How will they rule ??!

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Then those countries should be MORE than happy to take those refugees.

Funny how Europe and the U.S has to take these refugees. Every single refugge should be in Saudia Arabia right now.

Well, hard to disagree with that.
Famous, influence, notable person, etc etc Just semantics 79.

Funny how I can't name one single opponent of muslims who are muslims.

Not semantics at all. In life, in politics, in economics, in religion, and in anything there are varying degrees of overlap between fame and influence. I think when it comes to the religious views of an extremely unpopular (in Western culture and media) religion, there is likely a lot of influence you probably know nothing about. So it is not funny at all, it is unsurprising. I really doubt anyone on this board knows shit about this shit, me included. Seriously. But everyone is an expert on 1.6 billion people because....? The ramblings of the ISIS leader? It's the same type of caricature that many in the ME have of the US and its foreign policy.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, loves to paint things with broad brush strokes into black and white camps, us versus them, and it's just not that ****ing simple. There's room for nuance if both sides who stop shouting, but that's not happening.
Then those countries should be MORE than happy to take those refugees.

Funny how Europe and the U.S has to take these refugees. Every single refugge should be in Saudia Arabia right now.

Agree with this. But only so much pressure we can put on Saudi Arabia, unfortunately. They have money, some influence over Sunni sects, and boy oh boy if that regime collapses...
Nail on the head. In a conflict, no true Muslim is going to take sides or sympathize inwardly with the infidels, no matter which country they live in. They may sit out involvement in the conflict but I believe we can count on large majority of them to inwardly take joy in any Islamist victory.
You're really that phucking stupid?
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world...ISIS claims to have 200,000 members (the CIA and other intelligence organizations say it is closer to about 31,000)...but if they had 200,000 that is only 1 in every 800 Muslims. Most of the Syrians that are fleeing Syria are Muslims and they are leaving because they too are being killed by these savages. You do realize that these phuckers have killed 500-1000 other Muslims for every non-Muslim... you knew this....right?

Curious as to how many Muslims you know?

You have no more clue as to what constitutes a "true Muslim" than you know what constitutes a true Christian.

It is really scary to know we have so many freaking idiots in this country who say and believe most of the chit that they do.
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Grandma (1)in bed before 5 pm taking a nap, and (2)described by her most trusted assistant as being "often confused"

but to be fair, this was a couple months after her mini stroke/concussion that everyone in the media pretends did not happen in order to ignore she is old & in no condition to be President of the United States
Then those countries should be MORE than happy to take those refugees.

Funny how Europe and the U.S has to take these refugees. Every single refugge should be in Saudia Arabia right now.

I know Jordan took over 300,000 refugees from the Iraq war including most of the Christians that the Shi ite' government ran out of the country. Don't know about the others.
The mess that Obama is going to leave behind is something we will never recover from. I cannot figure out how anybody supports this guy now. You would have though 9/11 would have taught this country a lesson, but guess not. Let's elect a guy 7 years later who has a Muslim name and is now showing his true colors. We are so screwed.

Just wait until these animals light up a US city very soon and then maybe people will wake up. If anyone thinks these refugees coming in now does not have ISIS fighters in them I have a billion dollars I can give to you tomorrow.
Then those countries should be MORE than happy to take those refugees.

Funny how Europe and the U.S has to take these refugees. Every single refugge should be in Saudia Arabia right now.
Why would you want them in Saudi, the birthplace of radical Islam? They want to get away from that chit, not get deeper into it.

Really, the comments that many of you make demonstrates how little you understand the situation. You've listened to political opportunist whose only objective is to dig at the POTUS and score points with the majority who are sadly very much like yourself and won't seek any deeper understanding. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny.
The mess that Obama is going to leave behind is something we will never recover from. I cannot figure out how anybody supports this guy now. You would have though 9/11 would have taught this country a lesson, but guess not. Let's elect a guy 7 years later who has a Muslim name and is now showing his true colors. We are so screwed.

