How will they rule ??!

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So a Russian attorney contacts the Trump camp and says she was a representative of the Russian government and had dirt on Clinton that she wanted to share with the Trump campaign. After meeting with her, however, Don Jr, Manafort and Kushner determine that she did not represent Russia in any capacity and had no dirt to share on Clinton. So the meeting is concluded and there are no further communications.

What do we have here? Certainly unseemly, definitely bush league and very amateur, but where's the illegality if she did not in fact represent the Russian government and did not in fact provide any dirt on Clinton? The left is going to scream "treason" and "collusion" among other violations of the law, but it's simply a legal impossibility for their acts to meet the elements of any such allegations without a foreign state actor or any actual information being provided.

The worst thing about this is that it will not lead to any actual criminal wrongdoing, but that it will give the left ammunition to continue the witch hunt for at least a couple more months.

Sounds like a set up to me.
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Yeah I'm sure it was suicide. Totally reasonable for that to happen around the Clintons.

Peter W. Smith, GOP operative who sought Clinton's emails from Russian hackers, committed suicide, records show,amp.html

That's the worst part. I believe the majority of politicians who argue these asinine points don't even believe them. They are willing to sacrifice everything and anything for power. They've gone too far down the PC rabbit hole and worked too hard to push this NWO to stop now, so they just double down.

Theyd sacrifice the entire future of our nation for an extra term; without blinking. Its how we reached this point
Cleaning poop off of sidewalks is racist.

Seattle councilmember Larry Gossett isn’t a fan of one solution to power wash the feces from the sidewalks to tamp down on the smell. Power washing the sidewalks is too reminiscent of civil rights activists being hosed down, he said.

Power washers are now racist? Then so is notebook paper. Most lynchings occurred on trees. And why blame the power washer? It's the water that's doing the work. All water is racist and, thus, all people who drink water are racist.
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They really thought they had Trump this time, only for the dummies to expose their own ties to Russia

Skippy we got your emails.
This email has also been verified by Google DKIM 2048-bit RSA key
May 21st Nightly Press Traffic Summary
Date: 2015-05-21 20:49
Subject: May 21st Nightly Press Traffic Summary
"With the help of the research team, we killed a Bloomberg story trying to link HRC's opposition to the Magnitsky bill to a $500,000 speech that WJC gave in Moscow."

Russian Lawyer Was Lobbying Against Sanctions Clinton Opposed After Paid Speech Gig
In December 2015, TheWall Street Journalreported that Hillary Clinton opposed the Magnitsky Act while serving as secretary of state. Her opposition coincided with Bill Clinton giving a speech in Moscow for Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank—for which he was paid $500,000. “Mr. Clinton also received a substantial payout in 2010 from Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank whose executives were at risk of being hurt by possible U.S. sanctions tied to a complex and controversial case of alleged corruption in Russia. Members of Congress wrote to Mrs. Clinton in 2010 seeking to deny visas to people who had been implicated by Russian accountant Sergei Magnitsky, who was jailed and died in prison after he uncovered evidence of a large tax-refund fraud. William Browder, a foreign investor in Russia who had hired Mr. Magnitsky, alleged that the accountant had turned up evidence that Renaissance officials, among others, participated in the fraud.” The State Department opposed the sanctions bill at the time, as did the Russian government. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pushed Hillary Clinton to oppose the legislation during a meeting in St. Petersburgin June 2012, citing that U.S.-Russia relations would suffer as a result.

The Wall Street Journal report continued, “A few weeks later, Bill Clinton participated in a question-and-answer session at a Renaissance Capital investors conference. He was paid $500,000. After the appearance, Mr. Clinton received a personal thank-you call from Vladimir Putin, then the Russian prime minister, the government news agency TASS reported.”

I have not looked at insurance in looooong time. However, back in the day, life insurance did not pay off on suicide. Yet, this financial adviser said in his "suicide note" that he had to do it now because his life insurance expired tomorrow.
Am I right to think something is off here???
@CastleRubric joined on 11/11/11
Master Number 11 – Meaning
The holder of this life path number is considered to be an old soul, not only because of their unique abilities, extreme ability to empathize and understand and respect others, but the main reason is very mature thinking. A child with this master number may only be 12 years old, but their way of thinking may be similar to a person who is sixty years old.

Negative aspects

The high sensitivity (hypersensitivity) and workaholism – they spend more time working than relaxing. Other negative aspects include the lack of time for their own needs, insomnia, and too much openness. These individuals also have a tendency to take all the responsibility on their own shoulders. In some cases, the solitude and hypersensitivity may contribute to suicidal tendencies.

They have an increased propensity for habits like cigarettes, alcohol, and even soft drugs.

