How will they rule ??!

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Cleaning poop off of sidewalks is racist.

A Seattle, Wash., councilman implied that a new effort to clean excrement off the side walk outside the local courthouse could be racist Tuesday.

The crime and smell of urine and excrement have gotten so bad outside a King County courthouse that two judges are scrambling to find ways to fix the situation, reports the Seattle Times.

Seattle councilmember Larry Gossett isn’t a fan of one solution to power wash the feces from the sidewalks to tamp down on the smell. Power washing the sidewalks is too reminiscent of civil rights activists being hosed down, he said.

The area around the courthouse is surrounded by a homeless shelter and other social service organizations. Multiple assaults, harassment and drugs have been reported to the police in the area near the courthouse. Jurors have taken to asking judges to release them from jury duty and two jurors have been assaulted over the past two months.

“When they come to this courthouse they’re afraid to come in,” said King County Sheriff John Urquhart. “They’re afraid to walk down Third Avenue because what they see.”

Urquhart is asking for an $8,000 increase in budget from the King County Council to have deputies patrol the street. “There is public urination, defecation. That’s a crime,” Urquhart said. “There is smoking marijuana in public.”


It's amazing the amount of importance some people put on events that occurred 40+ years ago that didn't even happen to them personally... Yet hold no one accountable for what they personally and literally just did... like sh*tting on the street.

Also, does this mean we should stop using boats? African slaves were transported via boat to the US. Will someone be offended at the sight of a boat?

Perhaps we should do away with chains. Goodbye swing sets. You're offensive.

Don't you dare wear anything made with cotton in it. May offend someone who has never worked in cotton.
THere's nothing wrong with anything you said - shows good thinking IMO

But I believe this admin IS anti-'establishment' in one very important way

Call it what you want -- I use the term "New World Order" because that's what Presidents, Popes and other king-makers are calling it

I think we can all agree that the Trump admin is aligned against global govt and promotes sovereignty / nationalism (in a good way - so far) -- more than any President since Regan IMO

THATS the critical element to this admin
Putin too
In fact - you can SEE the movement all over the world with nations becoming jaded on the EU and pulling out etc etc

Trump isn't a magic wand or a saint
BUT he represents an awakening electorate to some extent -- at least one that's willing to think in a different direction than the one where the media is HERDING them

We need to keep it up
I'd love to see a more soft-spoken libertarian like Ron Paul follow Trump

We need leaders that will push back against the "Supra National Government" movement

His stake down of TPP was absolutely the right thing to do -- Teamsters and AFL-CIO immediately rallied behind him too......

ISn't that in and of itself a reasonable approach?
This is an objective, well-reasoned statement and I agree. To the extent that Trump breaks down the NWO...or whatever one calls it...he can have a positive impact.
Cleaning poop off of sidewalks is racist.

A Seattle, Wash., councilman implied that a new effort to clean excrement off the side walk outside the local courthouse could be racist Tuesday.

The crime and smell of urine and excrement have gotten so bad outside a King County courthouse that two judges are scrambling to find ways to fix the situation, reports the Seattle Times.

Seattle councilmember Larry Gossett isn’t a fan of one solution to power wash the feces from the sidewalks to tamp down on the smell. Power washing the sidewalks is too reminiscent of civil rights activists being hosed down, he said.

The area around the courthouse is surrounded by a homeless shelter and other social service organizations. Multiple assaults, harassment and drugs have been reported to the police in the area near the courthouse. Jurors have taken to asking judges to release them from jury duty and two jurors have been assaulted over the past two months.

“When they come to this courthouse they’re afraid to come in,” said King County Sheriff John Urquhart. “They’re afraid to walk down Third Avenue because what they see.”

Urquhart is asking for an $8,000 increase in budget from the King County Council to have deputies patrol the street. “There is public urination, defecation. That’s a crime,” Urquhart said. “There is smoking marijuana in public.”


