How will they rule ??!

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Gtfo. You have no way of knowing that. Just another idiot who thinks the president is personally speaking to you on twitter or something. Idk, but you or I have no GD clue what his day is like.

I don't twitter. I also think a week long twitter beef with the idiots at CNN and Morning Joe doesn't sound very productive. I like how you guys take one line from any argument that isn't Trump-glorified and use only that. I like the man. I think he's one hell of a lot better alternative to what we could have had. But I'm not afraid to be critical of him either. And same as the other Trump fanboy, I give no f***s what you think of me either.
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It's funny, but also a little sad seeing people still defending AND attacking both Trump and Hillary. Anyone who hasn't figured out how awful they both were/are/will be should self-impose a vow of silence. Read the propaganda of the leftist fascist post-modernists, the alt-right neo-fascists, commie liberals and elitist conservatives, the philosophical political parties like libertarians or anarchists, and whatever holy texts you prefer and grow an opinion, but please stop defending and attacking these narcissistic clowns. Please. There is a song by Pink Floyd called The Fletcher Memorial Home that lays out a good plan for dealing with these self-delusional fools.

I love Trump. He's not perfect, but exactly what we needed. Anti-Establishment. Exactly what the doctor ordered.
I have "no regrats"
Dems really wanna do this? There will be a civil war with what they are doing. They have set a precedent that there's no coming back from.
When I saw the dems yelling treason yesterday I figured it was only a matter of time before the dems tried this.

They are desperate and they know they have to destroy Trump any way they can.
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I don't twitter. I also think a week long twitter beef with the idiots at CNN and Morning Joe doesn't sound very productive. I like how you guys take one line from any argument that isn't Trump-glorified and use only that. I like the man. I think he's one hell of a lot better alternative to what we could have had. But I'm not afraid to be critical of him either. And same as the other Trump fanboy, I give no f***s what you think of me either.

Oh you don't twitter but you secondhand twitter. Got it. A gd 168 hr twitter beef omg what is our president doingggg??? DO SOMETHING!!!

All y'all idiots wanna talk about is twitter. We should be talking about how he f'd the G20 in the butt. Hell, even France is looking like they want to make France Great Again? Trump's impact was huge, and he crushed that summit. Nobody will talk about it bc omg his son talked to a russian, omg have you read trumps tweets.

I almost miss the kardashians. i really do. I think the trump obsession has really killed their buzz. Poor Jenner guy went trans and everything. Nobody cares. Russian girls pissed on Trump!! OMG

You are an embarrassment to the mash name and you obviously care a lot about stupid stuff. Please stop caring.
Oh you don't twitter but you secondhand twitter. Got it. A gd 168 hr twitter beef omg what is our president doingggg??? DO SOMETHING!!!

All y'all idiots wanna talk about is twitter. We should be talking about how he f'd the G20 in the butt. Hell, even France is looking like they want to make France Great Again? Trump's impact was huge, and he crushed that summit. Nobody will talk about it bc omg his son talked to a russian, omg have you read trumps tweets.

I almost miss the kardashians. i really do. I think the trump obsession has really killed their buzz. Poor Jenner guy went trans and everything. Nobody cares. Russian girls pissed on Trump!! OMG

You are an embarrassment to the mash name and you obviously care a lot about stupid stuff. Please stop caring.

This made me laugh way more than it should have.

Oh you don't twitter but you secondhand twitter. Got it. A gd 168 hr twitter beef omg what is our president doingggg??? DO SOMETHING!!!

All y'all idiots wanna talk about is twitter. We should be talking about how he f'd the G20 in the butt. Hell, even France is looking like they want to make France Great Again? Trump's impact was huge, and he crushed that summit. Nobody will talk about it bc omg his son talked to a russian, omg have you read trumps tweets.

I almost miss the kardashians. i really do. I think the trump obsession has really killed their buzz. Poor Jenner guy went trans and everything. Nobody cares. Russian girls pissed on Trump!! OMG

You are an embarrassment to the mash name and you obviously care a lot about stupid stuff. Please stop caring.

Hahaha. I don't care about Twitter period. I also don't care about your opinion period. I'd just like the President to focus on the things he does well and not get dragged into these insignificant pissing contests. He should have just told the truth about the Russian meeting from the beginning. Nobody who matters cared. Now it makes it seem more nefarious than it probably was which is exactly what the media and Dems wanted. Which wastes more of his time defending it. Now I'm tired of you. Continue with your Trump circle jerk.

'is it woman, is it man?'

this 300 plus pound thing should have been saying 'F Pizza'
Ok, got it. Mash 2.4 doesn't care about opinions, then proceeds to give his opinion that no one gives a f*** about. Priceless.

I'm actually on your guys and the presidents side. Y'all just don't seem to condone any opinion on any issue that doesn't fellate the President.
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I'm actually on your guys and the presidents side. Y'all just don't seem to condone any opinion on any issue that doesn't fellate the President.

Well man, if there is a legitimate issue then yeah, I'll be the first in line to kick him in the nuts. But I have not seen him make one bad move yet. I don't let MSM control my opinion.
Per Sherman: "I am introducing Articles of Impeachment to begin a long process to protect our country from abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and impulsive, ignorant incompetence."

