How will they rule ??!

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Such a terrible mentality. "Us versus Them". Being American isn't enough these days.

Are you for real? You think unity is possible when a group comes and physically assaults you in the streets? At your own rallies? Labels you a racist Nazi? Tries to silence you on campus? Is eager to burn our flag? Bash our country and thinks patriotism is wrong and wants to let a third world invasion conquer our land?

We're supposed to unite with a group who hates this nation and uses identity politics every step of the way? A man can't just be a man or a woman can't just be a woman. Now, thanks to the left, they're either black, white, cisgender, lesbian, person of color, white straight male (the devil to them), etc. They have a label for everything.
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Are you for real? You think unity is possible when a group comes and physically assaults you in the streets? At your own rallies? Labels you a racist Nazi? Tries to silence you on campus? Is eager to burn our flag? Bash our country and thinks patriotism is wrong?

We're supposed to unite with a group who hates this nation and uses identity politics every step of the way? A man can't just be a man or a woman can't just be a woman. Now, thanks to the left, they're either black, white, cisgender, lesbian, person of color, white straight male (the devil to them), etc. They have a label for everything.

Unity is always possible. You not believing that or not even trying to achieve that makes you just as guilty as the left winger who won't listen to your side of the debate. The goal is to have a democracy. Representatives elected by the people based on their views and opinions of how our government should help support its people. Instead, due to some very polarizing Presidential figures and horrendous events that have occurred to our country it's now a steel cage death match between two sides who more often look for reasons to hate than reasons to compromise and work together.. It's sad to see, but it's even more sad when people think there isn't an option to improve things.
hardly...and look, another anonymous source that was correct.

Trump Jr. only tweeted that out because the NYT told him they were about to release them.

Keep on defending the traitors and the oligarchs. If the NYT can get this info, imagine what Mueller is getting.

The 'leftist' media is the only thing keeping the criminals honest. Fox News is basically the American version of RT. State news propaganda.

I can only imagine the outrage if Chelsea Clinton had done anything close to this. You guys would be spitting fire. I mean you guys were outraged because Obama used spicy mustard on his hamburger. And of course, playing golf, which is now evidently acceptable behavior by a President again.

Comparing the outrage of the last 8 years over Obama's 'misdeeds' to now is cringeworthy. I guess you'll always have Fast & Furious, which is kindergarten level compared to Trumpgate.
Man... its gonna be a long 8 years for you... assuming you're human and not a bot.

At this point I can't tell.
No audio or video permitted in this afternoon's White House Correspondent Briefings? Serious question before people come firing at this...has any President done this before? Without the audio or video, SHS can pretty much say whatever she wants to and when a reporter who was on site announces it, the White House can call it fake news. I know the world is anti-media but without it we don't get that immediate access we've all grown accustomed to.

If you depend on MSM to inform you, you're going to be misinformed. They are not in the interest of giving you fair reported news and letting you decide. They're in the "I'll show you what I want you to see and form your opinion for you" crowd. If you read the DNC Leaks/Podesta emails (which no Democrat will) then you will see why no one should ever listen to them or trust them.

Are you aware of what was in those emails? What was proven? That it backs up everything we've been saying about them being a propaganda firm for the DNC?
Get real man, you did not read thousands upon thousands of emails. You read what media wanted you to read about them. Let's just be real.

I can't wait till The Rock is our president. Libs will be so confused.
If the NYT can get this info, imagine what Mueller is getting.

I'll ask you like I have every other liberal idiot the last few hours....what info? Please share the "info" that was retrieved. C' substance, illegalities, etc.


Thanks for playing. NOW STFU.
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If you depend on MSM to inform you, you're going to be misinformed. They are not in the interest of giving you fair reported news and letting you decide. They're in the "I'll show you what I want you to see and form your opinion for you" crowd. If you read the DNC Leaks/Podesta emails (which no Democrat will) then you will see why no one should ever listen to them or trust them.

Are you aware of what was in those emails? What was proven? That it backs up everything we've been saying about them being a propaganda firm for the DNC?

