How will they rule ??!

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^ I read Arab/Muslim to be an either/or proposition, which comfortable fits Turkey and Lebanon in the Arab part. But, sure, Saudi Arabia should be doing more (seems like that's a constant refrain). Still, Syria's Muslim neighbors are taking in the bulk of the refugees, although it's probably less of a choice and more of a necessity. Borders and distances and all that.
The bottom line is that the more similar a nation is to the Syrian refugee population, the less likely they seem to be to take in said refugees.

Lebanon is 50% Christian, Turkey doesn't share a common language, and obviously all of the Western destinations are as alien as possible. Why are those the places where the refugees are having to go?
I'll accept all Syrian refugees if they answer "yes" to the following questions:

1)Will you bake a cake or pizza for a gay wedding?
2)Would you let your son date Caitlyn Jenner?
Why don't we have the Fed just shit out another trillion dollars borrowed from my children and grandchildren and send it over to the ME to by the refugees Iphones and shit rather than bringing in a bunch of terrorists to American soil?

My kids and grandkids aren't going to be able to pay that money back anyway.
I'll accept all Syrian refugees if they answer "yes" to the following questions:

1)Will you bake a cake or pizza for a gay wedding?
2)Would you let your son date Caitlyn Jenner?
That second question is an obvious microaggression towards the male virgins. Putting it on the questionnaire would be a huge mistake.
The bottom line is that the more similar a nation is to the Syrian refugee population, the less likely they seem to be to take in said refugees.

Lebanon is 50% Christian, Turkey doesn't share a common language, and obviously all of the Western destinations are as alien as possible. Why are those the places where the refugees are having to go?

As you know, geography is the main reason that Lebanon and Turkey (and Jordan to a lesser extent) have taken the brunt of refugees:


Lebanon (1.2m refugees) is ~ 40% Christian, 54% Muslim according to the CIA (nitpicking, I know). Might also be complicated b/c Shia/Sunni split and Hezbollah, but I'm not sure, frankly. Turkey (1.8m refugees) shares the largest border with Syria. Iraq (~250k refugees) has ISIS disease in the Syrian border area. Jordan (628k refugees) could step up. Saudi Arabia should, but, as always, just does what it does. Rest of the Gulf States (and Egypt) are far enough away to avoid most of the scrutiny. You'd think they'd want an influx of labor since they (Kuwait, Qatar, UAE) import so much from SE Asia, but I guess they don't want a permanent influx of non-natives.
If you consider Turkey and Lebanon to be "Arab/Muslim states", then you need to do more reading before criticizing. All props to Jordan for compounding their pre-existing mass unemployment and poverty by taking in refugees en masse, but the "Arab/Muslim states" with the space and the means to alleviate this crisis are deciding not to do so. Perhaps they are more savvy on this topic than naive European (and apparently American) governments.

If you consider Kuwait, Oman and Qatar a muslim state, you have to do the same with Turkey and Jordan. But it would be fantastic if the 3 nations mentioned followed the lead of some of their Muslim dominated neighbors and lent a helping hand.

The majority of Lebanese civilians are Muslim.

If you want to follow in the footsteps of the the shit stain wahabist governments like SA and Hadi's Yemen that aren't offering asylum and believe their leaders to be 'more savvy' on the issue, then I need to flip on some porch lights.
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That second question is an obvious microaggression towards the male virgins. Putting it on the questionnaire would be a huge mistake.

What about:
  1. Would you bake a bacon wrapped cake for a gay couple?
  2. Would you make your transgender (F to M) son wear a burqa?
I think that covers most of the stereotypes in only 2 questions.
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As you know, geography is the main reason that Lebanon and Turkey (and Jordan to a lesser extent) have taken the brunt of refugees:


Lebanon (1.2m refugees) is ~ 40% Christian, 54% Muslim according to the CIA (nitpicking, I know). Might also be complicated b/c Shia/Sunni split and Hezbollah, but I'm not sure, frankly. Turkey (1.8m refugees) shares the largest border with Syria. Iraq (~250k refugees) has ISIS disease in the Syrian border area. Jordan (628k refugees) could step up. Saudi Arabia should, but, as always, just does what it does. Rest of the Gulf States (and Egypt) are far enough away to avoid most of the scrutiny. You'd think they'd want an influx of labor since they (Kuwait, Qatar, UAE) import so much from SE Asia, but I guess they don't want a permanent influx of non-natives.
Geography is obviously the reason they're migrating to touching Germany instead of much closer countries that share their language, religion, and ethnicity. Obviously.

inb4 "welfare state" garbage. The Gulf States and SA shower as many breads and circuses on their populations as Berlin does on theirs.
Geography is obviously the reason they're migrating to touching Germany instead of much closer countries that share their language, religion, and ethnicity. Obviously.

inb4 "welfare state" garbage. The Gulf States and SA shower as many breads and circuses on their populations as Berlin does on theirs.

