How will they rule ??!

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Then take them all down, but don't try to soften the blow against the person you side with just because you believe their opponent in an election that has already been decided did something wrong as well. Bub.

This is rich. We heard for eight years that Bush was at fault for everything. For eight years, we watched a media look the other way and act as a PR firm for corruption and then collude with a politician to win an election and control the news.

Now we are supposed to bow down to these assholes and their fake outrage?
And now, back to talking about those who didn't win the election, are not currently leader of the free world.

WTF you talking about man?

If kids cheat on a test in class you'd only punish the top scorer?

If this meeting was bad and needs to be exposed, all similar meetings need to be exposed. If this has happened in the past, how was it handled? Punishments?

Are other politicians doing this? Should it all be shut down?...if you go down this hole, you take everything down.
"We were mistaken in that. According to a report, half of the memos contained information classified at the 'secret' or 'confidential' level not 'top secret.'

Damn! So they minced words and accidentally called it top secret instead of just secret, and then publicly corrected it, on air, first thing in the morning on Tuesday instead of sending out a random tweet at midnight on a Friday? Those lying, fake news bastards.

On a serious note, you do realize, regardless of classification; confidential, secret, top secret, etc... leaking any classified information carries the same punishment. So, regardless of what Fox News accidentally labeled the classification, the crime/punishment of leaking it is still exactly the same.
WTF you talking about man?

If kids cheat on a test in class you'd only punish the top scorer?

If this meeting was bad and needs to be exposed, all similar meetings need to be exposed. If this has happened in the past, how was it handled? Punishments?

Are other politicians doing this? Should it all be shut down?...if you go down this hole, you take everything down.

If kids cheat on a test, then you punish those who are guilty. I'm not asking for people to look the other way on Hillary and her wrongdoings. But instead of deferring to her and her corruption every time there is more news about Trump and his potentially scandalous relationship with Russia, own it. It's a weak move (by both sides) to pass the buck whenever their party rep gets called out for something. Plenty of politicians do things incorrectly, so instead of just looking for the ones on the opposite party and running to twitter understand that it doesn't matter what side of the aisle they are on. Each one should be accountable for their actions. Of course, we can't just take down the entire system. But the "well everyone does it so what are we gonna do" mentality doesn't help things either.

And honestly, you don't think that the person who is currently in the position of President of the United States deserves to be tended to first, regarding any sort of allegation of collusion or corruption?
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Trump Jr is an idiot. Yes, this type of information gathering happens, but you send a surrogate to a secret meeting, so you always have plausible deniability. You don't invite them to your personal office in Trump Tower.

Also, if the Russia government was trying to help Trump Jr, then why did they send him some woman, who supposedly isn't associated with the Russian government, who had zero information on Hillary, and had no clue that's why she was at the meeting in the first place? How does that even make sense?

So, the question is, what exactly happened at that meeting? Did someone play Jr and set him up? Or is Trump Jr and this woman lying about what happened, and damaging information actually was discussed/handed over during the meeting?

Little girl on the right grip is too close. Not sure that is a standard 45lb bar either. I would crush her dreams but I'm not up in here trying to see who is the best at exercising. I play real sports. I'm fixin to join a 10 year old travel club for fast pitch softball. Grounders with no cup from the hot corner. Up in here tryin to get a M'fn scholarship. Identify dat.
If kids cheat on a test, then you punish those who are guilty. I'm not asking for people to look the other way on Hillary and her wrongdoings. But instead of deferring to her and her corruption every time there is more news about Trump and his potentially scandalous relationship with Russia, own it. It's a weak move (by both sides) to pass the buck whenever their party rep gets called out for something. Plenty of politicians do things incorrectly, so instead of just looking for the ones on the opposite party and running to twitter understand that it doesn't matter what side of the aisle they are on. Each one should be accountable for their actions. Of course, we can't just take down the entire system. But the "well everyone does it so what are we gonna do" mentality doesn't help things either.

And honestly, you don't think that the person who is currently in the position of President of the United States deserves to be tended to first, regarding any sort of allegation of collusion or corruption?