Did I sit through and read 33,000 emails? I did not. I did my own due diligence (yes, more than just getting the cliff notes from Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper) to see what all the fuss was about. We have to depend on the MSM to an extent. Fortunately there are a few different outlets with very different viewpoints so you can choose the one that fits your set of beliefs most accurately. If we don't have someone reporting the information (skewed and opinionated as it may be) then we don't get that information at all. I dropped a celebrity's quote earlier in this circular convo today which coincides with what you are saying. "If you don't read the news you're uniformed. If you do read the news you're misinformed."
I'll ask you like I have every other liberal idiot the last few hours....what info? Please share the "info" that was retrieved. C' substance, illegalities, etc.


Thanks for playing. NOW STFU.

Apparently it's no longer allowed to even talk to people in Russia, which is funny since the left loved Soviet policies.
Get real man, you did not read thousands upon thousands of emails. You read what media wanted you to read about them. Let's just be real.

I can't wait till The Rock is our president. Libs will be so confused.

Those emails were so damning of what POS Dems and the media are. The media are nothing but whores for the Dem Party.

Just some proven stuff to have occurred that I can think of off the top of my head

- Busing in protesters and using interns as protesters.
- Leaking debate questions to a candidate
- Using Bernie possibly being a Jew to hurt him and Obama a Muslim back in 2008
- NYT allowing Clinton camp to edit and approve quotes
- AP being called "friendlies" who will do articles for the DNC
- Receiving campaign advice from The Hill writer and how he would do his part
- Wolf Blitzer and John Harwood seeking out DNC on what to ask GOP candidates
-Dictating the coverage of MSNBC and not to bring up things/not to say anything positive about DT
- Jake Tapper seeing what questions the Dems want to be asked.
- Clinton camp getting tipped off about Benghazi docs by DOJ
- Clinton camp being updated by the State Department on release of emails
- DNC having a joint fundraiser with WaPo
- Birthday dinners for Jen Palmeri where all of these media celebs are there paling around
- Off the record meeting on how to construct the narrative where every lib media was there;no Fox
- Clinton was exposed to being for open borders
- The Clinton team strategized on how to delay releasing emails, knowing it was against the law.
- Email correspondence between Hillary and Chelsea showing she knew the truth about Benghazi from the beginning but then made it about the video.
- Showed Obama knew about her private server. Another lie.
- WaPo taking orders and research from DNC for an anti-Trump article
- Algeria being taken off the terror watch list after a donation to Clinton Foundation
- Getting approval from Soros and Buffett
- Creating a fake Trump company ad on craigslist to make him seem like he assaults women

There's way more. But just from an outsider, you expect to get honest reporting from a group who dines and hangs out with a politician and attends her top staffer's birthday party? lol
No audio or video permitted in this afternoon's White House Correspondent Briefings? Serious question before people come firing at this...has any President done this before? Without the audio or video, SHS can pretty much say whatever she wants to and when a reporter who was on site announces it, the White House can call it fake news. I know the world is anti-media but without it we don't get that immediate access we've all grown accustomed to.
There is audio - easy to find.

Not to go all fake news - but I mean, where you get the no audio crap? You can find it on youtube, cspan and I quit looking after finding it in two spots within 30 secs.

Hell, they even allow outlets to video the wall for the audio only sessions (to show that there wasn't creative editing).
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I'm still trying to figure out why people continue to bring up HRC (and Obama for that matter) when discussing the Trump family's current headlines. Trump won. He's the president. What the Clinton's did 10 years ago or 10 days ago has nothing to do with trying to uncover what the real relationship is between Russia and our current POTUS. The ones defending Trump deflect with referring to Hillary or Obama, creating absurd phrases like "nothing burger" or jumping on the "Fake News" bandwagon. First it was fake news that Don Jr. met with Russia. Then it was fake news that Don Jr. met with Russia to potentially get dirt on HRC. Then, after Don Jr. releases an email inferring to a meet with Emin about the "Hillary info" the Fake News switches to Nothing Burger. It's flat out embarrassing how emotions and a set of beliefs overpower facts these days.

And before all the Cons jump on this post, understand that (at least in my opinion) the Libs are not presenting themselves any better. They are so quick to jump to conclusions, that much like MSM, they want to be the first ones to release the news rather than be the third person to release the correct news. Denzel said it best, "If you don't read the news you're uniformed but if you do read the news you're misinformed."

