How will they rule ??!

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From today's WSJ:

"Many people signing up for 2016 health policies under the Affordable Care Act face higher premiums, fewer doctors and skimpier coverage, which threatens the appeal of the program for the healthy customers it needs."

So it costs more, and you get less. Ideal. What could possibly go wrong?

It has been 3 years now, and I still to see my $2500.00 per year savings. Where is it?
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From today's WSJ:

"Many people signing up for 2016 health policies under the Affordable Care Act face higher premiums, fewer doctors and skimpier coverage, which threatens the appeal of the program for the healthy customers it needs."

So it costs more, and you get less. Ideal. What could possibly go wrong?

Just like the president warned us....oh wait....
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Just like the president warned us....oh wait....
If only someone had spoken up. If only a group had called out the unrealistic scope and goals of the Act. If only it had risen to a national outcry. If only people had noticed - maybe if the polling had consistently showed it was unpopular, and massively so. If only Obama could have somehow known.....
A French philosopher pens an editorial today. What in the world - how bad do you have to be to be legitimately lectured by a French philosopher about cowardice?.....

"Last week, in Sinjar, Kurdish forces backed by the international coalition won a clear and decisive victory. I could cite many examples over the past six months in which the Kurds—who, for the time being, are the only ones engaging the enemy on the ground—have routed IS’s rabble army without a fight.

This was the situation two decades ago in Sarajevo, when putative experts raised the spectre of the hundreds of thousands of ground troops that would have to be deployed to prevent ethnic cleansing from reaching its grisly apogee. Yet it turned out that a handful of special forces, backed by strikes, was sufficient. I am convinced that the IS hordes are much braver when blowing the heads off defenceless young Parisians than when facing real soldiers of freedom. Similarly, I believe that the international community possesses all of the means necessary to defeat the threat it faces, should it choose to do so.

What holds us back? Why have we been so stinting in assisting our Kurdish allies?

What is it about this war that the America of Barack Obama, at least for the moment, seems not to really want to win? I do not know the answer. But I know where the key lies."
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If only someone had spoken up. If only a group had called out the unrealistic scope and goals of the Act. If only it had risen to a national outcry. If only people had noticed - maybe if the polling had consistently showed it was unpopular, and massively so. If only Obama could have somehow known.....

Surely he would have learned from that experience. Surely he would never again make wild, impossible to keep promises that have no basis in reality. Surely he wouldnt force some ridiculous policy down the throats of americans again. Right?

Surely he wouldnt invite 100,000 potential enemy combatants onto our soil, without knowing if theyre safe, and over the objections of a vast majority of americans?

A French philosopher pens an editorial today. What in the world - how bad do you have to be to be legitimately lectured by a French philosopher about cowardice?.....

"Last week, in Sinjar, Kurdish forces backed by the international coalition won a clear and decisive victory. I could cite many examples over the past six months in which the Kurds—who, for the time being, are the only ones engaging the enemy on the ground—have routed IS’s rabble army without a fight.

This was the situation two decades ago in Sarajevo, when putative experts raised the spectre of the hundreds of thousands of ground troops that would have to be deployed to prevent ethnic cleansing from reaching its grisly apogee. Yet it turned out that a handful of special forces, backed by strikes, was sufficient. I am convinced that the IS hordes are much braver when blowing the heads off defenceless young Parisians than when facing real soldiers of freedom. Similarly, I believe that the international community possesses all of the means necessary to defeat the threat it faces, should it choose to do so.

What holds us back? Why have we been so stinting in assisting our Kurdish allies?

What is it about this war that the America of Barack Obama, at least for the moment, seems not to really want to win? I do not know the answer. But I know where the key lies."

This truly is an all time low.
Frankly, I don't see any problems with Dee as a poster. I doubt we will have any problems with him a a mod. Makes some pretty good posts along the way. I don't agree with some of the positions he takes but he always seems civil to me. Seems like a nice guy to me.

If I wouldn't say something to someone's face, I wouldn't say it on here. So I don't worry about bans.
Frankly, I don't see any problems with Dee as a poster. I doubt we will have any problems with him a a mod. Makes some pretty good posts along the way. I don't agree with some of the positions he takes but he always seems civil to me. Seems like a nice guy to me.

