was caused by a fall or blood thinners it could have been why McCain appeared so confused in June when he was questioning James Comey
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Any of you having online issues?

Police: Poconos woman kills boyfriend after spat with reptilian cult

TOBYHANNA, Pa. (AP) — A woman shot her boyfriend in the head after he asked her to kill him because he thought the leader of a cult they belonged to was a reptile posing as a human, police said.

Barbara Rogers fatally shot her boyfriend, Steven Mineo, in the forehead from point-blank range on Saturday in their apartment in Coolbaugh Township, about 100 miles north of Philadelphia, authorities said.

Rogers told officers Mineo, 32, was having “online issues” with a cult and asked her to kill him, said Lt. Steven Williams, of the Pocono Mountain Regional Police. She said her boyfriend believed the cult's leader to be a “reptilian” pretending to be a human, a police affidavit said.
Ive stories about the shooting here and there. No mention of race, im half surprised they had her pic. No mention of immigration. Barely a mention that the body cams were off. Certainly no rush to judgment.

Latest was that the officer MAYBE heard a firecracker which caused him to open fire.

Basically overall tone of a tragic mistake.

Now contrast that to coverage of the michael brown shooting, and others. Im guessing we wont see expose's into this officers past, etc.
I'm thinking it WAS a tragic mistake. I just don't believe he just wanted to shoot anyone. And I feel that way about 99% of the police shootings.
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The complete opposite is true. Unbelievable. Go watch any black pro athlete and you'll rarely see any dad in the picture. No one is more notorious for abandoning children than black men.

The last study I read said something like 74 percent of blacks are born out of wedlock with no fathere and 92 percent of biracial children are abandoned by the father.
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I don't know why but this tweet popped me. I want to see how this turns out because if there's one thing this group is known for it's their ability to create, manage money & businesses.

Until it fails and then just blame whites, "the system" or whatever the instinct is. What are you going to do genius when your segregated bank only caters to 14 percent of the population and they're at the bottom of the econpmic ladder and every city where they're the majoritg looks like a dump? What are you gonna do when other races stay as far away as possible?

The delusion that exists in people like this is truly fascinating.
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This is typical of MSM. They will not mention the officer's race unless he's white. They did this last year during the Charlotte incident and Philando Castille death.

Race is only played up if the victim is black or anyone who isn't white.
EVERY report of this shooting has been accompanied by photos of both the shooter and victim. Only the blind don't know his race.

Of course the right has always taken the side of the cop in these things...until the victim is a white.
Let's check the handbook of leftist hypocrisy

Bashing conservative media- A okay
Pointing out lies, corruption and collusion of liberal media- "Attack on democracy"

Making a list of hardcore liberal professors- Awful. An attack on freedom of speech
Making a list of conservatives like Cernovich/McInness to put on a group of "extremists"- Great

Conservatives make the list but not Antifa.

Kids are morons. No surprise that a bunch of idiotic kids without any concept of finances or responsibility then parrot the far left teachings of their psycho professors.

I also find that when you don't have a job or your own money, you really love the idea of taking someone else's but when you have something you worked hard for, all of a sudden it doesn't sound so great to have someone snatch it away.
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Just a subsidiary of the NYT lamenting selling book they don't like. This in regards to Hillbilly Elegy.


They just love freedom of speech so much. It's interesting that the left thinks everything they want is a right at your expense and if they don't like something, they get to take it away from you. They love to be the thought police and also decide what you can't say, hear, read or see.

The champion of the little guy coincidentally loves big government and tons of regulation and control over your lives.
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It's never been harder to fill a job in America.

It has never been harder to fill an open job in the United States.

According to a chart from Deutsche Bank economist Torsten Sløk, it now takes 31 days to fill an open job in America, up from 23 days in 2006 and about 15 days in 2009.

There is perhaps no better way to visualize the “tight labor market” (a decidedly wonky term) that economists and folks on Wall Street often talk about — if you’re looking for workers, it’s tough to find help

:americanflag: #MAGA.
The most racist people in this country as of today are African Americans. Sorry that might not be popular but it's the truth.
I agree with you 10,000%. I've said the same thing for years. A black man is a lot safer in an all white section of a town, than a white man is in an all black section of a town. A white man in a black section of a town is lucky if he makes it out with his life.