You are the only one trying to shut down any comps of Obama and Hillary - no reason they cannot be discussed on a message board as well.

Pretty sure a Trump fan posted the "damning" email chain from Donald Jr in this thread - so nobody is hiding from that discussion.

And I don't really care whether you won or lost - wrong is wrong/right is right. Should be covered as such.
This is rich. We heard for eight years that Bush was at fault for everything. For eight years, we watched a media look the other way and act as a PR firm for corruption and then collude with a politician to win an election and control the news.

Now we are supposed to bow down to these assholes and their fake outrage?

Man, don't you get tired of thinking the world is out to get you and your party? And hell no you don't bow down to some talking heads on a TV network. There's a reason we have lib left wing propaganda MSNBC, "We don't know what we're talking about" CNN, and Total F'n Nutjob Fox News. People can choose their news outlet, interpret it as actual facts and that gets them through their day. You don't like what one of the networks has to say, don't watch it.
You are the only one trying to shut down any comps of Obama and Hillary - no reason they cannot be discussed on a message board as well.

Pretty sure a Trump fan posted the "damning" email chain from Donald Jr in this thread - so nobody is hiding from that discussion.

And I don't really care whether you won or lost - wrong is wrong/right is right. Should be covered as such.

You're missing the point, my BBN brethren. Cover it. Discuss it. But don't jump to it the second someone brings up a negative headline about your guy. I'm not singling you out for this, we as a completely divided nation are all guilty here. Talk about Hillary and her past corruption all you want. But for too many it is an easy way to spin the conversation away from news that broke on Trump. That's all I'm saying. Every time we have someone new in office it's the same discussion from the two sides.

"He's already ruining the country!"

"Well that's because he inherited a broken country from the last guy!"

"No, that guy had to spend 8 years rebuilding from the guy before him who did such a crappy job!"

"He did what he could do given what the guy before him left us!"

By this argument, it's all George Washington's fault.
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Yeah just keep on denying it, the treason train is gonna roll right over this whole administration. Those unnamed sources continue to be correct 9 out of 10 times. Maybe you'll get lucky and this is a 'nothing burger'.

But it's starting to look like Trump and his admin absolutely colluded with the Russians. If this email proves to be true, Trump Jr. just committed treason. He definitely broke election laws. The fact that it was Trump Jr. means that Trump absolutely knew this was going on. Absolutely. But you'll keep defending these traitors and call the media liars to protect your Gods.

James Comey is a true American. A soldier for American democracy. He took a bullet for this country so that Mueller can take down this immoral President and his band of losers. The noose is tightening. You'll see this timeline come together showing just how involved this was.

Now it all makes perfect sense why Trump has attacked the credibility of the media and the intelligence community. They are starting to find the bodies and he needs to taint the evidence.

All Hail the King!


so opposition research is treason?

what did this email say that trump jr promised to give in return for damaging info?

you need to learn what treason in.
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I agree with you on that. And had HRC won I would be questioning people who would be making the Trump/Putin memes even though Trump didn't win. The campaign is over. With Hookergate going on over at Minardi Vu, are Russ Smith and Montrezl Harrell going to be punished for those events? No, because they are not on the team or part of the administration. The focus should be on who is in power and what advantages were received due to improper benefits.

Not even close in comparison to real crimes committed by the Clinton Crime Family. You don't get to skate just because you lost an election. Many are holding DJT to his campaign word. Lock Her UP!
So, basically, in the end, their collusion/treason hysteria turned out be that Jr, possibly violated campaign finance law by soliciting help from a foreign national. That's about as far as this will go, if that. This does more damage politically than legally.
You're missing the point, my BBN brethren. Cover it. Discuss it. But don't jump to it the second someone brings up a negative headline about your guy. I'm not singling you out for this, we as a completely divided nation are all guilty here. Talk about Hillary and her past corruption all you want. But for too many it is an easy way to spin the conversation away from news that broke on Trump. That's all I'm saying. Every time we have someone new in office it's the same discussion from the two sides.

"He's already ruining the country!"