If I wouldn't say something to someone's face, I wouldn't say it on here. So I don't worry about bans.
Suck up.:smiley:
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Apparently it's still legal for people on the FBI's terrorism watch list to buy guns and explosives inside the US.
Now here are 47 brave souls who stood up against Emperor Barry & his threatened veto of a bill just requiring MORE scrutiny of Syrian refugees....not cutting them off, just more security for Americans
Now here are 47 brave souls who stood up against Emperor Barry & his threatened veto of a bill just requiring MORE scrutiny of Syrian refugees....not cutting them off, just more security for Americans

Dems would be total morons if they aligned themselves with Obama on the Syrian crap because moderates will not side with them on this issue...AT ALL.
Black Lives Matter is out of control

In regards to BLM activist being upset about Paris overshadowing their BS, this girl stated much of how pathetic they were. "
“I swear if I see this B.S. at Southern I will make you regret even knowing what a movement or a hashtag is, and you’ll walk away with your tail tucked. The whole black lives matter movement is misguided and out of hand. Maybe no one likes or takes y’all seriously because no one can see past your egotistical bullshit. Some people might just look past it, but fair warning I am not one. All lives matter, that has always been the case, and you part of the problem if you think other wise"

After threatening her on twitter and posting where she works The black students created a walk out at Georgia Southern U where she attends. They demanded that she be expelled, to hire more black professors and provide more African studies programs.

BLM activist storm Dartmouth library and terrorize whites with slurs

Equipped with a black professor telling a student "#### your white tears."

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Welp. I'll take my warning and see myself out. It's been fun, catspause.

There were no threats or anything, but getting the autogenerated email to my personal email account warning of a ban reminded me the information the mods have access to. No sense in pushing anything.
Man, start a second email, switch over in profile. I don't agree with a lot of what you say, but you are good for this board. At least you bring discourse. Hate to see you go.
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Pretty eye opening Yahoo article. Apparently we've just been sitting on the sidelines watching them build a financial empire. I had no idea it was this expansive.

Easy fix about killing civilians - if you knowingly do business with IS, then you shall be considered an enemy combatant and not a civilian. Cutting off their money is the only way to win. And this is the only way the money will be cut off.
Pretty eye opening Yahoo article. Apparently we've just been sitting on the sidelines watching them build a financial empire. I had no idea it was this expansive.

Easy fix about killing civilians - if you knowingly do business with IS, then you shall be considered an enemy combatant and not a civilian. Cutting off their money is the only way to win. And this is the only way the money will be cut off.

Yea the so-called rules of engagement are puzzling to me. You never want to kill civilians if you can avoid it but if you look at other wars we have fought WW2, Korea even Vietnam we bombed factories, we bombed hospitals, we bombed anything anything that looked like it might help the enemy - they were all military targets. But here we were avoiding bombing tanker convoys because we think the drivers might be innocent civilians forced in to service.

If this is indeed a war like the French President and our Sec. of Defense said yesterday, then we need to do two things - Congress needs to declare war and we need to start fighting it like it is a "real" war.
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Islamic extremists seize hotel in Mali, and take 170 hostages. They did release prisoners who could cite verses of the Quran.

Anyone still think its a good idea to take in 100,000 unknown security risks?
We're Giving ISIS Exactly What It Wants
Daniel Marans, Huffington Post

They released anyone that could quote the Koran. Maybe UCA signups should also include the requirement to know a verse. To keep us safe ATKOT.

BTW, Reid says he will filibuster the House bill to require extra screening. The 28% have spoken.
We're Giving ISIS Exactly What It Wants
Daniel Marans, Huffington Post

They released anyone that could quote the Koran. Maybe UCA signups should also include the requirement to know a verse. To keep us safe ATKOT.

BTW, Reid says he will filibuster the House bill to require extra screening. The 28% have spoken.

Incredible. I just dont understand the logic in opposing this until we know its safe. Its a matter of national security. Actually scratch that. I dont understand their logic because it isnt logical. Their leader Barry wants it, so most will just parrot whatever he says. Thats the only explanation.
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We're Giving ISIS Exactly What It Wants
Daniel Marans, Huffington Post

They released anyone that could quote the Koran. Maybe UCA signups should also include the requirement to know a verse. To keep us safe ATKOT.

BTW, Reid says he will filibuster the House bill to require extra screening. The 28% have spoken.

My goodness these libs and backers are a special form of filth. Common sense can't get in the way of ideology or making far left applogists look stupid.