Democrats are like a real life comedy skit.
By the way
I remember your screen name from like --- 15 years ago
One of my favorites of all time

That handle is up there with Hort, BigSky and Spock I think -- haha!
Dang, thanks! Yeah, I've been lurking and infrequently posting for a couple decades now. ?!
It's amazing the amount of importance some people put on events that occurred 40+ years ago that didn't even happen to them personally... Yet hold no one accountable for what they personally and literally just did... like sh*tting on the street.

Also, does this mean we should stop using boats? African slaves were transported via boat to the US. Will someone be offended at the sight of a boat?

Perhaps we should do away with chains. Goodbye swing sets. You're offensive.

Don't you dare wear anything made with cotton in it. May offend someone who has never worked in cotton.

It's baffling.

Whites (and just America in general) are somehow held accountable for what less than five percent of people did over 150 years ago. But none of their accomplishments or creations are allowed to be attributed to the advancement of society. However, Africans and Arabs are given a pass for the slave trade.

Whites are held to this standard to atone for something they haven't done while present day blacks, Muslims, illegals/refugees, etc are given a pass for what they're currently doing. It's unreal to watch the justification from these groups of people.

"What about the Crusades" yells the person that wants you to ignore present day atrocities by Muslims.

None of it is consistent. It's all shame tactics to silence others and also a way to dare not offend a potential voting base.
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It's baffling.

Whites are somehow held accountable for what less than five percent of people did over 150 years ago. But none of their accomplishments or creations are allowed to be attributed to the advancement of society. However, Africans and Arabs are given a pass for the slave trade.

Whites are held to this standard to atone for something they haven't done while present day blacks, Muslims, illegals/refugees, etc are given a pass for what they're currently doing. It's unreal to watch the justification from these groups of people.

"What about the Crusades" yells the person that wants you to ignore present day atrocities by Muslims.

None of it is consistent. It's all shame tactics to silence others and also a way to dare not offend a potential voting base.

That's the worst part. I believe the majority of politicians who argue these asinine points don't even believe them. They are willing to sacrifice everything and anything for power. They've gone too far down the PC rabbit hole and worked too hard to push this NWO to stop now, so they just double down.
That's the worst part. I believe the majority of politicians who argue these asinine points don't even believe them. They are willing to sacrifice everything and anything for power. They've gone too far down the PC rabbit hole and worked too hard to push this NWO to stop now, so they just double down.

I don't think they believe it either. No way you were functioning adult 10-20 years ago and now all of a sudden, you've changed courses to this extreme? Nope. Not buying it.

Plus, I don't even think the PC people are even offended by the stuff they claim to be offended by. It's just to try and exalt power over you and the worst of it, THE WORST, are the people who bow down and pander to appease these groups: essentially "white guilt" types.
- the crusades were a reaction to muhammadist aggression...those that point to them as a Christian problem are woefully ignorant.

A girl left class because I embarrassed her ignorance on the Crusades. She knew the buzzword and she had heard other liberals use it but then I schooled her on that very thing and she got up and left. It was great.

They're really bad at debates. They can't go in-depth about many things so that's why they often call you racist or a Nazi or try to chant and shout you down. Why do you think they're so terrified of having opposing views on campus?
How do people like this gossett clown, keep getting elected? SMH
I don't know how they keep getting elected either. But in a way I'm glad they do. Because it shows everyone just what a bunch of crazy, weirdos that democrats are.
I've always preferred Coca Cola anyway.

Gonna need a special counsel for J.
11 Popular Brands Of Today That Worked With Hitler & The Nazi Party
@CastleRubric joined on 11/11/11
Master Number 11 – Meaning
The holder of this life path number is considered to be an old soul, not only because of their unique abilities, extreme ability to empathize and understand and respect others, but the main reason is very mature thinking. A child with this master number may only be 12 years old, but their way of thinking may be similar to a person who is sixty years old.

