How will they rule ??!

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"The Moscow lawyer had been turned down for a visa to enter the U.S. lawfully but then was granted special immigration parole by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch for the limited purpose of helping a company owned by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, her client, defend itself against a Justice Department asset forfeiture case in federal court in New York City."

SOOOO what the **** was she doing lobbying people, meeting with congressmen, and meeting with DTJ??

Also, this: “That's a discretionary act that the statute allows the Attorney 
General to do in extraordinary circumstances. In this case, we 
did that so that Mr. Katsyv could testify. And we made the 
further accommodation of allowing his Russian lawyer into the 
country to assist,”

Supposedly this is extremely rare to do.. and was for a specific purpose... a court case. BUT somehow she ended up in this large lobbying effort to overturn a U.S. sanction on Russia... and meeting with DTJ in what is pretty obviously a set up to get him to "accept" Russian help with the campaign in writing. BTW there was no help, this meeting affected nothing with the election at all whatsoever

Ho Lee Chit man.

Prevezon Holdings Ltd. said in an emailed statement that it agreed to settle the U.S. claims for less than 3 percent of the amount initially sought by the U.S. government.

Prevezon Holdings had Fusion GPS on their payroll, just like Little Marco/Jeb!/HRC, and Fusion was the source of the PissGate "dossier."

The attempt to seize a lower Manhattan condominium acquired by the Russians and other assets began four years ago with then-Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara filing the claim. Bharara was fired in March by President Donald Trump

Didn't Preet refuse to resign and had to be fired? This makes the whole situation stink even more.
It's funny. My life has gotten better since Trump.
Same. I work on contract as a steel estimator/liaison between sales and eng for a crane manufacturer. Since about April, I have had no free time to shit post like I wish I had. Getting 3-5 jobs/week in my inbox whereas last summer, I was lucky some weeks to get even 1. They'reeven talking about bringing some engineers back in a full-time capacity. Which is just nuts to me after nearly watching this company fold due to lack of work just a few years ago.

Sorry, gotta get back to slurpin' muh Trump! You know, appreciating jobs, true patriotism and lowered illegal immigration and shit...
Great WSJ aricle today by Dan Hemmingway:

"One way to understand American politics today is to think of our divisions as resonant of the decade before the Revolutionary War, when rebellion’s trigger was King George and his Parliament in London.

In our time, the struggle is about an aggressive elevation of central authority over the smaller units of American life. The progressive Democrats are the new King George, ruling 50 postcolonial states from distant Washington. The “base” objects."

"No more settled part of the West’s tradition exists than due process and presumption of innocence, which are embedded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Believing this Western tradition impeded sexual abuse allegations at colleges, the Obama Education Department issued “guidance” that reversed due process and legitimized the presumption of guilt."

Top two reasons I voted for this man- Stop illegal immigration/get that wall built and win the Supreme Court.

Make no mistake, the people who voted for Trump and the people who stayed home instead of voting Democrat, thank you for doing your part in saving this nation for the time being. Our nation looked like it was taking a loss, Hillary was running the clock down and punted it away but Trump took it back to the house for a TD.
If there was any justice in this world, Obama would be sentenced to death for treason or at the very least be stuck inside a prison cell for life.

Scumbag weaponnized inteligence agencies just like he did the IRS and he spied on all of his enemies yet the left wing media has been complicit in covering for him.
Top two reasons I voted for this man- Stop illegal immigration/get that wall built and win the Supreme Court.

Make no mistake, the people who voted for Trump and the people who stayed home instead of voting Democrat, thank you for doing your part in saving this nation for the time being. Our nation looked like it was taking a loss, Hillary was running the clock down and punted it away but Trump took it back to the house for a TD.

Hillary had the most votes due to voter fraud
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Same. I work on contract as a steel estimator/liaison between sales and eng for a crane manufacturer. Since about April, I have had no free time to shit post like I wish I had. Getting 3-5 jobs/week in my inbox whereas last summer, I was lucky some weeks to get even 1. They'reeven talking about bringing some engineers back in a full-time capacity. Which is just nuts to me after nearly watching this company fold due to lack of work just a few years ago.

Sorry, gotta get back to slurpin' muh Trump! You know, appreciating jobs, true patriotism and lowered illegal immigration and shit...

Bought to start a $100k job middle of August. Banging a 27 yr old who still does some modeling who is a BIG Trump supporter. Health even has gotten better. I mean this is prolly the apex of my life. Too bad people can't see the forest because of the trees. Tough shit I say.
Bought to start a $100k job middle of August. Banging a 27 yr old who still does some modeling who is a BIG Trump supporter. Health even has gotten better. I mean this is prolly the apex of my life. Too bad people can't see the forest because of the trees. Tough shit I say.
You go, bro.