Instead of everyone running to a social media platform after reading a headline to blast someone or something that doesn't follow their own personal set of beliefs, just calm down, try to gather information and shut the hell up. The dust will settle and quite frankly we'd all be better off without 99.9% of the internet's opinion.
The "but Hillary" argument was perfectly fine during the campaign. Now, it's a little tired and it has nothing to do with what's going on with this administration.
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The "but Hillary" argument was perfectly fine during the campaign. Now, it's a little tired and it has nothing to do with what's going on with this administration.

It's a little tired? But blaming Bush for everything for eight years was totally okay?

Do you understand why we bring up Hillary? It's because that is who you, Democrats and media endorsed thus you signed off on believing in that person with all of the scandals and baggage that came with her and now, we are supposed to take you seriously with your concern?

You don't get to be an apologist for Obama and Hillary and then lecture any of us about caring for truth and democracy and "scandal."
Saying "but Hillary" in items like healthcare legislation is incredibly stupid - I think the leader of the RNC got into a tweet battle with Hillary asking her what her plan was...terribly stupid.

Items dealing with the campaign and how each campaign acted when one gets scrutinized is fair game.
There is audio - easy to find.

Not to go all fake news - but I mean, where you get the no audio crap? You can find it on youtube, cspan and I quit looking after finding it in two spots within 30 secs.

Hell, they even allow outlets to video the wall for the audio only sessions (to show that there wasn't creative editing).

Good to know. I'm at work (being productive as you can see) so my options of searching for that kind of stuff are limited right now. Appreciate the info, though.
Good to know. I'm at work (being productive as you can see) so my options of searching for that kind of stuff are limited right now. Appreciate the info, though.
Options weren't limited to hearing that no audio or video was available

I am blessed to be able to google at work.
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Options weren't limited to hearing that no audio or video was available

I am blessed to be able to google at work.

Twitter is a helluva thing. Being able to browse a message board or my twitter feed is far from listening to audio feeds on youtube or cspan
It's a little tired? But blaming Bush for everything for eight years was totally okay?

Do you understand why we bring up Hillary? It's because that is who you, Democrats and media endorsed thus you signed off on believing in that person with all of the scandals and baggage that came with her and now, we are supposed to take you seriously with your concern?

You don't get to be an apologist for Obama and Hillary and then lecture any of us about caring for truth and democracy and "scandal."
I made my dislike for Hillary Clinton and Democrats perfectly clear in this thread during the campaign, so literally all of your points miss the boat. If Clinton had won and Chelsea did this, we'd be all over it saying how corrupt the Clinton's are. When it's your guy, it's a nothing burger.
Twitter is a helluva thing. Being able to browse a message board or my twitter feed is far from listening to audio feeds on youtube or cspan
Should probably mute/unfollow whoever said there wasn't audio or the briefing. Can't be very smart.
I made my dislike for Hillary Clinton and Democrats perfectly clear in this thread during the campaign, so literally all of your points miss the boat. If Clinton had won and Chelsea did this, we'd be all over it saying how corrupt the Clinton's are. When it's your guy, it's a nothing burger.

My points don;t "miss the boat." It certainly applies to Democrats and media.

Why would I say they were corrupt for listening to someone who had negative info on Trump? It's not illegal. Plus, they had plenty of help in digging up every awful thing possible on Trump. They even sought out women to claim to be abused, contestants to claim he watched them change, held on to the Billy Bush tapes given to them for months, etc.

I have no problem being critical of Republicans. Trump is proof that we are super critical of our own party (Dems can't say the same). You explain to me why this isn't a nothing burger. You show me where it's illegal to meet with someone who claims they have information about your opponent? Isn't this what media does all GD day? Meet or speak to people who claim they have bad info on Trump? lol
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Suing trump over twitter is beyond dumb. He didnt block the person. He blocked the account. You can log out and view his account. Or create another account.

The lawyers who filed this case need sanctioned.

I don't believe that it's extinct, you just can't get it from CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, NYT, etc. You have to look outside the MSM to find straight "news," as in facts without opinions. Those no longer exist on TV.