11 examples of Illuminati numerology
Finally, as all Veterans Today readers know, Veterans day is 11/11, commemorating the eleventh hour on the eleventh day on the eleventh month of 1918 when the New World Order in general, and the Zionist occupation of the Holy Land in particular, began to arise from the ashes of European civilization.


a whole lot

are you in the house somewhere???
I have not looked at insurance in looooong time. However, back in the day, life insurance did not pay off on suicide. Yet, this financial adviser said in his "suicide note" that he had to do it now because his life insurance expired tomorrow.
Am I right to think something is off here???
Yes, bc who would write a note specifically saying you are doing this for insurance so the insurance company could find out. Also, pay your premium again....
I have not looked at insurance in looooong time. However, back in the day, life insurance did not pay off on suicide. Yet, this financial adviser said in his "suicide note" that he had to do it now because his life insurance expired tomorrow.
Am I right to think something is off here???

Still true. Any financial advisor wouldve known that without doubt. No way these facts match
Yeah I'm sure it was suicide. Totally reasonable for that to happen around the Clintons.

Peter W. Smith, GOP operative who sought Clinton's emails from Russian hackers, committed suicide, records show,amp.html
I had just finished reading that story. Biggest bombshell for me was that the dude wrote in his "suicide note" that there was "absolutely no foul play involved". He also wrote that he was killing himself because a 5 million dollar life insurance policy was about to expire.

Has anyone ever heard of a suicide note that needed to explain who killed who?

Would be easier to swallow if it wasn't yet another mysterious death that contains the name Clinton in the storyline.

Yep. Show this so people don't know or speak the truth about violence from blacks, illegals or Muslims. But show every video of a cop fighting a black criminal and then call it an epidemic of "racism." Media and prog gov't groups only want to show anything that can make whites or cops appear in a negative light but the other cases that dwarf these incidents shall remain hidden.

Look at the worst places for violent crime and there are a lot of common denominators yet no one is allowed to mention it but there's a reason why people flock to the suburbs or go to gated communities or want to make sure their children don't end up in "that school."
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London is just a hell hole at this point.

Took one of the greatest countries with rich tradition and gave it over to scum. How can people sit idly by while they watch their government give it away? They have used PC shame tactics to silence people into complying.

Is there any European country that wants/thinks their country should look like a Muslim nation? Should it smell of piss and crap, should you deal with barbaric savages raping and killing your citizens because you fear what some leftist nut job will call you names in an attempt to manipulate you into submitting?

How many times has London been hit? They had the subway/transport system bombings, London bridge, Manchester bombings, etc. You get rid of Muslims, you drop the risk of terrorism significantly.
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If anyone wants to see some good news and positive developments that this admin is driving - look up these stories (I may link more later)

1) Enormous increase in targeting and arrests of Pedophiles / Sex Trafficking
2) Water sharing agreement reached between Israel and the Palestinians
3) DOJ finally going after abusive enablers who are helping create / exacerbate the opioid epidemic in this nation (((I realize that we also have soldiers in Afghan more or less guarding giant poppy fields as thing at a time right?)

These are three good examples of ideas / programs that we should all support in some way --- right?

The #'s related to item 1 above were staggering

I think in all of last year there were something like 430 sex slavers/pedos arrested

In one month this admin has nabbed something like 2,000?

Seriously --- why isn't that being universally praised?

A: Cause that's how deep and irrational the hatred is -- plus most media outlets seem to possess a "blind devotion to team NWO"

anyway -- there's some good news to start this Friday
Never underestimate their intuition and inner voices. This person may be a prophet or healer, and possesses the innate ability of nonverbal communication (telepathy).


I DO have something like ESP

it's more like....insanely attuned empathy
it's more of a curse than anything

I"m a damn FREAK OF NATURE and whatever that deal-numerology-voodoo-stuff was you guys were quoting was WAAAAAY TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT

I can count on one hand the # of times I've been weirded out where my mind continually returned to the subject for more than 24 hours

and this is probably the first time someone did it via the infrawebnets
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If anyone wants to see some good news and positive developments that this admin is driving - look up these stories (I may link more later)

1) Enormous increase in targeting and arrests of Pedophiles / Sex Trafficking
2) Water sharing agreement reached between Israel and the Palestinians
3) DOJ finally going after abusive enablers who are helping create / exacerbate the opioid epidemic in this nation (((I realize that we also have soldiers in Afghan more or less guarding giant poppy fields as thing at a time right?)

These are three good examples of ideas / programs that we should all support in some way --- right?

The #'s related to item 1 above were staggering

I think in all of last year there were something like 430 sex slavers/pedos arrested

In one month this admin has nabbed something like 2,000?

Seriously --- why isn't that being universally praised?

A: Cause that's how deep and irrational the hatred is -- plus most media outlets seem to possess a "blind devotion to team NWO"

anyway -- there's some good news to start this Friday

Not to mention the thousand of pedos arrested worldwide. Yet somehow it is never mentioned in the news like it should be.

I DO have something like ESP

it's more like....insanely attuned empathy
it's more of a curse than anything

I"m a damn FREAK OF NATURE and whatever that deal-numerology-voodoo-stuff was you guys were quoting was WAAAAAY TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT

I can count on one hand the # of times I've been weirded out where my mind continually returned to the subject for more than 24 hours

and this is probably the first time someone did it via the infrawebnets

Unlock the pineal gland and save the earth Wyvern.
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