Just wait until these animals light up a US city very soon and then maybe people will wake up. If anyone thinks these refugees coming in now does not have ISIS fighters in them I have a billion dollars I can give to you tomorrow.


He will be viewed as one of the great presidents. You got to understand that what he is doing is exactly what the majority of this country asks for. We love it, we love him, and he will go down in the history books for many different reasons.I can't really think of one negative.

Name one negative thing Obama had done that is recognized by media/majority.
(Taking page from liberal reasoning)

Vast majority of muslims in the major countries per Pew want Sharia Law as the official law of the country they live. (I would copy the link and data from the other thread, but really it doesn't matter).

I guess fuzzyq wants hates women and gays. Pretty sad.
(Taking page from liberal reasoning)

Vast majority of muslims in the major countries per Pew want Sharia Law as the official law of the country they live. (I would copy the link and data from the other thread, but really it doesn't matter).

I guess fuzzyq wants hates women and gays. Pretty sad.
Yet so few nations with a majority of Muslims practice Sharia Law. Go figure.

He will be viewed as one of the great presidents. You got to understand that what he is doing is exactly what the majority of this country asks for. We love it, we love him, and he will go down in the history books for many different reasons.I can't really think of one negative.

Name one negative thing Obama had done that is recognized by media/majority.

Sadly this is true. As time goes on, the better he'll seem because the MSM will make sure of it. Pretty easy to leave a great legacy when youre the one writing history.
Why would you want them in Saudi, the birthplace of radical Islam? They want to get away from that chit, not get deeper into it.

Really, the comments that many of you make demonstrates how little you understand the situation. You've listened to political opportunist whose only objective is to dig at the POTUS and score points with the majority who are sadly very much like yourself and won't seek any deeper understanding. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny.
Where would you put them, hopefully not here. If so, then you really do not understand the situation.
You know the difference between "Your" and "You're"?
"Blaring siren sound" Come out with your English books held high. I have no other intelligent response for you! Nice come back, I suppose you were not smart enough to understand it without it. DERP! DERP!
Where would you put them, hopefully not here. If so, then you really do not understand the situation.
I understand the situation very well. I understand it well enough to know that the location of refugees be them here of on the other side of the world doesn't make you, me or anyone any more or less safe.
Please do yourself a favor and go to your nearest international airport and hang out in the international terminal. You'll see plenty of people enter and leave this country every day. People who want to harm us are already here or could arrive on the next flight. Nobody is asked their religion when buying an airline if it mattered.

Again, by the most wild estimations 1 in 800 Muslims are ISIS sympathizers...that's using ISIS numbers. Let that sink in.

As I said and your ilk are being used like tools and you're too blind and stupid to see and know it.
I understand the situation very well. I understand it well enough to know that the location of refugees be them here of on the other side of the world doesn't make you, me or anyone any more or less safe.
Please do yourself a favor and go to your nearest international airport and hang out in the international terminal. You'll see plenty of people enter and leave this country every day. People who want to harm us are already here or could arrive on the next flight. Nobody is asked their religion when buying an airline if it mattered.

Again, by the most wild estimations 1 in 800 Muslims are ISIS sympathizers...that's using ISIS numbers. Let that sink in.

As I said and your ilk are being used like tools and you're too blind and stupid to see and know it.
Let me get this straight, you admit some are already coming in and now you want to bring in more. Sound logic by you and Obama. Plus you want to take ISIS numbers given to you by ISIS themselves. Taqiyah mean anything to you? It means they can lie to further the cause. What a lemming you are.
Only if you think 57,301 sorties is "not going after them".

My bad you must have me in the camp of people that believes everything I'm told by our lying untrustworthy govt.

For shits and giggles where to do you currently stand on whether Benghazi was a terrorist attack like Hiliary says or just some youtuber, also coincidentally what Hiliary says?

