How will they rule ??!

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Liberal with ANTIFA disguise

Loves America
G20? OK. Let's talk.
It was accompanied by peaceful protests, as CNN reported. That was refreshing. Some Australian reporter called it a failure for Trump, because he failed to change any minds, and most US media followed suit. Europe is now leading itself. None of the Europas agreed to terminate the Paris Accord. They all still want the $100 billion Barrie promised to them, and they reaffirmed their commitment that the US must bear all costs of global warming. Trump got no combined resolution out of the G20 regarding NKorea. He also didn't get Angela Jerkel to agree to fulfill her countrie'$ obligation to NATO, although Trump did reaffirm Article 5.

Frenchie Macron held up an Iphone and said free trade is great, which some interpreted as a repudiation of Turmp, for reasons no one can explain. Macron also said that the EU faces Frexit if serious reforms are not made, which for reasons no one can explain reflects very badly on Trump. Frenchie Macron also called for a new climate summit in December, another failure for Trump. The spectacular failure of Trump's meeting with Putin was the biggest surprise, since Putin got Trump elected.

In summary "“Generally, Trump didn’t impress very many leaders on European side,” said Susi Dennison, director of the European Power program at the European Council on Foreign Relations." Trump just held his ground like a spoiled, capitalistic American. On the bright side of that, "“They left the G-20 with the feeling that there is more predictability as to what Trump means for them," Brattberg said."

Ankela Jerkel, speaking on condition of anonymity said, "In the past, America's insecurity and guilt/shame over its success made America easy to manipulate and control. All we had to do was tell the American Elite that their country was a laughing stock or was acting selfishly, and it would immediately change course and come heel to our commands. We could bend america over at will, like we did in the Paris Accord and NATO, we made America pay for everything," laughed Jerkel. "This new trend won't last. To make up for the money we have to pay NATO, we're going to demand reparations for the horrible damage America did to Europe in WWII. America destroyed cities and killed millions. We want Trillion$ in reparation."

Did I miss anything already covered in the press?
That was beautiful.
Running the Schumer Blockade
The GOP Senate needs to stop Democratic abuse of the rules

The Trump Presidency is well into its seventh month but the Trump Administration still barely exists. Senate Democrats are abusing Senate rules to undermine the executive branch, and Republicans need to restore normal order.

President Trump got an inexcusably slow start making nominations, but in the past few weeks he’s been catching up to his predecessors. According to the Partnership for Public Service, as of June 28 Mr. Trump had nominated 178 appointees but the Senate had confirmed only 46. Barack Obama had 183 nominees confirmed by that date in his first term, and George W. Bush 130.

The White House has understandably begun to make a public issue of the delays, and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says it “has only itself to blame.” But a press release Mr. Schumer sent out Monday made the White House case, showing that the Senate has received 242 nominations but confirmed only 50 through June 30. Democrats are now the problem.

Democratic obstruction against nominees is nearly total, most notably including a demand for cloture filings for every nominee—no matter how minor the position. This means a two-day waiting period and then another 30 hours of debate. The 30-hour rule means Mr. Trump might not be able to fill all of those 400 positions in four years. The cloture rule also allows the minority to halt other business during the 30-hour debate period, which helps slow the GOP policy and oversight agenda

Democrats have also refused to return a single “blue slip” to the Judiciary Committee, which has the effect of blocking consideration of judicial nominees from their home states. Senators like Minnesota’s Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar are holding hostage the eminently qualified Minnesota Supreme Court Justice David Stras for the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals for no reason other than politics.

Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s troops are even invoking an obscure rule that prohibits committees from doing business more than two hours after the Senate opens for the day. Republicans have had to cancel briefings on national security and Russia electoral interference, as well as scrap a markup of two human-trafficking bills.

Frustrated Republicans may soon begin listening to Oklahoma Senator Jim Lankford, who wants the majority to impose the eight-hour rule unilaterally. Most debate about nominees occurs during vetting and in committees. Eight hours on the floor is enough for all but the most controversial nominees, and the Senate could then get back to other business.

As for the blue-slip tradition, it was designed to facilitate advice and consent by allowing Senators to use their home-state knowledge about local judges to better inform the White House. But it is a courtesy, not a rule, and Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley can ignore Senators who are using their blue slips as ideological vetoes of qualified candidates.

Democrats aren’t using cloture to raise the level of debate or highlight unqualified nominees. They are using it—and have said as much—to sabotage a Presidency. That isn’t what the Founders intended, and Republicans have every right to stop this abuse of process to let the President form a government.