"Well that's because he inherited a broken country from the last guy!"

"No, that guy had to spend 8 years rebuilding from the guy before him who did such a crappy job!"

"He did what he could do given what the guy before him left us!"

By this argument, it's all George Washington's fault.
I am not missing your point. Just don't agree with it or we just see things differently.

I firmly believe the outrage isn't bc of Russian - it's because of Trump. The left didn't/doesn't give a shit about Russian threats. They give a shit that they lost the election.

VP candidate Tim Kaine is tossing around Treason. It very much becomes a partisan issue when the opponent (who also met with foreign entities, requested information from Ukraine etc) starts throwing around that type of language and IMO all for political purposes. He throws that around and I don't see it unfair to swing the microscope back on him. Hypocrisy is lame. And the Rs have their fair share of hypocritical moments too.
hardly...and look, another anonymous source that was correct.

Trump Jr. only tweeted that out because the NYT told him they were about to release them.

Keep on defending the traitors and the oligarchs. If the NYT can get this info, imagine what Mueller is getting.

The 'leftist' media is the only thing keeping the criminals honest. Fox News is basically the American version of RT. State news propaganda.

I can only imagine the outrage if Chelsea Clinton had done anything close to this. You guys would be spitting fire. I mean you guys were outraged because Obama used spicy mustard on his hamburger. And of course, playing golf, which is now evidently acceptable behavior by a President again.

Comparing the outrage of the last 8 years over Obama's 'misdeeds' to now is cringeworthy. I guess you'll always have Fast & Furious, which is kindergarten level compared to Trumpgate.
Great job poking fun at the liberals. However, I'm concerned for your safety. Those folks play nasty when you hurt their fee fees
I guess you'll always have Fast & Furious, which is kindergarten level compared to Trumpgate.

Not following - people died due to Fast & Furious. Nothing changed due to "Trumpgate". It did not have any impact on the election. HRC would lose Michigan, Penn and Wisconsin again today.
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I am convinced that most folks in the MSM are complete morons. Is going to college/journalism school the new easiest route to get a degree now? These people have no ethics and evidently not much intelligence to go on Twitter rants on how their "Big Story" was just ruined by their opposition tweeting out the facts instead of allowing them to print their BS to take them to their next promotion. Losers
Kaine on Trump Jr. Emails: This Is Now a 'Treason Investigation'

Getting closer to bringing down the pedos. Every time something is about to break. Russia Russia Russia Muh Russia. Don't look at the conversation with DJT jr and the lawyer talking about adoption and pedos. No she is Russian Russian Russian Russian. Don't look at the DNC servers sorry FBI it was Russia Russia Russia Russia ...Muh russia.
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I am convinced that most folks in the MSM are complete morons. Is going to college/journalism school the new easiest route to get a degree now? These people have no ethics and evidently not much intelligence to go on Twitter rants on how their "Big Story" was just ruined by their opposition tweeting out the facts instead of allowing them to print their BS to take them to their next promotion. Losers

They were losing too much traffic to bloggers. So they evolved into basically name brand version of a blog. Thats how legetimate news went extinct.
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Honestly, this was a brilliant move by Trump Jr (actually probably Trump Sr, Little Donnie comes across as a coked up idiot most of the time, he couldn't have come up with this on his own.)

This is much ado about nothing, but it will keep the media and dems going down the Russia rabbit hole - "See, you can't trust the administration-" which is perfect for DT. Most of the country is fed up with the Russia narrative (myself included) and the longer it carries, the further Democratic hopes fall in terms of the next few election cycles. Check and Mate.
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They were losing too much traffic to bloggers. So they evolved into basically name brand version of a blog. Thats how legetimate news went extinct.

I don't believe that it's extinct, you just can't get it from CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, NYT, etc. You have to look outside the MSM to find straight "news," as in facts without opinions. Those no longer exist on TV.

Thousands of years of mankind and progressives think nature got it wrong and that you can just pick and choose gender and gender roles. Men are men for a reason. You dressing them up as some science experiment isn't natural at all.

