How will they rule ??!

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Liberal utopia

Things are so bad in Venezuela that people are rationing toothpaste
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There in lies part of the problem. The arrogance of being a "professor" exempts him from having to look at any other information. He thinks he is so smart that his opinion is fact.

Welp, guess that asshole won't learn. Dems keep blaming and hold no introspection of their flaws and keep losing.

What little sissies.
Its often not talked about enough IMO but professors are a big source of radicalism from the left. Its something that I hope Trump finds a way to address.
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FACT CHECK: Did Paul Ryan Ban Sleeveless Dresses On Capitol Hill?

A female reporter was recently denied entry into the House Speaker’s lobby on Capitol Hill for wearing a sleeveless dress. A flurry of headlines and tweets that followed decried the House’s “new” prohibitive dress code policy for women.

Verdict: False

The House has always maintained a strict formal dress code for men and women. The claim that either the House or Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan recently instituted a “new” dress code prohibiting sleeveless dresses for women is false.
Only democrats could make the right defend Paul Ryan.
A meme is dangerous to democracy, but a left wing muslim activist calling for jihad is completely fine.

Things that are okay
Mass invasion from the third world
Islamic violence
Media colluding with a political party
Shooting a congressman because of his voting record
Holding a mock severed head and also pretending to stab Trump in a play
Tweeting out that millions of people will die if Republicans pass their healthcare bill

Things that are dangerous
Wrestling gifs
Fighting back against the media
Tea Party
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Just further insight into journalism.

Intentionally misleading headline. And I want you to see how long it takes her to mention that it's not a Republican thing. It's in a throwaway line way down in the fourth loooooong paragraph. BTW, a paragraph should never be this long in an actual publication.

So I’ve been watching The Handmaid’s Tale. Gosh it’s good! But clearly nothing like that could happen in the modern world, right?

Dana, by email

Oh, ho, ho, Dana, you have made me laugh! Yes, the TV adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s classic is a real doozy, and not just because it finally answers a question that has long puzzled the world: what the hell ever happened to Joseph Fiennes? (Answer: he has been busy cultivating some fine facial hair.) Anyway, OF COURSE it is mere science fiction: no way, in a free western society, would women be obliged to cover up their bodies entirely, as ordained by men, no matter how uncomfortable and hot it makes them, so they can only look back longingly to the “freedom” of wearing less. Hahaha! Now, let’s catch up with what’s happening with the Republican administration in the US, lah-di-dah, here we are and – um. Um. UM.

So you may have thought that the Republicans were doing quite enough to make American women’s lives completely miserable just in their healthcare bill, what with defunding Planned Parenthood for one year, putting coverage for silly niche things such as post-partum depression (which affects one in nine women) in jeopardy and potentially making pregnancy a pre-existing condition. That specific pre-existing condition will now cost 425% more under this healthcare bill. Happy Mother’s Day, United States!

Well, we should never underestimate the Republicans’ multitasking abilities when it comes to treating women like sexualised chattel. So last week, on the very day the House voted on the GOP’s nasty healthcare bill, a female journalist, Haley Byrd, was kicked out of the speaker’s lobby, the area outside the House of Representatives, where journalists often do interviews, because she was wearing a sleeveless dress. Meanwhile, another female was refused entry to the speaker’s lobby because her disgusting, whoreish, irresistibly tempting shoulders were on display. In order to try to do her job, this journalist ripped pages out of her notebook and stuffed them around the armholes of her dress so as to cover her slutty upper arms, but this was still deemed “unacceptable”. Be gone with you, slattern!

So first, let’s get a couple of things straight: yes, there has always been a House dress code, which states, rather vaguely, that people should dress “appropriately”. What this means is left up to the House speaker. Step forward, one Paul Ryan! And yes, these rules have existed for over a decade, predating former speaker Nancy Pelosi. However, Byrd said officers on patrol have been “cracking down on the dress code” recently.
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the liberals think the truth is 'repugnant'

I'm sure Macron will quickly go back to being a cuck...but even a cuck shows some balls on occasion
He's right.

It's part of the same problem we have here - poor families and single mothers having more and more kids because the government will just take care of them all.

The third world spits them out like crazy. Way more than white people. Why? Because we can't afford to have tons of kids while they know that everyone else will pay for it.
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Dems living in California really think that money grows on trees. Or that tax payers in other states should pay for their healthcare because they are better than anyone else.
California sends more revenue and gets back less than all but a couple of states. Red states overwhelmingly are the welfare queens of the US gov't. Kentucky right up at the top. They've also had a budget surplus for the past 4 years despite the narrative by conservatives, although it appears they are forecasting a deficit this year. CA is something like the 6th largest economy in the world so I think they're doing ok.

So in other words, states like California, New Jersey and New York pay for the welfare queens in Kentucky, Mississippi and Alabama, among others.

There's so much b.s. and falsehoods spouted on this board that it should be considered fiction. Why do Republicans believe conspiracy theories more than the average person? Even when proven false, like Benghazi, pizzagate, obama birth certificate, and the supposed uranium deal. Maybe that's why you like Trump so much. He refuses to ever accept blame or admit that he was wrong.
Lmao Mayor Gray has new "panhandler ordinance" thingy again. This one allows pandhandlers to ask for money, they must not step onto the street, there will be signs telling people not to pay the panhandlers, and there are about 75 target streets where this ordinance will be heavily enforced. A number of these streets are on UK's campus and the goal , according to city is to make campus safer. The same campus where thousands signed a petition to give free housing and education to refugees.