Good point. I shouldve limited that to msm
My points don;t "miss the boat." It certainly applies to Democrats and media.

Why would I say they were corrupt for listening to someone who had negative info on Trump? It's not illegal. Plus, they had plenty of help in digging up every awful thing possible on Trump. They even sought out women to claim to be abused, contestants to claim he watched them change, held on to the Billy Bush tapes given to them for months, etc.

I have no problem being critical of Republicans. Trump is proof that we are super critical of our own party (Dems can't say the same). You explain to me why this isn't a nothing burger. You show me where it's illegal to meet with someone who claims they have information about your opponent? Isn't this what media does all GD day? Meet or speak to people who claim they have bad info on Trump? lol
The Trump administration had been saying repeatedly they had no contact with Russia at all. Now Trump Jr is saying he did in fact meet with Russia to get info on Hillary. You're right it's not illegal, but it goes against what the administration had been saying this whole time. It doesn't prove Russia hacked anything, but it's at the very least suspicious and shows the administration was lying. I hated Obama's administration for lying and I'll call Trump's out for lying too. It's certainly not a nonstory.
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They probably thought they were being slick because Don Jr didn't have to disclose these meetings and supposedly Kushner and Manafort did have this mtg on their disclosures. Will be another bad PR hit and fade away.

It would've had more impact had the Russia story not been whined about for 7 months with nothing.
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Wall2wall, you ever tried to have a serious conversation with cardkilla? Fuzz? Albany? Another radical lefty?

So far there hasn't been a single goddam ounce of any actual improprieties with this Russia shit. I'm actually glad they keep going down this road.

So why the "whataboutism" as the redditors love to call it? What about Clinton?

It goes back to my first question. No amount of reason or logical thinking will convince those radical lefties of anything other than their preconceived notions. The "what about Clinton" posts are purely to point out the fact they're hypocritical jackasses.

Right now, I don't trust the NYT as far as I can throw it. There's no sense in even addressing the "facts" until they're corrected this Friday evening.

Until then, pointing out those radical lefties are radical partisan hacks is good enough.
The Trump administration had been saying repeatedly they had no contact with Russia at all. Now Trump Jr is saying he did in fact meet with Russia to get info on Hillary. You're right it's not illegal, but it goes against what the administration had been saying this whole time. It doesn't prove Russia hacked anything, but it's at the very least suspicious and shows the administration was lying. I hated Obama's administration for lying and I'll call Trump's out for lying too. It's certainly not a nonstory.
It is mostly a nonstory though. It won't even be talked about a week or two from now. The MSM and left will be bitching about something else stupid.

Btw, she is not involved with the Russian government. She already admitted she is not. And Don Jr. didn't even set up the meeting.
A Russian "had official documents and information" incriminating Hillary in her dealings with Russia. Wanna hear it?

Sure - let's see what ya got.

Collusion requires people cooperating to cheat or deceive. Think about 3 milk producers who collude to fix prices. Gathering evidence on Crooked Hillary's crimes is not collusion. The Dims need to think of another word. My word is investigation.
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It is mostly a nonstory though. It won't even be talked about a week or two from now. The MSM and left will be bitching about something else stupid.

Btw, she is not involved with the Russian government. She already admitted she is not. And Don Jr. didn't even set up the meeting.
I hope you're right, but I think you're fooling yourself if you think the leftist MSM won't run this story for months on end. They've been hammering the Russia story without proof this whole time already. Now they've got a glimmer of evidence they won't let this go.
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I hope you're right, but I think you're fooling yourself if you think the leftist MSM won't run this story for months on end. They've been hammering the Russia story without proof this whole time already. Now they've got a glimmer of evidence they won't let this go.
One way to end this would be to start producing info on Hilly. Hard facts about Ukraine, etc. The truth is out there, and it's not gonna take the X-files to find it.
Collusion requires people cooperating to cheat or deceive. Think about 3 milk producers who collude to fix prices. Gathering evidence on Crooked Hillary's crimes is not collusion. You need to think of another word. My word is investigation.
They will talk about Russia on and on because they are idiots who don't understand why they lost.

They are so dumb they'll probably be talking about it in 2020.
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