Libs are some of the most insane and delusional people in existence. Decades of running entertainment, academia, media and putting activists in influencing roles have normalized mental illness and if you don't get on board, you will be shamed.
Got a feeling the internet will not be too kind to the so called Knight First Amendment Institute, a non-profit organization affiliated with Columbia University, and joined by seven individual Twitter users.

Trump Sued For Blocking Twitter Users
The lawsuit adds that because Trump frequently turns to Twitter to make policy statements, his account qualifies as a public forum from which the government cannot exclude people on the basis of their views. Twitter users are unable to see or respond to tweets from accounts that block them, although there is nothing preventing Trump from simply muting any accounts that bother him without the knowledge of the counterparty.

“President Trump’s Twitter account has become an important source of news and information about the government, and an important forum for speech by, to, or about the president,” Jameel Jaffer, an executive director at the Knight Institute said in a statement. “The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings. The White House acts unlawfully when it excludes people from this forum simply because they’ve disagreed with the president.”

I don't believe that it's extinct, you just can't get it from CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, NYT, etc. You have to look outside the MSM to find straight "news," as in facts without opinions. Those no longer exist on TV.

One of the worst things to ever happen is the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which dumbass Republicans and Bill Clinton allowed media ownership to be gobbled up by six companies who now own 90 percent of our media.

So of course corporate media has now been used as a propaganda tool to appease their masters and only hire people that will do business for them. That's also why we saw a desire to label anything not from the main news networks as "fake news" post election. Why? Because for the first time in a long time, the media could not dictate the narrative. YouTube, twitter, WikiLeaks and other smaller sites were able to circumvent their stronghold on info and expose reality to people. If it wasn't for social media, you never hear the contents of the DNC leaks or Podesta emails.

This is now why YouTube, Twitter and Facebook have tried to change things because their platforms got used against the left. It's now why you see conservatives getting blocked or suspended. It's why you get shadow bans or it hides a post or flags/removes a video or it only promotes one view in their "trending section." It's also why Twitter changed their algorithm to make blue checks go to the top of every post and why they're handing out verified blue checks to every nobody as long as they're anti-Trump.
Got a feeling the internet will not be too kind to the so called Knight First Amendment Institute, a non-profit organization affiliated with Columbia University, and joined by seven individual Twitter users.

Trump Sued For Blocking Twitter Users
The lawsuit adds that because Trump frequently turns to Twitter to make policy statements, his account qualifies as a public forum from which the government cannot exclude people on the basis of their views. Twitter users are unable to see or respond to tweets from accounts that block them, although there is nothing preventing Trump from simply muting any accounts that bother him without the knowledge of the counterparty.

“President Trump’s Twitter account has become an important source of news and information about the government, and an important forum for speech by, to, or about the president,” Jameel Jaffer, an executive director at the Knight Institute said in a statement. “The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings. The White House acts unlawfully when it excludes people from this forum simply because they’ve disagreed with the president.”

Haha. Yeah because mainstream media is going to make sure you never hear the contents of a Trump tweet. Are these people serious? We just had 24/7 coverage about Trump tweeting a WWE gif and insulting Mika's face.

Also, do we not have a right from our personal accounts to pick and choose who we block? You'll notice he uses his personal account for all of that; not the POTUS handle. Unreal.

Shady dealings in backrooms with donors, Soros, lobbyists and foreign governments is totally okay. Now they complain about transparency? We've never even had a president use this platform like this? There will never be an issue of transparency with this administration because it's impossible and they will demand it and Trump is always pretty eager to discuss matters.
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Sad story when you have people that refuse to read the wikileak emails but probably read DJT jrs 5 times this morning trying to figure out the Russian connection to take down their president. Then come on here to gloat that it will happen. Yeah sure. 7 1/2 years left of Russia is not going to get it done.
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No audio or video permitted in this afternoon's White House Correspondent Briefings? Serious question before people come firing at this...has any President done this before? Without the audio or video, SHS can pretty much say whatever she wants to and when a reporter who was on site announces it, the White House can call it fake news. I know the world is anti-media but without it we don't get that immediate access we've all grown accustomed to.