Point was about why refugees were going to what you described as dissimilar countries like Turkey and Lebanon rather than SA and Gulf states. If Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan were located in South America, they have zero refugees. Obviously.
Wow no fuzz for a whole day? I'm not even a politiker so fuzz it's safe to come out and play buddy.
Point was about why refugees were going to what you described as dissimilar countries like Turkey and Lebanon rather than SA and Gulf states. If Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan were located in South America, they have zero refugees. Obviously.
And that point loses its luster when you consider the refugees are choosing to travel much further to much more dissimilar environments. "Countries that border Syria" is a pretty small sample size from which to draw conclusions.
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And that point loses its luster when you consider the refugees are choosing to travel much further to much more dissimilar environments. "Countries that border Syria" is a pretty small sample size from which to draw conclusions.

/facepalm. We're not disagreeing, you're just generalizing my narrow point beyond all recognition. As I've stated, refugees should be in SA and Gulf states. But your little point about Turkey and Lebanon being dissimilar was misleading. They're not there for similarities, they're there because they can actually get there. Better than ISIS country, better than Syria. But those people would probably rather be in Germany, or the US, or France, or anywhere that's not terrible. And Saudi Arabia, et al, should be on that list, but they're not because they are not welcoming to refugees, which is bad. And no shit they're going where they feel is the best, most welcoming (welfare state, laws, politics, whatever) environment.

In sum: SA and Gulf states = bad refugee policy.
79- Syrian refugees=women hating, minority and sexual intolerance.

So refugees aren't murders, well what happens when they are shoved in a culture that respects those qualities?

Ha ha.
/facepalm. We're not disagreeing, you're just generalizing my narrow point beyond all recognition. As I've stated, refugees should be in SA and Gulf states. But your little point about Turkey and Lebanon being dissimilar was misleading. They're not there for similarities, they're there because they can actually get there. Better than ISIS country, better than Syria. But those people would probably rather be in Germany, or the US, or France, or anywhere that's not terrible. And Saudi Arabia, et al, should be on that list, but they're not because they are not welcoming to refugees, which is bad. And no shit they're going where they feel is the best, most welcoming (welfare state, laws, politics, whatever) environment.

In sum: SA and Gulf states = bad refugee policy.
I only brought up Turkey and Lebanon because Mime brought them up in response to me asking why "Arab/Muslim states" (there's that category again!) weren't accepting them. Turkey and Lebanon are not Arabic Muslim states (Turkey isn't Arabic, Lebanon isn't heavily Islamic)
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Yep. Never any Medicaid though. Paid my premiums for nearly 47 years. I'm still paying taxes to Uncle Sam. I did however get food stamps for one month back in the early 70s, so there's that.

Well, the longer you stay alive the more you cost future generations, so......
Deeee, Albany, Fuzz and you other Obama, and Hillary nuthuggers, answer one question. Why does Obama and Hillary say the republicans (half of our nation) are the enemy and struggle calling our real enemies the enemy. The hate of America from Hillary and Obama should be alarming to you.
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Would have guessed Ezra/Vox, but Chait has been in that group that has visited the WH several times.
@ezraklein: I can't believe the White House's strategy on Syria is working out this well. I doubt they can, either.
Deeee, Albany, Fuzz and you other Obama, and Hillary nuthuggers, answer one question. Why does Obama and Hillary say the republicans (half of our nation) are the enemy and struggle calling our real enemies the enemy. The hate of America from Hillary and Obama should be alarming to you.

I think she was half-way kidding when she said it, but to be honest I think there is a lot of mutual animosity between her and the Pubs. That's one reason I don't support her. We need someone that can bring folks together and reach common ground on important issues. I really like the tone Paul Ryan is talking right now as Speaker. He is promising to work with the other side to get important legislation passed on issues where they can find some common ground.
Dee doesn't seem like an extreme lefty, but if you push he can certainly resort to those type of antics.

Funny though because I'm still not sold on Ryan as anything more than a future president.
Obama: "I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for ISIL than some of the rhetoric that’s been coming out of here."

Obama is arrogant, not nearly as intelligent as he/others think, and horrifyingly wrong on most things

Super disturbing seeing little brainwashed children saying they want to wage jihad and murder Jews.

And I assume now that the political threads will be filled with suspensions and deleted comments that disagrees with certain ideologies?