Does he mean "impulsive, ignorant incompetence" like...I don't know...abusing your political office by initiating impeachment proceedings against a sitting president for obstruction of justice on essentially no grounds or evidence whatsoever? ESPECIALLY when there is already a special investigator looking into such matters? Is that the type of "abuse of power" and "impulsive, ignorant incompetence" to which you refer, California Representative Brad Sherman?
Hahaha. I don't care about Twitter period. I also don't care about your opinion period. I'd just like the President to focus on the things he does well and not get dragged into these insignificant pissing contests. He should have just told the truth about the Russian meeting from the beginning. Nobody who matters cared. Now it makes it seem more nefarious than it probably was which is exactly what the media and Dems wanted. Which wastes more of his time defending it. Now I'm tired of you. Continue with your Trump circle jerk.

Will you please quit caring about my opinion. You just gone done telling me you care about our president wasting a week on twitter. What are you 80 years old?
Ok, got it. Mash 2.4 doesn't care about opinions, then proceeds to give his opinion that no one gives a f*** about. Priceless.
The dumbass also says he doesn't care about twitter after he's bitched about twitter.

He's just another piece of shit liberal that doesn't deserve consideration. He owes us for being kind enough to point out his stupidity.
Impeachment is just an effort to keep this nonsense in media by making a splash.

Ignore it

You cant. Theyre either completely dishonest or irrationale. Cant reason in either circumstance. Best just to laugh at them

I'm also trying to understand how they can call Trump a Russian puppet yet completely gloss over Hillary being owned and funded by Soros and her donors/Saudis, etc? It makes no sense. Here is a woman who would sell government favors.for personal cash.

We just had a president who bowed down to Iran and was a puss. We just had a president whose entire cabinet was chosen by Citigroup. WTF are these people talking about? These people are zombies.
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Dunno where he came from but KingOfSleaze bringing some good rants this. Prolly a Russian porn king.
I hate everyone here, I hate you because you're "people". That means I hate 100% of you. I hate liberals twice as much as normal, regular people. So, when you grade on a curve, I hate normal regular people 0%, and hate liberals 100%. Can't argue with math.
Can we just all be real

Liberals is real life nerd/dork/ugly/fat uprising.

Seriously, does anyone know a "cool kid" or the head cheerleader that grew up to be a liberal?
Oh you don't twitter but you secondhand twitter. Got it. A gd 168 hr twitter beef omg what is our president doingggg??? DO SOMETHING!!!

All y'all idiots wanna talk about is twitter. We should be talking about how he f'd the G20 in the butt. Hell, even France is looking like they want to make France Great Again? Trump's impact was huge, and he crushed that summit. Nobody will talk about it bc omg his son talked to a russian, omg have you read trumps tweets.

I almost miss the kardashians. i really do. I think the trump obsession has really killed their buzz. Poor Jenner guy went trans and everything. Nobody cares. Russian girls pissed on Trump!! OMG

You are an embarrassment to the mash name and you obviously care a lot about stupid stuff. Please stop caring.

G20? OK. Let's talk.
It was accompanied by peaceful protests, as CNN reported. That was refreshing. Some Australian reporter called it a failure for Trump, because he failed to change any minds, and most US media followed suit. Europe is now leading itself. None of the Europas agreed to terminate the Paris Accord. They all still want the $100 billion Barrie promised to them, and they reaffirmed their commitment that the US must bear all costs of global warming. Trump got no combined resolution out of the G20 regarding NKorea. He also didn't get Angela Jerkel to agree to fulfill her countrie'$ obligation to NATO, although Trump did reaffirm Article 5.

Frenchie Macron held up an Iphone and said free trade is great, which some interpreted as a repudiation of Turmp, for reasons no one can explain. Macron also said that the EU faces Frexit if serious reforms are not made, which for reasons no one can explain reflects very badly on Trump. Frenchie Macron also called for a new climate summit in December, another failure for Trump. The spectacular failure of Trump's meeting with Putin was the biggest surprise, since Putin got Trump elected.

In summary "“Generally, Trump didn’t impress very many leaders on European side,” said Susi Dennison, director of the European Power program at the European Council on Foreign Relations." Trump just held his ground like a spoiled, capitalistic American. On the bright side of that, "“They left the G-20 with the feeling that there is more predictability as to what Trump means for them," Brattberg said."

Ankela Jerkel, speaking on condition of anonymity said, "In the past, America's insecurity and guilt/shame over its success made America easy to manipulate and control. All we had to do was tell the American Elite that their country was a laughing stock or was acting selfishly, and it would immediately change course and come heel to our commands. We could bend america over at will, like we did in the Paris Accord and NATO, we made America pay for everything," laughed Jerkel. "This new trend won't last. To make up for the money we have to pay NATO, we're going to demand reparations for the horrible damage America did to Europe in WWII. America destroyed cities and killed millions. We want Trillion$ in reparation."

Did I miss anything already covered in the press?