:americanflag: #MAGA
Same. I work on contract as a steel estimator/liaison between sales and eng for a crane manufacturer. Since about April, I have had no free time to shit post like I wish I had. Getting 3-5 jobs/week in my inbox whereas last summer, I was lucky some weeks to get even 1. They'reeven talking about bringing some engineers back in a full-time capacity. Which is just nuts to me after nearly watching this company fold due to lack of work just a few years ago.

Sorry, gotta get back to slurpin' muh Trump! You know, appreciating jobs, true patriotism and lowered illegal immigration and shit...
I deal with industrial and manufacturing plants and have had the best 6mo stretch in my career.
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Always felt they had something on him with the way he voted.
Obama administration is the most criminal in American history. And his scandals actually happened, unlike the bogus ones the MSM has made up against Trump.

Hell, Obama has been out of office for nearly half a year and we are still finding out more dirt on Obama and his administration. Unbelievable how crooked he was, and more sickening that he got away with it. I hope Trump lays the hammer down on these SOBs.
I love Trump. He's not perfect, but exactly what we needed. Anti-Establishment. Exactly what the doctor ordered.
I have "no regrats"
He is anti-establishment because he IS his own establishment. That's kind of the same argument someone makes who wants to form their own identity in the face of their actual biology. The person just doesn't care what anyone thinks and creates their own identity out of their subjective reality. Post-modern thinking.

You can't really do anything in government -or even do AWAY with government- unless you can form coalitions of LIKE-minded people -people who agree on objective truth. That's what politics IS. I'm glad you like the president though.
He is anti-establishment because he IS his own establishment. That's kind of the same argument someone makes who wants to form their own identity in the face of their actual biology. The person just doesn't care what anyone thinks and creates their own identity out of their subjective reality. Post-modern thinking.

You can't really do anything in government -or even do AWAY with government- unless you can form coalitions of LIKE-minded people -people who agree on objective truth. That's what politics IS. I'm glad you like the president though.

THere's nothing wrong with anything you said - shows good thinking IMO

But I believe this admin IS anti-'establishment' in one very important way

Call it what you want -- I use the term "New World Order" because that's what Presidents, Popes and other king-makers are calling it

I think we can all agree that the Trump admin is aligned against global govt and promotes sovereignty / nationalism (in a good way - so far) -- more than any President since Regan IMO

THATS the critical element to this admin
Putin too
In fact - you can SEE the movement all over the world with nations becoming jaded on the EU and pulling out etc etc

Trump isn't a magic wand or a saint
BUT he represents an awakening electorate to some extent -- at least one that's willing to think in a different direction than the one where the media is HERDING them

We need to keep it up
I'd love to see a more soft-spoken libertarian like Ron Paul follow Trump

We need leaders that will push back against the "Supra National Government" movement

His stake down of TPP was absolutely the right thing to do -- Teamsters and AFL-CIO immediately rallied behind him too......

ISn't that in and of itself a reasonable approach?
If they hacked a scotus Chief Justice it would be the biggest political crime in US history.

pretty sure someone murdered one and got away with it

but that's just my opinion

the last admin is on RECORD for hacking / bugging and trying to exert influence on elections.....Wikileaks has all the details

Obama and Bush Jr were IMO the two worst and MOST DAMAGING Presidents we've ever had

..... was that what you call a non-sequitur?


I need coffee
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He is anti-establishment because he IS his own establishment. That's kind of the same argument someone makes who wants to form their own identity in the face of their actual biology. The person just doesn't care what anyone thinks and creates their own identity out of their subjective reality. Post-modern thinking.

You can't really do anything in government -or even do AWAY with government- unless you can form coalitions of LIKE-minded people -people who agree on objective truth. That's what politics IS. I'm glad you like the president though.

By the way
I remember your screen name from like --- 15 years ago
One of my favorites of all time

That handle is up there with Hort, BigSky and Spock I think -- haha!
Always felt they had something on him with the way he voted.

the UN
Influenced elections in France twice (first time was more egregious I think?)
currently partnering with Holder and Suing states to have voting districts re-drawn because of RACIST RACISM

took a dump on Israel at the UN
promoted a guns to drug lords program that was just,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well it gave Bush Jr a good run for what I believe were some serious 9/11 crimes

Weapons to "moderate Muslims" -- which Included Al Queda --- weapons deal gone bad = Benghazi ---

VA patients left to rot

social conflict pushed like Marx Jr was in the house

bombed 5 of the 7 nations that this admin wanted to increase scrutiny on for immigrants --

TPP "enacted" with no meaningful democratic process

it goes on and on.........Busj Jr was awful and if we had the wherewithal and resources we'd probably find high crimes etc

The Obama admin ultimately promoted open revolution -- or at least the next iteration/stage of the end I considered him treasonous along with Holder .....