How can anyone not back tighter screenings of these people?
Incredible. I just dont understand the logic in opposing this until we know its safe. Its a matter of national security. Actually scratch that. I dont understand their logic because it isnt logical. Their leader Barry wants it, so most will just parrot whatever he says. Thats the only explanation.

I support the Bill requiring more stringent vetting of these people. We really need to take all measures to know who comes into the country.

Having said that, it's been pointed out now that the 20 million visa waivers we issue every year have virtually no vetting at all and the countries of origin don't keep accurate records of their people. So hypothetically someone could come form Syria to Croatia to Belgium wind up in France and get a US Visa and come to the US without us knowing much of anything about them. This is how all the 9-11 terrorists got in. So the refugee issue which is a legitimate issue pales in comparison to the potential for terrorists entering legally.

I also heard this morning that there were some Syrian refugees caught sneaking across our southern boarder.

What all this screams to me is that we need a comprehensive immigration reform plan that will secure the boarders and formalize Visa procedures so if you can't prove who you are you aren't coming in, and also deal with the refugee issues.
I support the Bill requiring more stringent vetting of these people. We really need to take all measures to know who comes into the country.

Having said that, it's been pointed out now that the 20 million visa waivers we issue every year have virtually no vetting at all and the countries of origin don't keep accurate records of their people. So hypothetically someone could come form Syria to Croatia to Belgium wind up in France and get a US Visa and come to the US without us knowing much of anything about them. This is how all the 9-11 terrorists got in. So the refugee issue which is a legitimate issue pales in comparison to the potential for terrorists entering legally.

I also heard this morning that there were some Syrian refugees caught sneaking across our southern boarder.

What all this screams to me is that we need a comprehensive immigration reform plan that will secure the boarders and formalize Visa procedures so if you can't prove who you are you aren't coming in, and also deal with the refugee issues.

Agree totally. My concerns arent just with this group. Its a general concern applying to all who try to come here.

I think the 5 you were talking about were caught trying to come in somwhere near Laredo.

I saw another story where more were detained in another country, for trying to come here using fake passports.

An incredibly dangerous issue that just cant be ignored.
Relocate the refuges to the neighborhood of Democrats or Republicans in the House and the Senate that oppose tighter screenings.
whoa, who saw this coming...heard UCA was going great.

One of the country’s largest health insurers warned Thursday that it may leave the ObamaCare exchanges within two years, delivering a shock announcement that could ripple through the marketplace.

At a shareholder meeting Thursday, UnitedHealthcare cast doubt on its ability to carry plans on the healthcare law’s exchanges beyond 2016, offering a more grim financial outlook than it had previously expected.
“In recent weeks, growth expectations for individual exchange participation have tempered industrywide," said Stephen Hemsley, the company's CEO.

"Co-operatives have failed, and market data has signaled higher risks and more difficulties while our own claims experience has deteriorated, so we are taking this proactive step,” he said.
Yea the so-called rules of engagement are puzzling to me. You never want to kill civilians if you can avoid it but if you look at other wars we have fought WW2, Korea even Vietnam we bombed factories, we bombed hospitals, we bombed anything anything that looked like it might help the enemy - they were all military targets. But here we were avoiding bombing tanker convoys because we think the drivers might be innocent civilians forced in to service.

I have to disagree with your version of history. In WWII the allies and axis powers both targeted civilian populations. This was done to demoralize the fighting will of the enemy. The London blitz, fire bombing of Dresden, fire bombing of Toyko and the two atomic bombs were examples of this. The Germans used their U-boats to try to starve all of Britain into submission. In the siege of Leningrad, as many civilians died as did soldiers.

I would have no problem with leveling the entire city of Raqua (the de facto Isis capital) with heavy bomber strikes today. In fact, that is part of what Putin has been doing for he past 3-4 days. Our leadership doesn't have to balls to do that.
I support the Bill requiring more stringent vetting of these people. We really need to take all measures to know who comes into the country.

Having said that, it's been pointed out now that the 20 million visa waivers we issue every year have virtually no vetting at all and the countries of origin don't keep accurate records of their people. So hypothetically someone could come form Syria to Croatia to Belgium wind up in France and get a US Visa and come to the US without us knowing much of anything about them. This is how all the 9-11 terrorists got in. So the refugee issue which is a legitimate issue pales in comparison to the potential for terrorists entering legally.