White people are dumb as hell.
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Lmao Mayor Gray has new "panhandler ordinance" thingy again. This one allows pandhandlers to ask for money, they must not step onto the street, there will be signs telling people not to pay the panhandlers, and there are about 75 target streets where this ordinance will be heavily enforced. A number of these streets are on UK's campus and the goal , according to city is to make campus safer. The same campus where thousands signed a petition to give free housing and education to refugees.

White people are dumb as hell.

That's dumb. Panhandlers gonna ask the cops for money on the way to jail to pay the fine?
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California sends more revenue and gets back less than all but a couple of states. Red states overwhelmingly are the welfare queens of the US gov't. Kentucky right up at the top. They've also had a budget surplus for the past 4 years despite the narrative by conservatives, although it appears they are forecasting a deficit this year. CA is something like the 6th largest economy in the world so I think they're doing ok.

So in other words, states like California, New Jersey and New York pay for the welfare queens in Kentucky, Mississippi and Alabama, among others.

There's so much b.s. and falsehoods spouted on this board that it should be considered fiction. Why do Republicans believe conspiracy theories more than the average person? Even when proven false, like Benghazi, pizzagate, obama birth certificate, and the supposed uranium deal. Maybe that's why you like Trump so much. He refuses to ever accept blame or admit that he was wrong.

Very Fake News
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That's dumb. Panhandlers gonna ask the cops for money on the way to jail to pay the fine?

Dear Citizens, you can't even be trusted to donate to the homeless, you stupid idiots. Please pay us and we'll put it to good use!

Your Overreaching Government
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If I had to submit one picture to describe the Left...might be this one
Laugh all you want, but think of the good they did, think of the social change that took place, think of the chidren.
Active duty Army soldier arrested in Hawaii in connection with ISIS. He planned to send then classified military info, recruit more active servicemen, and train resident sympathizers.


California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion
By Bill Fletcher and Marc Joffe
January 10, 2017

We estimate that California state and local governments owe $1.3 trillion as of June 30, 2015. Our analysis is based on a review of federal, state and local financial disclosures. The total includes bonds, loans and other debt instruments as well as unfunded pension and other post-employment benefits promised to public sector employees. Our estimate of California government debt represents about 52% of California’s Gross State Product of $2.48 trillion. When added to the state’s share of the national debt, we find that California taxpayers are shouldering debt burdens on a par with residents of peripheral Eurozone states.

Not included are billions of dollars in deferred maintenance and upgrades to California’s infrastructure. To the extent California’s government has not maintained investment in infrastructure maintenance and upgrades to keep up with normal wear and to keep pace with an expanding population, it has passed this cost on to future generations who will have to issue additional debt to pay for this expense.

Components of California Government Debt

This is an update of a 2013 California Policy Center study entitled “Calculating California’s Total State and Local Government Debt.” That study reported total debt between $848 billion and $1.1 trillion. While we retain confidence in the findings of this earlier analysis, our new estimate incorporates a more comprehensive array of data sources and updated methodologies.

Our previous research relied primarily on official reports prepared by the State Controller and State Treasurer. Since 2013, some of this reporting has been altered or discontinued. Our current estimate supplements state provided data, with US Census data and information gathered from audited financial statements issued by state and local governments.
California sends more revenue and gets back less than all but a couple of states. Red states overwhelmingly are the welfare queens of the US gov't. Kentucky right up at the top. They've also had a budget surplus for the past 4 years despite the narrative by conservatives, although it appears they are forecasting a deficit this year. CA is something like the 6th largest economy in the world so I think they're doing ok.

So in other words, states like California, New Jersey and New York pay for the welfare queens in Kentucky, Mississippi and Alabama, among others.

There's so much b.s. and falsehoods spouted on this board that it should be considered fiction. Why do Republicans believe conspiracy theories more than the average person? Even when proven false, like Benghazi, pizzagate, obama birth certificate, and the supposed uranium deal. Maybe that's why you like Trump so much. He refuses to ever accept blame or admit that he was wrong.
Where California falls on that list is irrelevant to how the state is doing financially. Case in point, Illinois is even less dependent than California according to their methodology...yet they have severely underfunded their state pensions, couldn't pass a budget, and were in danger of having their debt downgraded to junk bond status. Same with California, which has had to forego regular maintenance on infrastructure to fund Governor Moonbeam's social welfare programs, which led to the Oroville Dam coming uncomfortably close to a major disaster earlier this year. Also, California taxes the bejeebers out of residents, they have the highest state sales tax in the nation as well as the highest income tax rate of all states.

None of that discounts your point that Kentucky is highly dependent on federal welfare, and we know there are plenty of moochers out there. But keep in mind the study you cite looks at but one source of social welfare, the federal government. There's also state welfare, and while California has a strong economy, there's a reason why the state's tax rates are sky-high. When we look at spending per capita on welfare....drum roll please....New York is #1, Hawaii #2, and California comes in at #3. All blue states, my friend. Also, here's a fun fact for you: California holds 12% of the population...but 34% of the nation's welfare recipients.

Still think California is the economic model that you are holding it out to be?