Yes - worst Presidency ever
ALMOST had Hillary right after those two / 2 term extremist regimes.......hell......

but I"m rambling a bit aren't I?

(haven't slept)
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the UN
Influenced elections in France twice (first time was more egregious I think?)
currently partnering with Holder and Suing states to have voting districts re-drawn because of RACIST RACISM

took a dump on Israel at the UN
promoted a guns to drug lords program that was just,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well it gave Bush Jr a good run for what I believe were some serious 9/11 crimes

Weapons to "moderate Muslims" -- which Included Al Queda --- weapons deal gone bad = Benghazi ---

VA patients left to rot

social conflict pushed like Marx Jr was in the house

bombed 5 of the 7 nations that this admin wanted to increase scrutiny on for immigrants --

TPP "enacted" with no meaningful democratic process

it goes on and on.........Busj Jr was awful and if we had the wherewithal and resources we'd probably find high crimes etc

The Obama admin ultimately promoted open revolution -- or at least the next iteration/stage of the end I considered him treasonous along with Holder .....

Yes - worst Presidency ever
ALMOST had Hillary right after those two / 2 term extremist regimes.......hell......

but I"m rambling a bit aren't I?

(haven't slept)

You won't see Democrats ever bashing a president from their party but plenty of us can't stand Bush and think he was awful.

But yes, Obama is easily the worst president considering the damage he did to this nation.
You won't see Democrats ever bashing a president from their party but plenty of us can't stand Bush and think he was awful.

But yes, Obama is easily the worst president considering the damage he did to this nation.

The traditional Left was right to call out the "neo cons" as they did
I didn't realize it until a couple of years into the fiasco as we watched massive new govt surveillance agencies and new executive powers being created.....

That was a moment of George Orwell like intellectual honesty and I respect them for it

We need that same "moment" again today in order to identify the Marxist elements within the Left and neutralize them -- and explainWHY as we're doing it

(same applies to the R-oarty and this admin if they start to lose their minds as well)

y'all have a nice afternoon
I've already got a speeding ticket to pay and need to head to work soon
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Cleaning poop off of sidewalks is racist.

A Seattle, Wash., councilman implied that a new effort to clean excrement off the side walk outside the local courthouse could be racist Tuesday.

The crime and smell of urine and excrement have gotten so bad outside a King County courthouse that two judges are scrambling to find ways to fix the situation, reports the Seattle Times.

Seattle councilmember Larry Gossett isn’t a fan of one solution to power wash the feces from the sidewalks to tamp down on the smell. Power washing the sidewalks is too reminiscent of civil rights activists being hosed down, he said.

The area around the courthouse is surrounded by a homeless shelter and other social service organizations. Multiple assaults, harassment and drugs have been reported to the police in the area near the courthouse. Jurors have taken to asking judges to release them from jury duty and two jurors have been assaulted over the past two months.

“When they come to this courthouse they’re afraid to come in,” said King County Sheriff John Urquhart. “They’re afraid to walk down Third Avenue because what they see.”

Urquhart is asking for an $8,000 increase in budget from the King County Council to have deputies patrol the street. “There is public urination, defecation. That’s a crime,” Urquhart said. “There is smoking marijuana in public.”

Cleaning poop off of sidewalks is racist.

A Seattle, Wash., councilman implied that a new effort to clean excrement off the side walk outside the local courthouse could be racist Tuesday.

The crime and smell of urine and excrement have gotten so bad outside a King County courthouse that two judges are scrambling to find ways to fix the situation, reports the Seattle Times.

Seattle councilmember Larry Gossett isn’t a fan of one solution to power wash the feces from the sidewalks to tamp down on the smell. Power washing the sidewalks is too reminiscent of civil rights activists being hosed down, he said.

The area around the courthouse is surrounded by a homeless shelter and other social service organizations. Multiple assaults, harassment and drugs have been reported to the police in the area near the courthouse. Jurors have taken to asking judges to release them from jury duty and two jurors have been assaulted over the past two months.

“When they come to this courthouse they’re afraid to come in,” said King County Sheriff John Urquhart. “They’re afraid to walk down Third Avenue because what they see.”

Urquhart is asking for an $8,000 increase in budget from the King County Council to have deputies patrol the street. “There is public urination, defecation. That’s a crime,” Urquhart said. “There is smoking marijuana in public.”

How do people like this gossett clown, keep getting elected? SMH