I'm also trying to understand how they can call Trump a Russian puppet yet completely gloss over Hillary being owned and funded by Soros and her donors/Saudis, etc? It makes no sense. Here is a woman who would sell government favors.for personal cash.

We just had a president who bowed down to Iran and was a puss. We just had a president whose entire cabinet was chosen by Citigroup. WTF are these people talking about? These people are zombies.

You cant understand them.
A pretty incredible read that connects the dots of the scum of the DNC and this being an attempted set up.

"The DNC hired a company called Fusion which is a commercial research and strategic research firm. Natalia Veselnitskaya (now known as the “Russian Lawyer”) is a Fusion employee and contacted Trump Jr. with promises of damaging information on Hillary Clinton.

The DNC used the now publicly released emails to get the FISA warrant to unmask and spy on the Trumps. That is the only way the NYT reporter could have access to these private emails and work on his report for almost a year (from his rant on twitter)."


Also, rather odd that the "Russian lawyer" went to an anti-Trump rally in 2015.
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DJIA hits another all-time high.

I'm curious if you attribute this to Trump?

If so, do you credit Obama for the near 150% increase in the DJIA during his 8 years?
I just don't recall y'all celebrating the all-time highs the DJIA was hitting during his tenure.

The DJIA has been on a bull run for the last 8+ hit 8143 in Feb 2009. It will need to hit 31,000+ by the end of Trump's term to keep the pace set during Obama's 8 years. 49,000+ if Trump get's a second term.
I'm curious if you attribute this to Trump?

If so, do you credit Obama for the near 150% increase in the DJIA during his 8 years?
I just don't recall y'all celebrating the all-time highs the DJIA was hitting during his tenure.

The DJIA has been on a bull run for the last 8+ hit 8143 in Feb 2009. It will need to hit 31,000+ by the end of Trump's term to keep the pace set during Obama's 8 years. 49,000+ if Trump get's a second term.
Benchmarking from the depths of the depression caused mainly by liberal policies is something a simpleton cheerleader would do.
Pence said it's getting repealed and replaced.

Local news covered the group of protestors and traffic issues more than the meeting.

Trump has a joint press conference with Frenchy tomorrow? If trump makes progress with that guy, media will explode. Though Macron dropped that racist bomb, so they'll just go that route, I guess.
I'm curious if you attribute this to Trump?

If so, do you credit Obama for the near 150% increase in the DJIA during his 8 years?
I just don't recall y'all celebrating the all-time highs the DJIA was hitting during his tenure.

The DJIA has been on a bull run for the last 8+ hit 8143 in Feb 2009. It will need to hit 31,000+ by the end of Trump's term to keep the pace set during Obama's 8 years. 49,000+ if Trump get's a second term.

I'm curious if you attribute this to Trump?

If so, do you credit Obama for the near 150% increase in the DJIA during his 8 years?
I just don't recall y'all celebrating the all-time highs the DJIA was hitting during his tenure.

The DJIA has been on a bull run for the last 8+ hit 8143 in Feb 2009. It will need to hit 31,000+ by the end of Trump's term to keep the pace set during Obama's 8 years. 49,000+ if Trump get's a second term.
Sure if you accept the fact that Dem policies (CRA) created the real estate crash and subsequent recession. Thanks Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barney Frank. If youre going to create a recession you should at least clean up afterwards, amirite?
I'm curious if you attribute this to Trump?

If so, do you credit Obama for the near 150% increase in the DJIA during his 8 years?
I just don't recall y'all celebrating the all-time highs the DJIA was hitting during his tenure.

The DJIA has been on a bull run for the last 8+ hit 8143 in Feb 2009. It will need to hit 31,000+ by the end of Trump's term to keep the pace set during Obama's 8 years. 49,000+ if Trump get's a second term.
But to actually answer your question... No.

Obama is gay and he sucked as Potus. Please post a list of his winning economic policies... actually dont bother. I will list them below...
Running the Schumer Blockade

Democrats aren’t using cloture to raise the level of debate or highlight unqualified nominees. They are using it—and have said as much—to sabotage a Presidency. That isn’t what the Founders intended, and Republicans have every right to stop this abuse of process to let the President form a government.

