How will they rule ??!

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Growing sophistication of sex robots is leading to moral and legal dilemmas, expert warns

A leading academic has warned the lifelike, sentient sex robots blur the line between what, or who, is capable of consenting to sex
-The Mirror headline
I didn't realize someone's religion is required to be added to all crime reports. I'll be sure to watch and make sure 'christian' or 'catholic' or 'muslim' is added to all newscasts on criminal activity. I guess you gotta stretch a little bit when trying to distract from the Trumpgate.

Christian people do bad things all the time, because hey, they're saved anyway right :joy:, but when's the last time a christian dude killed in the name of his religion?

Muslims carry out attacks in the name of "allah" all the time. There's a big difference.
Christian people do bad things all the time, because hey, they're saved anyway right :joy:, but when's the last time a christian dude killed in the name of his religion?

Muslims carry out attacks in the name of "allah" all the time. There's a big difference.

There's plenty of wolves who hide in churches and do bad things. Christians tend to see the best in people so they get taken advantage of, which is why you see some preachers make bank or pedophiles hiding in the Catholic Church (weird that them being gay gets ignored here).

However, their doctrine doesn't tell them to murder people or justify raping someone if they're uncovered. You're certainly not given a pass to lie. However, Islam okays all of that. Is it just a coincidence that disaster and violence follows Islam wherever it goes?

Is it a coincidence that history even modern history shows what occurs when Muslims get the numbers in their favor? Is it a coincidence that people are not scared to bash Christians or go after them yet are terrified to be critical of Isam?

If Islam was peaceful then why would criticising them be off limits? They know that's Bs. Just drawing a picture is enough to set them off in a murderous rage.

No one is afraid to go to Christian majority nations. Yet how many people would go to Islamic nations and like to try and live there as a non-Muslim?
There's plenty of wolves who hide in churches and do bad things. Christians tend to see the best in people so they get taken advantage of, which is why you see some preachers make bank or pedophiles hiding in the Catholic Church (weird that them being gay gets ignored here).

However, their doctrine doesn't tell them to murder people or justify raping someone if they're uncovered. You're certainly not given a pass to lie. However, Islam okays all of that. Is it just a coincidence that disaster and violence follows Islam wherever it goes?

Is it a coincidence that history even modern history shows what occurs when Muslims get the numbers in their favor? Is it a coincidence that people are not scared to bash Christians or go after them yet are terrified to be critical of Isam?

If Islam was peaceful then why would criticising them be off limits? They know that's Bs. Just drawing a picture is enough to set them off in a murderous rage.

No one is afraid to go to Christian majority nations. Yet how many people would go to Islamic nations and like to try and live there as a non-Muslim?

Spot on.
so in case anyone hasnt seen this...... its funny

So is this

So is this


I love the hot sauce bit. It's a perfect illustration of the pandering from libs and how stupid people are to fall for it.

"Oh, hey black person, I mean person of color. You know what I like? Hot sauce. I carry it around everywhere, naw what I sayin? You know who's great? BEYONCE! Guuuurl, I'm so down. Single ladies, yay! Vote for me."
I love the hot sauce bit. It's a perfect illustration of the pandering from libs and how stupid people are to fall for it.

"Oh, hey black person, I mean person of color. You know what I like? Hot sauce. I carry it around everywhere, naw what I sayin? You know who's great? BEYONCE! Guuuurl, I'm so down. Single ladies, yay! Vote for me."

Hillary is definitely a racist. Remember "super predators"

Plus she mouth kisses the KKK
Trying to understand the lib mindset like STL and Fuzz.

Destroying servers, hiding 33,000 emails, using bleach bit and taking a hammer to phones=okay
Colluding with media to ignore your lies, corruption and scandal= okay
Colluding with media to be your mouthpiece for propaganda and attack your opponent= okay
Taking info from Ukranian government= Okay
Getting women to claim they were sexually assaulted a month before the election= okay
Getting your campaign funded by Saudis/foreign government= okay
Using your foundation to make money off selling gov't favors= okay
Allowing a mass invasion of your nation= Not treason
Getting paid millions for bogus speeches with Russian bank= okay
Revealing classified info= okay
Criticizing Fox, BreitBart,Info Wars, anything non-left= okay

Meeting with someone who claimed to have negative information on your opponent= not okay
Tweeting your entire email exchange with said person= not okay
Criticism of liberal media= not okay. It's an attack on democracy
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Longer than 8.

Not going to reverse that in a obstructionist government in 6 months. DJT needs to stay on offense. Start locking them up.
Agreed. I love Trump and his administration, but one thing that they do that bothers me is they allow the left to keep putting them on defense. Need to go on offense more IMO.
I think Trumps heart is in the right place. His ego and temperament don't let him stay focused on the job at hand. He gets caught up in too much silly per

Gtfo. You have no way of knowing that. Just another idiot who thinks the president is personally speaking to you on twitter or something. Idk, but you or I have no GD clue what his day is like.
Gtfo. You have no way of knowing that. Just another idiot who thinks the president is personally speaking to you on twitter or something. Idk, but you or I have no GD clue what his day is like.

I felt that way about Trump too for several months - then I realized that for the many years preceding the campaign, nothing he ever said bothered me, so I've come around. He's found a niche that works for him, and he's exposing how much BS there actually is in DC, which is a good thing.
Nothing to see here.

I know you're called a crazy person for dare challenging the anti-white narrative and marketing toward whites but it's obvious.
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Haven't heard anything about Pence. PJW speculating Pence could be trying to sabotage?

Chris Cuomo, the gift that never stops giving. "It's okay if Dems do it" -essentially

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So is this

It's funny, but also a little sad seeing people still defending AND attacking both Trump and Hillary. Anyone who hasn't figured out how awful they both were/are/will be should self-impose a vow of silence. Read the propaganda of the leftist fascist post-modernists, the alt-right neo-fascists, commie liberals and elitist conservatives, the philosophical political parties like libertarians or anarchists, and whatever holy texts you prefer and grow an opinion, but please stop defending and attacking these narcissistic clowns. Please. There is a song by Pink Floyd called The Fletcher Memorial Home that lays out a good plan for dealing with these self-delusional fools.
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Haven't heard anything about Pence. PJW speculating Pence could be trying to sabotage?

Chris Cuomo, the gift that never stops giving. "It's okay if Dems do it" -essentially

I don't think Pence is involved, personally. Seems like if Pence was doing anything to hurt Trump that it would be super easy for Trump to find that out. I doubt Pence does a lot of things that Trump doesn't know about.

Not saying PJW is spreading fake news but I feel like most of the anti Pence stories is just the MSM trying to stir up shit with the usual anonymous sources.