Negative aspects

The high sensitivity (hypersensitivity) and workaholism – they spend more time working than relaxing. Other negative aspects include the lack of time for their own needs, insomnia, and too much openness. These individuals also have a tendency to take all the responsibility on their own shoulders. In some cases, the solitude and hypersensitivity may contribute to suicidal tendencies.

They have an increased propensity for habits like cigarettes, alcohol, and even soft drugs.

11 examples of Illuminati numerology
Finally, as all Veterans Today readers know, Veterans day is 11/11, commemorating the eleventh hour on the eleventh day on the eleventh month of 1918 when the New World Order in general, and the Zionist occupation of the Holy Land in particular, began to arise from the ashes of European civilization.
Ted Cruzs amendments were added to the GOP health care bill. That should make the bill quite a bit better. We will see what happens, but that's a positive step IMO

Mccain is awful, and needs to go home, and take Graham with him. The establishment is scared shitless of Trump, it's why Mccain tracked down this dossier that was paid for by Dem's and Rep opponents of Trump. It's why Comey insisted on putting it in a security briefing to Obama and Trump. He knew that would give it creedence and make it possible to be leaked.
He probably was the leak, remember that CNN used the briefing as the reason they felt it necessary to run the story.

After WWII, John Mccain inflicted more damage on the US Navy Carrier fleet than any other of the world's militaries, true story.
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Mccain is awful, and needs to go home, and take Graham with him. The establishment is scared shitless of Trump, it's why Mccain tracked down this dossier that was paid for by Dem's and Rep opponents of Trump. It's why Comey insisted on putting it in a security briefing to Obama and Trump. He knew that would give it creedence and make it possible to be leaked.
He probably was the leak, remember that CNN used the briefing as the reason they felt it necessary to run the story.

After WWII, John Mccain inflicted more damage on the US Navy Carrier fleet than any other of the world's militaries, true story.

We were effed from the get-go in 2008. Two horrendous options. The 2008 and 2012 elections should be a wake-up call to conservatives on what type of person to avoid nominating.
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Cleaning poop off of sidewalks is racist.

A Seattle, Wash., councilman implied that a new effort to clean excrement off the side walk outside the local courthouse could be racist Tuesday.

The crime and smell of urine and excrement have gotten so bad outside a King County courthouse that two judges are scrambling to find ways to fix the situation, reports the Seattle Times.

Seattle councilmember Larry Gossett isn’t a fan of one solution to power wash the feces from the sidewalks to tamp down on the smell. Power washing the sidewalks is too reminiscent of civil rights activists being hosed down, he said.

The area around the courthouse is surrounded by a homeless shelter and other social service organizations. Multiple assaults, harassment and drugs have been reported to the police in the area near the courthouse. Jurors have taken to asking judges to release them from jury duty and two jurors have been assaulted over the past two months.

“When they come to this courthouse they’re afraid to come in,” said King County Sheriff John Urquhart. “They’re afraid to walk down Third Avenue because what they see.”

Urquhart is asking for an $8,000 increase in budget from the King County Council to have deputies patrol the street. “There is public urination, defecation. That’s a crime,” Urquhart said. “There is smoking marijuana in public.”


Jesus Christ . My god this is absolutely ridiculous
The real collusion with Russia

BREAKING: Hillary Campaign Used Phony Information Obtained Through Collusion w/ KREMLIN To Damage Trump Campaign

But... but ... whites used to own slaves! And trump wants Mexicans and gays dead !

And... and... transgender rights ! And... ummmm.... CNN is awesome and got their feelings hurt

A vote for Hillary = open minded individual

A vote for trump or no vote at all = racist , homophobic , Hates muslims , wishes slaves still existed
Absolutely hilarious watching the Don Jr. story completely backfire on the democrats. They really thought they had Trump this time, only for the dummies to expose their own ties to Russia [laughing]

Democrats can't even be good at being bad.