This is why I will not be voting Dem until they get a huge turnover in the party and start over with sensible policies. Which will probably be never. They are refusing to work with an elected administration.
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What you said in 2008 before the wave of losses for Dems across the country. Don't underestimate how GD obnoxious liberals are. Get out of your Voxtwat bubble.
Yep, because there will always be people who will want to keep what they earn, have a country where they can defend themselves and to have freedoms that they will not have anywhere else. Those people will always exist. A lot of the snowflakes of today after having been kicked out of their parents house or their parents have died, will either hit the streets and die off or, go to work and have to pay into the system. They will then realize why we are the way we are and join the cause. If everyone became a liberal then no one would be working and therefore no money in the pot.

"I wasn't meant to be a soldier I was a cheese maker"

Haha #Triggered

These people are so crazy. I'd love to see how their daily lives have changed one iota since 11/9/16.

Remember that story where they read War of the Worlds on the radio and people thought it was real and went nuts and killed themselves? That's pretty much what these SJWs are like. They believe some insanity is taking place.
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These people are so crazy. I'd love to see how their daily lives have changed one iota since 11/9/16.

Remember that story where they read War of the Worlds on the radio and people thought it was real and went nuts and killed themselves? That's pretty much what these SJWs are like. They believe some insanity is taking place.

It's funny. My life has gotten better since Trump.

African Americans are at the lowest umployment in years. Obammy couldnt even help African Americans in 8 years
Pence said it's getting repealed and replaced.

Local news covered the group of protestors and traffic issues more than the meeting.

Trump has a joint press conference with Frenchy tomorrow? If trump makes progress with that guy, media will explode. Though Macron dropped that racist bomb, so they'll just go that route, I guess.
The only thing I heard him say was something about African immigrants having 7 kids per family. Is that being called racist? Serious question. Thanks,
The only thing I heard him say was something about African immigrants having 7 kids per family. Is that being called racist? Serious question. Thanks,

Yes, it is. You have to understand that criticism of any race or culture that isn't white/Christian/western will get you labeled. What you have to do is point fingers at the above groups for any and all issues.
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Yes, it is. You have to understand that criticism of any race or culture that isn't white/Christian/western will get you labeled. What you have to do is point fingers at the above groups for any and all issues.
It is ridiculous. By that standard, all crime statistics are racist. Well, come to think of it, I think that's the excuse sweden uses for not releasing statistics. What an eff'n joke.
Yeah just keep on denying it, the treason train is gonna roll right over this whole administration. Those unnamed sources continue to be correct 9 out of 10 times. Maybe you'll get lucky and this is a 'nothing burger'.

But it's starting to look like Trump and his admin absolutely colluded with the Russians. If this email proves to be true, Trump Jr. just committed treason. He definitely broke election laws. The fact that it was Trump Jr. means that Trump absolutely knew this was going on. Absolutely. But you'll keep defending these traitors and call the media liars to protect your Gods.

James Comey is a true American. A soldier for American democracy. He took a bullet for this country so that Mueller can take down this immoral President and his band of losers. The noose is tightening. You'll see this timeline come together showing just how involved this was.

Now it all makes perfect sense why Trump has attacked the credibility of the media and the intelligence community. They are starting to find the bodies and he needs to taint the evidence.

All Hail the King!


Awww. Still salty about Hilldawg getting completely embarrassed in the election?

It baffles me. With all the obviously biased and fake news , the blatant hypocrisy by the left and the media ... yet people like
Yourself still believe and slurp up whatever CNN, MSNBC / random leftie twitter'ers and bloggers tell you .

Quite pitiful .

Trump will be president for the next 3 plus years then probably again for 4 more.

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Hahaha. I don't care about Twitter period. I also don't care about your opinion period. I'd just like the President to focus on the things he does well and not get dragged into these insignificant pissing contests. He should have just told the truth about the Russian meeting from the beginning. Nobody who matters cared. Now it makes it seem more nefarious than it probably was which is exactly what the media and Dems wanted. Which wastes more of his time defending it. Now I'm tired of you. Continue with your Trump circle jerk.
Unfortunately you are missing the point of all of his tweets. The liberal media is big and will keep driving an agenda message until the overly one sided message soaks into the weak minded lemmings who want to believe because only their opinion counts. the only chance he has is to counter punch where they don't have total control. If twitter or the other social media outlets start blocking or censoring his tweets, they will lose bigly.
Why didn't you attack Hillary for stealing money from Haitians or, selling uranium, or using a private unsecure server letting classified information get stolen or having people killed....the list is endless.

He won't answer. None of em will when presented with these questions because they know they're wrong. If he does answer he'll move
The goal posts and make some obscure points that are irrelevant or backpedal/ deflect