Do not take that as Repubs are honest to their core either, anything posted seemingly to sway a mass of people against popular belief is just too coincidental to me, especially coming from those trained to lie because the truth is always easier to deal with later.
Let me get this straight, you admit some are already coming in and now you want to bring in more. Sound logic by you and Obama. Plus you want to take ISIS numbers given to you by ISIS themselves. Taqiyah mean anything to you? It means they can lie to further the cause. What a lemming you are.
I am telling you that we have already been attacked multiple times by people who are US citizens...that not bringing refugees here isn't going to stop someone from coming if that's what they are set to do.

Go crawl into your bunker and cower to every brown skin man you see. It fits you well.
Cower? LMAO, I guess your invite a thief, murderer, rapist into your house for a week tomorrow huh? Probably not but you can't use that same logic on a global scale.

Congrats though taking up for Obama at least makes you not a racist.
Cower? LMAO, I guess your invite a thief, murderer, rapist into your house for a week tomorrow huh? Probably not but you can't use that same logic on a global scale.

Congrats though taking up for Obama at least makes you not a racist.
Nor do I judge people solely on their religion or country of origin. Hey, I'll let a black man in my home although there are more black men in prison than in college.

Yeah, these refugees are literally walking 100's of miles with all of their possessions on their back, risking their lives on unsafe boats, many of them dying to flee chaos because they want to come here and murder and rape us...says more about you than it does about them.
Actually there aren't more blacks in jail than in college, more BS propaganda! Check real numbers and quit listening to your media.
I am telling you that we have already been attacked multiple times by people who are US citizens...that not bringing refugees here isn't going to stop someone from coming if that's what they are set to do.

Go crawl into your bunker and cower to every brown skin man you see. It fits you well.
Cower? Boy let me tell you something, the only thing that scares me in this country is that there are a lot of people like you that don't have the sense that God gave a goose. You have to be the dumbest person on this site. If you are fighting with one person you don't let more in just because you think you have lost the fight. By the way moron, the color of a man skin has nothing to do with trying to keep them out. Guarantee you that if you were faced with them right in front of you, you would cry like a baby.
Nor do I judge people solely on their religion or country of origin. Hey, I'll let a black man in my home although there are more black men in prison than in college.

Yeah, these refugees are literally walking 100's of miles with all of their possessions on their back, risking their lives on unsafe boats, many of them dying to flee chaos because they want to come here and murder and rape us...says more about you than it does about them.
Actually, this says more about your lack of understanding of them and how far they would go to achieve their goal. How sad it must be to be you.
"In other news since the refugees were allowed in the U.S, women are seeing an increase in beatings"
Actually, this says more about your lack of understanding of them and how far they would go to achieve their goal. How sad it must be to be you.
My "understanding of them" as if all Muslims are "them" or terrorist. I'm sorry you're so simple minded.
BTW, being me is actually pretty good.

And yeah, you are a cowering idiot when you let the actions of .0125% of any group define that group in your simple mind.
My "understanding of them" as if all Muslims are "them" or terrorist. I'm sorry you're so simple minded.
BTW, being me is actually pretty good.

And yeah, you are a cowering idiot when you let the actions of .0125% of any group define that group in your simple mind.
I did not say all muslims are terrorist. I said we need not bring in any refugees right now because of the existing problems. Reading comprehension or any kind of comprehension might help you out. Also, the one cowering is you. Giving up and being scared seems to be your mantra. I guarantee you, you could not hold my jock when it comes to facing trouble. Your plan is to let them have their way in hopes that nothing will happen.

BTW, peach refers to your immaturity because it is obvious that you are not old enough to know what is going on. Either mentally, chronologically or both.
I did not say all muslims are terrorist. I said we need not bring in any refugees right now because of the existing problems. Reading comprehension or any kind of comprehension might help you out. Also, the one cowering is you. Giving up and being scared seems to be your mantra. I guarantee you, you could not hold my jock when it comes to facing trouble. Your plan is to let them have their way in hopes that nothing will happen.

BTW, peach refers to your immaturity because it is obvious that you are not old enough to know what is going on. Either mentally, chronologically or both.
Giving up and being scared?
You obviously don't know me.

Let them have their way? Not sure where you picked that...another figment of your imagination I can only assume.

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