I also heard this morning that there were some Syrian refugees caught sneaking across our southern boarder.

What all this screams to me is that we need a comprehensive immigration reform plan that will secure the boarders and formalize Visa procedures so if you can't prove who you are you aren't coming in, and also deal with the refugee issues.

Comprehensive immigration reform =code words for amnesty. Name me any CIR plan that would be acceptable to the pro-immigration crowd that doesn't provide for huge numbers getting amnesty.
Comprehensive immigration reform =code words for amnesty. Name me any CIR plan that would be acceptable to the pro-immigration crowd that doesn't provide for huge numbers getting amnesty.

Not necessarily so. The Republicans refer to a pathway to legalization while the Dems talk about a pathway to citizenship. IMO we need to realize that these people are here living stealth lives. We need to find out who they are, deport the criminal element and put the law abiding ones into the system so they can pay their fair share of taxes, have proper credentials to drive a car, and are leaning the English language among other things. Not that concerned if they obtain legal status or citizens so long as we know WHO they are and they carrying their weight.

So say you put someone on a 5 year path that eventually leads to a legal status - as that really "amnesty".
How many lawsuits will be filed once you tell illegals that they have to learn English? They will want citizenship on their terms, not ours as they will say that our path is too challenging.
Perhaps if the Dems hadn't started crowing about turning TX blue and using latinos to build an unbeatable majority the GOP would not have woken up to the trojan horse immigration ruse. They got greedy.
I have a couple of questions.

Progressives and even conservatives tell us to stay out of other people's business, right? Don't get involved in the Middle East since we don't need to be the 'world police.'

Why are we expected to take in everybody then? Why is that OUR job? Even Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia won't do it. No one else is doing it except the U.S. and white majority countries. Interesting, right?

Explain to me why Japan's immigration stance is so outlandish? They care about the Japanese. They don't give a crap about how diverse they are or how PC idiots look at them and they're doing okay. Why can't we be like that?

Why would any rational person think bringing in a ton of people who will not assimilate, will not get traditional jobs and suck off the government tax payer is a good idea? We already have the lowest work force in decades and you want to bring in more people to drain off of that?

That's like asking a struggling middle class family to take in 5 more random strangers who will not work or help pay the mortgage/rent or contribute and you have to feed and support them. No liberal would agree to this if it hit this close to home.
How many lawsuits will be filed once you tell illegals that they have to learn English? They will want citizenship on their terms, not ours as they will say that our path is too challenging.

If it's anything like we see with the black activists, I'm sure it will be constant. Basically none of them will be happy until whitey is minimized especially if they're conservatives but they sure want our money.

If liberals had to live among these groups and actually personally interacted with them, they wouldn't be so gung-ho on this immigration insanity.
I get the feeling that Obama doesn't like the idea of a borders very much, and if given the chance, he would throw a big social/economic blanket over all the countries of the world and put himself in charge of it. Problem is, he wasn't elected as POTUS to do that.
I get the feeling that Obama doesn't like the idea of a borders very much, and if given the chance, he would throw a big social/economic blanket over all the countries of the world and put himself in charge of it. Problem is, he wasn't elected as POTUS to do that.

I'd like someone with a straight face look at his quotes and actions and then tell me he loves and is proud of America. He does not like America at all, which is in line with the thoughts of every radical he aligned himself with growing up.
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Wilson was merely the former President of the US, lead us into World War I, tipping the balance in favor of the Allies, was the architect of the League of Nations, tried to warn the European powers against insisting upon the harsh terms in the Treaty of Versailles, which they foolishly ignored, and which Treaty is widely acknowledged by historians as a major factor in the rise of Nazism and WWII. And, by the way, was also a former president of Princeton itself.

But, he may have had racist thoughts 100 years ago so he must be erased!!!
He also gave us the Federal Reserve, which helped open up a line credit for all Americans.

That was the one thing in his farewell speech that he regretted. Anywho. Still stupid to protest a guy who has been dead for over a 100 years.

Wait till they take on someone with real power and influence.
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I hope Princeton doesn't give in to this B.S. Like I said the day the Missouri President stepped down, it set a terrible precedent. How are they allowed to even have a "Black Justice League" on campus. Would Princeton allow a "White Justice League"? I think not.

Princeton came to an agreement with the "League" saying they would consider removing Wilson's name. All they did was just kick the can down the road.